Top 36 Terrifying Rooms In Games

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this video contains disturbing content violent content jump scares and sudden loud noises viewer discretion advised how would you die through generations of play Gamers have been conditioned with the notion that there is no such thing as an empty room but there have been instances where this is true sometimes its purpose is to keep players on their toes making them paranoid confused to the point of freaking out players who run into enough empty rooms May Overlook or ignore another believing there's nothing inside when in fact a reward lies within other times it's entirely unintentional and yet manages to make an impression on our psyches so join us as we venture through the top 36 most terrifying rooms in [Music] games [Music] Rumpus Room Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon the rumpus room in Haunted Towers is a creepy room there's a dollhouse that mind screws you when you look into its window you see the exact same room you're standing in with Luigi looking through the same window then there's the doll in the center of the room whose head rotates 360° following you to get a gem from it you have to run around so its head unscrews landing on the floor with a thud and disappearing then there are Jack in the boxes that have evil distorted laughs that pop up loud and unexpected the child's room time Splitters future perfect there's a child's room in the Attic of the Mansion of Madness there's really nothing to be found in here other than the rocking horse moving back and forth on the floor are alphabet blocks so the word hag there is blood on the wall and on the chalkboard is the phrase Red Rum or murder spelled backwards this is a reference to the novel The Shining by Steven King and its film adaptation by Stanley cubric mysterious banging and voices can be heard now and then and each wardrobe holds nothing the child's room along with most of the other rooms in the vicinity are mainly placed here just for the movie references [Music] ratman's Den Portal 2 ratman's dens are secret rooms hidden throughout Portal 2 adorned in these rooms are messages and artwork and is primarily used as a refuge in order to escape glados's scrutiny they usually feature weird drawings on the wall cans of open food and radios on the ground walls scribblings and various diaramas depicting either what he witnessed or simply what he feels like expressing by standing close to the murals in certain dens a frantic voice can be heard crying out in barely audible gibberish ratan's voice is incomprehensible due to his schizophrenia meaning only he can understand his mumblings though attemps have still been made by the community to translate them this voice has been guessed to be that of ratman himself giving a hint that he may actually still be alive and wandering around the facility this voice can also be heard in the song ghost of ratman on the portal 2 songs to test bu soundtrack conference room Doom 3 resurrection of evil the conference room is found in Phobos Labs it's located the left of the building and is a small dimly lit area with flashing lights What's creepy about this room is that a low gurgling sound plays almost as if some demonic entity is present you don't hear the sound anywhere else in the game and there is nothing out of the ordinary either there are no corpses no skeletons no growth and no enemies that spawn here it's been noted that the voices could be a reference to the employees who worked in here before The Invasion as noted by the PDA message that is found in one of the offices or the voices are angry because of the recent thieving of chairs and other accessories found in the area [Music] the bathroom slender never enter the bathroom in Slender a mantra that has been repeated throughout the gaming community and for good reason the tiled Halls are very narrow and the roof not particularly tall the entire experience builds your paranoia believing there could be anything waiting around that corner as it happens there often is one puzzling aspect of this room is why there's even a bathroom or shower housee there there are no pipes water nozzles or even a pool or lake nearby the obvious answer was to add variety to the mainly outdoor environment this game features to build Menace and suspense inside tightly packed corridors [Music] baby's room max pay the baby's room is found in Max Payne's nightmares usually they revolve around the murder of his family at the pain residence if the player walks near the cot a cutscene will play and show a dead baby if the player looks at the alphabet cubes they will rise in the air and spell the word death the whole area is tinged red in a creepy music box plays throughout the level both with Michelle and the baby crying and screaming in the [Music] background juvenile curriculum Ghostbusters juvenile curriculum is a quiet area within the library but the Whispers of disembodied children fill the air and Eerie handprints cover the wall as the Ghostbusters Venture deeper they discover a mysterious plush dog with paranormal attributes upon his disturbance of door slams it is never fully explained as to the cause of the children's voices as their mumblings do not speak of any murders disasters or horrible experiences of any kind perhaps it's merely the psychological imprint of generations of young sensitive Minds that is built into some kind of supernatural phenomena or something far more Sinister while the room itself holds a secret achievement the actual pure creepiness factor is excellent and definitely puts you on edge bye gentlemen's restroom Bioshock one of the most unsettling parts of Fort Frolic was the jent's toilet in in the southern Mall video game restrooms are often scary but the three Cohen sculptures Forever Frozen and unnatural btic poses with black plastic bags over their heads bringing unique Terror inducing trepidation their Twisted Shadows cast against the backdrop flickering in and out of existence with the lights it is never made clear whether these sculptures are indeed people still alive beneath the plaster skin or simply statues but this uncertainty keeps you from looking away just in case the room's music lends no assurance and it isn't hurt anywhere else in the game it's also worth noting that nothing of value is in this room it's mainly for show no enemies no special inventory [Music] nothing the mannequin room Resident Evil 6 the mannequin room of Resident Evil 6 is located soon after the first battle with hustak tall disfigured mannequin occupi this darkened area some with incoherent markings on their bodies what is creepily puzzling about this particular place is why they are housed there this area doesn't resemble a shop and all the eyes of the mannequins seemed to have been colored black almost as if someone was already down there towards the end of the room before the ladder stuck to the wall is the top half of a mannequin with a bag over bird's head a mysterious artwork of two eyes and a mouth is displayed on the wall nearby what's more both main characters don't say anything about this disturbing sight or anything they witness it is thought the drawings could have been the work of aavo showing the true extent of its craz demeanor Malcolm betruger office Doom 30 in the level Administration you will happen upon a room playing ominous music the interior is lit with candles a pentagram rest on the floor and strange flushy tentacle-like growth oozing with blood has spread through the walls and ceiling this demonic growth is first seen in the administration complex to which you are alerted to by Sergeant Kelly its presence within the station is initially subtle but becomes more and more apparent as the game progresses the only known item in this room is a PDA from one of the Dead scientists however be cautious once obtained the pentagram and spawn imps that seek your demise the doll room Dark Souls 2 right after the second bonfire on your left is a room full of creepy dolls this room serves no purpose other than giving you a window into the next room this room is also used by Ornifex a weapon Smith many people have believed that there is connection between Ornifex and Dark Souls 1 in this room the dolls all along the wall are similar to the item used to access the Painted World in Dark Souls 1 where the crow people live the creepy part about this room is if you go into the next room and look back through the window window all the dolls have mysteriously gone as well as the candle but the light is still burning with this was a glitch or intentional it's still a creepy and mysterious sighting ghost room Call of Duty finest Hour as covered in our top 45 scariest Easter eggs in games this room is located in level underground Passage through destructible door upon entering you'll notice many pictures of babies along the walls and in the center stands a cradle with a ghost child nestled within hitting the action button causes them to float and walk in midair it's also worth noting that as well as the eerie music candles appear to be floating a toilet is located to the left of the room miniature tanks and planes fly around on their own accord and a giant rack lurks near the stairs one of the NPCs even States it's one of the most disturbing things he has ever seen [Music] Mila's secret room Psychonauts the secret room in Mila's mind is located on a balcony and behind a door hitting the chest will allow you to enter the back story is that Mila used to run her own orphanage before becoming a psychonaut and took care of the children there one night she comes to the place to find it engulfed in flames with all the children trapped inside and being a psychic she was forced to hear them as they all burn to death the insides of the chest in question take you to a burning landscape with odd nightmares creatures looming over you caged off from you screaming in agony and asking why Mila couldn't save them Royal Family's tomb Zelda Ocarina of Time 64 the Royal Family's tomb is a room with statue like zombies called Reds along with poison water they can be extremely dangerous if you don't know how to deal with them so attack them if you're feeling confident but don't be ashamed just to sneak past them and make a break for the other side of the chamber if they freak you out RADS themselves are terrifying creatures that scream at you and freeze you in place before attacking many firsttime players assume the creatures to be human seeing as most of the NPCs you encounter are older and adults so they will run up to one only for the Red Dead to scream loudly and walk slowly towards them and jump onto their back and eat them at this precise point it is very likely you could die by them and many younger players have said they stopped playing when they reached this area because of the sudden dark dark change in atmosphere and setting up to that point the game never gives us an indication that it would incorporate aspects from a horror genre nevertheless at the far end of the room lies the tomb where players could play the Sun song and freeze the redeads for a short while allowing them to safely run past with the Zelda series you expect to conquer dungeons defeat bosses and collect items you don't expect to feel fear when this happens the effect is Multiplied Nintendo created this room to push the norm cell block room Silent Hill 2 while you're in the cell blocks in the prison you hear something very large walking around breathing very heavily and Whispering something that sounds very demonic you never get to see exactly what it is but there are in fact two monsters located in the cells in which they seem to chant ritual although the radio does not admit static in their presence the book of Lost notes them as monsters you can clearly hear these monsters chanting ritual which signifies that this is how they came to be and maybe it was never completely finished which would explain why they were invisible and not fully manifested the way everything is scattered about the cell shows that maybe there was an interruption in the ritual maybe the member of the order was caught at this moment and then executed in the Gallow the screen you hear at this point after play placing the tablets could be the scream of that man who was killed a residual haunting another theory is that they could be referring to the rebirth ending when ritual is reversed it sounds like are you sure sure school classroom gray the school classroom is a brightly lit classroom with a mysterious childish laughter as the player progresses around the room the lights will Flicker and the furniture will have vanished in the center of the room is a piece of paper if the player grabs the note the classroom will deform and show a rusted an old looking area filled with small demonic babies that charge at the player once the player defeats them if they were to look around the room the windows appeared to be chained up and thick black webs are seen stretching from the floors and ceiling in the center is a head which must be collected in order to progress further in the game showan room System Shock 2 the showan room is a small room with a computer terminal and a corpse in the chair as you stay in the area for a while showan starts to speak to you the wall Fades away and the terminals display an entity known as Shodan she goes on to tell how she chose you who had been operated on with cybernetic implants that have allowed you to progress so far she's already exposed delusions of godhood throughout but in her mind you're part of the evidence of her Divinity she made you with every molecule she provides she makes you more like her every line of cod in your subsystems elevates you from your disgusting disgusting she notes perhaps you have potential and then with the suggestion of a real Alliance she's gone we do not know death death Death only change we cannot kill we cannot kill each other without killing ourselves containment F1 Z containment F1 is a hex gal room located in sight Omicron it is surrounded by growing masses connected by wires an invisible body is kept in a com state in a glass observation room in the midsection of the Omicron facility in full view of the laboratory it briefly appears for a second before Vanishing if you spend too long in the area you'll notice anomalous phenomena around the room such as system failures and blackbox interference two bodies also go missing near the room the Headless diver on floor one and another at the end of a hallway on floor two After exiting the room both go missing [Music] picture room Cry of Fear found in the very first chapter of the game the picture room resides within the apartment block if the player is a thorough enough Explorer they will eventually stumble upon a room with walls of photographs of murder victims slaughtered in varying horrific ways upon close examination the door is locked from the outside and the lights go out footsteps can be heard through the pitch black and it's only a matter of time before your paranoia starts growing wild waiting for something anything to enter through the open window after a few seconds the door is unlocked and you're greeted to a loud noise with many ghosts head room Silent Hill 4 inside the Eileen room more commonly referred to as the head room you will encounter a most disturbing site the Giant floating disembodied twitched dyed head of The dutter Agonist Eileen Galvin Eileen constantly stares at the player the entire time you're present within this claustrophobic space Ambience sets a chilling mood for anyone who enters why is it here what does it want why does it remain after you reunite with a real e neither of the characters bad and ey or even react to it no explanation has been found [Music] examination room fear percus mandate the examination room is found in the expansion fear Perseus mandate inside lies two tables in the center blood pooling on them there appears to be nothing of great importance yet when You' Venter through the door at the far end you find yourself back in the same room should you attempt to leave through the same door the room appears with more blood soaking the floor and trenching the walls a hidden scarecrow lies dormant in the floor should you disturb it it will attack when the player finally repeats the process a third time two new tables are seen periodically stuck to the ceiling and walls with the do somehow built into the floor upon walking through the door you will drop down into the darkened tunnel and the examination room will vanish Meat Locker Fe 3 the meat locker is located inside the abandoned best save Company Store in which hanging carcasses serve as your claustrophobic path to the exit stalking you amongst them is a demon which will appear at random intervals your character walks slowly through this section so running is not an option strange writings symbols and drawings are dabbed on the Ws and Floors near the middle of the room you'll notice several human bodies hanging from porks convincing you to get the hell out of there before you too and up is something's [Music] dinner hell room the white chamber one section of the game the white chamber has you traversing a hellish Corridor which features a giant eye with stringy flesh spreading on the walls around it and a traffic light hanging from the ceiling as you walk down the hallway to progress the room repeats itself the only difference is the traffic light has now changed colors and the ambience has built to a constant murmur every time you pass through the music grows louder by the time the Traffic Light reaches red the music drowns out almost every other sound the eye opens and starts its incessant twitching disturbingly louder Moes can be heard and the music grows more intense your sense of dread gullies you into sensing impending doom that something sinister is about to happen but once you finally reach the next room the music slows and softens to to its normal Tempo the nightmare has ended room of upside down Sinners World of Warcraft the room of upside down Sinners is a large underwater chamber located in the famous Kazan CB it contains long meat hooks hanging from the ceiling of the room with corpses dangling on them the purpose of this room is unknown it may be a playground for developers attesting sight of sort an unfinished instance or something else entirely many players suspect that the room was never fully implemented because of the mildly disturbing content which could have made world of warcraft's ESRB rating become M for Mature on January 24th 2014 blizzard Community manager bashiok responded to a post inquiring to the reasons the room was never used and provided some insights on Blizzard's design processes back during the days of its creation stating that the reason it was was abandoned was more than likely that blizzards simply changed their minds about using it the actual room itself is inaccessible without performing the wall breach [Music] glitch doll room Fatal Frame the doll room resides in the hero mansion in frame the layout is set like a shrine displaying various dolls arranged as though they are in morning with one dressed in burial clothes made to look like a rope Shrine Maiden she stands in the corner separated from the others with sacred rope surrounding her it is discovered that these dolls are dedicated to the children who are sacrificed in the mansion's rituals on the first night there's a gaping hole in the center of the wooden floor on the following night the hole has been repaired as though nothing had happened the room's ultimate purpose is to summon the crawling girl who will appear and attack the player the basement fear interval 3 infiltration as you traveling through extremely dark underground tunnels some unexplained phenomenon happens rats can be seen scurrying away from an unknown source and the lights begin to flicker Point man's breathing turns heavy and when you proceed forward a small figure can be seen running out of sight the importance of this room is the health booster atpa Barrel upon finding the item Alma appears behind you running into an adjoining Corridor investigating ruthless the whole ordeal leaves you wondering is she still down there have I missed some ammo or some secret what other [ __ ] lie in waight why can I still hear the heartbeat you'd best leave before she reappears a third time I'm waiting for you locker room Silent Hill inside midwick Elementary School's locker room a strange phenomenon takes place upon entering a loud rattling emanates from a locker when you open the locker a cat leaps out and skitters out of the room outside a snarl and a squeal break the silence and when you investigate you are ambushed by a mumbler or gray child but there is no sign of the cat when you revisit the locker room in the alternate School the exact same Locker is banging on its right up until you open it to find it completely empty and soaked with blood unnerved by this you prepare to leave but as you begin to take your first step the locker in front of you burst open and a dead body wrapped in bandages collapses at your feet quite the scare for the uninitiated kid room pray prey's kids room is a frightening place where it is hinted that Earth children were abductive and possessed by raths if you search the room you'll see words written in what appears to be blood phrases like they can't hear us or I want to go home if you were to approach the center of the room Shadows of departed children will fly past eventually possessed children start attacking the player by hurling projectiles if you are successful in fending them off the children begin a creepy rendition of Ring Around the Rosie it has never really explained how the children became possessed and From This Moment onwards these enemies are never encountered again storage room condemned 2 the apartment complex in condemned 2 features a room with a posed mannequin in its Center if players wander through the doorway more of its kind instantly appear behind them if you enter the empty bathroom then leave you will find the mannequins blocking the doorway blowing the light in the process thus preventing you from entering again this has become something of a staple since the first game had the exact same mannequin stocking and surrounding the player around the department store this hallucination seems to exist purely as a PTSD style flashback to trigger the main character and the player the school hallway Fe 2 in interval 5 of Wade elementary school the player enters a long hallway the player's character starts breathing heavily and the entire area is almost complete darkness save for the occasional bright flashes of the light Alma's voice can be heard occasionally and she will randomly appear in front of the player people are heard screaming inspectors are seen attacking from the corners of the room the entire area is so disturbing that it gives you this feeling that you're truly alone and basically at the mer of whatever is around you shade room fear extraction point the shade room is an open walled Studio lined with thin metal shelves holding cans of paint however the floor is drenched in fresh blood dimly lit exploring this already tense space proves extremely disturbing not only due to the music but this room is full of unseen enemies called Shades near invisible creatures with glowing red eyes they Dash past on all fours disorienting the player and then slashing at their prey with razor sharp claws while inside this claustrophobic space you always feel eyes watching you through the darknesses noises and lights within the environment constantly trick you into seeing Phantoms from the moment you set foot inside you always feel at the mercy of these silent stalkers room 311 Fatal Frame 4 room 311 was kagari Sand's room within retu Hall occupied by patients of Getsu syndrome 10 years ago the name on the door says kamak Kazuki which means returning God Moon there are various photographs on the walls including one of kagari herself with the weshi and even one of the mannequin in the center of the room there are six coffins total in this room and the mannequin inside this room will open its eyes when viewed in finder mode What's creepy about this room is the fact that players will wonder if the mannequin will move or come after them if they spend too long looking around there are in fact three ghosts that appear in this room kagari herself wesi and the girl in the coffin ghost room mature last Light whilst driving Regina through the underground tunnels the player can stop and investigate multiple side areas in one of these abandoned rooms you will find empty overturned hospital beds and some medical equipment however as soon as you walk through the door distant Whispers become loud ghostly chatter only then do you begin to Glimpse strange figures out of the corner of your eye the longer you are exposed to the room the more apparitions appear to harm you multiple Spirits lying on the floor floating on beds long since gone and worse disturbing the ghost by walking between them will cause bottles of medicine to crash into the walls at the far end one can see a surgeon standing with another figure it is this feeling of growing apprehension that makes this room so notoriously unnerving with many players fleeing from it in sheer Terror [Music] mannequin room Condemned criminal Origins in the fifth level of Bart's department store you'll enter a small room and demonic music begins to play you'll notice at first glance several mannequins standing to The Far Side when you proceed further in a flash of bright light envelops you and the mannequin surrounding the player the moment when the lights turn off leaving you ending up face to face with them encircled by their bodies is enough to make you extremely paranoid the next time you visit a department store what's more the mannequin seem to stalk the player getting closer and closer each time when the player drops down the hole and looks up the mannequins appear in the standing place as if the player imagines them attacking them and the whole ordeal was just a hallucination mirror room Silent Hill 3 in the third floor of the alternate Brook Haven Hospital there is a store room containing a portable bath and a very large mirror against the far wall as soon as you enter the door locks and you are trapped in in what would appear to be a harmless area however in the mirror's reflection the room begins to become enveloped with black tendrils the tendrils soon find the bath and crawl inside its sink spreading out into Heather's side of the mirror into the real world they take over the entire room turning it a dark red Heather is overwhelmed in her reflection ceases movement should you remain in the room for a prolonged period of time the overwhelming psychological effects will eventually kill Heather according to the developer Heather's arestop phobia or the fear of mirrors manifested itself into Silent Hills Brook Haven Hospital the hallway Silent Hill PT PT centers on the player who awakens in a house from which he cannot Escape gate which he can only walk through a continuously looping hallway in the hallway the player finds four doors two of them are respectively the hallways entrance and exit another one is the bathrooms and the last one seems to lead outside though it remains closed at all times apart from being quite messy the place does not seem too odd at First Sight Lisa's ghost haunts the hallway presumably living inside the house before she died and confronts the player several times during the visit of the hallway her presence seems to grow stronger as the player progresses through the various Loops after a certain amount of Loops the hallway gets even more Twisted with red tinted lights and paintings of rotating eyes the baby in the sink also talks with the voice of the man on the radio whenever the bathroom is viewed by a newly uncovered peole a hanging refrigerator filled with blood and a baby screaming is seen in the center of the hall after a long period of time the game will glitch out and an error message page will be displayed the player then restarts again in order to solve the final puzzle the puzzle is optional and can be solved either on early stages of the game or during final Loop unfortunately Silent Hill has officially been cancelled by Konami but there is a game simar called Allison's Road however the hallway from Silent Hill BT claims the spot as the most terrifying room in video [Music] games [Music]
Channel: Tats TopVideos
Views: 1,084,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bathroom - Slender, Gents Restroom - Bioshock, Milla's Secret Room - Psychonauts, Malcolm Betruger's Office - Doom 3, Mannequin Room - Resident Evil 6, Mirror Room - Silent Hill 3, Head Room - Silent Hill 4 The Room, Picture Room - Cry Of Fear, School Classroom - Grey, School Hallway - F.E.A.R. 2, Shade Room - F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, Doll Room - Dark Souls 2, Doll Room - Fatal Frame
Id: 8hwZGRC5-Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2016
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