Top 3 stories that sound fake but are 100% real | Part 13

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sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction and today we're gonna look at three stories that demonstrate that but before we get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format and you come to the right place because that's all we do and we upload three or four times every week so if that's of interest to you please offer to teach the like button how to drive in your car and then on the day of their first lesson show up in your 18 speed transmission semi-tractor trailer truck also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories just after midnight on june 22 1991 charles holden was on his way home from work when he decided to stop at a fast food restaurant near his house in harrington delaware after grabbing a quick bite to eat charles left the store and got back in his truck he turned it on and he was about to drive out of the lot when he stopped because there was this man running towards him waving trying to flag him down so charles put his truck back in park and he rolled his window down to see what this guy wanted and when the stranger got close enough he told charles that his sister was having a baby and he needed a ride to the hospital which was about 20 minutes away charles couldn't tell that this guy was lying it was super late he didn't know this guy and he said a bad feeling about him and so he told him no i'm sorry it's too late i gotta get home it's too far out of the way the stranger immediately looked ejected and turned around and started walking away and as charles is watching him go he felt bad and said you know what hey come back here i'll give you a ride part of the way there and so the stranger smiled hopped in his passenger seat and they took off charles drove him approximately three miles in the direction he had asked to go before pulling over on the side of the road and telling him this is as far as i'm going to take you charles lived only about a block away and he didn't want to drive too far away from home so late at night but the stranger upon hearing he was being let out so soon suddenly became angry and began fumbling in his pocket like he was going to get a knife or some sort of weapon and he starts screaming at charles hand over your keys hand over your wall or i'm going to kill you charles meanwhile was on edge just being in the car with this guy because he had a bad feeling about him and so he immediately jumped into action he turned off his truck he ripped the keys out of the ignition and he leapt out of his truck and started running charles saw way off in the distance was a convenience store and he figured he could run to there and get some help but as he's running he turns around and sees the stranger has also lept out of the car and was now sprinting up to him with a screwdriver in his hand and this stranger was running really fast he was gaining on charles and soon charles realized he wasn't gonna make it to the convenience store before this guy caught up to him and so at some point charles just stops he turns around and puts his hands up and he says okay okay okay i'll give you a ride wherever you want to go and then you can have my keys my wallet you can have anything you want and so the stranger runs right up to charles and he stops and he smiles because he's very pleased with this result and he pokes him with the screwdriver and kind of gestures for him to go back to the truck so charles walks back to the truck with the stranger right behind him with the screwdriver periodically poking him in the back they finally get to the vehicle and the stranger tells charles to get in the car and then wait but as soon as charles sat down he fired up his truck and sped off before the stranger could hop in the passenger side door and so charles is flying away from the sky he looks in his rear view mirror and he can see the guy is chasing after him with a screwdriver held over his head but he sees the stranger at some point just stops turns around and walks away charles was totally relieved that he had escaped this horrible encounter and he was thinking about calling the police but ultimately decided he wouldn't because it was his decision to allow some stranger to get in his car in the middle of the night and so charles kind of blamed himself for the whole ordeal what charles was concerned about though was where he had ditched the stranger was not far from his house and he was worried if he just turned around and drove right back to his house that this guy could recognize the truck and then follow him to his house and then who knows what could happen and so charles decides he's just going to stay outside of town and drive around for a while to make sure this stranger is long gone by the time he comes back so after about an hour of doing just that driving around outside of town charles goes back into harrington delaware and he gets on his street and he's shocked when he sees the stranger who had just tried to kill him is walking down the road right in front of him but luckily the stranger did not hear or see charles pull onto his street and so charles immediately throws it in reverse and he gets out of there and he drives off at this point charles decides he needs to tell police because he doesn't know if the stranger actually knows him and that maybe he's targeting him and he's waiting for him at his property and so he calls 9-1-1 and he tells the dispatcher about what had happened earlier and how this guy is now lurking around his property and the dispatcher tells him they'll send an officer out to him and so a few minutes later an officer showed up at the pay phone where charles was and they told charles they would escort him back to his property and if the stranger was still out in the area they would arrest him and so the two of them made their way back to charles's property they get there the stranger's long gone and then charles goes into his house there's no sign of a break-in there's no sign that anyone was near his property and so charles thanks the officer he feels totally relieved but before the officer leaves he asks him if he wouldn't mind doing a quick sweep of his mother's property she lived right behind charles on the other side of some bushes he told the officer her name was dorothy she was 70 years old and she lived alone and he just wanted to make sure nothing happened to her so the officer said no problem i'll go check in on her so the officer leaves charles and goes across his backyard through those bushes into dorothy's backyard and right away he can see the back window on the back door has been smashed and the door itself is slightly ajar and so the officer draws their pistol and they go up and they enter the house and they look inside they're yelling for dorothy but there's no answer it's totally dark in the house it's totally silent and so after searching the first floor and finding nothing they make their way up the flight of stairs and they find blood at the top of the landing and they follow this trail of blood and it brings them into one of the bedrooms where a woman is sprawled out on a bed it was dorothy she had been stabbed to death it would turn out after charles had ditched the stranger and sped off without him the stranger whose name was gilbert cannon began looking for a place to sleep and the house he ultimately selected just happened to be charles's mother's house after gilbert broke in through her back door he saw dorothy coming down the steps to confront him and because he was worried she'd be able to identify him he attacked her with a screwdriver gilbert would later tell police that the attack on charles was completely random he was just at this fast food restaurant he saw charles get into his truck and he thought to himself if i can get in that guy's truck i bet i can rob him and then after this failed robbery when gilbert is out looking for a place to sleep and he breaks into this house and this woman comes down the stairs that he attacks and kills he has no idea that this woman dorothy is charles's mother the entire night was one big horrible coincidence gilbert would plead guilty to the murder and would be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole [Music] in 1949 15 year old problem child ken rex mcelroy dropped out of school and moved to a tiny farming town called skidmore missouri there he began his life of crime which consisted primarily of theft at night he would drive his truck onto skidmore resident's property and he would steal their livestock alcohol grain food antiques anything he could get his hands on and that he could sell he would take and if the owners ever caught him in the act he would just raise his rifle at them and tell them to go back inside and never report it to the police or he would kill them and because rex was this big 270 pound monster of a man who was known for having a bad temper and for being really aggressive people generally just did what he asked and his crimes went totally unreported in the rare instances that victims would report rex's crimes to police rex would begin intimidating them and their family by staking out their houses at all hours of the night or he would just walk directly up to these victims and he would say i will kill you if you testify against me and if none of those tactics worked rex used some of his illegal money to hire one of the very best defense lawyers in the entire state a lawyer who had famously represented the mob and he would step in and get rex off of virtually any charge including the time rex actually did shoot one of the owners who caught him in the act over the years rex would use these fear and intimidation tactics not just to make money but also to prey on young women and girls in the 1970s when rex was in his 40s he began stalking a local skidmore girl who was 12 years old named trina after assaulting her dozens of times rex learned her family was going to be pressing charges against him so rex burned down trina's family's house and killed the family dog and then threatened to kill the entire family unless they signed paperwork that would legally marry their daughter trina to rex this would protect him legally in case they pressed any charges against him after the family finally relented and signed off on the marriage trina was forced to come live with rex at his house and within two years she became pregnant after the birth of her child she took her baby and tried to run away from wrecks and she ran back to her family's new house and she was hiding there but rex tracked her down he took her and their baby back and then rex proceeded to burn her family's house down again and again killed their new family dog by the end of the 1970s rex wasn't only just the most hated person in skidmore he was the most destructive person he had hurt so many people in town but it seemed like no one could do anything about it it was like he was untouchable then a single piece of candy changed everything in 1980 one of rex's children was at a local grocery store in skidmore when they were caught stealing a piece of candy when the shopkeeper asked the child to put the candy back they refused and caused this huge fight and before long rex has found out about this huge fight and rex instead of being upset with his child for stealing he becomes enraged that the shopkeeper had the audacity to accuse his child of a crime and so rex began stalking the owner of the store a 70 year old man named bo along with the rest of beau's family at all hours of the night rex would just show up in front of their house with a gun slung across his lap and even fire shots into the air and then during the day he would walk right up to bow and he would tell him i'm going to kill you and so bo and his family knew it was only a matter of time before rex did become violent and they were right in july of that year rex showed up at beau's grocery store with a shotgun in hand and bo who was in the back of the shop loading groceries through the back door he turns around and he sees rex walking up to him they have this heated confrontation where at some point rex just raises a shotgun and he fires a shot into bow's neck beau was gravely wounded but he would survive and rex would actually get arrested and would be charged with attempted murder and it seemed like for once maybe rex was actually going to get what was coming to him but he didn't the attempted murder charge was lowered to just assault and he was given two years in prison but he would only serve one day in jail before being released on bond and as soon as he was out on bond he went right to his house and he got his rifle that had a bayonet attached at the end of it and he went right to the tavern in the middle of skidmore and he began telling anybody who would listen that he planned to finish the job i.e he was going to kill beau and he described in very graphic detail how he planned to do it which involved this rifle and this bayonet patrons that were at the tavern that saw rex and heard these claims they were scared for beau and so they left the tavern and they told city leaders about these threats and so city leaders at this point they've had enough of wrecks and they decide they're going to host the secret meeting that will not include rex the following morning so the next morning comes around and all these angry residents they come to this meeting and they begin discussing you know how are we going to handle rex we can't use police we can't use politicians nothing can be done so what are we gonna do how are we gonna put an end to his reign of terror and after a while they came up with a plan and after the meeting was done everybody left the town hall they got their guns and they made their way over to the tavern where rex was seen earlier that morning about 40 of these armed men surrounded the outside of this tavern and once they were all in place another smaller group of men that were all armed walked inside the tavern and they saw rex sitting at the bar with trina sitting right next to him and so these men they walk up right behind wrecks uncomfortably close right behind him and they just stand there with their guns looking at him and at some point rex turns around and sees them and he's about to lash out and start fighting them but he realizes he's totally outnumbered and these men that are standing all around him they look like they mean business and so he stands up he grabs trina and he brushes past them trying to act tough and he walks out of the tavern when he gets outside he's taken aback at this additional group of armed men which is much larger who are all standing there just looking in at him and so rex at this point becomes visibly frightened but he grabs trina and he calmly walks out to his truck which is parked a little ways out in front of the tavern he gets in the driver's side she hops in the passenger side and rex lights a cigarette up he turns on his truck and he's about to try to drive away when a gunshot rings out and rex immediately slumps forward onto his wheel one of the skidmore residents runs up to the truck they open up the passenger side and they grabbed trina who was unhurt pulled her out and rushed her to safety once she was clear the other residents with their guns just moved in on the truck and for 20 seconds they opened fire unrest the shooting was over nobody called an ambulance everyone just stood there and watched as the town bully died in all there were 46 witnesses that were there when rex was murdered but they all said they had either not seen the shooting or they didn't know who the shooter was and despite a lengthy federal investigation none of the witnesses ever changed their stories and so as a result no one was ever charged with rex's murder years later a skidmore resident when asked what happened here they just said that man needed a killing [Music] on the morning of march 18 1990 a young woman named karen parked her car just outside of the isabella stewart gardner museum in boston massachusetts this famous museum is home to over 15 000 pieces of priceless art from ancient rome medieval europe renaissance italy asia the islamic world and 19th century france and america the outside of this four-story building is strikingly plain but inside is strikingly gorgeous there is this lush green open-air courtyard that sits right in the middle of the museum that all of the galleries look down into karen was an art enthusiast and she was a security guard at this museum and that day she was on duty after parking her car she got out and walked her way over to the employee entrance and there she pressed the buzzer and announced her arrival to the two nightshift guards that she would be relieving but after a few seconds the night shift guards did not respond to her and they did not unlock the door and so after a little while karen pressed the buzzer again and said i'm here can you please open the door but again the guards that were on duty did not respond back to her and the door did not open this was highly unusual so karen left the door found a pay phone and called the chief of security for the museum who lived out in town and told him she couldn't get in the building so about 10 minutes later the chief of security shows up and he takes karen and he walks around to the other side of the building he leads her up an outdoor flight of stairs to another entrance to the museum he pulls out a big ring of keys he finds the right one and he opens the door the entrance they were going through placed them in this dark hallway that stretched out straight in front of them and then at the very end of the hallway on the right was this very brightly lit room that the door was wide open to and that was the security office where the guards were supposed to be and so karen and the chief they begin walking down this hallway expecting to get to the end of it and look inside this room and see these guards and get an explanation for why they didn't buzz karen in in the first place but when they reach the end of the hallway and they look in this office there's nobody inside of there and now that they were up close they could see the door leading into the security office had been smashed open in fact the doorknob to this door had been smashed off and was laying on the ground and then next to it right in front of them was this metal crowbar and then above them the one camera that would have seen whatever it happened in the hallway it had been turned around and was facing the wall so karen and the chief they know they've stumbled on something that's probably really bad they don't know what it is they don't know if there's still people inside the museum they don't know where the guards are so the chief just grabs the crowbar for protection and he and karen run into the office and they call police although they didn't know it yet karen and the chief had just discovered one of the most famous crimes in history the night before 23 year old security guard rick abath trudged his way down the walkway towards the employee entrance of the museum he and another young man named randy were scheduled to work the overnight shift that night rick hated his job at the museum because it was incredibly boring but rick didn't really have many other employment opportunities to choose from he was a guy that had dropped out of music school and spent most of his time smoking marijuana drinking beer and playing in his friend's rock band and so he just kept this job that he hated once rick got inside the museum he walked over to the office where he found his partner that night randy was already sitting behind the desk after chatting with him for a few minutes rick said he would do the first set of security rounds and so he grabbed a walkie-talkie and a flashlight and he headed out to the exhibit halls almost immediately a fire alarm went off rick went to the area where it was going off and he investigated and did not see a fire and so he just turned the alarm off the building was very old and it wasn't uncommon for their electronics to fail or glitch and so after this rick didn't think much of it he continued doing his security rounds and after about 30 more minutes of that he made his way back down to the security office where he traded places with randy rick took the seat behind the desk and randy took the walkie-talkie and flashlight and headed out into the exhibits about 30 minutes later while randy was still doing his security rounds rick had his head down on the desk when he heard the sound of the buzzer coming from one of the outside doors he lifted his head up and he looked at the screen that was connected to the camera looking down at whoever was outside at the store and he saw there were two police officers standing right outside the door and so he reached over and he pressed the intercom button and he said hey can i help you and the officer said they were there responding to a disturbance call can they come inside now rick didn't know what this was about he assumed it must have to do with maybe the fire alarm that had gone off earlier or maybe somebody outside had seen someone trying to break in and they had called it in but either way he felt like it was important enough that he should let them in even though it was against protocol to allow anyone into the museum after hours including police and so the two officers they come through the doors and they wind up in the hallway right outside of the security office and there's a window into the security office so both the officers and rick can see each other and the officers immediately say to rick hey are you working alone tonight and rick says no my partner is out doing security rounds he'll be back soon and so the officers just kind of nod their heads and they're looking around the room for a second and one of them as he glances at rick again he does kind of a double take and he goes wait a minute i think i know you there's a warrant out for your arrest you need to come out here and show me your id and so rick is caught completely off guard but he just kind of instinctively does what he's told because it's a police officer and so rick stands up he walks out of the office he goes out into the hallway and as he's about to present his id to the inquiring officer the officer just grabs him pushes him up against the wall and handcuffs him and so before rick can say anything randy his partner comes back from doing his security rounds he walks into the hall and has no idea what's going on the other officer the one that had not handcuffed rick grabs randy and does the same thing presses him up against the wall and handcuffs him and so as randy and rick are standing there up against the wall with their hands behind their back they're looking at each other they're looking around thinking what's going on here and at some point randy just blurts out why are we being arrested and that's when one of the officers just says oh you're not being arrested you're being robbed rick and randy were led by the imposter cops down into the basement of this building where they were bound and gagged with duct tape and then these two thieves proceeded to spend the next 81 minutes walking all around the museum ultimately stealing 13 pieces of art before destroying the security footage and then fleeing the building rick and randy were discovered unhurt later that morning by police still tied up in the basement despite dozens of suspects numerous viable theories and a massive monetary reward these two art thieves were never caught and remain at large today as for the 13 pieces of stolen art one of which includes the extremely rare rembrandt painting called the storm on the sea of galilee which is his only seascape in existence they are still unaccounted for and combined they are worth a staggering 500 million dollars so that's gonna do it guys if you found the secret in today's episode let us know in the comments section what it is and where you found it so give us the time stamp and if you're the first to do that we'll pin you at the top of the comment section if you got something out of today's episode and you haven't done this already please offer to teach the like button how to drive in your car and then on the day of their first lesson show up in an 18-speed transmission semi-tractor trailer truck also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly three or four video uploads if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username for both platforms is the same it's john ballen416 i also have a ton of content over on tick tock where my username is mr ballen i also have a second youtube channel called mr ball and shorts where i post random short videos and lost episodes if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called mr ballin it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on twitter instagram tick tock reddit youtube or some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 6,121,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, dark, mysterious, true, story, scary, scary story, horror story, disturbing, narration, narrator, storyteller, storytime, storytelling, unsolved mystery, solved mystery, true crime, oof, nope
Id: rucBo9HjMuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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