Best New GAMES IN SPACE with INSANE NEXT-GEN GRAPHICS coming out in 2024 and 2025

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[Music] I told Humpty from the start that you were a rat but he was so good and trusting and it was my job to protect him but you cheated didn't you going to Tom like that you aren't just a rat are you no you're the [ __ ] devil but I I will honor his memory by making you pay for it Jay stands for judice the [ __ ] backstabber take her to the subway fry before the other [ __ ] show up what's the penalty for treason boys like you could use the rescue I heard Nefertiti and hope trying to turn your head back there they can't offer you what I can Community Fellowship a chance to lead your mission has failed Tom the flesh was not meant to survive on proxim now there's still room for you in the mission nephie I swear don't you ever call me that again I was so certain I was helping people fix their lives [ __ ] [ __ ] everything I thought was true was honestly now the only thing I'm looking forward to is nothingness and when you bring me there when I see it swimming out to me I'll let it take me it's the only way out please do this for me Judas help me end this thing your poor hand it doesn't have to be like this you have this way about you it triggers people I don't know how to help you anymore why repeat the cycle when there's an easy way [Music] out hi Mom hi Dad say hi back of course they know what if I told you that every word you say is being recorded every thought you've ever had your [Music] love your fear f your hate we're just planted in your brain like weeds in a garden how about you do to Fore yourself we both know the answer to that question question nothing you are the frog in a pot boiling so slowly you don't even know what's happening but I'm here to set you free whether you like it or not oh [Music] [Music] miles the station reported a distress signal last night they think it came from your dad's ship the signal it came from past the outer ring how is that even possible his ship has been reported missing for 20 years now pretty sure he's not coming back we go there we might not come back what is this [Music] place this is going to change everything [Music] they found out we have the map they're going to kill us for it if that's the case there's only one thing we can [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah we [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] oh [Music] hey damn a little help here look out what are you doing oh you go sorry kiddo we still got a ways to [Music] go [Applause] [Applause] [Music] she was not only brilliant but courageous to save her Planet she was willing to sacrifice everything and travel to the stars as a frontier world we were barely hanging on Desperate we tried digging up our past to find the key to our future Max we need to head back there's too much interference hold on I'm getting a rate I can't Max no wait I'm all right what she found that day was a miracle it would be our salvation and she used that ship to explore the farflung corners of the Galaxy a traveler on the hunt for Celestial treasure careful Max the data structure is incredibly dense this is it Tom stay down she put her life on the line to bring back artifacts to put us on the path to Scientific breakthroughs she risked everything time and again but despite her bravery eventually her luck could run out lucky for us she made it home safely while she was alive Al she was too humble to speak of her adventures but at least we her descendants can honor her memory thank you all for visiting the museum today and save travels [Music] tomorrow hey hey that's off limit she was always charging head first to into the darkness I was always one step behind looking for the light switch the celestials hunted us down I knew they'd keep chasing us until they ripped our ship apart come on and I had to save her [Music] so I led them away from this world away from her we both knew the cost of using the gates when you travel at light speed time slows to a crawl it was only days for me but an entire lifetime pass for her and in the chaos of those final moments we never said [Music] goodbye no no no no come with me wait please [Music] Tom I love you [Music] thank [Music] you it all started with a scientific expedition to the planet turion where the New Horizons Corporation was hoping to find new life forms If Only They Knew back then what evil they would bring to Earth a data leak started to spread revealing that New Horizons was conducting military experiments crossbreeding the human genome with alien DNA and so the nightmare began now competing Mega Corps all over the world are sending mercenaries to retrieve This research data by all means necessary that's where we come [Music] in emergency power supply cut off [Applause] [Music] [Music] h we copy stand [Music] by Archangel 6 come in go for six I'm getting a faint contact on bearing 287 you picking that up yeah got it scanning that we're clear commercial vessel out of V 3 reminded in the civilian traffic is restricted at the lockdown copy that Arch Angel Arch Angel this is Kary come back Kary redirect to sector 7 Bravo Echo for immediate tasking copy that on our way [Music] [Music] [Music] B3 [Music] re I know I just wrote you but a couple of hours ago proximity sensors on the other other side of the jump got twigged where is it might be that Clan we've been battling with I guess that last fight didn't SC them off quite like we all hoped it would honestly we've been out here so long I don't know what to pull for anymore I just I just wanted to let you know I ride as soon as I can stay safe your loving [Music] son [Music] never gets old does it sir edes I used to do the same thing when I was first coming up post up to the flight deck whenever I could to watch the launches [Music] have you seen the f8s up close no sir the think's a beast Nimble too 12 maneuvering thrusters and three Mains it sure sounds like it sir Captain McLaren to the bridge Captain McLaren to the [Music] bridge I saw you apply to the Flight Academy again yes sir keep your head up took me a couple times before I got in thank you [Music] sir what if you could change the decisions you regret in your life and see the outcomes of those choices with your very own eyes the alars tells the story of yand Dos a simple mind who survived a crash landing on a hostile Planet he quickly realizes that what was supposed to be a lifetime job opportunity turns into a desperate fight for his [Applause] life Yan will need to handle a large mobile base that's designed to be operated by an entire team of qualified Personnel even worse the planet Yan landed on revolves around the deadly scorching star escaping the sunrise is crucial for survival despite his best efforts Yan simply lacks the time and skills to deal with all these problems on his own but the planet Janis stranded on is home to a mysterious substance called rapidian with its use and the help of the quantum computer on board Yan is able to create alternative versions of himself the [Music] Alters each one of them is a result of altering a crucial decision from Yan's past the Alters are a reflection of the questions he asks himself what if I never left my hometown what if I didn't drop out of college what if I fought harder to save my marriage our altars have the necessary Knowledge and Skills that we desperately need to succeed but they also come with their own goals Ambitions and fears all derived from their different life paths and that can generate problems stop pretending you have any idea how I feel incompetence in coherent decision-making a groundbreaking mission on the verge of failure damn I just hope I don't everything up again you want a relationship that lasts put some effort in it each Yan is a different person it will be extremely difficult to keep everyone happy you got to learn how to say no sometimes but we must do whatever we can because as the mission goes on the challenges will only pile [Music] up obstacles on the outside internal tensions that could prove to be even more dangerous and with a ticking clock of the deathly sun behind our backs the only way home is to press [Music] forward these are dangerous times at least that's what What I Hear The [Music] Empire they're [Music] everywhere but the world here belongs to the [Music] syndicates if I want to survive I have to play their game looks like I'm all in she's in here somewhere on second thought I'm [Music] out there she is I've been held back my whole life and now I just need a chance to finally be free wherever that takes me I'm here to offer you a way out okay get off my ship Jaylen give me a chance you're going to have to trust me it'll be dangerous risky but if you pull this off you'll never look over your shoulder [Music] again the underworld shows no mercy but it's a big Galaxy out there and I'm going to risk it All Star Wars Outlaws coming [Music] 2024 afid go for station unnown vess approaching we need first Contact protocol Humanity now stands as partners of the to the way that's spe take down the Dr abandon is anyone receiving this L [Music] contact [Music] [Music] [Applause] he my name is imagent cette my entire life has been study analysis planning today the Galaxy is burning I will be bound into the kashan merged with the ship in both body and mind enging is clear lead wide comms open attention all Personnel youve each just received a mission briefing nothing is redacted because I want you to know what is at [Music] stake we have been tasked with finishing Karen a jet and the fifth fleet's Mission discover the source of the anomaly and stop it once and for [Music] all I know we were expecting a simple Shakedown Cruise proximity aler many of you are feeling over [Music] stand confirmed we've got incom ask yourselves this Fleet who would follow a course laid by doubt when we already have the finest Navigator of Our Generation I have no doubt we will succeed whatever it takes to complete the [Music] mission enemy strikecraft coming in fast too high break good hit my name is imagin cette now I must be more than a scientist I am Fleet command this is indigo [Music] we company command this is first platoon we lost the square we can't hold it a [Music] satels [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] all right let's get out of here before something else breaks [Music] lights are back on that's good warning toxic atmospheric pollutant detected please evacuate sector and inform maintenance personnel oh [ __ ] this is d you will not is happing s call the elator [Applause] space was my second home my work that mattered I was the hero for my nation for my family that mission was different everything I loved was gone they took it from me I had to fight to defend the Galaxy from the others [Music] my name is Sam Walker and I want my life back all we wanted was to start over leaving our family our friends behind and we were so eager to hand ourselves over but we just ended up the [Music] same what's been going on down here this wasn't an [Music] accident H [Music] H help me please don't leave me what the [ __ ] are you doing to them there's no get the [ __ ] out of here oh more days to start our new [Music] [Music] life cargo ship Alpha requesting permission to talk access granted proce the threat of survival always pushes Humanity to conquer New Frontiers making the technically impossible a reality the major space bureaus have joined forces to build the space elevator to transfer your production to the Moon here you'll be able to expand without Earthly restriction there are no restricted areas and emission quotas explore fabricate and trade the logistics with Earth will be provided by crust but as it turns out the moon conceals a lot more than anyone could have imagined hey what the hell the bigger question still lingers will the moon be Humanity's Endo or the beginning of a new path peace is a lie that is what the Sith believe they promise power now they wield it we Face the greatest Sith in [Music] Generations they must be stopped [Music] We Begin by hearing an old wise sounding voice when we see a quiet peaceful setting this will make our game seem big and important now something must break the serenity will this creature be in the game no say goodbye to it forever suddenly and for no reason people running these pointless slow motion shots make everything seem cool and should bolster pre-sale numbers that war sound can mean only one thing we must gaze over an epic shot of a world and there should be lens flares now we see our hero but only their silhouette because the developers haven't finished the design or finished the story or finished any game play that's actually ready to show in fact the only thing they have finished is the [Music] title a
Views: 198,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5 games, new game trailers, new games 2024, unreal engine 5.4, unreal engine 5.4 tech demo, unreal engine 5.4 games, judas gameplay, judas trailer, judas unreal engine 5, judas gameplay preview, star wars eclipse gameplay, star atlas gameplay, pragmata gameplay, exodus gameplay, level zero gameplay, squadron 42 gameplay, the alters gameplay, star wars outlaws gameplay, mass effect 4 gameplay, the crust gameplay, the outer worlds 2 gameplay, kotor remake, ps5
Id: xG5wRhFeelM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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