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Idi Amin is a machine I'm Cindy from franchisee calm and today we're going to learn 30 useful phrases for beginners but before we start if you'd like to take French lessons with a native French teacher I recommend itoki you'll find a discount from them in the description so we're going to start with greetings and I've taught this before just in case it's your first time on my channel I want to go over them again because it's always the first thing you say to people when you meet them so it's very important to know these so if you want to say hello good morning or good afternoon say Boone rule bull rule you can say booth rule before about 5 p.m. so repeat boom rule after 5 p.m. so if you want to say hello or good evening you need to say bonsoir boom soir repeat bonsoir bonsoir Monsieur you cannot le veau Georgie to wish someone good night c'est bonne nuit bonne nuit and remember the final T is silent because in French most final consonants are silent so bonne nuit not one neat and if you're leaving there are three main ways you can say goodbye all of what is the most common au revoir French people often omit the e and just say au voir so you can say that as well if you prefer ov wha if you plan on seeing that person again you can say ah en - a bientot this means see you soon ah Beato and again notice that the final T is silent and the last one is a little bit more familiar is something you would say to friends because you're very likely to see them again I'll apportion ah la portion you next time so repeat our portion I'll a potion so note here that a and I are pronounced like AI in the English word said so the letters AI when they occur together in French they usually pronounced like a ah la portion okay good if you're meeting someone for the first time you might want to tell them what your name is to do so say your Mac bell and then your name room at Bell Cindy my name is Cindy didn't you know je m'appelle literally means I call myself which sounds very weird in English but it's worth remembering so that you can actually recall that you need to say je m'appelle and not know which would be the literal translation of my name is so to give your name use room a pen you don't translate my name is literally into French because that's not how French people speak to say how old you are you need to use the verb of work in French not the verb ed so literally you need to use I have you know so many years not I am like you would in English so to say your age say je followed by your age and then Oh for example Jay taught Oh Jade hunter I'm 30 so just for fun let me know in the comments below in French how old you are I'm interested in knowing how old people that watch my lessons are I think that'd be quite interesting to see the range of different ages so remember if you need to give your age in French use the verb of wha and not add like you would in English je not risky and also whilst in English you can say for example I'm 10 or I'm 15 and not actually say years old in French you always need to say oh you can't just say J taunt that doesn't make sense in French they'd be like you've got 30 what so we've seen that J means I have normally except in I am so many years old so you can put a noun after J to say what you have for example J and Shin je-yoon sir J and fair J amazing brush I don't know whatever you want J means I have and to say I am use rush me je suis and of course you can put any kind of objectives to say something about yourself after Jessie for example just be fatigued a risky fatigue e I'm tired oh just read watch yeah I'm right-handed just read white yeah Oh even Russia cell about their history cell you better I'm single Russian mafia I'm married you can even use history to say what you do for living just visa fee of me air history is mmm yeah I'm a nurse now remember that when you say what you do for living in French you don't put up between 3 and your job title raised in English you would you would say I am a nurse but in French you just say Russia Sofia when a word starts with a vowel after 3 we make the liaison so we technically do pronounce the final consonant in some cases when the following word starts with a vowel that's called making the liaison which you can learn more about by clicking on the info card that will pop up some light on your screen because I've made a fair few lessons on them so if you're interested just check them out so use just 3 to say something about yourself another way you can use Juicery is to agree or disagree with someone just you that girl I agree yes she that girl and of course you can use this sentence in the negative using no but to say I don't agree junus Apotheker I don't agree if you just say Dekker it means okay and you can also use Decker on its own to say okay French people also use okay or with a French accent okay but that's considered more familiar and of course you can also use just three to apologize just read easily just three dizzily I'm sorry just read easily a perfect play I'm sorry I didn't do this on purpose to apologize you can also use excuse my which means excuse me excuse my excuse Emma is used when you're talking to several people at once or when you're talking to an adult you don't know very well if you're talking to your child a family member or a friend just say excuse moi excuse moi so what do you say if someone talks to you and you really haven't got a clue what they're saying in that case you can say you know but you know come papa I don't understand repeat no papa Junior come papa you can also ask them to speak more slowly family more of it s'il vous plait family move it s'il vous plait speak more slowly please if you want to know the meaning of the word you can say could the D and then put the word there that you want to know the meaning of so for example cover dear mizzen what does mizzen mean it means house by the way so cover the mizzen what does mizzle mean has quite handy to know this one because quite often whether you're beginner or even intermediate intermediate level you're gonna have words that come up that you haven't heard before but you understand most of the sentence just that word makes it like ambiguous as to what the sentence could mean so then you can just ask what it means and then you get the full picture so good the deer follow it by the word you want to know the meaning of what does the word mean and if you don't know something then you want to say you know say pop you know say baa and notice at the final s is silent like they normally are in French now if you hear French people speaking they're very likely to just say Jean SEPA or your zipper or even shipper because they'll be lazy with their language use but let's be honest English speakers are - don't know it's just the same shipper don't know it sure the zipper I do not know Jean zipper I don't know so take your pick but the most formal way and the most correct way of saying I don't know in French is sure no zipper if someone speaks to you in French and you want to tell them that you don't speak French what you say sure no doubt pas francais Junu Paulo pop can say I don't speak French and have you noticed how we turn sentences negative in French we use no before the verb and pas after it you know parle pas francais I don't speak French and if you'd like to try and switch the conversation to English you can ask person parlez-vous anglais parlez-vous anglais do you speak English so when you're meeting someone after greeting them as we've seen in at the beginning of this lesson you usually want to ask them how they are to do so you can ask comment allez-vous come on telugu how are you you would use this phrase again if you're talking to several people at once or if you're talking to an adult you don't know very well if you're just talking to one person and you know that person very well or if you're talking to a child whether you know them or not you can ask them come now that you come on the chew repeat come out that you and one of the most common answers to that is reverb young Missy Giove bein messy I'm fine thank you of course you could always say server but server is more familiar and if you're in pain so for example if you go to the doctor and you need to tell them where it hurts you say Jai mal up or gee Mel Oh followed by the name of the place which hurts you would normally use GML up if the place that's hurting is feminine for example jemelle la tete I have a headache and you would use Jai mal Oh if the place that's hurting is masculine for example Gmail or not Gmail Oh what I have a stomachache if you don't know what what I was hurting is cold you can just use easy which means here Gmail EC is hurting here when someone asks you if you want something you can either say yes please Oh No thank you yes please is we simple play or we filter play and no thank you is no mercy no mercy so whether you need to use sill to play or see you play again depends on who you're talking to so if you're again talking to just one person and that person is someone you know very well or is a child then you would use sill to play and if that person is someone you don't know well oh if you're talking to a group of people then you would use s'il vous plait we seem to play or we single-plane to say there is oh there are in French you use Alya so whether you saying there is in a singular or there are in the plural in French you do use Ilya for bodies for example Ilya Kalka duo in your kalkandu oh there is someone outside Oh Ilya de Fleur de muchacha de there are flowers in my garden so to say there is or there are no matter which one you mean just use ill e Ilya another two phrases that are useful to know are beyond suh byung-soo of course and put that put that maybe so repeat Beyonc you of course put that may be so I hope you found these phrases useful and remember tell me in the comments below in French how old you are I'm just checking you actually watched it and remember it now just kidding this is the end of the lesson thank you very much for watching and a very special thanks to my patrons as well without whom this channel would simply not be the same please check out my patreon page Facebook Twitter and Instagram as well I'll see you there bye a bientot
Channel: Learn French With Frencheezi
Views: 249,569
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Keywords: french for beginners, french lessons, french lessons for beginners, french phrases, french phrases for beginners, french beginner, learn french, french teacher, french class, learning french, speak french, french school, french accent, learn french online, learn french for free, free french lessons, basic french phrases, common french phrases, top french phrases, essential french phrases
Id: V96wrSZFzCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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