Are You Wasting Money on These 11 Hot Products?

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[Music] hey guys welcome to this episode of the rachel cruz show and back again mr george camel george thanks for being here back by popular demand no one asked for it but we're here no you know i talked to my mom on the phone like two days ago and she said rachel i just finished your podcast with george and it was so funny oh my goodness sharon thank you i know you're watching out there i'm sharon's biggest fan so i appreciate that she's a fan well sh if no one else loves us together george sharon does okay uh but you are on podcast a lot with the fine print and entree leadership so you're doing i just love a good podcast it is i'm here for it so true uh but what i can't wait for this episode so you listed out products that are they're great fun products that a lot of people will use a lot of people will buy but everyone has their opinion on is it worth it so george and i have not talked about this ahead of time because we're each going to give you our own opinion on is it worth it i'm scared to disagree with rachel cruz freedom the freedom is here george but you are very you're very opinionated am i aggressive sometimes sometimes it might be a little aggressive you're just passionate it's just passion it's an opinion this is not a factual based episode fair which is kind of fun that is fun all right are you ready yeah let's go uh first item the newest iphone ooh okay i used to work at the apple store and i'm gonna say not worth it i was gonna say not worth it okay you did your reasons and y'all uh do mine i just think that from model to model these days there's not enough of a difference to go try to get rid of yours and then pay a thousand dollars plus for a new one it's not there i would agree now if it's like eight phones behind you're gonna feel the upgrade and it's gonna be amazing you have an iphone 6 and you're upgrading to a 10 that's going to change your life yes so yes but the newest one while you have the latest one a year before not worth it i'm with you see see look we have the same opinion all right we're off to a good start okay next unique gifts on etsy to me worth it because it's unique me too it says i'm thoughtful yes okay top favorite etsy gifts have you done this before i got my wife's wedding ring on etsy that is the biggest purchase i've made i know i know i had no idea they saw that wow yep and it was very unique and it was very you can't walk into kay jewelers and find this wedding ring jared no heck no who needs them who needs children you got it okay so my favorites i did a sign for mom and dad's lake house and the sign had three different arrows point in three different ways so one said to the lake and it pointed down to the lake one said to mimi's kitchen and it points to the house that's sweet and then one says to the dog park because they have this huge fence at the lake house for all the dogs because we all have dogs um yeah and it points to the dog park see unique thoughtful super cute um and you support you support local business going okay so then another one my sister gave me the necklaces that have like they're like little pendants very very small but they have letters on them and so if you have kids or your spouse or anyone the letter of their first name the first letter and it's chris's little necklace so anyway she got me that i thought it was super cute my sister-in-law got my in-laws for christmas a big pillow that had um like my grandparents house and all the grandkids names on it oh that's cute so i'm with you george i just thought of one my groomsmen got leather journals and i inscribed their favorite lyrics or bible verse on the journals from etsy so etsy boom big fan for sure for sure okay next up airpods oh okay this one i will say was a life-changing item for me specifically airpods pro with the noise cancellation absolutely worth it wait till it's on sale you can get them right now for probably 180 bucks totally worth every penny okay well last one time you were on i think it was the last time we were talking about that you hadn't gotten them yet i was like and i didn't buy them i went and did it what do you think worth it i just deflated like a video you went to life changing on the scale i'm gonna go to like convenience have you traveled on a plane with a crying baby and you know hold the button and the baby disappears because the noise usually the baby is my baby well i never said i had to be your baby but it is the noise cancellation i've only used them i've not used them as often as i thought i was going to maybe that's it i just had i don't know i mean not that they're not worth it again you just went on the side of you like not worth it worth it ah i know i struggle with it okay next epic charcuterie boards ooh i will say worth it but you and your friends build it paying for one astronomical yeah they're exciting i mean you might as well just get the 12-ounce filet mignon but doing yourself can be fun go to trader joe's your local grocery store and have fun making your own yes we actually have a video from an episode i did about with cheese with the cheese gal on making a charcuterie board and it was really great really fun you can do it like you said you know inexpensively um and it is an experience okay so i i might i just might be kind of bougie george but uh my favorite appetizer at a restaurant even though i know you're paying so i know you're paying so much it's not even a food group but here meats and cheeses but but it but it i think it elongates the time you're at the restaurant and that's my goal i want to be there as long as possible don't make it when it's on a date night and i'm like oh we're out with friends it's just a it's like a i don't know so i don't know i'm with you i'm gonna say worth it i will say worth it but again like splitting with friends it it's worth it okay but they are astronomically expensive they're very expensive for what you get it's fair very fair all right next cryptocurrency okay this is a dangerous one but i'm gonna say not worth it and no it's only because we dug into it on the fine print and it is stressful no one talks about the anxiety there's new coins every day there's new headlines what's this one doing over here it's not based in anything and so you're just hoping that everyone else wants it too and so that goes up in value i i would say not worth it i would agree when it comes to anything with money i am i'm kind of just old school i need a long track record predictability because my thing is to him like i work hard for the money that i make so if i'm gonna go put it into something for the most part i'm like i wanna know that like yeah that's gonna be worth it and it's it's not quite worth it for me yet again this is one that i always say it's not gonna be a forever thing for me like i'm forever gonna say it's not worth it it might be in a look in a few years i don't know but as of today for me not worth it yeah i mean if you want to use some fun money if you're debt-free you're already investing 15 into retirement and you just want to have some fun that's great but treat it like fun entertainment and not like your retirement strategy amen amen all right next bougie speaking of boogie bougie new year's eve parties oh boy i'm gonna say not worth it oh i'm shocked i know not worth it what are you gonna say i was gonna say not worth it really yes we're in the same here i've been to one and we got free tickets i don't remember how we're not that cool yeah and i was like okay i get it but i would not pay 150 for the pleasure of being at this party being at the party i'd rather be with friends yes we all get some trader joe's champagne a charcuterie board diy we have a great night i know i yes i'm like i'd rather just be with friends we actually can hang out and talk and be together and still celebrate i still want the fun of everything but yeah no i don't want to pay extra and i don't know and i've been honest george the past couple years these i i i can barely even stay up until midnight i was just going to say that we're both old people okay who's got the time i'm tired so tired so we're gonna ring in the new year with just our friends right george with a 10 p.m bedtime that's right amen sounds so great it's the life sounds so nice okay next amazon fashion oh okay i will say i like the prices sometimes but the quality for what you get and truthfully nothing fits me right i've tried it i've tried it all oh so for certain things yes but i'm more of a buy it for life type at this point in my life so like buying like cheap fashion that's gonna last me three months i'm kind of like i'd rather spend 20 more and guess when it's gonna last me two years okay that's where i'm at i'm all about some episodes oh my gosh okay what have you bought oh what like like tops okay jeans most recent most recent i wanted like a really like soft sweatshirt like i love the material it's like basically it feels like silk right like it's just so soft anyway so i found it and it's like tied out super cute and i was like this is amazing i went and bought two more because and it was really hard inexpensive well no i mean i don't know it feels like it it was i loved it i love the material okay so that i bought two long sleeve shirts um so i needed kind of fitted shirts to wear with these certain jeans anyways they were like 9.99 i got a navy and a black all right uh i get a lot of jewelry a lot of jewelry off amazon um i get bathing suits i did my two bathing suits this year and my swimsuit and everything fits properly i'm just getting worse okay and again you sometimes have to take it back i have definitely not everything has worked yes i've done i've done swimsuits i've done swimsuit cover-ups i've done give it a go yeah they do have a great return policy and they have like the trio now you get the box and you can just ship back what you don't want yeah i don't do the try on necessarily okay but anyways i don't know i am a fan i love it if rachael cruz says it's worth it it's worth it i love it i'm wrong but i'm but i'm more quantity versus quality so if you're quality you may get it be like oh this is so cheap and uh like george or you can be like let's just have fun in life and just get some fun and expensive new clothes that's true you know what it's gonna be out of style next season so you might as well get it cheap did you read my book know yourself know your money yes that is all i talked about the cheat sheet okay next i don't know if i have an opinion on this one but the latest video game console oh okay i have a lot of friends that are into gaming i am personally not okay so to them because it is like they're it's one of their main hobbies sure it could be worth it but nowadays you don't need the newest the latest the greatest the old system still works just as fine sure so i'm not into it i would say not worth the 500 dollars you might spend on the newest system dang it's fine that's just me they're very expensive see i don't even know i'm s i i will yield to you on this one i genuinely have no idea i win but i'm gonna say i'm going to say not worth it and it's a huge time suck yes and i already have enough time sucks in my life that's good you know just say no say no to drugs people come on all right next we're using the word bougie again which i really appreciate it's a great word taking bougie vacations to show off on instagram there's the little are you saying people are choosing their destination based on what their photos will look like so that they can impress their friends according to some sources that is correct oh gosh actually it happens a lot and it's really sad um we don't want that it it's worth it if you're not doing it to show off and you're out of debt but if you're doing it for the wrong reason it's always going to be a no for me we just went to cabo it was beautiful i did not do it so that i could i haven't even posted on instagram about it my wife i know look at you but the photos are gorgeous yes amazing i'm the same way i don't post vacations anymore like maybe every now and then i'll post like a second people no i say this and then probably i'm like you're going to post your next video but i'm going to end up posting something but there's a difference you don't have anyone to press you're not going hey look at me in my own vacation you're just like this is some memories we made in a beautiful place great and that was i will say this it's again i'm not as like hardcore about it now but early on sweet winston cruz he's not a fan of social media he thinks it's a negative to society like all the things i love so but that was like kind of our rule especially when we first had amelia he's like you know when we go on trips or all of us you know i was like posting all this and and he was like can we just like not can we just not and so we talked about it anyways long story short i realized in that season specifically i was like man i'm taking pictures on a vacation for us oh just for us like every picture i take i know it's like me posted because i agreed but yeah i won't do that but man i don't know it just it's a sign of machine it changes something in you so there's a thing there don't do it for the gram all right next front row tickets to see your favorite bands live this is a tough one we're at it we're at a coven season there are concerts happening george people are itching to get out there here's the thing the front row is always the most expensive and so what you're really saying is is it worth 350 dollars to see taylor swift front row a lot more i think you could see a thousand dollars yeah i was like i think it'd be a lot that's why i only like bands that no one else likes so that you can get to the front row really easily and cheaply really don't spin a lot yeah i would say i would say if it's your absolute favorite band of all time this is a once in a lifetime and you budget for it yes that could be worth it for the experience and for the memory yeah otherwise i'm just i'm gonna say no okay i'll get in the balcony i'll have a great seat and i will paid 200 less yes or more or more depending on the concert i know i don't go to the big concerts like you see those are the only ones i don't know music music is not my thing so all the bands you know are probably yeah you're just going for taylor all the way swift i think it's the only one i know i went to john mayer once very back seat in the whole arena not worth it so either front or back not worth it somewhere in between somewhere in the middle yeah so i would say i don't know i'm not a big i love experiences though i mean if i could have front row to taylor swift that'd be pretty cool it's more like front row to disney on ice these days for you that is true and definitely not worth it if that's that's the case not worth the money okay next ugg slippers ooh okay here's the thing i have to admit i own a pair of ugg moccasins i don't remember purchasing them do you love them but i love them they're good quality so i'm gonna say worth it but you can get a generic brand that's probably going to be just as cozy for half the price guess where i got my house shoes now that we're talking about it no oh target no oh amazon yes i'm genuinely not kidding yes i got them from amazon and you love google hustle yes they're great and they're probably a quarter of the price of oh i'm sure oh yeah yeah yeah but i could see the quality of ugg because i think they do make great shoes so i've had them for a decade and they're hard oh that's fair that's fair okay george i appreciate you being on you're like my future friends i really am i'm glad that someone else connects with us and i feel like we agreed on a lot i was surprised yes i was too i disagreed on surprising things i know like amazon fashion and new year's eve parties who would have thought okay so where can everyone find you george so you can subscribe to the fine print podcast season one is out now we've got 10 11 episodes there the entree leadership podcast and on instagram george campbell let me know of the things that you love hot new products that we should check out the bougie stuff that's worth it we like this we like this oh well thanks again george for being on always so so fun and again you guys remember all of these things need to be in the budget this holiday season i feel like we splurge a lot on ourselves and other people so make sure that you have the money you're budgeting for these things you're not going into debt for them all of it but find some fun stuff that's that helps your life you know yes it's great have some fun we're not mad about that at all and remember to always take control of your money and create a life you love
Channel: The Rachel Cruze Show
Views: 73,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rachel cruze show, the rachel cruze show youtube, money, budget, how to save money, budgeting, personal finance, rachel cruze, save money, how to budget, debt, saving money, save, how to make money, ramsey, finance, how to get out of debt, debt free, Are You Wasting Money on These 11 Hot Products?
Id: GKY0kXaNjlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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