Top 5 Best Base Locations ROSEWOOD Project Zomboid

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Rosewood serps as an excellent starting point for your adventure in project zomboid at slow zombie population and the towns and close proximities make it easier for new players to grasp the basics of the game even seasoned players are sure to appreciate the iconic locations of Rosewood that's why we're thrilled to unveil the top 5 locations in town today we will thoroughly review each location considering its accessibility defensibility and resources this will enable you to make a well-informed decision When selecting the ideal spot to salvage your base in Rosewood so Club folks this is going to be a bumpy ride thank you and our first peak of the day is going to be the northern gas station located right in the entrance to town this spot can make for a great base if you know how to protect it however fortifying it won't be an easy task since it has 11 entrances that you'll need to fence off now I know what you're thinking why would I choose this location in the first place it's on the Oscars of the city Sulu might not be abundant it's quite a track from most spanning points in town and it simply has too many entrances well let me tell you why YouTube base up here first off there are several points of interest nearby this means that instead of focusing on all your Scavenging efforts on looting the entire neighborhood you could redirect your Air Force to a centralized area of pois particularly the car repair shop right next to it it's one of the few places in town where you can find items like car parts tools and weapons on the other hand you also have the only Supermarket just a couple of blocks down south so you definitely won't go hungry and of course this very location itself serves as a point of Interest inside the main building you'll find a small storage and of course the gas machines this will prove more useful than anything else in the long run as they give you access to the skirts and highly value Black Gold that powers your vehicles and generators fencing this spot will be somewhat of a pain since it doesn't have any built-in fences and as mentioned earlier it has many entry points however here's something you might not know the store has a second floor completed with its own bed fridge and even an oven accessible only throughout a single set of stairs so you know what that means if you think it is too much of a hassle to fence up the whole building you can just grab a sledgehammer gear down the stairs and you'll have a completely secure tape house with no need for further Improvement although if you want to invest more time in the base you could break down this wall and create a bridge leading to the second floor of building next to the base you can use that space for rain collectors and farming you could also break down another wall to finish the flooring in the other portion of the building giving you more overall space and a nice attic area you later stages of the game you could completely fence off the place by building tall fences around the spot this is particularly easy especially with all the woodlands surrounding the base you skip an eye for those sneaky zombies Room in the forest after all your farming materials not jump skirts have you ever yearned for a simple and hassle-free playground where you can choose a base that's already fully fenced off with towering walls in purpose to zombies and equipped with all the essential tools for survival well my friend I've got the perfect spot for you the construction site located in the southern part of the city is packed with three cozy houses stuck with appliances and food the space is so vast that you won't even use it at all and let's not forget about those heavens and impenetrable fence as we mentioned earlier in fact defenses are already completely finished which means you don't have to lift a finger just move on in in the vicinity of the area you'll find a police station a fire department a school a gas station and the icing on the cake the only Infinite Source of water in Rosewood perfect for all your fishing needs and of course the place is surrounded by woodlands in all directions so if you truly want to take advantage of that enormous untouched space you can build to your heart's content while you might encounter and noticeable zombie presence in the area even though you are on the outskirts of the city it's nothing that a good afternoon swinging the Crowbar can't fix so if you simply want to relax fire up the barbecue crack open a cold beer and maybe do some zombie killing this place is calling your name our next entry point is the motel situated at the northern entrance to the city conveniently located next to a bar the owner is definitely knew what they were doing that Prime real estate right here although for some reason the bar looks suspiciously similar to the twiggies or is it that previous is a ripoff of this bar anyways let me know in the comments what you think which one is the copy and which one is the original besides the bar there are several other important points of interest nearby such as the supermarket located just on the other side of the highway a pharmacy the CP market and the car repair shop and of course the gas station all of them offer a wealth of resources that are sure to last you a long time since the place is practically in downtown Rosewood you'll notice a nymph looks of zombies especially if you're driving around like there's no tomorrow seriously the previous owners knew what they were doing so once you recover from your hangover simply break down the stairs set up cheap ropes and that's all you need to do to secure the area you can even break the walls connecting each room on the Upper Floor to create and Consolidated base additionally this spot can be transformed into your very own form and you can also add a Stairway leading to the rooftop or installing the much needed rain collectors and you did it you're pretty much sad the fire department located in the southern part of the city is a well-known and beloved spot among players like myself who adore exploring Rosewood it's undeniably one of the best bases in town and an absolute most busy location that guarantees plentiful loot whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player on the first floor of this facility you'll discover a small storage area filled with melee weapons and tools a room stuck with medical supplies and even a well-equipped team are sent to the Second Story and you'll find a fully equipped kitchen teaming with food two rooms furnished with comfortable beds and locker rooms abundant with clothing options it is no secret why this place is highly so after the developers definitely intended to give players a boost when they stumble upon this yam in addition to the wealth of resources Inside the Fire Department you'll find numerous other points of interest that add to its Allure just a short stroll across the street leads you to the police station where you can get your first set of guns and ammunition an invaluable asset especially if you have plans to tackle the prison or read downtown of any infected in the future speaking of downtown it wouldn't be a bad idea to clean up the area considering the presence of a grocery store a pharmacy and a bookstore if you head to the east you'll discover the soul School in town packed with all sorts of books and materials and to the South there is a gas station and a small pond another advantage of this spot is the Abundant trees surrounding it perfect for finishing the own fence front side of the property this can be a great task to undertake early on given that the fire department boasts a total of 12 entry points defending all of them can be challenging my preferred strategy is to secure all the windows with metal sheets or bars leaving only the main door and garage doors unbarricated for vehicle access on the Upper Floor I highly recommend breaking down this wall to gain access to the roof this grants you the opportunity to install Rain collectors on top of all the sinks on the ground level ensuring an infinite supply of water as for crops you have the choice to either place them on the rooftop or the backyard both areas saw for ample space and a reasonable level of security personally High lean towards the rooftop simply because of its proximity to the kitchen area with a modest investment of time and effort this location can be transformed into a mega vase audio flexing to your friends and our top pick of the day is the Gated Community located in the western part of the city this particular location stands out from all the others due to its strategic positioning in downtown Rosewood providing access to most points of interest and abundance of natural and man-made resources and the Simplicity of fencing of the area with just two entrances enclosing the entire Community will be a breeze let's start with the points of interest next to the community there is a strip of buildings housing a convenience store a pharmacy and a bookstore on the second floor of these buildings you'll find several Apartments stuck with supplies making it an excellent scavengeance spot just a short distance away you'll also find a supermarket and a bar venturing North will lead you to the car repair shop and gas station while the fire department and police station away due to the South if you head West you'll encounter an expensive Forest providing ample resources if you're focusing on construction in terms of resources the community itself offers an abundance of products with five spacious houses many of them two-story buildings with their own garages your chances of finding a generator here are quite High when it comes to fencing the area your first step to be constructing Gates and Tall fences that complement the pre-existing walls allowing you to claim ownership of this Bountiful land if you're ambitious you can even fence up the entrance to this other house and tear down a portion of the wall expanding your property further with all this ample space the base can be transformed into a mega construction site or a formidable stronghold you can merge the houses construct Bridges do whatever you want it is truly a blank canvas and that's why it deserves our top spot for today and there you have it folks these are the top 5 locations in Rosewood that we missed your favorite spot in town are there any other premium occasions in the area let me know in the comments below and if you liked the video and found it helpful leave a like And subscribe to our channel for more project zomboid guides and related content and as always happy surviving bye bye
Channel: Bladiuss
Views: 52,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, zombie, video game, survival, Base, top 5, location, pz, base building, guide, guides, zombies, base location, Base Location, Rosewood, map, project zomboid rosewood hidden base, project zomboid rosewood hidden location, project zomboid rosewood secret base, project zomboid rosewood best base, project zomboid rosewood best base locations, project zomboid rosewood top bases, project zomboid rosewood base, project zomboid rosewood guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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