Quel est votre niveau de français ?

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A few years ago, when I was giving courses at the French Institute in Warsaw I realized that people were struggling to assess their level They were conversation lessons so there was no placement test before starting So, I often found myself with intermediate students in advanced groups and advanced students in intermediate groups to be more specific, I had B2 students in C1 groups and vice versa If you don't understand anything to these stories of B1, C2, etc. Do not worry, I will explain all this to you And above all, you will see that finally know your level, maybe it's not the most important Man has always loved to measure things but with the Industrial Revolution, it became a real passion As the factory owners wanted to know exactly how many pins their workers could make in one day they started measuring productivity And now productivity, it's something we find In all areas both in school and in sport or household chores To be successful in life, you have to be pro-du-ctive both at work and at home And if something is not measurable or measured then it is useless So obviously, languages ​​are no exception to the rule What's the point of taking French lessons if you can't measure precisely his progress and level? Well, nothing! That's why in Europe, since 2001 we have the Common European Framework of Reference for languages It is composed of 6 levels A1-A2 which are beginners levels B1-B2 for intermediaries and C1-C2 advanced And the good thing is that you are told what you should be able to do at the end of each level in other words what new skills you must have We start at level A1 There, it's really to learn the basics It’s about 60 hours French lessons Ah yes, I give you an estimate the number of hours but don't take it by the foot of the letter (in other words, don't take it in the 1st degree, without trying to understand) This estimate is mainly to help language schools to fix the number courses So after level A1 you should be able for example politeness formulas etc. and ask questions of the style: "where do you come from ?" “What do you do for a living?” Basically, with this level, you can buy a croissant in a bakery and ask for direction of the Louvre Museum but are not sure yet to be able to understand the answer At level A2, we deepen all that Except that it's longer approximately 180 hours of learning Once you have completed level A2 you are able to So after level A2, you can have mini conversations of a few sentences on subjects of daily life if your contact is friendly and patient Then we go to the intermediate level begining with... B1 Again, that represents around 180 hours of lessons By finishing level B1, you get these super powers like work, school, hobbies, etc. Anyway, there you can talk about your weekend or the last movie you saw but not yet global warming Besides, if you want to get French nationality for example if you marry a French or a French we ask you to have oral level B1 (therefore oral comprehension and expression) There is a special test called TCF French knowledge test After that we have the level ... B2, well done! It’s the same, it takes about 180 hours And at level B2, you are considered as “advanced intermediary” It means that you are able to without it requiring an effort of adaptation that's good because in general, the French make no effort to adapt their way of speaking Anyway, B2, we often consider that this is the level that you are able to speak fluently Course you still make mistakes and you can't understand the items of the whole world without dictionary but you are autonomous and you are rather comfortable when you speak french There, you may believe that you have does the hardest but no We arrive at the levels of improvement total control C1 and C2 I will not go into details but in theory you need 240 hours to complete the C1 and 250 hours for C2 After that, not only do you speak better French that the French you understand the programs of France culture on existentialism but you are also able to write a thesis in quantum physics The advantage of this system is that it is recognized in most European countries So if you need to justify your level of French for a university exchange or a position in a company you can take an exam in a French Institute or a French Alliance and you get official proof It's an exam called DELF There you will be tested on 4 skills listening comprehension written comprehension oral and written expression But imagine that you succeed DELF B2 does that necessarily mean that do you speak french fluently? In general, no Already, to pass DELF, you must not only have a good level of French but also be well prepared the specifics of the different events Each exercise has very specific instructions and format with a number of words not to be exceeded for tests for example So if you don't train to do this kind of exercises chances are that you miss the exam Then you may fall on somewhat bizarre themes For example, in a DELF B2 exam there was this topic for written expression Okay, just write 250 words but personally, it's not a subject that would inspire me a lot And then a test, it only measures your level at a time T I know people who lose all their means they are so stressed the day of an exam Ah yes, “losing your means” means that we lose our abilities in certain contexts for example if you are very stressed And even without going into this genre extreme cases it is enough that you slept badly the day before or you are a little sick and there too, it will influence your result In short, except if you need an official proof of your level or it motivates you to prepare you for an exam i don't think it's really worth it to assess his level like that So in the end, how do you know what level do we have? I think we need to change our perspective In high school and during my studies, I was pretty good in languages Finally, what I mean is that I had good grades English and Spanish exams I was writing essays using words like “First and foremost” or “Nevertheless” But the day I tried to have my first conversation with a native I remember it very well, it was in a youth hostel in Glasgow with an Australian well it was a real disaster I was unable to say the most basic things like asking him since when he was there, what plans he had Really very simple things but at the time, I felt to be a real beginner I was completely blocked My ego took a hit but a little later, thinking back I understood something very important I understood that at school, we only assess a certain type of skill And be able to write essays on the commercial exchanges between Europe and China it's not very useful when you just want to have a nice conversation in a pub After that, I started to travel more often and to meet more and more foreigners This is how I really learned to speak english Paradoxically, today, I may be more able to write the kind of essays that I did before However, I can spend whole evenings to speak English with foreigners and have fun without having the slightest blockage What I'm trying to tell you with this anecdote instead of wondering if we are at level B2 or C1 it is better to think in terms of objectives and skills If you learn French to speak with French speakers start now Take conversation lessons, even if it scares you even if you feel to be still a beginner If you learn French to read novels, it's the same Start with specially written novels for learners Don't wait to do it otherwise you will waste time and opportunities to train Really, don't be afraid start today at practice the skills that are important for you not the ones that were chosen by language schools to pass an exam And one last thing before I finish it's okay to have days with and days without There are days when we are in good shape, where we have self-confidence where everything seems easy We say this is it, we speak fluently And then the next day, on the contrary, we can't express our ideas we make a lot of mistakes one has the impression of having fallen at the beginner level I know that, I went there too And it still happens to me regularly with my polish But it's part of learning and you have to accept it The more you advance, the less there will be “without” days And even when you have “no” days you will be able to get across your ideas because over time you will have acquired sufficiently solid foundations Here, if you liked this video, do not hesitate to like it It helps me to publicize chain And then tell me in the comments what objective do you have regarding your french Thank you and see you soon !
Channel: innerFrench
Views: 1,455,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn French, apprendre le français, niveau de français, level of French, French test, DELF, DALF, CECR
Id: B9rVdOLWsak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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