Top French Phrases for Travel you NEED to Know 🇫🇷[French for Beginners] 📚FREE Cheat-Sheet

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[Music] traveling to France or one of the other 28 french-speaking countries around the world parfait if you could only learn 10 of French phrases for trouble what would they be stick around because that's what I'll be sharing with you today bonjour je m'appelle michelle is just to read the interpret guide over here dear boy Yosh a caramel apple along now I want to know which 10 of French phrases would be the most useful to learn for your troubles well when you only have a limited amount of time before your trip and you want to learn some French basics it's hard to know where to begin now here my top 10 essential French travel phrases that you need to know before your trip and how to use them the best part you can use these French phrases over and over again and in almost any travel situation you find yourself in oh and PS make sure you watch to the end of this video for a special announcement so let's get started come on so the first French phrase is bozo and this means hello now since you'll be meeting people everywhere you go from the hotel staff to ticket sellers at a museum it's important to know how to greet people correctly now you'll be doing this everywhere you go and multiple times throughout the day so Bonjour literally means a good day but it is used to mean a mixer up a mixture of over hello good day or good morning and is especially used when you don't know a person very well and you want to show respect another way to say hello is with salut now this is reserved mainly for friends and family now an easy way to remember sell you is by thinking of the expression greetings and salutations can you see the salutations has the word salut in the beginning now let's hear and natives say these two greetings Bonjour Bonjour salut salut the second phrase to learn in French is au revoir now this means our goodbyes or quite literally it means to the seeing again but you may have heard of the term idea which also means goodbye but this is what used when you are leaving someone for a very long time and if you are unsure when you might see them again and off why is used when you leave someone that you might probably see again and soon now since you're traveling and you may in fact never see most people again it's still more appropriate to use or have one now let's hear a native francophone or a native French speaker say this phrase again au revoir Allah the third essential French phrase for travelers is an FC which means thank you now FC derives from Latin and originally meant wages fear or price however the modern use of Mercy comes from the old French meaning of the word mass it which means reward gift kindness grace and pity now the old French meaning of the word mercy is where the English word mercy derives from now being polite and saying thank you is super important so you can see it now see two away to when they handle your meal or maxi wear off while when you're leaving a store now when you say maxi in return you a most likely healy expression Dehlia or is your views on clay now both of which mean you're welcome now if you're feeling extra grateful you can also add the word book who afterwards a book who literally means a lot so maxi book who means thank you very much so let's hear and natives say that phrase again merci beaucoup merci beaucoup the fourth essential French phrase for travelers is we and not which mean yes and no respectively now we and nor can not only be used in binary yes/no situations but you can use it when you're substituting in different phrases or vocabulary that you don't know how to say for example if you're ordering a cross on or a croissant in a bullet or a or bakery at that point that you point to something through the glass and the assistant might confirm by pointing and sort of confirming you can say we Maxie or not and try again the French nor is pronounced with rounded lips that stay open it's not like the English know where the lips sort of come narrower towards the end of the word so it's not as opposed to know now let's hear a native French speaker say those two words again we we know not v essential French phrase for travellers is excuse my and pardon both of which mean excuse me now technically yes I'm giving you two phrases here but the problem is is that in French there are two different ways to say excuse me and knowing which one to use it depends on the context the difference between pardon and excuse my is that pardon implies that you're just asking for forgiveness while excuse moi is often but not always comes with the idea of needing to get someone's attention and you can also use pardon if you haven't understood someone or you haven't heard what they've said and in this case is simply raised the tone of your voice to make it sound like a question so let's hear a native speakers say those two phrases again excuse them wha excuse my pardon pardon the sixth essential French phrase for travelers is combien circuit which means how much does it cost and the most common reply to this is Sai couped which means it costs now this phrase is great to use when you're buying tickets or going shopping especially in markets where you can get a bargain or ask for a discount and you don't even have to learn how to count either they would tell you or point to a sign alternatively you can gesture with your hand and with a writing motion so they can write it down and if it's too expensive you can just say not Murph C and then walk away and then maybe you can start to bargain that way now let's hear a native French speaker say that phrase again cumbias a good communist I put sach good salute the seventh essential French phrase for travel is college of her layer which means how do I get to now if you're near the directions this phrase is great to ask someone especially if you're on the street and you're a little bit lost now you can say excuse my madam or excuse me my Monsieur the commo super are they are and then use your tourist map or whatever you have from your accommodation and point to where you want to go on the map preferably using the French pronunciation so say for example the Eiffel Tower is pronounced left or if fell now while you may not understand all of the directions that you receive the person can at least point you in the right direction then if along the way you need more help you can just stop and ask the person again excuse my composure / lar if you want to avoid asking for directions all together I highly recommend using Google Maps to download ahead of time the place where you're visiting so it's available offline on your phone and without Wi-Fi now naturally if you're from within the European Union roaming is free you can use Google Maps anyway but if you're not this is a handy travel tip now let's hear a French speaker say those phrases again como le ha Komatsu Talia viii essential French phrase for travelers is used to twelve the toilet which means where are the toilets now when mother nature calls you don't want to rely on I mean to communicate what you want or what you need how would you even do that hold your private parts save yourself the embarrassment and learn at this phrase now let's hear and Navy speakers say that phrase again also to Villa toilette who sort of live on it the ninth essential French phrase for travel is a gem ahoy which means I would like now this is perhaps the most versatile phrase that you can learn and you can say things like is llamo hey and then point to a baguette if that's what you're after followed by nasi which is a nice substitute for saying please they don't also have to learn another phrase or say Jamel hey and point to a menu item in the restaurant or is young male and hold up two fingers when you're purchasing tickets at a museum now it is broken French I give you that but it shows that you're making an effort and that will always be appreciated general here is Emma thing the 10th essential French phrase for travel is chin chin or Sante which means Cheers now if you find yourself hanging out with the locals in a bar or a club knowing how to see Cheers is a great way to bond with the locals and build a friendship santé it literally means health while chin chin is a linguistic relic of the British Empire which comes from the 18th century Chinese chin chin meaning please please so let's hear a native speaker say those two phrases again something-something chin chin chin chin so there we have it my top 10 essential French trouble phrases that you need to know and how to use them but before you go at the side of the video I mentioned that I've got a special announcement now do you have a trip coming up to France or any of the other 28 french-speaking countries around the world and you want to step-by-step guide to learn French specifically for travel that's realistic well then my French course is for you it's called a master French for travel fast and it is my new step-by-step program that shows you how to learn and speak French confidently so you can avoid the tourist trap so you can connect with the locals and you can enjoy an authentic French vacation of a lifetime if for a limited time only I've also included some pretty awesome special bonuses too one of which includes direct coaching from me now for more details about those bonuses and to enroll in my travel French course just click on the link in the description below and you get all the details and if you have any questions about the course or about these top ten at French phrases just let me know in the comments and I'll get back to you in the meantime hit that like button subscribe to my channel at turn on the certifications and you'll get an alert when I post more videos like these in the future and if you want to receive exclusive language learning tips to your inbox make sure that you click on the link in the description below and sign up until next time thank you for watching Missy err bon voyage [Music]
Channel: The Intrepid Guide
Views: 208,477
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Keywords: french phrases for beginners, french phrases for travel, travel french phrases, french phrases for travellers, top french phrases to learn, top french phrases to know, travel french, travel phrases in french, learn french for beginners, language learning, learning french for beginners, learning french for travel, french phrases, french language, learn french, french for beginners, french phrases for conversation, french phrases to know, learn french beginners
Id: 0qIJ5dQ-LYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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