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[Music] the colonel says the future of humanity lies somewhere Among the Stars he says nothing is as important as finding new planets to call home and I believe him alien worlds found to be habitable are the new frontier for Humanity as the ancestors once said one small step for man one giant leap for mankind but most are uninhabitable or Worse deadly their atmospheres and ecologies more trouble than they're worth others perhaps viable in theory prove nothing more than desolate hopeless wastelands some are even hostile in fact it often goes that the more beautiful the planet the more Sinister the threats it holds the few that show fertile promise are made ready for terraforming and their locations transmitted to the rest of the fleet since contact with the other arcs has gone cold the colonel insists the hammer cross set up a station here on [Music] Emerald he couldn't have known the planet would be toxic good he [Music] fly over Pakistan altitude 30,000 ft approaching Soviet airspace listen up Jack your mission is to infiltrate selino Yas in the Soviet mountains ensure the safety of circle off and bring him back to the West your code name for this Mission will be naked snake I'll be referring to you as snake from now on the clock is ticking this will be a sneaking Mission you must not be seen by the enemy you must leave no trace of your presence is that clear this kind of infiltration is the fox unit's speciality in other words weapons and equipment are procure on site that goes for food as well you're completely naked just as your name implies I have to find my own weapons and equipment whose crazy idea was this anyway the mission rests entirely in your hands the real Onan Army freeze speak a [Music] [Music] commencing virtuous Mission [Music] now Stars FS I have seen the Miracles you so claim until the Towering Shadows f into the Mist I pray for their Grace but all that came were inferior Shades why do we have to bear the consequences of such power time War mortality these Essences shall will not fall into your treacherous hands we with emissaries grant us the Forgotten Miracles rain fire from Above This desolate plan need a spr off Madness [Music] remember no matter what happens we did not betray this world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] emergency have been scale atom [Music] plant not emergency but disaster now the worst seems to be over acquiring Target [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] shots fired shots fired [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] don't [Music] [Music] where the [ __ ] is [Music] Oscar oh right [Music] you so you want to know all about heroes dear well you have come to the right place cuz uh who better to tell you all about them than perhaps the greatest hero of them all yeah there he is in all his finery [Music] [Applause] cheers I mean sure you get your mega fans you are like literally my favorite person you haters it's like a fan club but we hate you you're uh chances and uh the occasional giant toad for some reason but it's more than that it's about the choices you make I'm a hero I should do what I want we thought you could save her you know it's your life and death stuff that's what defines you then that really uh stays with you I knew this one hero I took her in when she had nowhere else to go welcome to the most exclusive Club in all of albian thought I'd get her out there make the most of her gifts but you know what it's like when you're young you have a point to prove I tell you this kid she had it all the skill the talent the power she was something else all right she was terrifying so yeah I knew this girl once who made all the wrong choices Humphrey she's back [Music] I'm going to fix it this place and no one is going to stand in my [Music] way they're combing the streets searching house to house if they arrest you to they will take you to their headquarters and you will not [Music] return I'm more concerned with a 6- foot Catman Who's Got Claws that can cut through vibranium alloy I might count that makes two super soldiers loose in Paris three counting you and that's two too many I'll be there before the sun rises before the Germans before that American the eye of force has been found please just stick to the rooftops be careful St wasami when am I not it's better if I tackle this one alone you may encounter some obstacles that won't be a problem our cat friend is definitely here too by the look at things he's not very far ahead the American Boy Is Right on your heels who the hell are you if you wanted us dead we'd be dead so what do you want aners that's far enough stay out of my way stand aside I do not take orders from anyone I don't have time for this neither do I [Music] [Music] CD project red are experts in open world game design with The Witcher 3 and cyberpunk 2077 combining freedom of Exploration with compelling storytelling in unparalleled fashion through a new partnership with epic CD project red is building a brand new Witcher Saga with ue5 [Music] our cooperation with epic has just started it was uh the shift towards uh open world support that brought unre engion 5 to our attention so there was one demo that happened last year that was the Medieval environment demo where at one point uh there's a notice board that looks strangely familiar to things we've done in the past that has even a sign that says monster Slayer wanted and I'm like hm are they are they trying to tell us you know come come over to Unreal Engine look how great your games can look on this there is was that was that whole demo made with that nefarious purpose I don't know but it definitely definitely caught my eye this opens a new chapter for us where we really want to see how our experience on Building open World Games gets combined with all engineering power of Epic one of the things that is really important to keep in mind when when talking about open World Games versus let's say linear games is the possibilities of the things that can go wrong or the the the the scenarios that you have to consider are exponentially higher than linear games players can go in whatever direction that they want they can handle content in in in any order that they want theoretically and to really encapsulate that means that you need a really stable environment where you can be able to make changes with a high level of confidence that it's not going to break in 1,600 other places down the line un real engine is like a toolbox which has a lot of features a lot of solutions already there that allow teams to just try new stuff the fact that unreal is used by a lot of already in the world a lot of perspectives are projected into the design of the tools and that helps the tool to be way more agile so all in all it's a really really cool technology to like prototype and make environments really quickly really beautiful and very realistic epic and CD project red are the two companies that that really want to achieve something great we won't stop just you know by uh developing some features we won't stop there yeah we will continue to to to work together to achieve something extraordinary in the end in welcome to the first ever open World Star Wars game set in the dangerous golden age of the underworld let's raise the Stak shall we okay you play as K vest a scoundrel looking to start a new life Kay gets pulled into a plan that will change everything I believe if you follow the plan no one gets hurt fortunately she won't do it alone from childhood Kay and Nyx have been Inseparable Partners you're welcome helping each other every step of the way all right distract him NYX using their criminal skills and tools K and NX will have to constantly adapt to every scenario NY you want to drop that for me come on come on whoa if you don't want me to sound the alarm you'll get me out of here as your versatility grows gain access to new skills and more lucrative contracts there she is a friend needs a little something stolen and in this world your actions have consequences I can't let you walk out of here I'm going to finish it shame and reput ation is everything where is he the bigger the risk the bigger the reward and more attention you'll receive from some of the most notorious syndicates of the Galaxy and how did you think it was going to end tell the governor the payments will not increase it's up to you where your loyalties lie gent us some hey Nick being wanted by the Empire brings new set of challenges this is getting bad hold right so as your exploits grow beware of who you cross hang on scattered across the stars are unique locations Rich biomes environments and Adventures to discover Traverse the lust jungle world of AA the ancient city of kajimi the dangerous Savannah Moon of Tashara or roam the Lawless planet of tattooing when it's time to move pilot K's Trailblazer to transition from planet to planet ND fire up the hyperdrive ready to jump once you land you can explore all these worlds on K's s57 cardinal speeder this is the life of an outlaw a life where you fight explore and infiltrate parts of the Galaxy you never thought possible there are opportunities at every turn and if you're willing to take the risk and defy the odds the Galaxy is yours for the taking [Music] your target is in possession of a radioactive device stop Carrington's attack at all costs good luck agent I always knew I had an instinct I could see the world [Music] differently I thought it would be like any other mission [Music] I was wrong welcome to Garden City where it's a pleasant 23° all day every day how far his last known location local forces are also tracking his whereabouts you need to find him before they do I'll have to improvise generating voice print what readings are you getting we are getting odd readings from your monitor can you [Music] confirm I'm looking at the screen right [Music] now our tell places Carrington on the second floor and the life we think we know turns out to be a lie there's only one way forward find the [Music] truth scan's clear I'm going in blind Carrington damn it analyze what am I looking at here Carrington appears to be targeting a research facility if he attacks it the casualties could be astronomical agent dark it's a pleasure to meet you taret I could use someone with your skills [Music] [Music] I had to lose everything before I could see what this world was really hiding I hope you're ready agent dark are you all seeing this once you open this door there's no going back [Applause] [Music] [Music] how days do I have left 42 or 41 the face of this is here don't don't go up there turn back before it's too late [Music] [Applause] on get not looking good old friend this will take more than you and me what are you thinking we need someone to be our eyes and ears in the shadows and someone to bring a little Darkness to the daylight we're going into the fade aren't we and digging up a lot of buried secrets what about dark spawn yeah someone who will stand between us and a pack of demons you know there will be dragons right we'll need someone with fire in their blood one more thing this crew needs a leader someone we can count on someone that the world can count on but where are we going to find it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] yeah on the enemy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] going to fire [Music] for V [Music] foree fore fore get some slay the L [Music] [Music] that is just a [Music] CH yes [Music] for Crystal Dynamics is proud to be a part of the launch of Unreal Engine 5 this new engine translates into next level storytelling and gameplay experiences and that's why we are thrilled to announce today that we have just started development of our next Tomb Raider game powered by Unreal Engine [Music] 5 our goal is to push the envelope of fidelity and to deliver the highquality Cinematic action adventure experience that fans deserve from both Crystal Dynamics and the Tomb Raider franchise [Music] we can't wait to take this journey together thank you and congratulations again to the Epic Games [Music] Team tear it open [Music] [Music] Mommy I'm scared mommy please push now it's going go going to be okay the demon is here it's the demon it's the demon [Music] follow me [Music] the era of unending peace has passed it is now time for we Wolves of War to awaken fix your eyes forward lest you overlook the traces keep your ear to the ground lest you lose the trail We Are The Shield they shall not break we are the sword that shall not make oh god of steill and fury give us flesh to hunt f [Music] Cal your Emperor has chosen you as our onvoy to the living lands that Wild Frontier suffers from the dream Scourge find the root of this terrible plague and put an end to it he is wrong the dream Scourge is but a symptom of a deeper more dangerous rough not go tame the chaos that plages the living lands so that those who remain standing can shape its future they both deceive you there is more Wonder in this world than eyes alone can see you must open yourself to its Mysteries tend to its purpose no matter how Wild and become what the living lands truly needs its protector [Music] [Music] you never know you are a monster until someone comes to slay you the first signs are really subtle but over time it becomes clear the gift changes you slowly consuming every little part of your Humanity [Music] I should know it runs in my blood [Applause] [Music] over there why are you here you can't do this alone we need to shake them off follow me go here it comes there's too many of [Music] them watch out for that Glock I will draw a tire cover me you got it be careful be ready if we can make it to the Rocks we may lose them as I feared it picked up our scent I'll handle it you find someplace safe thank you [Music] Thea they're in the village don't worry the hunter is here just watch you'll see what hunting is all about [Music] [Music] you must be there [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] got set I know that you're worried about the war on the continent but you are my people and you will come to no harm there's no in any trouble we just want to talk to him you told me you want wanted out you and your brother you said you're done with this it's too dangerous not what you wanted find her she's here somewhere I respected your decision cuz I thought you respected me and my business and everything I've done for you this isn't about me oh it's always about you Hannah and now you fought the police here they're looking for her look I have no idea what he's done I I don't care I've just got to find him before they do [Music] it's only a matter of time you've set things in motion you don't understand p [Music] soon she'll wake and paint [Music] again paint a new number ticking down every year one stroke and everyone of that age vanishes into nothingness every year she paints again and every year an expedition departs for the continent with one hopeless Mission destroy the paintress so she can never paint death again we'll break the cycle so she can't steal anyone else's future this world is full of Wonders yet everywhere we go we walk with death do you mean we're the only ones left [Music] the me [Music] fire out we're not dying even if we fail We Lay the trail for those who will come after right we our Expedition 33 [Music] it's only human to Hope I hoped for a world of love and peace but as Darkness silently crawled around that world was gone without a whisper [Applause] hope is a lie a trap it shackles you weakens you a tightening grip that never unfolds but what is Hope if not the willingness to sacrifice everything [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] your past is a prison [Music] your memories betray you and yet your destiny remains un [Music] written I Choose You rise be my wrath my revenge join me a new a disapp [Music] points Abandon All Mercy you sacrificed me accept my gift feel its power let us unleash Bloodshed and Agony the time for re is the hungry purple dinosaur ate the kind zingy Fox the jabbering crab and the Mad whale and started vending and quacking the hungry purple dinosaur the kind zingy Fox the jabbering crab and the Mad whale and started vending and cracking the H purple dinosaurs ate the kind singy Fox to ding crack and the M whale and started wending and quacking [Music] what [Music] are you sure you want to investigate these Hindi I can't let this go it could be the best kept secret in history what are you going to do Indiana these artifacts have a deep connection to Something in the past boss believes they hold a kind of power discovery that can change the world well you doing out there fresh air we have to find the stones Gina or they will if you were to draw a line through these ancient sights around the globe you'd get a perfectly aligned Circle the great circle exactly I intercepted a mors Cod coming from the malayas where Vos is sending all of his men is that a battleship yep let's get a closer look got to find the stone and get off this [ __ ] what's that in his hands what does it say Earth something what was that we'd better hide hey CH [Music] hey hands behind your head [Music] where's the stone you American rat what stone have you ever heard of pu and angst fear of heights yes and I have it I in towards this Dreadful Mountain even if my mind was screaming every step of the way because of a concept you narrow-minded Americans will never understand devotion total and absolute Devotion to the Fatherland you have no purpose what you have is your stupid American cartoons Cho choo choo choo H you laugh and dance celebrating your own idiocy and drinking the piss you call be I will walk through fire for the devoted men of zai give me sat Stone now can't give you what I don't have I shall search your CS to make sure wait please wait give me some Stone [Music] Gina we got to get out of here get the stone the stone [Music] jetah this a goes St [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let that y out there's no pretending I will hold you and protect you so let love war you till the more [Music] I'll stay with you by your side close your tired eyes and I'll wait and soon I'll see your smile in a dream [Music] baby don't worry it's okay I'll always be with [Music] you and I still hear your heart [Music] [Music] [Music] baby don't worry it's okay no one should have to suffer such loss you know I meant that when I said I understand how you feel but if you hold on to the sadness it will weigh you down like an anchor commit my [Music] cruiser it's time for you to hit the road and start a new Journey it wasn't the UCA that made the final decision it was APAC a private Corporation so let love warn you till the morning [Music] hello excuse me I'm sorry I I was just it's okay I didn't mean to scare you I'm kind of lost I'm looking for Silent Hill I think you should stay away this town there's something wrong with it is it dangerous maybe I'll be careful I'm not lying I guess I don't really care if it's dangerous or not I'm going either way no you shouldn't be here I'll be good I promise tell him I'll be good please no please guys that's Hur that is fine hello [Music] there holy [ __ ] bro she killed Tony going to kill you an adequately optimistic piece of cake it's starting to rain don't get your guns wet justice department down on the ground don't move come at me freep come on don't damage your spine that's an [Music] order adves come on damn it Red Line Get Ready we've got guests let's welcome them [Music] properly do you think there's a chance my Mall's still alive if your Mall's anything like you here she'll keep fighting till we find her I hope so it's just hard to believe this is all really happen you mean to tell me your mama never told you stories about Critters and Weavers oh you're lucky I come along what sh as to to to big Gator I got to drop you off fast after I got you out of that tree you said you helped me find my mama I ain't of a disposition to be Gator snacks well me neither we're going to go on we got to get rid of here I'm all ears there's a church uper WS with a big Bell go on and ring it you want to make him come running Tom can by to sound a bell some church folks once tried to Dynamite him and he didn't take that too C if you ring that Bell he might scad you better not scadaddle go on now scoop I'll pick you up yonder after to go find your mom trifling ass mudat hey I heard that got to move quickly now [Applause] wait that floating island is the [Music] gator oh hell [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right time to find that church [Applause] [Music] there it is now to get over there hurry up [Music] [Music] [Music] and what the hell hurry up house a boat and a church are just meals [Music] [Music] oh that ain't even half a get back in there just pi [Music] hey [Music] right coming up what was that s Paul's coming up get in a big one you and find some more right no slacking it's a pickaxe not I don't see nothing come on let's head back this is too dangerous and go back to that piss hole of a camp no way man not until we find that step craw oh no no help [Music] the does not really are you [Music] hello you for J thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the best laid plans of men don't always come to fruition man proposes but God disposes and then boots you right in the bowls these two young fellas I need to find them one's a smart ass Smith and the others a blue blooded fledging you behave like a spoiled brat how dare you speak gentlemen praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ Our Father but in the end we all face your judgment for what we should have done but lacked the courage to do the last time I ran away I lost everything I'm never going to run from that [ __ ] again kiss our asses God is this retribution for my sins to the JK come on [Applause] the to the [ __ ] [Music] task last time I defeated you remember do you really think this time the result will be different so he is the last leader of the Crimson dust demon sect who disappeared 5 years ago Jang Ean that devil sect they're renowned for their heretical and ruthless way everything ends here right here right now now perish I've trained year after year for this day your sword can't even scratch me your emotions will put all of us at risk I can't let you ruin my plan my training is brutal as hell are you sure about that n
Views: 209,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, new game trailers, new games 2024, single player games 2024, single player games 2025, stalker 2 gameplay, black myth wukong gameplay, metal gear solid delta gameplay, unrecord gameplay, star wars outlaws gameplay, crimson desert gameplay, exodus gameplay, gears of war e-day gameplay, the witcher 4, tomb raider 4, unreal engine 5.4, ps5, ps5 pro, pc, xbox, new games 2025, perfect dark gameplay, phantom blade zero gameplay, single player games, upcoming games
Id: Fu_JcEd3qDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 58sec (4918 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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