Top 4 Bougie Fast Food Hacks

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[Music] hey guys welcome to this episode of the rachel cruz show okay i'm excited about today because we're talking food and not just food fast food bougie fast food so you throw the word bougie in and george campbell appears here i am yes ramsay personality that's right we're not going to wendy's rachel we're stepping it up just just a notch this isn't the taco bell one dollar menu okay i'm not mad at that no one's mad i know fast food okay there are some great hacks to be had at fast food restaurants again george is going to give us all of his wisdom people today are like you shouldn't order fast food like it's so bad for you we're not judging okay because it happens okay if you you had to go right now and get fast food what would you get you know i'm i'm going chick-fil-a it's just easy now it's it's where shopping is a pleasure but with food you know it's like public it's like jesus is always in chick-fil-a so remove chicks friends i feel like it doesn't count okay if i had to get something up yeah like i'm talking like i'm probably going to i'm probably going to chipotle no george i know i told you like like you have to be in your car and after you eat it you're like i shouldn't have eaten that like that probably taco bell yes yeah i'm going to taco bell where are you going are you going like the fire sauce fire sauce 100 other their breakfast uh like crunchwrap i used to get it too much like every day on the way to work it was a bad season it was a dark season i never knew taco bell had breakfast yes oh they do i'm assuming they're taco bell fans they know you're saying sonic number four bacon cheeseburger mayonnaise and mustard i've used to not be a mayonnaise fan but i've added it back in and you get an onion ring if you're feeling crazy and a diet cereal i made onion ring on the burger man no side oh okay you go fry if it's like super safe yeah but if you're feeling like yeah i just need some grease i did go burger king had a rodeo burger that had an onion ring and barbecue sauce that was my go-to back in the day i appreciate it i do i know okay i want to live to see my grandkids i know we actually don't want all of our arteries clogged up they might be so that's why it's important to talk about some of the hacks because life sometimes you you you go to a quick service you go to a fast food restaurant and it's just what it is but listen if you're on baby steps one through two one or two remember this is like game time like we're not going out to eat we're cooking at home so remember that but all of you baby steps three through seven these tips will be for you okay let's get started okay let's go like super bougie all right and i have opinions about this place but i don't hear all your hacks about it panera ooh okay so i used to go to panera a whole lot i go a lot less these days and one of the reasons is i feel like it got really expensive to go eat a panera so here are some of my best hacks after doing all the research number one ask about free toppings you can add tons of toppings for free to your sandwich what could which could double it in size so things like apple chips wontons olives cucumbers kale all of those things can really inflate your sandwich four to zero dollars so you can add all that in the app or you can ask for it yeah sandwich who knew add a little crunch there so ask which toppings are free and do it that way love it you'll get more bang for your buck number two uh you can buy panera brand items at your grocery store yeah and it is way cheaper so if you love their mac and cheese their pasta even their coffee their dressings the bread the soups you can get that at some of your favorite grocery stores like target kroger myers albertson even amazon yeah that's amazing i've seen i've seen their dressing yeah more and more like always cheaper than getting it anything at the store so i do it that way uh now next up this is one of my favorites i've actually done it's called the sip club and so for 8.99 a month you can get unlimited iced coffee hot coffee and hot tea any size and yes and you can this is the craziest part you can go every two hours and do this so for nine dollars a month you can go every two hours and stop coffee yeah now your body your heart might stop so go easy on the coffee go easy get your get your breakfast at taco bell get your coffee at panera okay but you really do that you do you like your coffee yeah i just don't go enough to make it worth it i know so i i had like a free trial for a month or two and i was like i'll try this out yeah why not but hey stock ups there you go another one is their new value duet so they used to have the u-pick 2 which they still have yes but that got really expensive yeah so this is like the new version of the you pick 2 is the value duet so for 6.99 you can get certain soup and salad or soup and sandwich combinations which 6.99 is a reasonable amount to pay these days yes for a meal somewhere so okay kids meals always an affordable option i'm a big fan if you have no shame order a kid's meal you get even if you're not with a child usually you can get a mouth food so the last one is order a small drink don't go medium don't go large because you get free refills on sodas and coffee so you can take your small cup back at any time as much as you need so there you go panera that's good you know panera it's like my caught like it was big in our college town in knoxville yeah like two like right there on campus you getting your broccoli and cheddar soup yeah you're probably wearing bugs at the time you bought in a jean skirt and a jewelry tucked in i it was it was like take me back 2016. there's like a time capsule the whole area how it feels but i but my mind is still panera pricing and we went i don't know when months ago for lunch and got like normal food and it was so expensive we could have gone to a restaurant i did yeah genuinely i'm like and no one served me like you got to go up and do it yourself that's how you know you're getting old rachel when you're like back in my day it was a quarter for a bagel and a smear but it's fine we're getting older we have to admit that okay here we are speaking of coffee yes starbucks okay give me all your hats near and dear to my heart i'm a big starbucks fan i know a lot of people they have thoughts about that but hey i like convenience i like consistency i like quality so here we go number one hack this is simple become a rewards member this is completely free but you'll get free refills on brewed coffee you'll get exclusive offers you get birthday freebies and you can earn stars that's their their little program so if you buy enough stuff you get a free coffee don't do it for that reason please don't spend money to make you know don't spend a dollar to make a nickel here that's right but it helps it helps number two get caffeine for cheap and here's what i mean for that a lot of people go get a frappuccino which fun fact most of them don't even have coffee in it it's just sugar and ice oh man i'm not a frat fan so if you're going for caffeine get the brewed coffee it's yes one of the cheapest things on the menu and it has the most caffeine i'll give you some math here a tall coffee has more caffeine than a venti latte really all coffee has 235 milligrams of caffeine which is a lot latte with two shots 150 milligrams there you go it's like hook me up to an iv just give me just give me the caffeine and the brewed coffee's half the price that's usually what i get i either get eight what's your starbucks order uh if i'm going for brewed coffee i'd do the blonde roast okay sometimes i like the chicken oh or the nitro cold brew i told you bougie there you go uh number three did you know this rachel starbucks they have tall they have grande have a venti did you know they have a short okay i've seen it the small it's the it's just like as little so you can order a short size in a tall cup or just order a short and it's cheaper but it has the same amount of espresso in it okay but you're gonna just get that amount of liquid though right yes why would you just why would you get it in a big think about this if you're getting an americano you're getting two shots of espresso just with more water but if you get a shower a lot of coffee vocabulary i'm not sure it's cheaper america everything americano's just espresso with hot water that kind of just like when it when you're out the other george i don't know she's not listening people no it's these nice people i know what an americano is maybe they do just order a short if you don't get a coffee just get a black coffee or a chai tea latte that's the fancy way i go oh wow i'm real to be like bougie in life i feel like i kind of am sometimes yeah my coffee i'm i am i'm below the words chai and latte together is like a next level bougie okay yeah so i've upped it have you tried the dirty chai no that means they put espresso in it fun fact espresso is venti and water espresso she said espresso rachel you're better than this okay keep going we got this george uh number four this is not what you can split the venti size or a trenta those are the biggest sizes and then get an extra cup and then pour half of it into the other cup because that is going to bring the cost down versus getting two things separately i got that i got that okay last one that's easy last one ask for light ice or no water added because a lot of times you ever have this at a restaurant you order a cocktail maybe you take three sips and then it's just ice and you're like why did i spend 15 on that yes it works the same way with your iced drinks that ice takes up a lot of space you can ask for light-ups that's great to get more bang for your buck now that's a tip i can take thank you thank you george we got some more today we're talking about things we need to stop wasting 20 on baby shoes they're babies they're not walking around don't buy shoes for them lottery tickets yeah the powerball jackpot you got one and 292mm million chances of winning so don't waste your money an olaf waffle maker i mean pretty dang cute i know and the results adorable but let it go wipe warmers yeah the baby's gonna survive keep your 20 clothes for your pets i mean super cute fabulous bougie all the things but you don't need to spend 20 on it guys these things are totally unnecessary what i do need to make sure i'm taking care of are these guys i remember when winston and i first got married and we talked about life insurance honestly it was easy for us to talk about because we wanted to keep each other covered in case the worst were to ever happen that's why we have term life insurance through zander insurance it's 20 to 30 a month that i am more than happy to spend xander shops the top rated term life insurance companies to make sure that they find you the best rates for the coverage that your family needs you can have the same peace of mind that we have so go to to get started today don't waste any more time okay we got a little no more espresso we're moving on yeah we're moving on we're gonna move on to some mexican chipotle yeah i feel like if you're actually mexican chipotle is offensive to call it mexican okay but it's technically sure mexican you're right i'm mexican chipotle i understand it's not garcia it's not like authentic i don't know what else to call it check it out people all right number one george give us your hack i'm sort of mexican okay now you're being condescending okay top five chipotle hacks for you number one always get the bowl do not get the burrito people don't do this you can get tortillas or shells on the side and you can make your own stop it for free yes they may charge now for a side but it's still cheap to get the tortillas yeah first as well you can make two giant burritos for the one that you would have gotten so this usually ends up being two meals for me to get the bowl and i load it up which we'll talk about in the next hack my favorite hat and it's hard to beat at home if you can split your chipotle bowl into two meals thousands like three or four dollars a meal i'm done it's hard to cook that cheaply i love that number two customize your order a lot of people don't do this they just ask and they move on with their lives and they're missing out okay here's what you do you can ask for half and half so you can ask for half brown rice half white rice and you get way more or you can ask for extra rice so you can say i want extra brown rice extra white rice and it costs you nothing interesting but more food for nothing yes i do the same with beans you can do the same with the fajita veggies pretty much everything but the meat you can ask for extra of oh interesting and that loads up your bowl to be a massive meal got it brilliant love it good okay number three get double meat so that's going to cost you a little more but here's what you want to do don't ask for double until the first scoop is there because you know what happens you ask for double and they give you two little scoops oh go scoop one and then wait yep because they've already scooped it in and then yeah and then you slide in yes and you can also get half and half meat uh and you're going to be charged at whatever the most expensive meat was so if you want to switch it up get chicken and steak yeah you can do that as well fair okay number four order one taco i know that's hard no one's going to a place going i just want a single single taco but listen if you're on a budget you can get a single taco and load it up with all the things i mentioned like a burrito yes and it's three dollars under three dollars for a single taco so if you're looking for a cheap meal especially if you're younger you're on a budget this is the way to go oh no taco yep and load it up you're really good at spanish did you take spanish and college and high school the hair flip there it is uh number five be a kid again get a kid's meal go back i love a good this get you can get two tacos or a quesadilla and it comes with chips and a drink for under five bucks which is super impressive usually if you don't want like a big lunch or something exactly and you can still load up that taco with all the things i mentioned okay is the kid taco sized the same as a well you can load up all the toppings you want it'll be a massive little kid's taco but yeah it works it's what you need we're saving money here all right moving on to your your actual original favorite and probably my favorite yeah hard to beat chick-fil-a chick-fil-a can't beat it man it's so good and a lot of people know some of these hacks some of them aren't hacks but download the chick-fil-a one app and make sure you get your account there because you're gonna get earned rewards random rewards free birthday treats all kinds of good stuff and with this app you can order in the restaurant give them your table number yes and then they bring you the food it's amazing it really like when i go to chick-fil-a i'm like am i at the ritz like where am i right now because then it's a pleasure take care of you it's amazing so the app helps you do that too yeah and if you don't want to wait in that line it makes it way easier or order ahead in the app and you can walk in and grab it what uh what little uh metal are you do you know i think i'm red am i red i'm like the the next tier you're probably like oh right up here you're like silver you're gold no i'm past silver oh i'm like that i think i'm the fi i think i got the final you are like royalty i am and then your points add up a lot and then you get so many free cookies you know they're cookies at chick-fil-a oh yeah chocolate chip delicious they keep them warm oh i might just use your app because you've got next to your level stacks i do i it's impressive okay okay number two kid yourself that's right you know i love a good kid's makeup kid's milligan george it's my go-to order here's why it's calorically very satisfying a lot of calories in this meal i get a grilled nugget kids meal you get the fries you get a drink whatever you want and you can swap the toy for an ice dream so i get an ice cream and a cup it's an iced drink it's their ice cream oh i didn't even know that i would say ice cream no it's ice cream don't wow come on rachel i thought you were better i thought i was first espresso and now it's ice cream okay anyways it's under six bucks and it's plenty of food for most adults especially considering one of those chick-fil-a sauce packets is like hundreds of calories so you're gonna be okay so good number three fill out receipt survey so sometimes you'll find a receipt uh the survey at the bottom of the receipt take two minutes to fill this out and you get a free sandwich just for doing that really yes and about one out of five people get this so you can time it and go all right that person got a receipt i'm gonna get in line right here and if you're the fifth person boom you get the survey there you go yeah it's amazing and they actually read this stuff which is cool they repeat the service yeah they want to they want to make it a better experience i believe it wholeheartedly i really do they are they're great people okay here's where the real money hack comes into play number four order a blt for just about a dollar sixty that's an amazing deal it's like 1950s pricing now you're like blt chick-fil-a what here's what it is it's a toasted bun with bacon lettuce and tomato so you're not getting the tea well do you add the chicken in later i don't i mean you could but then it's going to be the price of a normal sandwich ah i'm trying to help you get some bang for yourself if you've got some spare change in your car and you want a meal ask for a bmt i'm gonna think chick-fil-a is a little bit expensive they might look at you funny but if so just say i just want a bun with bacon lettuce and tomato can you do that really i think that's really a thing no chicken try next time you're there go to chick-fil-a no chicken it's good okay number five yes two sandwiches for the price of one here it is it's a little bit gangster here's how it works you order chicken strips and then you order two buttered buns and then you put the strips onto the buns yourself now you got to get a side of pickles if you got to have your pizza for sure yes but that should save you about two bucks if you do that dang and the strips they're not the filet i understand don't come out in the comments it's fine you got a little got a little separation there yeah and then the meat but it's fine yeah it's the meat i'm just trying to help the people okay don't get mad at me you're doing a great job do you have any hacks i didn't mention that what's your go-to hack no you're way more creative than i am i think my obviously my brain can only hold so much well yeah spend a lot of money at chick-fil-a i think it is a silver tier member like a gold whatever i need to find out what it is because it's impressive because i think we do because i'm like it just they make it easy they make it easy when you got three kids and you're like i got it we just gotta get in and out and they lo and the kids love it they will eat chick-fil-a all right so can't go wrong they have my heart they have no ha i have no hats what is it for just the app the opposite what is your order at chick-fil-a if you want to order like rachel cruz like the queen what do you order um i'll i love the spicy chicken sandwich and i add a pepper jack yes cheese on top that's brilliant it's like an extra like what quarter 50 cents i know it's like 20 yeah yeah yeah yeah um so i'll add that large fry and iced tea but you go yours is i go hard on the paint what can i say you do your fries game have you tried you got to ask for well done fries and here's why and no salt so they make it fresh or not from george when you get the fries in the bag they get soggy because it's all the condensation that is true so open the bag immediately let the fries air out so they stay a little crispy but i get them well done so by the time i'm home they're not soggy and cold well done means they fry it longer so they're crispier they're hot and you tell them no salt you can do that because that means they have to make it fresh that's true that is true at any fast food joint if you ask for no salt they have to go make a fresh batch because they're already pre-salted if not i mean i got hacks for days you got it okay what's your well what's your order uh i got it i did a sun joy so this is their like lemonade iced tea arnold palmer that was pregnant rachel's drink really i was pregnant wait does this mean i'm pregnant i don't know okay no comment this is delicious well i want to know do they have any hacks cause these people are practitioners of the hacks y'all are really great at hacks so if you do have them tell us give us comments give us a share anything we want to know we want to know and again your budget is there to determine what you can eat you know when you go out you know and what's great is again these hacks are going to save them money george george that's why we have you on you know what if you've got nothing nice to say don't leave it in the youtube comments that's what my mom always told me man were you burned in comments recently i feel like yeah a lot a lot i'm sorry george it's okay what's the number one hateful comment you've gotten uh okay when i when i was younger i i had a youtube channel here's the thing here's what they said i did a cover of a song and they said you killed it dot dot dot and not in a good way and i'll never forget how hilarious of a burn that was so it still sticks with me stuck with you i'm sorry 17 years later let's go get a spicy latte i'm like american i'm on the rachel crusher small cup where are they and it'll be fine that's right george she's made it i'm gonna get me an espresso and i'll forget about it that's it in a small cup guys i hope you enjoyed it hope this helped remember take control of your money and create a life you love
Channel: Rachel Cruze
Views: 54,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rachel cruze show, the rachel cruze show youtube, money, budget, how to save money, budgeting, personal finance, rachel cruze, save money, how to budget, debt, saving money, save, how to make money, ramsey, finance, how to get out of debt, debt free, Top 4 Bougie Fast Food Hacks
Id: lqVasKZ9Dlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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