TOP 15 MOST INSANE Third Person Shooter Games coming out in 2024 and 2025

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sh h [Music] [Music] [Music] down a [Music] [Music] fly over Pakistan altitude 30,000 ft approaching Soviet airspace listen up Jack your mission is to infiltrate selino Yas in the Soviet mountains ensure the safety of ccof and bring him back to the West your code name for this Mission will be naked snake I'll be referring to you as snake from now on the clock is ticking this will be a sneaking Mission you must not be seen by the enemy you must leave no trace of your presence is that clear this kind of infiltration is the fox unit's speciality in other words weapons and equipment to procure on site that goes for food as well you're completely naked just as your name implies I have to find my own weapons and equipment whose crazy idea was this anyway the mission rests entirely in your hands a real oneman army freeze speak [Music] [Music] commencing virtuous Mission [Music] now War famine destruction death the year's 20xx welcome to the Future the forever winter is a four-player Sci-Fi tactical survival horror shooter that takes place in a future where massive armies are skinning the bones of our once beautiful Earth you are a scavenger lovingly referred to as a scav within this combat ecosystem you assume the role of looter and Survivor trapped between two Waring military factions of the future each with their own objectives outgunned under supplied and constantly under attack you must rely on cooperation and cunning to survive even minor enemies contact situational awareness is key in this world stop look and listen Trigger Discipline will save your life a Target missed is a bullet wasted and not every battle is one worth fighting only kill what you can Loot and get away with every time you open fire You Are Ringing The Dinner Bell make it worth [Music] it welcome home deep down in the guts of the city refugees seek shelter here and they choose your level because you have one of the few things that matter water H2O brings Traders shops and Allied mercenaries that have your six if you want to survive you'll need to pick up jobs from the two Waring factions be smart about the jobs you take the more a faction controls a sector the more heavy units they will deploy and the more dangerous it becomes the more jobs you do the more jobs you get and the longer you'll keep everyone alive no one gets by In This World all on their own so don't be afraid to help others when you can donation stations are made available where highlevel vets can share Gear with low-level baby scabs you were in their shoes once too here you can customize your rig an Innovative modular platform that grants you Advanced abilities pneumatic jump allows you to quickly Traverse rough terrain and reach hard to get drops turrets allow you to shred at least for a short time and scanners allow you to scout ahead to plan your route you want guns you've got them modify and upgrade your firearms for the jobs you take always remember the more gear and ammo you bring in the less you can carry out supc accordingly once you're kitted up it's time to enter the macro city of Lost Angels Mega structures meant to house Millions lie vacant while automated underground factories churn out war machines by the minute as the war rages and destroys the World by day AI driven machines nicknamed The Night Shift rebuild By Night recovery units stalk the streets dragging the wounded and the dead to be harvested for their organs learn your surroundings avoid patrols and maybe you can make it out alive every job has rewards and consequences The Details Matter make sure to dig into the Intel thoroughly before heading out missions may include sabotaging faction facilities collecting debts and good old-fashioned mdks no matter how easy you think the job is don't get complacent things can change at the trop of casing if by some chance you find something of real value you will be hunted and the factions will send bosses that far exceed your fire team's capabilities take note of their weaknesses and plan your strategy to take them down even fully geared it will require coordination teamwork and a bit of luck there are only three types of scavs the fast the smart and the dead so don't be ashamed to retreat if the fighting gets too hot remember there are no Heroes here just a few men and women running around in the dark with half empty magazines [Music] forever what's up Cobra fans welcome to Cobra's corner is this for real yes black stabbath three huge game developers have gotten together to create the ultimate gaming experience the top video game players in the world are they any good in real life battle Y type situation not this but actually this it's not Ling around on the screen we do have X Navy Seals coming down we need the best of the best anybody can play you just got to be brave enough to take a bullet Hilo kitty wants to know if it hurts man of course hurts we donate 100 Grand worth of cyber lims but there's a chance for fame there's a chance for Fortune I need you to take her down to Midtown Harbor do not up you can also oh God you look at me welcome to me fans click me like me I don't care watch me don't watch me I'm over this whole thing at re where you at did you get it contrate change for years we can rest working on it respons we are Tom [Music] a [Music] extraction inbound good to go easy in Easy out that's our ride guys that's Hur that from is spine hell there holy [ __ ] bro she killed Tony going to kill you inadequately optimistic piece of cake it's starting to rain don't get your guns wet justice department down on the ground don't come at me creepy come on don't damage your spine that's an [Music] order adves damn it Red Line Get Ready we've got guests let's welcome them properly [Music] Crystal Dynamics is proud to be a part of the launch of Unreal Engine 5 this new engine translates into next level storytelling and gameplay experiences and that's why we are thrilled to announce today that we have just started development of our next Tomb Raider game powered by Unreal Engine 5 [Music] our goal is to push the envelope of fidelity and to deliver the highquality Cinematic action adventure experience that fans deserve from both Crystal Dynamics and the Tomb Raider [Music] franchise we can't wait to take this journey together thank you and congratulations again to the epic games team team [Music] [Music] keep [Music] [Music] 2 3 4 [Music] for [Music] en [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm going to hide this tape when I'm finished if none of us make it at least there'll be some kind of a record the storm's been hitting us pretty hard now for 48 hours we still have nothing to go on one other thing I think it rips through your clothes when it takes you over Windows found some shredded long johns but the name tag was missing they could be anybody's we're all very tired there's nothing else I can do just wait hey you got company [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are might see this MO [Music] yes [Music] [Music] one [Applause] G she def the w [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to Space Marine 2 the newest installment in the Warhammer 4,000 franchise brought to you by saber interactive and focus entertainment I'm Oliver Hollis like creative director on the project and today I'm going to take you on a tour of the game story game modes progression and a whole lot more giving you a taste of what's to come when the game releases on September 9th Glory of Ultramar Space Marine 2 is a third person action shooter set in the Grim Dark Universe of Warhammer 40,000 the game's campaign mode allows you to experience this epic story either Solo or with up to three players in Co-op Space Marine 2 Story begins a century after the events of the first game Captain demetrian Titus is a Genetically Enhanced super soldier and hero of the ultramarines we will eradicate your kind from the Galaxy Titus has returned to the ultramarines you're a lieutenant now where he has demoted to leftenant will that be a problem no Captain and forced to prove his loyalty In the Heat of battle on a distant world he must face one of Humanity's most fearsome adversaries the tyranids as you take control of Titus and his fellow battle brothers Chiron and gadriel you'll be thrown into the thick of a war of Galactic proportions thanks to our unique swarm technology allowing us to render hundreds of real enemies on screen at the same time you'll face seemingly endless waves of crawling running and swooping enemies as far as the eye can see you must repel The tyranid Invasion and rid the system of the xenos threat battling in the claustrophobic jungles of Kaku The Majestic Planet spanning Metropolis of aarx and other epic locations after each successful Mission you'll return to the battle barge a space Fortress serving as the ultramarine orbital headquarters here you can gather crucial Intel by interacting with onboard Personnel review your next targets and tailor your load out to your upcoming mission for the emperor for the emperor whether you prefer close combat or ranged Warfare the ultramarine wide range of equipment offers you an array of devastating weapons and unique special abilities a balanced approach is certainly wise since performing a brutal melee finisher replenishes your armor and keeps you in the fight for longer Shred the enemies of humanity with the iconic chain sword liquefy them with the melter rifle or crush them with the mighty thunderhammer how you Vanquish the tyranid Invaders is entirely up to you your duty is not yet done beyond the story campaign you'll def operations mode here the focus is on cooperation and replayability play as one of six classes with unique skills and abilities the emperor provides then develop and customize them to make them your own whether you prefer the snipers stealth cloak and long range capabilities the vanguard's grapnel launcher or the bull walks chapter banner and Storm Shield combination your Space Marine specialty along with those of your squadmates will be decisive on the battlefield the more missions you play the more you'll unlock Cosmetics for your Space Marine you'll also earn XP and Armory data that you can spend in the battle bge's Armory to unlock new class perks and improve your armaments performance Eternal war demands Eternal discipline if you're into more competitive challenges well then you're in for a treat enter The Fray in our Eternal War mode where you'll be able to pit yourselves against other players six Space Marines Clash against six of their sworn chaos adversaries in arenas inspired by The Game's Rich settings choose your preferred rule set be it the intense Annihilation Deathmatch strategic seize ground or the exhilarating capture and control then engage in Adrenaline pumping matches that will test your skills against players from across the world each Skirmish offers you the chance to earn more XP and add more weapons to Your Arsenal as you prove your Valor on the battlefield that's all just a taste of what is to come we can't wait for you to experience the passion and care that our teams have poured into this game we've got more surprises in store for you to be revealed very soon this name I will fight for the emperor there is no way to hide k Kings Barons Queens we give them different names but they're all the same killing machines falling from the sky this is our home our Bastion of resistance this is where the brave meets the Bold we will not die in the shadows we will face our head on retribution cuz we want retribution oh yeah we want retribution oh yeah we W retribution oh yeah we W retribution yeah we R out of patience for your luck with a cold heart hatred I could feel the vibration fi in the streets it's a New Sensation I want to break fces on the pavement I want to make great M for compl it I TR a l aw G I can taste it we can make an impact grabing then tasted like a disee bring them to their knees for to see just like a wind spread into the street it's time to make cuz we just want Play tribution Let's Go light up the darkness make true of an empty promise with God in the weak and harmless take to the streets and turn him to a l pit cuz we want retribution oh yeah we want retribution oh yeah we want retribution oh yeah we want retri [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign spee [Music] foreign one me foreign spe should he [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] I n
Views: 20,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, new games 2024, single player games 2024, single player games 2025, spine gameplay, off the grid game, kingmakers trailer, third person games 2024, third person shooters 2024, third person games 2025, third person shooters 2025, arc raiders gameplay, project m gameplay, ps5, pc, unreal engine 5.4, tomb raider 4 trailer, the grass of genesis demo, games like tomb raider 2024, forever winter demo, gears of war eday, metal gear solid delta gameplay, 4k, ps5 pro
Id: mI9nj8bBFe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 16sec (2236 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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