Top 4 Ways to Use Bard's Magical Secrets | D&D 5e Bard Mastery Series

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today i'm going to be attempting to tackle magical secrets and trying to do a deep dive now magical secrets is the most open-ended feature in the game just pick a spell any spell from hundreds so it's really not something we can dive deep into every spell and analyze every single spell so i have to give more kind of a generalized way of thinking about magical secrets and there's a couple different ways to approach it the first way is to set up your combo spells we can take magic circle and summon elemental and then as a bard we naturally get planar binding so now we can start planar binding our elementals to start creating an army of elementals and be a master summoner that's one combo another one is we could take wall of force and spiritual weapon we set up our wall of force and we put the spiritual weapon in it with our enemies it's basically an inescapable blender or we can do other powerful combos like wish and that's that's about it the next thing that we can do is to help us create niche builds it's amazing what spells can do to make us fit a certain play style i talked about how swords bards had no incentive to actually get in close but that can change really quick when we can take things like tensor's swole transformation or we can take things like armor of agathis this guy is really the limit here we can be a barter we can be a healer we can be a summoner we can be a grappler or a tank the list just goes on and on this is where bard's versatility really comes in clutch we're definitely not going to be the best at everything but if we commit hard enough we can do anything at least decently and also it's just fun you know there's so many unique builds you can pull off with bard because you can take all these random spells the next thing we can do is fill in our team's weaknesses do we not have counterspell now we do do we not have someone who can cast revivify now we do maybe our team is terrible at stealthing and we can take pass without trace now that works great for us we can also synergize with our team's strengths if we have a bunch of grapplers on our team maybe we take spike growth maybe you have an ally who likes to summon a whole bunch of creatures with something like anime objects we can take crusader's mantle and make every single one of those objects do bonus damage to start scaling our damage to some pretty incredible heights and another way that we can use magical secrets is simply to break the damn game spells are game breaking and since we can pick from any of them we can pick up any gimmicky combo we feel like we can do anything and this is kind of where we get into the game mix this is not stuff i would actually suggest but it is powerful so taking things like simulacrum plus wish you can do some really game breaking nasty things and honestly once you're level 17 you know in this case level 18 to get there fine i'll let you break the game i don't care we're level 18 the campaign's not going too much longer anyways but this really is game breaking stuff and so like when in doubt you can just pick the best spell on the list you can pick up find greater steed and wall of force those are both fantastic spells just take them which is the perfect example of this it's just a fantastic spell take it i think it's the most boring approach to magical secrets but it is certainly effective if i were to rate my own interest level in these i think creating our own niche builds is the most exciting for me i think spell combos are interesting i think comboing with the team is particularly interesting and rewarding because it takes game knowledge so it's it's one of those things that only skilled players can really pull off is to identify what would combo with their teammates and build from that that's really rewarding i like that covering your team's weakness is cool and i think really good but less interesting to me and then finally we just have to pick the best spells which is definitely the least interesting to me but that's just me how about you guys let me know in the comments down below how you would use your magical secrets and with that i hope you have yourselves a wonderful day and i'll see you on the next one later
Channel: D&D Daily
Views: 5,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bard features dnd 5e, bard dnd, bard spells dnd 5e, bard spells deep dive, the new player's guide to bard magical secrets, the complete guide to bard magical secrets dnd 5e, everything you need to know about bard magical secrets, Top 4 Ways to Use Bard's Magical Secrets, Top 4 Ways to Use Bard's Magical Secrets | D&D 5e Bard Mastery Series, how to use magical secrets bard class ability dnd 5e deep dive, magical secrets bard class ability deep dive, magical secrets bard class dnd 5e
Id: bJH2yPaZYk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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