Top 30 Most Hilarious Friends Bloopers

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that was right welcome to M Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the best takes on friends that never made it into the final product because the cast just couldn't keep a straight face number 30 operation and I brought operation but um I lost the tweezer so we can't operate many of us will remember playing the Operation game when we were kids and feeling that shock every time we made a mistake and the whole thing vibrated obnoxiously however the keyw there is playing the game because in this blooper there is no playing Lisa cudro has only just picked up the box and started her dialogue when the contents inside make a very familiar noise this not only interrupts her line but totally cracks her up and from the sound of it those in the studio audience as well I brought operation but um I lost the um it's making a noise number 29 perfect ARS you'd have to be made of stone to be able to keep a straight face around the wonderfully Funny Jennifer coolage with that said we don't blame Lisa goodro for breaking multiple times when trying to film this scene with her especially given coolage is hilarious accent and impeccable delivery oh I feel like a perfect ARS you know how sometimes things get less funny the more you say them well this isn't one of those those times as kudro just seems to laugh harder with each subsequent take we bet she felt like a well we'll let kulage do the honors I feel like a perfect AR number 28 I think you got it we should caveat this by saying you definitely shouldn't do this to your co-workers this scene has a written joke where Joey Pats down Monica's chest for two long under the guise of her Chef's uniform being on fire what are you doing you're still a tiny bit on fire there oh good you thanks I think you got it Courtney Cox calls for a redo and while leblanc's response is very funny the reason this blooper made the list is Matthew Perry he isn't in the scene at all but that didn't stop him from jumping in on the chest padding action to elicit a smile from Cox and a big laugh from everyone else there still a tiny bit on fire there oh jeez okay thanks [Laughter] okay number 27 wrong name as Ross taught us at his wedding saying the right name isn't always easy however sometimes it isn't scripted that way when Jennifer Aniston said the wrong character name in this scene it would have been very easy to just reset go again and move on well it would have been very easy if you were anyone but Matthew Perry hone I'm sorry okay can we watch Chandler show now please as the funniest guy on set and the resident Class Clown he was never one to let something like this slide especially if he could get a few lap laugh out of it and we'd say he got more than just a few here because sometimes Ross number 26 Grand Canyon self-fulfilling prophecy or psychicness will'll let you be the judge in this scene Monica was supposed to tell Ross that when they were kids he slept through a trip to the Grand Canyon once Courtney Cox messes up her first take though she's sure the line will be cursed from here on out I will this will be five 10 takes and wouldn't you know it that's exactly what happens we have no idea how many tries it actually took but something tells us she was right on with her estimate if the few outtakes are anything to go by when you were little you slept through the G number 25 Chandler's sex face in the version of this scene that made it to air Phoebe starts laughing after seeing Chandler making what Monica refers to as his sex face however the problem with the multiple takes prior to it is that kudra wasn't the only one laughing Perry and David Schwimmer were having some major issues making it through the scene without cracking up oh god chiller's making his sex face Schwimmer is having such a hard time that he at one point asks Perry not to make any face for a moment so he can regain his composure it does not work just for now don't make any faces number 24 Joey carrying coffee when Joey gets a hernia and sees in six he has to delay a visit to the doctor because his health insurance is lapsed the tremendous amount of pain he's in makes even little things like carrying cups of coffee immensely difficult and immensely funny will you grab me a crwler down malblanc sells it beautifully and Matthew Perry can barely hold it together as a hunched over Joey moans and groans his way from counter to couch even LeBlanc has trouble taking himself seriously at some points we're honestly impressed these two ever made it through any scene together let alone this one oh come on number 23 Bamboozled first off if anyone can explain the rules of Bamboozled to us we'd really appreciate it okay now on to the blooper this one took place during the scene where Joey enlists Chandler and Ross to help him practice for an audition to host the aformentioned Bamboozled the moment in question focuses on the contestant introduction and Matthew Perry's having a hard time getting through the description of his fake job I hook up out of work Soviet scientists with Rogue Soviet Nations the Miss after Miss is funny for sure but the perfect cherry on top is after a lot of frustration Perry finally gets it right only for LeBlanc to jump in with his line too early sending Perry literally to his knees well Joey I'm a head hunter I hook up out of work Soviet scientist with Rogue third world Nations excellent oh number 22 the dog or the mime we love Chandler but one aspect of his character we can never get behind is his hatred of dogs even his friends don't understand it when he makes the shocking Revelation in season 7 he gives a frankly silly ultimatum that he probably should have expected the outcome of okay so either the dog goes or I go oh my God in one outtake Matt LeBlanc took things to hysterical Heights with a mimed gag that just kept going this led to a different ultimatum courtesy of Perry where once again we bet the dog comes out on top either the dog goes or the mime goes number 21 Emma babies and young children are often played by sets of twins so they can swap if one needs break or is being uncooperative with that said babies are babies and they're going to make noise as can be seen in the blooper reels of friends last three seasons we can't know for sure exactly which twin is responsible for the blender but it's all so adorable it doesn't even matter do you remember my old boyfriend Mark yeah it's his dad huh in a few different outtakes baby Emma interrupts with laughing or cing and each time the whole scene falls apart these are by far the cutest Friends bloopers just tell Joey that I know she's cute but I really could use some advice number 20 Joey and Chandler come out of the onsuite while a lot of great bloopers come when the cast of a show lose their cool during filming and end up laughing or forgetting their lines others are amazing because we get to see some of the behind the-scenes pranks that the actors like to play [Music] [Applause] in this instance Matthew Perry and Matt LeBlanc made the audience howl with laughter When Ross whed Monica out of a London hotel room and the two emerged from the rooms on Suite with their pants around their ankles W it's [Applause] matter number 19 then speaks one of the plot lines of the Season 2 Episode the one where Old Yeller dies revolves around the fact that Ross feels he's missing out on some of of the most important moments in Ben's life because he's not around fulltime it's Ben and his dad dad well see you know you might as well say it because I told you in one scene he's at Central Park trying to coax Ben into saying Dada the child actor is obviously supposed to stay mom and not actually utter the word in this scene but he's clearly too obedient and says it anyway making the audience briak break out in Oz yeah he's saying Dad number 18 going to town in one of the most devastating episodes for friends fans we learned that Monica and Chandler had secretly been house hunting in the suburb of Westchester and planned to leave their Manhattan apartment you can't move you just you just can't Rachel's right this is where you guys belong when their friends find out they're understandably rattled and considering this episode takes place partway through the final season we can imagine that the cast would be getting pretty wistful you know sometimes when I'm alone in my apartment I I look over here and ch's just going to town on himself but David Schwimmer didn't miss an opportunity to make a joke about watching Chandler going to town on himself through the window number 17 don't do it in this season 7 episode it's revealed that Chandler doesn't like dogs as hard as this is to wrap our heads around it's a reality for him but Joey understands exactly how it's going to look to the rest of the group okay it's um don't do it he yells out don't do it to Chandler when he's about to tell the others about his loathing of Kines but malblanc finds it so hilarious that he can't keep it together he covers his face and laughs then delivers an exaggerated impersonation of himself and the line no way number 16 what the hell happened on that Beach in one of the most memorable storylines in friends history Monica Chandler and Joey are enjoying a walk on the beach when Monica is stung by a jellyfish jellyfish sting no it hurts it hurts it hurts the three of them have to figure out how to alleviate her pain but the embarrassing situation is something they want to keep private what the hell happened on that beach back at Central Perk Ross asks Joey and Chandler what exactly happened at the beach but all three of them have a hard time keeping straight faces through multiple takes someone always cracks up making shooting this scene seem impossible what the hell happened on that beach it's between us and the Sea Ross number 15 Ross won't let her blow in the second season the three girls discover a self-help book called be your own windkeeper which encourages them to practice self-empowerment especially when it comes to the men in their lives how do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow Rachel in particular Embraces the book and uses the lessons from it to assert herself in her relationship with Ross she has to deliver the hilarious line but can't take herself seriously and keeps breaking character and openly laughing how do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow David schwimer as Ross certainly isn't making it any easier for her number 14 nurse Phoebe there's something so great about how meta these bloopers are in season 9 Phoebe needs some money so Joey helps her get a gig as an extra on his soap opera Days of Our Lives if you want I could loan you some money she's supposed to play a nurse but she keeps messing up the scene over and over again in a variety of different ways she carries that trade at the doctor because if she doesn't people [Music] die it seems like actress Lisa kudro has has a lot in common with the character she plays because she repeatedly laughs in the scene within a scene while Joey is trying to give her a pep talk oh [Laughter] no number 13 table tennis when the gang heads to Barbados for Ross's conference it seems like hilarity ensues around every corner Monica's Hair reacts poorly with the humidity on the Caribbean island which makes every scene she's in even funnier H my point her competitive nature takes over when she challenges Mike to Table Tennis but clearly shooting this scene was even harder than the game itself oh with physical comedy like this there's so much that can go wrong including Courtney Cox's inadvertently flipping her paddle across the room and trying to explain the accident in a completely incoherent way that that's like my going the T what number 12 rock paper scissors in the one with the late Thanksgiving Rachel Phoebe Ross and Joey are all late for Monica and Chandler's Thanksgiving dinner and are terrified of the consequences they can't decide who's going to walk in the door first so Rachel suggests a game of rock paper scissors but Joey of course plays by different rules than everyone else I win what the is that when he tries to use fire David Schwimmer cracks a foul mouth joke about it not one to let someone else have the last laugh Mal lablanc retaliates in the next take making this all the funnier I win what is that that's fire you number 11 Ben remembering everyone else's lines Ross's son Ben appeared a lot as a baby and then largely disappeared for stretches of many episodes okay now what is my first line what did we agree okay in season 7 Cole sprous was in the role and clearly did his homework before actually showing up on set what is it you're part oh yeah in a couple of clips from the episodes the one with the truth about London and the one with the holiday armadillo we see Sprout schooling Jennifer anast and David Schwimmer by remembering their lines even when they've forgotten them I know all of his lines number 10 Joey and Ross Napo Die Hard still great yeah after sitting down to yet another screening of Joey's favorite movie Die Hard Joey and Ross accidentally fall asleep and end up cuddling Joey considers it the best nap he's ever had and keeps trying to convince or even trick Ross into napping with him again silly premise yes but watching it unfold still gets us giggling turns out that was the case for Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer to because the actors could barely get through this season 1 scene without breaking no matter how many times they shot it it even came back later in the episode and again resulted in Gail of [Music] laughter number nine a little Double Take can't believe Emma's still asleep I know what are we going to do by the time friends had reached its 10th season the cast had grown very close which means that on occasion they'd poke fun at each other's onset slip UPS I've got a plan I I'm going to ram this platter really hard into your ribs you're going to scream out and that'll wake her up as you can expect two of the biggest players in this game were Matthew Perry and Matt LeBlanc in a season 10 episode where the gang is trapped at Emma's first birthday party because she won't wake up from her nap Courtney Cox accidentally looks straight into the camera lens I can't believe I just looked right at you I'm so sorry I just gave a little do to the camera obviously the boys jump at the opportunity to mock her I can't believe Emma's still asleep I know what are we going to do what follows are a couple of ruined takes and of course some memorable [Laughter] bloopers number eight that was less I did a terrible stupid stupid thing okay and I'm sorry I wish I could take it back but I can't the episode where Ross and Rachel break up is pretty somber to make sure things aren't too dark the other friends keep the comedy flowing all right it's okay it's okay Monica and phoei are attempting to wax their legs and it's more painful than they anticipated their screams attract Chandler and Joey who race into Monica's bedroom in an over-the-top fashion an outtake of this scene sees the boys asked to try it again as they've apparently been told their acting is too big oh God it's okay we're all right go back go back that was L Perry and the Blanc poke fun at this piece of Direction entering the room as sedately as possible on the next take in this case we're fine with the boys sabotaging yet another take for a great blooper what's the matter okay okay that's a print number seven it tastes like feet raspberries more lady fingers than beef sauteed with peas and onions it's Thanksgiving and Rachel's been put in charge of dessert what what was the one right before bananas the beef yeah that was weird to me too unfortunately due to some sticky magazine Pages she mistakenly messes up the recipe oh my God she she made half an English Tri and half a shepherd's pie since Ross and Joey want to spare Rachel's feelings and are dying to leave to hang out with some hot models they decide not to tell her but that means eating the meat pie SL custardy dessert with a straight face oh gone after Ross scarfs his entire piece which is Tough Enough in itself David Schwimmer delivers his next line in such a way that he erupts in laughter it tastes like feet [Laughter] Matt LeBlanc doesn't even notice his co-star is broken and continues eating his pie but ultimately he's unable to fight off the [Applause] giggles number six Rachel and the monkey and I will see you tomorrow tomorrow that's right you're going to spend tomorrow at Aunt Rachel's aren't you early in the show's run Ross gets a Capuchin monkey as a pet and names it Marcel much to the cast's dismay they say never work with children or animals and here's why apparently the monkey who was actually named Katie sometimes had trouble following instructions and disrupted takes now you guys work with animals a lot you had to work early on with a monkey that damn monkey that damn monkey in a Marcel Centric season 1 episode Rachel's babysitting Marcel and trying to explain a soap oper to him now the one in the feather boa that's Dr Francis now she used to be a man but as you can see in the blooper Jennifer Aniston has a difficult time predicting what Katie's going to do this makes for a hilarious and quite frankly adorable outtake that neither we nor Jennifer will likely ever forget okay Ka Katie come here Katie Katie number five Phoebe laughs Lisa's laugh though there's it's so infectious there it's one of those things just forget about it once it starts it's all gone nothing sends the Friends cast into fits of Glee quite like Lisa kudo's infectious laugh in a season 6 episode after Phoebe and Rachel's apartment burns down the girls are arguing over who has to live with Monica and her strict house rules and who gets to have fun at Joey's but once HUD starts laughing for no apparent reason it's hard for her to stop and even harder for the rest of the casting crew to get back on track I can throw wet paper towels here well and Monica's you can eat I'm sorry but this is allowed to happen this begs the question which is funnier the final version of the scene or the blooper filled with endless laughter we'll let you decide no no maybe I just better say the line maybe I can do with you know I can throw wet paper towels here but no okay all right I can do it yes you can ready [Laughter] yeah number four what do I smell oh what do I smell I don't know but it smells good another staple of the friends blooper library is cast members deliberately ruining takes by inserting new and of in Bluer jokes in a season 4 episode where Monica's trying to lure the group over to her new apartment by baking cookies Matt L Blanc decides to add an unexpected line what do I smell sorry well this one word derails the entire scene for takes to come the cast continually cracks up and cannot make it through their lines after watching the series of hilarious bloopers we wonder how they ended up recording the final version at all what I smell number three Joy's fall there's something I never told you Amber I'm actually your half brother what in this season 2 Friends episode Joey's character on Days of Our Lives is written off the show because of an interview Joey did with Soap Opera Digest before it hits the fans Joey excitedly runs into the coffee house to show Phoebe the article check it out check it out check it out check it out oh oh Soap Opera Digest oh that's one of my favorite digests however in one take Matt LeBlanc trips and falls on his way in prompting gut-busting laughter from the cast crew and audience despite Earnest attempts to get the scene right this particular blooper proves difficult to get past to make things funnier Matthew Perry eventually disrupts a clean take by running into the scene that his character isn't even in Fe check it out check it out check it out check it out oh so paper digest number two pivot you can do it you can do it okay you got it good good good yeah you got it right you got it right you got got this classic friend scene finds Ross Chandler and Rachel moving a large couch through a small staircase Ross who's adamant about getting his new couch up to his apartment without hiring a moving crew starts to yell pivot over and over again to direct his friends much to our Amusement pivot pivot pivot pivot p B shut up shut up shut up the finished product is funny enough but the outtakes of this scene are guaranteed hilarity honestly we totally understand how difficult it must have been for the cast to get through this moment it's arguably one of the most iconic and funniest scenes in the entire series and the bloopers are all the funnier pivot pivot peer shut up shut up shut up before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Ross plays the bag pipes remember I'm I'm still learning [Music] it's season 7 and Ross is planning a special surprise for Monica and Chandler's wedding he wants to play the bag pipes well when Ross finally debuts his Newfound Talent the group cannot hold [Music] back though some of the Laughing is left in the final edit of the scene the blooper real this moment is even more riotous especially once Phoebe starts to sing along with Ross's bag pipes you know the song sing [Music] along Jennifer Aniston's the first to go but pretty soon everyone's lost it this scene has everything we're looking for in a friends blooper it's funny it's ridiculous and it reminds us of how much fun this cast must have had on set [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] which of these Friends bloopers gets you rolling on the floor every single time let us know in the comments I have all the colors of emotion do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from M Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 157,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, TV, bamboozled, bloopers, breaking, chandler's sex face, friends, friends bloopers, friends breaking, friends cast breaking, friends emma blooper, friends gags, friends goofs, friends mistakes, gags, goofs, grand canyon, i think you got it, joey carrying coffee, list, mistakes, mojo, msmojo, operation, perfect arse, sitcom bloopers, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, wrong name
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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