MILITARY PAY | Let's Talk About My Check

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not those 10,000 oh hey how's it going oh oh sorry sorry about that anyways guys I just want to talk a little bit about military pay today okay I've heard some common misconceptions and I've had a few questions about it so I'm just gonna clear it up to y'all stay tuned [Music] alright so I decided to shoot this at work I hope that's okay so I'm gonna break down some of the payments that you will get from the military that are guaranteed and some other things but first I want to start off with this helps you anyway be sure to click the like button and consider subscribing because it really helps the channel out a lot so if I miss anything that you feel like inputting of course drop in the comments and then we can debate about it later so let's start off so this right here base I've got a ten minutes we're going to work so I'm gonna try to push this video alright so base hey is what you're guaranteed in the military so you will get a base paint this is depending on your rank and your time in so if you're a one with one year in of course this is going to be the lowest of the low so if you're an e5 like me with four plus years in this goes up pretty significantly so the next thing you're gonna get paid is your bas which is substantive pay which is food that also increases that your as your ranks increase too bad they don't really increase it by you're at the top that would be nice but anyways bah which is your housing military pays you for housing and I'm gonna write the recipes down and explain them a little bit you're overseas housing allowance your Cola and your hazardous duty keep in mind you are not guaranteed any of these except this this is the only thing you are guaranteed now when you rank up and when you decide to stay in maybe a little more and you get more time in than the Navy I mean in the military so I'm in the Navy so I'm comparing this to everything in the Navy military will give you these right here so take for instance bas if you're on a base with a defect or a galley or I don't know what the rest of the branches call them but in the Navy we call it a galley if you're on the base with a gallon you have galley rations the Navy's gonna give you zero dollars zero dollars for bas because they're already feeding you they allow you to eat about three to five times per day with a dessert and a drink everything I think so you're taken care of as far as food back when hollis Station Lemoore I wasn't getting bas because I had a galley but of course I was eating more because I was always hungry and I would just kind of buy more food on the side so you can always do that as well so bah if the net if the military provides you with a barracks room or a quarters or a place to stay you will get zero dollars in bah mechs that goes to show you that the military is going to try to go try to take care of you they're not going to pay you bas and then give you food rations or they're not going to pay you bah for housing and then give you a place to stay it doesn't work like that okay ohhohh this I'm comparing this to single because I've never been married before so I can't really sit state Howell BH and oh-ha affect each other you may be able to get both of them in some cases but this is overseas housing allowance so the difference between these two are let's say you tell the military okay I found a place for me to stay within my price range and that place is $2,200 per month the military is going to give you $2,200 per month let's say you move drop my eraser let's say you move into a place overseas that cost $1200 per month you show the military the least and they're going to give you $1,200 Oh ha let me explain bah bah is according to your location so here in Seal Beach I get 23 98n bah and that just goes like wherever I decide to live I will still get that steady amount throughout my service here so that's how bah and oppa are different Cola cost of living allowance this is the military this is how they kind of equal like the change between different countries because when I was in Bahrain we did have a cola because it was a lot more expensive to to live there and just the living expenses was a lot more so in Bahrain my Cola was 589 now you do get a CONUS Cola which stands for continental US Cola but it's only like 20 or 30 dollars so it's not it's not enough to put it put it it's not enough to calculate it so your Cola overseas is gonna be significantly greater than your content us okay hae now this is hazardous duty pay I have gotten paid this for the first year that I was in Bahrain it was fifty bucks but I imagine the people that are overseas Iraq Afghanistan people that are in a minute imminent danger so I can't talk their hazardous pay will go up a significant so I'm just I'm just kind of giving you an idea of all the incentives that you can get from the military so there are also other ones like dives pay special duty pay jump pay if you're diving if you jump in maybe if you're a PR in the military or if your explosives Ordinance Disposal and you're diving all the time and jumping you will get those special incentives but in this case I'm not gonna include those because I personally have never got take that now let's go over some other things hopefully I described these okay for y'all now let me give you just kind of an outlook of my personal checks I did this so you can kind of compare it to yourself whether you're going to the military considering the military or just curious how much the military makes so when is when I was in Bahrain as an e4 my base pay was two thousand one hundred two thousand three hundred and fourteen dollars my bas which is three hundred sixty eight dollars and twenty-nine cents because there is no galley in Bahrain they just kind of give you the money and say five of yourself my bah was zero of course because remember I was overseas my o ha was zero because I was in a barracks room but here comes the cola 589 and then my hazardous duty of course is borrowings $50 so remember I said okay so oh ha and cola I was getting Cola and hazards new debate so all this equalled up was three thousand three hundred and twenty one dollars and seven on cents but here's the good part in Bahrain everything is untaxed so you don't take any taxes out of this so I was pocketing this exact dollar amount per month now divided by 2 this comes out to 1660 per paycheck because in the military you get paid on the 1st and the 15th can help you something means you go buy yourself a Mustang yeah so it's that numbering attendant to the next point okay let me erase my numbers here let's say you're an e1 fresh in the military you like yeah man I'm in the military now have responsibilities now all I need is a girlfriend and an awesome car and you go out let's say you're making 2100 in the barracks zero dollars with a galley zero dollars Oh Conan I mean CONUS which is inside the continental US so you don't get Cola $0 $0 all this is your doll so basically your base page 2100 now you're in the US so you're gonna get taxed that so 2100 I can't really predict the taxes on that so let's just say 1900 after taxes that's probably overshooting a little bit and then divided that by 2 is 1 I'm horrible at math let's see Beata 950 per paycheck and you go out buy brand-new Mustang that's what would you say $300 for that per month so this is gonna go down drastically I do not recommend purchasing a brand brand new vehicle when you first get into the military now let me go over my check in Lamoure so my base pay 24:31 and in Lemoore even though I was in a for with less than four I'm sorry yeah less than four years of experience I was getting I was going to the galley I had a barracks room so none of this applies right here so I was pocketing this after taxes so after taxes this was $1100 per paycheck so even though it was my second command I had more years in than I did in Bahrain and the more I was getting paid significantly less than I wasn't by rank because like I said the Navy was giving me galley and then they were providing me a barracks earned so let me go over my pay and now that I'm in Seal Beach this is where it gets fun because I just hit over four years and of course I'm getting paid for a five now so my base pay is 2733 my bas is 369 39 because we do not have a galley here and my bah is 20 382 because it was it is very expensive to live out here in California nada Gainey Aloha overseas not getting Cola not getting hazardous duty pay so this equals out remember untaxed to five thousand four hundred and eighty four dollars per month now when you take taxes out of that my chest every two weeks are two thousand three hundred and ninety five dollars every two weeks that's without taxes that's what goes into my bank account direct deposit Navy federal now of course all these things are case-by-case because some of the bases in the military they they don't even have a defect or a galley so they will automatically give you that bas pay some of them don't have room in the barracks so they will automatically even though you're a 1 e 2 e 3 or maybe even an e 4 they will just put you out in town so like I said all this is a case-by-case I'm kind of breaking down my checks for you all so you can realize the true checks that you get paid in the military so I hope y'all learned a little bit more about military pay I structured this pretty well I think but I know there's some wickets that I probably didn't hit if you think I didn't hit anything you know drop in the comments below be like hey the military doesn't pay me enough for the military you know over pays me here so you probably want to say that but yeah anyway so yeah of course I'm always open to comments I'm open to your thoughts so yeah let me know what you're thinking okay so to get more on the personal side I'll keep in mind this is my military pay I do have a few other streams of miniature income it's not very steady but this is just a military base okay so right here remember I said my paychecks let's go ahead and erase all of this so my military pay every two weeks with counting taxes taken out is 2390 okay so this is double that because I get paid this on the first and I get paid this on the 15th so let's go ahead and talk about monthly income so $4,800 is comes to me from the military now of course I have bills for that I pay $11 for rent right now I pay 110 for insurance one hundred and thirty first cellphone now the reason I'm doing this is because you can really you guys can relate because everybody has bills everybody pretty much everybody has a cell phone and I hope and you're gonna have car insurance other bills include food I spent a pretty good bit on food and then other random things like let's say dog food like toilet paper paper towels I'm like that so I'm gonna put an extra 250 right here to cover the rest of those now mine I don't eat out I purchase all my food and I'm meal prep every single bit of it now maybe like once every month or so I will get food to eat but yeah this is pretty much all my bill so let's do the math requite I apologize for my handwriting because it's very messy so 24 50 covers all my bills all my food place to state everything like that a little bit let me spend money here and there for like maybe some headphones if I watch my headphones you know all the random things that come up so 2450 is what is taken from this every month 2450 and how much does that leave and three hundred and fifty dollars of money that's just sitting there okay so this will go into safety so that I'm just kind of showing you this to show you the potential of course I'm an e5 with over four in you have a pretty good ways until you reach that if you're joining the military just now or if you consider and join the military but I'm just saying it's not as much how you make of course is always nice to make more but it's about how you save it okay now what I see most people doing is the first game in the military and no remember taking that those xi oh you dollar paychecks and they'll go get a car so let's say you're making twenty two hundred dollars per month because that's times 2 in the first and 15 and then you have a car payment that's $300 per month and then you have a cell phone and you got all your other expenses right here so $300 that car payment is gonna take a big hit out on you so I don't recommend eating out a whole lot and I don't recommend taking on a huge car payment I Drive [Music] I Drive an o-5 Tahoe okay then pay off for a little bit it's a little rough around the edges okay sometimes it makes a funny noise here and there but it gets me from point A to point B and not the coolest person on the street no but you know what this vehicle is completely paid off I don't pay anything for it per month only thing I pay toward my vehicle is an insurance so this is what I would recommend to you guys another thing that helps me save money is I use two apps once called clarity I don't even know if there's a referral code but I'll show it to you real quick clarity money kind of takes a glance into your bank accounts so you link it to your bank accounts completely safe download about millions and millions of people and it tells you how much you have spent so so it shows you your income I don't know if you can see that every time it senses money coming to your account it calculates it on clarity and every time money exits your account it calculates the own clarity I will link this in the description below I don't even know if if there's a special referral code but I will still link it and also another one that I use now I do have a referral code for this this is called acorns now what it does let's say you're going to the store and you buy a coke for a dollar 70 what acorns will do it will take 30 cents if we rounded up to two dollars take that 30 cents and then it'll put it into your acorns account and it may not seem like a lot but 30 cents here now 40 cents here 25 cents here it will add up I haven't even looked at my account in a long long time let's see okay so I just glanced at 172 dollars at 64 cents is what acorns has been saving for me now that keep in mind that's over a month and a half or two months so it's a good little investment tool that can help you save and it's money that you don't even think about I will also link the referral code below if you use that you will get $5 and I will get $5 as well oh what's up I'm doing instructional video anyways got this brawl you any kind of value be sure to drop a like below and be sure to subscribe for more videos like this anyways hope you enjoyed it as always if I missed something be sure to drop in the comments okay I'm out thanks for watching bar 885 I finished it go back how military pay I feel like this is a very important thing because it's commonly mr. hot because I'm getting the light oh hey oh I'm sorry I'm sorry oh god I just want to talk to you a little bit about military okay I want to clear up some common misconceptions and I just want to go over something except I'm gonna talk to you about military pay okay oh hey how's it going oh sorry sorry I just want to talk to you
Channel: Austen Alexander
Views: 1,690,573
Rating: 4.8653035 out of 5
Keywords: military pay, military benefits, army pay, military money, air force, getting paid in the military, military pay chart, how to join the military, navy pay, army pay chart, how much do you make in the military, reserves pay, navy pay chart, single military pay, enlisted pay scale, military pay 2018, military pay and benefits, how much do you make in the air force, navy paying for college, navy pay 2018, navy pay scale, navy payment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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