Top 30 Actor Injuries You ACTUALLY See in the Movie

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then I see all my hand the the the the skin pale welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the worst injuries that you can actually see on camera I mean vgo actually feeling that pain he actually turned that into performance number 30 the famous head Bonk Star Wars Episode 4 a new hope they're madman they're heading for the prison level if you hurry you might catch them all right we're stretching the concept of injury a bit but come on this is an iconic movie mistake that needs a spot on the list you all know the story a group of Stormtroopers is walking into a room when one of them Bonks their head on the door this was a famous Gaff in the Star Wars fandom before it became more commonplace in the early 2000s the Goof is referenced an attack of the Clones when D Jango Fett bumps his head on the door and in the 2004 re-release a very noticeable bonking noise was added to the scene to this day no one really knows who played that specific Stormtrooper but whoever they are they are an iconic piece of movie history number 29 George Clooney syriana and I fell over and I tore my spine my Dura in two places you know about an inch and a half in one and you a half an inch in the other and all the spinal fluid goes out we go from a head Bonk to a head smack and a funny goof to a horrifying injury George Clooney earned an Oscar for his performance in syriana but it was a small consolation for months of physical and mental anguish Clooney's character Bob Barnes is being interrogated when he falls backwards and hits his head on the floor this bone crunching smack was real and according to Clooney he quote immediately knew how serious it was your brain sinks in your head and it's attached to all these nerve endies and it's really unbearably painful and you have to lay down and you can't get up and it's I thought I had a stroke honestly he began suffering from debilitating headaches and checked himself into a hospital where it was discovered that he had torn his Dura and was leaking spinal fluid the pain was so un bearable that Clooney considered taking his own life but operations fixed the injury and the pain eventually subsided number 28 Ben Affleck Dazed and Confused nice try freshman tell you what just for being such Brave little kids I'm only going to give is five licks okay in 1993 a then unknown Ben Affleck starred as bad guy Fred oan in Dazed and Confused Fred takes incredible Glee in tormenting the younger students but the kids get their Revenge when they douse Fred in white paint frustrated and embarrassed Fred throws a tantrum before climbing into his car and driving off if you look closely you can see Affleck roll his ankle just as he slams The Bat into the ground damn it some sources claim that he merely twisted his ankle While others say he broke it completely whatever the case it sure looks nasty and we have to commend him for keeping the scene going number 27 PJ Souls Carrie wipe that smirk off your face Norma Brian D's Carry has one of the most famous and terrifying climaxes in horror movie history Carrie White finally snaps after a continued string of abuse and torment causing her to go on a deadly Rampage during the infamous prom sequence Norma is blasted directly in the face by a fire hose a fire chief who was on set warned dama against the stunt telling him that it was incredibly dangerous they went through with it anyway and it cost PJ Souls an eardrum the stream of water clearly hit souls in the here and she reportedly blacked out from the pain after a visit to the emergency department she was told that her eardrum had been ruptured number 26 John Russo The Godfather my sister again I'll kill you James Khan's Sunny Corleone is arguably the most rash and violent character in The Godfather and when he learns that his brother-in-law has been abusive towards Connie he makes a rather chaotic visit to sort the problem out GI johnie Russo claims that he and Khan did not get along while filming which may have led to Khan being a little more forceful than he would have liked while filming the fight sequence Khan actually made contact on more than one occasion chipping Russo's elbow and breaking two of his ribs in Russo's own words quote Jimmy got a little aggressive that looked pretty painful it's called committing to the part number 25 Robert Mitchum Cape Fear hello counselor remember me Baltimore 8 years 4 months and 13 days ago both The Godfather and Cape Fear prove that faking fights is not so easy in this Classic 60s Thriller Max Katy is released from prison and begins stalking the lawyer who helped put him away during the climax of the film both men fight on a riverbank and this fight was actually performed by actors Gregory peek and Robert Mitchum while filming the fight peek accidentally hit Mitchum for real but the actor never let on and continued the scene without incident luckily Mitchum was not seriously hurt but he claimed that it was a very painful hit that left him sore for a few days going to take good care of you going to nurse you back to health number 24 Harold sakata Goldfinger oh you must excuse OD job Mr Bond he's an admirable man servant but mute he's not a very good CAD odd job is one of the most iconic villains in the James Bond franchise known mainly for his steel rimmed hat that has the power to decapitate statues Bond faces odd job in hand-to-hand combat and gets his butt totally kicked however Bond eventually uses the henchman steel hat against him and electrocutes odd job with a loose [Music] [Applause] wire if odd job scream of pain sounds a little too real that's probably because it was sakata seriously burned his hand while filming the scene but he refused to let go of the Hat prop until the director called cut now that is one tough dude then again he was a professional wrestler number 23 ski allrich scream Billy what are you doing here well it occurred to me that I've never snuck through your bedroom window ski allrich is one of the few people who can claim with certainty that they have been stabbed by an umbrella during the movie's famous finale Sydney dons the ghost face mask and stabs Billy multiple times with the tip of an umbrella all rich was wearing a protective vest underneath his shirt but that little bit of health and safety did not amount to much the stunt woman underneath the ghost face mask missed her Mark and stabbed all rich for real resulting in a very genuine scream of pain accidentally accident was accidental like Stu he was probably feeling a little woozy after that one number 22 Jim Carrey Liar Liar think think think OE Jim Carrey is at his manic best as FL Fletcher Reed a lawyer who is cursed with the inability to lie in a desperate attempt to prolong his case Fletcher heads to the bathroom and beats himself up hoping that the injuries will be caused for delay according to Carrie elwis most of this scene was improvised by Carrie and he performed all his own stunts furthermore no sound effects were used in the scene all of those Bonks and slams were 100% genuine the marks and welts on his face are likely just makeup but that doesn't negate the fact that Carrie put his body on the line for this hilarious sequence what the hell are you doing I'm kicking my ass demon number 21 kicked by a horse The Last Samurai we will show you no quarter you ride against us and you are the same as they are I'll look for you on the field give this guy the extra of the Year award because he definitely deserves it Edward zwick's epic takes place in the late 19th century with Tom Cruz playing a civil war veteran who becomes embroiled in a Japanese rebellion in one scene Cruz rides up to a group of soldiers and Dismounts in front of a particularly unlucky extra the horse that Cruz was riding kicks out and hits the extra making contact with a particularly sensitive body part the guy Keels over in pain but amazingly remains standing did they hire an actual Samurai for this scene because that is one tough and disciplined dude Captain God speed number 20 Tom Cruz Mission Impossible Fallout at this point we're starting to think that Tom Cruz has been replaced with a stunt performing robot he's inhuman Fallout the sixth installment in the mission impossible franchise contains a shot in which cruises Ethan Hunt jumps between two buildings hunt slams into the second building pulls himself up with a clear Grimace of pain and slowly hobbles off screen it's a great realistic detail and that that's because Tom Cruz was actually in a lot of pain so he jumps that speed that momentum here we go look and now watch that watch this Cruz performed the stunt himself and broke his ankle upon impact with the building rather than calling for a cut Cruz pulled himself up and finished the scene 7 weeks and $80 million later he was back at work good as new here is why here is why Tom Cruz gets paid the big bucks okay number 19 Fred a stair follow the fleet injuries and dancing go together like peanut butter and jelly don't be funny follow the fleet was the fifth collaboration between iconic dancing Duo Fred a stair and Ginger Rogers and one of the movies musical numbers required Rogers to wear a beaded gown during the very first take of the long shot a stair was smacked across the face with a sleeve of heavy beads leaving him quote somewhat maimed his words not ours he continued the rest of the dance in a days and asked for another take believing that his injury had affected his performance and while more takes were eventually performed it was the first that ended up in the movie Beed sleeve slaps and all number 18 Jake Gyllenhaal Nightcrawler good morning everyone thanks for joining us I'm Pat Harvey Jake Gyllenhaal committed to the role of Lou bloom a criminal turned crime scene videographer Bloom is not quite right mentally and it shows when his frustrations finally come to a head in this scene he's lost out on an important story to a competitor and he's clearly stressed and angry he takes that anger out on his bathroom mirror screaming at it shaking it and eventually slamming it shut breaking it if the scene looks a bit too real that's because gyllen Hall got really into it and smashed the Mirror by accident slicing through his thumb in the process you want to see it it's gross oh I do want to see it super gross it looks yeah cuz I know it just wow that's quite a how many stitches did you get he apparently needed upwards of 40 stitches but the shot of the mirror breaking was left in the final version of Nightcrawler number 17 Ellen bursten The Exorcist in one of the most famous scenes of The Exorcist a possessed Reagan assaults her mother Chris and slaps her across the room resulting in Chris screaming in distress it wasn't acting that's the scream of a back injury that's caused lifelong pain to film the sequence a stman was needed to forcefully pull actress Ellen Burston onto her back using a wire Billy said to him okay don't pull her so hard but as I turned away I felt them exchange a look Burston told director William friedkin that the stman was pulling too hard and that she feared for her safety but fredkin didn't listen on the next take bursten injured her back and screamed in pain which is the take you see in the movie The injury wasn't debilitating but it did leave Bon with a life time of back discomfort because I couldn't stand that he was willing to just get a quick shot of it before they called the ambulance you know number 16 Diane Krueger in glorious bastards puffy in a tale of nazzi killing bastards things are bound to get dangerous even for the actors involved German movie star Bridget Von hamers Mark played by Diane Krueger is actually a spy for the good guys something that doesn't go over too well with Kristoff waltz's Nazi Colonel Hans land vo what's that American expression if the shoe fits you must wear it when the Jew Hunter confirms his theory he lunges at Miss Von Hammer's Mark and chokes the life right out of her it seems like Krueger's acting here is on point but the truth is she actually can't breathe because of the scene's importance the danger involved and the fact that he had a very specific ific vision in mind Quenton Tarantino himself strangled Krueger with his hands used in the closeups number 15 Harrison Ford The Fugitive Harrison Ford is one of those actors who doesn't let a mere limp hold him down you find this man you find this man and if that means his character walks with a limp throughout the movie then his character walks with a limp throughout the [Music] movie while filming a scene in the woods Ford tore some of the ligaments in his leg while this should be caused for surgery recovery and significant filming delays Ford simply soldiered through and refused to treat his [Music] injury and owing to the fact that Ford was filming with torn ligaments his character Dr Richard Kimble can be seen limping throughout much of the movie he's clearly taking the phrase walk it off to Heart number 14 Jim cavel The Passion of the Christ playing Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson's biblical Opus sounds like the role of a lifetime and that role went to Jim cavel unfortunately cisel went through absolute torture while filming the movie he suffered migraines from his swollen eye makeup incurred a lung infection and pneumonia dislocated his shoulder while carrying the 150 lb cross and was even struck by lightning while filming The Sermon on the Mount sequence during the lashing scene cisel was accidentally whipped across the back on two separate occasions a pain he described as quote so horrific that you can't get air well suppose that's one way to get a great reaction shot number 13 darl Hannah Blade Runner you forgot your bag she may be playing an Android but Daryl Hannah is still very much a human a fact she proved on the set of Blade Runner Hannah plays basic pleasure model pris and in one scene she encounters genetic designer JF Sebastian in a rainy Alleyway she's surprised and scared so she bolts but as she's running away she slips and breaks a car window hey this was in fact not scripted Hannah actually slipped on the wet pavement and her arm actually went through a real glass window but she managed to stay in character for the rest of the scene that's even more impressive when you find out she chipped her l elbow in eight places I'm lost don't worry I won't hurt you number 12 Michael J fox Back to the Future Part three Michael J fox came a little too close to feeling like a condemned Outlaw You Better Run squirrel when Marty McFly arrives in 1885 he is pretty much immediately hanged by Mad Dog Tannon While most of the wide shots were performed by a stuntman we do get a brief shot of fox clear really struggling for breath that's because he was Fox had offered to film the sequence without a box to make it look more realistic unfortunately he mishandled The Noose and ended up actually hanging himself the crew believed he was giving the performance of his career when in actuality he was just dying in front of everyone Fox ended up passing out in the news and that's when director Robert zamus realized he wasn't acting but it's good to see you Marty number 11 Martin Sheen Apocalypse Now each time I looked around the walls moved in a little tighter to introduce us to Captain Benjamin Willard Martin Sheen shambles around his Saigon hotel room drunk as a skunk Sheen decided to go very method with this one which is a fancy way of saying he was actually drunk when they filmed this scene that's probably why he thought it' be a good idea for him to punch a mirror of course as this list proves it's hard to break a mirror and not cut yourself and Sheen indeed did slice open his hand in the process but he kept going rolling over his bed and smearing his blood all over the sheets and his face and ultimately ending the scene bloody drunk naked and sobbing hey buddy you going to shut the door number 10 sha Bean Patriot Games you bastards the climax of patriot gam sees Harrison Ford's Jack and sha beans's Shawn fighting on a speed boat while filming the sequence Ford was instructed to mime pushing a boat hook up into Bean's face either Ford pushed a little too hard or Bean was a little too close because the boat hook actually slammed into Bean's face and knocked him backwards the accident left Bean with several stitches and a distinctive scar over his left eye at least he has a cool story to tell people when they ask who else can say they've been hit with a boat Hook by Harrison Ford it was rage pure rage number nine James Franco Pineapple Express I thought hurricane season was over oh I'm sorry one of James Franco's most popular roles is that of Saul silver in the stoner comedy Pineapple Express in one of the movie's funnier sequences Saul thinks he sees something in the woods causing him and Dale to run away in abject Terror while running Dale trips and falls onto a rock while Saul runs headlong into a tree Franco did the stunt himself and hit a safety pad that had been screwed onto the trunk ironically the screw head was jutting out of the safety pad and Franco ran straight into it fun fact the gray headband that Saul wears throughout the movie was used to hide Franco stitches number eight Channing Tatum Fox catcher best of three Mark could get it back when he was playing Olympic wrestler Mark Schulz Channing Tatum tried to be as authentic as possible and in this case that meant destroying a mirror with his face by this point in the film Schulz is feeling the mental strain after losing an important match he Paces around his hotel room hitting himself angrily and crying the most intense moment comes when he stands in front of a mirror and proceeds to smash it with his head three times shattering it and cutting his forehead though he was actually bleeding and came within inches of hitting a a stud in the wall Tatum finished the scene beautifully and he claims not to remember filming this at all number seven Steve Carell The 40-Year-Old Virgin see that whole Teen Wolf thing you got going right there just need to wax that right out this chest waxing sequence is now iconic and part of the magic stems from its realism you wanting the scene to look as true to life not to mention as funny as possible Steve Carell decided to bite the bullet and actually get his chest waxed you sh oh I hate you I hate you his clear hesitance and screams of pain are all real as is Paul Rudd and Seth Rogan's laughing by the end of the waxing Andy has tears in his eyes and blood spots adorning his chest that is not makeup nor a great bit of acting from Carell Noy clar those are very real tears and very real blood spots we thank Carell for putting his body and comfort on the line just for our comedic enjoyment oh not the nipple come not the nipple not the nipple number six Sylvester Stallone Rocky four I must break you this is widely considered to be the goofiest movie in the Rocky franchise but it has an amazing final fight between Rocky and Ivan Drago Rock to make the fight appear more authentic and brutal Stallone asked Dolph Lunden to punch him for real he took three straight takes of the powerful body shots before he felt a burning sensation in his chest Stallone proceeded to ignore the discomfort until his blood pressure shot up to 260 and he had trouble breathing he was subsequently flown to a hospital and spent time in the ICU where he learned that his heart had slammed against his breast bone and begun to swell number five Carrie Elis The Princess Bride we did it [Music] no is that so terrible The Princess Bride is a Fantastical fairy tale filled with swashbuckling Pirates six-fingered men and of course princesses at one point princess Buttercup and her True Love Wesley are confronted by the dastardly Prince humperdink and count rugan and Carrie Elvis's Wesley is ultimately captured to make sure their new prisoner is compliant Christopher guests rugan also known as the six-fingered man hits him in the head head with the butt of a sword and knocks him out you have six fingers on your right hand someone was looking for you according to Elis there were no rubber swords on hand and they couldn't get a good take by faking it so guest actually hit him and actually knocked him out eles woke up later in the hospital wondering what the heck had happened the scene that you see in the movie is in fact me being knocked out for real don't believe me number four Jackie Chan police story police story contains one of the most insane Jackie Chan stunts and that is certainly saying something it involves Chan jumping onto a metal pole sliding down through a series of lights and crashing through a glass ceiling onto a display [Music] below Chan was actually very hesitant to perform the stunt and was ecstatic following its successful completion but once the immediate adrenaline wore off Chan realized the skin on his palms had been peeled away the power I don't know where the power come from then I turn around I see 600 uh extra and I just to the the the the the the thing I hit myself Blues I just the hot prop lights had significantly heated the metal pole resulting in second degree burns to Chan's Hands All Things Considered we think he got off very lucky number three Sylvester Stallone first blood in movie Badass John Rambo's first outing our titular protagonist played by Sylvester Stallone is being pursued by the abusive hope Washington Police Department the chase eventually leads to a cliff where Rambo is hanging on for dear life about to be shot at by a cop in a helicopter with no other options Rambo takes a blind leap tumbles through the trees and lands on a tree branch being the professional action star he is Stallone performed this stunt himself however things didn't quite go as [Music] planned the painful scream you hear when he lands is not acting when all was said and done Sly walked away with a cracked rib but an amazing stunt performance [Music] number two Leonardo DiCaprio D Jango Unchained why don't they kill us here's another Tarantino movie but this time the director didn't personally injure a star in Django Unchained Leonardo DiCaprio plays a psychotic slave owner who's hosting a dinner for Jango played by Jamie Fox and Dr Schultz played by Kristoff Waltz dur during the meal DiCaprio's character unnervingly Reveals His knowledge of Django's plan to free his wife and as you can imagine this makes him Mighty angry hey don't lay your palm flat on that tabletop so angry in fact that decaprio slams his hand on the table breaking a glass and slicing his skin in the process pretty soon the audience can see that DiCaprio's hand is completely covered in blood but like a true thespian he gives an amazing performance and uses his injury to his advantage and if y'all want to leave Candy Land with broomhilda the price is $122,000 before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one vgo mortensson the Lord of the Rings The Two Towers in the second Lord of the Rings film vgo mortson returns as Aragorn with a performance as powerful emotional and raw as that in the Fellowship of the Ring I'll hobit lay here and the other one of his most visceral scenes comes at the beginning of the film angry at the thought that his Hobbit friends might be dead a rage-filled Aragorn kicks a helmet on the ground after doing four takes of this shot vgo broke two toes on his fifth take meaning that scream heard in the finished film is very real even so vgo kept working and director Peter Jackson said he didn't even realize his star was injured until much later he just thought vgo had given it his all could you tell these actors were actually hurt let us know in the comments below I admire your courage Mr [Music] [Music] Reed
Views: 543,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: accidents, actor injuries, actor injuries you see in the movie, back to the future, blade runner, cary elwes, channing tatum, django unchained, harrison ford, injuries, leonardo dicaprio, list, lord of the rings, lord of the rings viggo mortensen injury, michael j fox, mojo, real injuries, rocky, rocky movies, sean bean, steve carrell, sylvester stallone, the exorcist, the princess bride, top 10, watch mojo, watchMojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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