The horrifying true story of Katy Perry's ex

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today's story is about a famous hollywood actor who did something truly horrific and surprisingly not that many people know about it but before we get into today's story if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right channel because that's all we do and we upload two or three times every week so if that's of interest to you please offer to make the like button their favorite food a burrito but separate the meat cheese rice and sour cream into four distinct sections before rolling it up also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads alright let's get into today's story before we get started i want to give a special shout out to billy jensen who is a fantastic true crime investigative journalist who wrote the article for the la magazine called the secret life of johnny lewis that article was used extensively in the making of today's video so thank you billy [Music] johnny lewis was only seven years old when he landed his first acting role granted it was only a bit part in an obscure escalator safety video but it was a start from there johnny appeared in dozens of commercials including with pizza hut before someone recognized this kid has real talent and he earned appearances on the hit tv shows 7th heaven malcolm in the middle and drake and josh which were really big in the late 90s and early 2000s in 2001 when johnny was 18 years old he had made enough money from acting that he was able to leave his parents home in north los angeles and move into a new home right in hollywood with a bunch of other up-and-coming actors and actresses by 2006 when johnny was 23 years old he was riding high he had landed several more big tv roles like a recurring role in the show the oc which was very popular in the 2000s and in 2006 he was dating the mega pop star katy perry and although their romance was relatively short apparently it was very intense because katie would go on to write two songs that were apparently about johnny but johnny's real rise to stardom occurred two years later in 2008 when he was cast as the character half sack on the critically acclaimed motorcycle drama sons of anarchy while the show made him famous and fabulously wealthy johnny was growing concerned with the direction the show was taking he felt like it was becoming too violent johnny liked reading poetry and studying philosophy and staying up late drinking tea and playing chess he did not like acting out scenes of gratuitous violence it just wasn't who he was so after being on the show for two seasons very successfully he was a very popular character he went to the writers and said you gotta write me out of the script i can't do this anymore the writers were totally caught off guard and begged him to stay but he had made up his mind and so in 2009 his character was killed off after leaving sons of anarchy johnny decided that he wasn't going to pursue any serious acting roles for the time being instead he wanted to focus his time on writing his first novel which was about this musical genius trying to make his way in the world and so he started asking around to see if anybody he knew knew of a quiet place he could live and write out of and his photographer said i think i know the place it was called the writer's villa and it was this beautiful house with six bedrooms for rent right outside of hollywood over the years it had become a sort of safe haven for up-and-coming actors and actresses still looking to land their big break the reason it developed this reputation was because of the owner kathy davis she was this wonderful woman who really understood how difficult trying to break into hollywood was for all these people that stayed at her house and so she would look after them and make them food and offer them rides and she would stay up late and listen to their frustrations and be a shoulder to cry on if they didn't get the part they wanted many of her tenants who went on to be big hollywood stars would later attribute their success at least in part to the time they spent with kathy at the villa which they remembered as being therapeutic and soothing even though johnny had already had his big break in the sons of anarchy he loved the idea of living in such a peaceful place that seemed to cater to eccentric artists like himself so in april of 2009 johnny called kathy and requested a room and she said absolutely you can stay on the second floor in the red suite after moving in johnny would tell his friends that the writer's villa was just as amazing as he thought it was going to be and kathy specifically was just as wonderful as everyone said she was he actually struck up a friendship with her almost immediately everything seemed to be going really well for johnny in his life until a few months later he found out his girlfriend diane was pregnant although this totally screwed up his plans for his novel johnny was really excited about being a father and so he decided to move out of the villa and in with diane who lived nearby to help take care of their child nine months later on april sixth 6th 2010 diane gave birth to a healthy little girl named kalamay and johnny and diane fell madly in love with her but unfortunately johnny and diane's love for each other faded quickly after becoming parents and before long johnny had moved out and back in with his parents not long after that johnny and diane became embroiled in this really vicious long custody battle over columey which ultimately johnny lost which was devastating for him a few months later in october of 2011 when johnny was still living with his parents he decided to take his motorcycle out and just go ride around and clear his head and so he drove for about two hours to the west of la out into the desert where he lost control of his bike and he crashed after getting to the hospital his injuries were determined to be relatively minor except they were concerned he might have a head injury however after testing negative for a concussion he was said to be okay by doctors and he was sent home but when he got home from the hospital he was not okay he was a totally different person johnny's father michael immediately noticed the change in his son's behavior he just started acting really weird and erratic and his thoughts weren't always coherent and he was really agitated all the time it was just very obvious that something was off and it made michael wonder perhaps my son did get a head injury from that motorcycle accident and the doctors just missed it and so michael scheduled two separate mris for johnny to go to but for whatever reason johnny refused to go around this time johnny's friends began to notice his strange behavior when in december of that year he was at an acting class and he began speaking in a vaguely british accent and everybody in the class noticed it and eventually someone said hey you know why are you doing that and johnny was like what and just kind of shrugged it off and acted like he wasn't doing that a few weeks later on the morning of january 3rd 2012 johnny was at his parents house and he was sitting in the kitchen while his mom was making omelets and johnny just kind of abruptly says i'm gonna go out for a walk so he gets up he's only got his pajamas on no shoes on he walks out the door and as he's walking down the road he gets maybe 10 or 15 feet away from his parents house when he hears someone screaming like they're screaming in distress and he thinks it's coming from the apartment that was right next to his parents house and so he breaks into the apartment but there's no one in the apartment it's totally vacant and so as he's in this apartment wondering what's going on the two men that owned the apartment they came home and they see johnny standing there and they told him he had to leave immediately and instead of leaving immediately johnny grabbed a nearby glass bottle and he charged at them and hit them both over the head with the bottle before they managed to restrain him and hold him down until the police showed up johnny claimed he was acting in self-defense but the police didn't believe him and so they charged him with trespassing burglary and assault with a deadly weapon and they sent him to jail when johnny's father was finally able to come to the jail and bail his son out it had been eight days and in those eight days johnny had been moved from general population to a psych ward because he was banging his head against the inside of his cell and at one point he had tried to jump off of a balcony and he was just generally acting unhinged and so when he was discharged on his paperwork a doctor at the jail had commented that he thought johnny at one point must have had some sort of head injury that had made him act this way and he was definitely suicidal when johnny got back to his parents house he was an absolute wreck physically i mean he had two black eyes and his face was all puffed up from the confrontation he had with those two men in the apartment and emotionally he was so distraught that he wouldn't let anyone in his family come near him he just holed up in his room and just told everyone to stay away he also became extremely sensitive to light to the point where he was turning off all the lights in his parents home and then when they would eventually just turn them back on again he would get agitated and turn them all off and then finally he just disabled his parents fuse box but despite johnny's obvious issues after coming home from jail over the next few weeks he did actually seem to be improving to the point where at the end of january so about a month after he came home from jail his parents allowed him to move out and go live on his own in santa monica california about 30 minutes away but as soon as he was living on his own his troubles started again on february 10th so about a week after moving into this place in santa monica he was arrested for punching some random stranger in the head outside of yogurt shop but he was ultimately released on twenty thousand dollars bail a couple of days later johnny fully clothed just walked into the ocean and when he was pulled out he had to be brought to the hospital to be treated for hypothermia a couple of days after getting out of the hospital he was arrested again this time for trying to break into a woman's apartment in santa monica he claimed he thought it was his friend's apartment but nobody believed him so he was brought to jail and then released on bail again after the second arrest in santa monica johnny's parents finally convinced him to go see a doctor about this potential head injury they thought he got from that 2011 motorcycle crash even though that jailhouse dock had suggested johnny had a head injury he had not officially diagnosed him so johnny needed another doctor to officially diagnose his head injury so they could begin to treat it but the doctor johnny wound up seeing did not suspect a head injury instead he suspected schizophrenia or bipolar which are two very serious mental disorders and so he prescribed some medication to johnny that would treat both of those disorders and johnny was on his way johnny refused to take the medication and refused to go see another doctor and so his condition just continued to get worse johnny was still facing serious jail time for the break-in and assault against those two men in the apartment next to his parents home and so johnny's lawyer was trying to get a deal done where johnny would go to a mental health treatment facility for a year instead of going to jail for a year but johnny was so confident these charges would just get dropped and he'd be allowed to go back to his life and live the way he wanted to that he fired his lawyer and he represented himself in court but the charges were not dropped and he was sentenced to one year in prison however the jail he was sent to was so overcrowded they reduced his sentence all the way down to only six weeks when johnny's father finally came to pick him up from prison on friday september 21 2012 johnny was at an all-time low even though he had only been in jail for six weeks instead of the year he was supposed to be there it was clear that amount of time had done an enormous amount of damage to him and so on the car ride home from prison johnny just kind of sheepishly asks his father you know hey dad would be possible if you called kathy davis at the writer's villa and just see if there's any way i can move back in and michael's thinking to himself you know i hadn't thought of that but the writer's villa was the last place johnny was when his life was still in order it was probably the last place he was happy and so he probably has attached a lot of fond memories to that place and so that's a great place for him to go and so as soon as they got home michael called kathy davis and explained the situation and said you know is there any way he can stay there and she said absolutely the red suite is still available i'll go up and make the bed right now i can't wait to see him johnny stayed with his parents that weekend and then on monday september 24th he packed up his stuff and he moved back into the villa two days later a 70 year old man named dan blackburn who was actually neighbors to the writer's bill of property he was looking out his front window at this man who was standing out in the road he only had on jeans and red shoes he had no shirt on it he was very sweaty and he was just kind of frantically pacing around the road and he had never seen this guy before and so he's just kind of poking out behind his curtain watching him to see what he's going to do next and after about 15 minutes of this kind of strange pacing in the road this guy turns and walks directly towards dan's property goes right up to the front step and starts knocking in the door dan was definitely a little bit concerned but he shut the curtain he walked over to the door he looks out the people and there's this guy standing there with bright blue eyes that are all wide and he's looking at the people as if he can see through and see dan but he can't and so dan reaches down and he opens the door just a little bit and he looks out and the guy outside looks at him and goes hi i'm john i'm your new neighbor it would turn out john was johnny lewis and so dan opened the door a little bit farther and he looks at him and he goes hi john nice to meet you and before the two men could have any sort of conversation johnny just abruptly turned around and walked away and so dan is totally puzzled by this strange interaction he's just had with johnny lewis and he's watching him as he just walks back to the road he walks back over and goes inside the villa and disappears and so dan kind of shrugs it off he shuts his door locks it and goes back to his morning routine about 30 minutes later dan is doing his own thing in his house when he hears his wife outside screaming for him to come outside and so dan runs out the front door he goes into his driveway which is between his property and the writer's villa and he sees his wife is standing in the driveway horrified pointing up towards the back of their house he looks down and back near their back deck johnny johnny lewis is standing on top of the guy that dan and his wife had hired that day to paint their back deck johnny is just raining blows down on the sky he's got a piece of wood too that he's hitting him with and the worker is sitting there trying to shield himself there's blood all over him and dan instinctively just runs over to johnny johnny's not seen dan at this point dan gets right up to him and he grabs him by the shoulder and he tries pulling johnny off he's screaming at johnny to stop but johnny just seems totally unfazed he's just destroying this worker and so finally after dan yanks on johnny hard enough johnny jumps up turns around and levels dan square in the face dan falls to the ground and when he looks up johnny is just standing over him looking at him with no expression on his face it's like he didn't know what he was going to do with dan next so he just stood there and stared at him but dan wasn't going to waste any time he jumped up and he clocked johnny square in the side of the head but it had no effect on johnny he still just stared at dan completely expressionless and so dan grabbed a nearby lawn chair and practically broke it over the head of johnny but again it had no effect on johnny he just stood there completely expressionless staring at dan and so at this point dan just grabs the worker who can barely stand and he runs back down the driveway he grabs his wife and they run towards the house to go inside and the three of them managed to get inside the house and as they're shutting the big heavy door johnny comes bounding up and he gets right in front and he jams his arm in the space between the door and the wall so they can't close the door because it's getting stuck on his arm and so all three of the adults inside dan his wife and the painter are putting all of their weight on this huge wooden door onto johnny's arm and johnny is just trying to grab them the whole time and so finally the three of them start raising the door and slamming it as hard as they can on johnny's arm and finally after several hard blows to his arm johnny retracted his arm and they were able to shut the door and lock it and so at this point dan's wife and the painter ran around the house closing every window locking every door meanwhile dan went to the side window that looked out towards the writer's villa property and he got his phone out and he called 9-1-1 as he's looking out the door looking for johnny and so after he tells 9-1-1 what's going on and he hangs up johnny suddenly just appears running down his driveway as if he's running back towards the back deck but he stops almost right in front of dan's window he turns and he starts running towards the villa property he jumps over a fence that's at least waist height just jumps clear over it and then he gets to this huge wooden fence that surrounded the entire villa property that was at least you know eight nine ten feet and he very easily just jumps grabs the top and catapults himself right over the top and then disappeared inside of the villa within minutes the police showed up and they went inside the villa and they could not believe what they found based on the evidence this is what investigators believe happened after johnny for the first time walked up to dan's property and awkwardly knocked on the door and said hi i'm john i'm your new neighbor after that he turned around and dan watched him as he left his property and made his way back and went inside the villa once johnny got inside the villa he made his way up to the second floor and he went into kathy davis's room where she was sitting now kathy most likely turned and saw johnny standing in the doorway he's got no shirt on he's sweating he looks totally crazed she probably was not scared instead her motherly instincts kicked in and she probably said hey are you okay can i help you what's going on and as she probably stood up and made her way over to make sure he was okay johnny for reasons no one understands proceeded to beat and kick and strangle her and then when she fell to the ground and was totally helpless johnny proceeded to either stomp on her skull repeatedly or he hit her over the head repeatedly with a rusty hammer that was later found in his bedroom but no matter how johnny did it he managed to severely fracture her skull and that's what ultimately killed her after killing kathy johnny tracked down her beloved cat and killed the cat the same way afterwards johnny ran out of the villa and that's when he spotted dan's house painter just sitting outside and he walked over to him and just began beating him and just like the attack on kathy and her cat this attack on this house painter appeared to have no motive as well after dan came outside and managed to fight johnny off and then when dan went back inside the house with his wife and with the painter johnny stood outside for a few minutes before running down dan's driveway and then hopping over those two fences right in front of dan and then johnny disappeared inside of the villa once johnny was in the villa it's believed he climbed up to the upper patio or onto the roof of the villa itself and from there he either jumped or fell to his death on the driveway below his death was officially ruled an accident not a suicide after the news broke about what had happened at the writer's villa everybody assumed johnny must have been on some really hardcore drugs that's the only explanation for why someone would act the way he acted but when his toxicology report came back it showed he had absolutely no drugs of any kind legal or illegal in his system he was completely sober at the time he committed this horrible crime some believe johnny really did have some undiagnosed head injury from that motorcycle accident and this head injury is responsible for his violent outbursts others disagree and say the head injury had nothing to do with it johnny clearly had some undiagnosed mental disorder maybe it was schizophrenia maybe he was bipolar maybe it was something else but it was this mental disorder that led to these violent outbursts but to this day no one knows for sure why johnny did what he did all we know is an innocent woman and her cat were needlessly killed so that's gonna do it guys if you found the secret in today's episode let us know in the comments section what it is and where you found it so give us the time stamp and if you're the first to do that we'll pin you at the top of the comment section if you've got something out of today's episode and you haven't done this already please offer to make the like button their favorite food a burrito but separate the meat cheese rice and sour cream into four distinct sections before rolling it up also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly two or three video uploads we are now selling merchandise like this flannel like this hat and there's a whole bunch of stuff if you're interested in mr ball and merch go to also follow our shop's instagram page the username is shot mr ballin for upcoming deals and promotions if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username for both platforms is the same it's john ballen416 i also have a ton of content over on tiktok where my username is mr ballen we also have a second youtube channel called mr ball and shorts where we post random short videos and lost episodes if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called mr ballen it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on instagram twitter tick tock reddit 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Channel: MrBallen
Views: 5,176,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, dark, mysterious, true, story, scary, scary story, horror story, disturbing, narration, narrator, storyteller, storytime, storytelling, unsolved mystery, true crime, oof, nope, Katy Perry, pop star, hollywood, actor, actress, actors, actresses, famous, fame, sons of anarchy, Johnny Lewis, crazy, schizophrenia, bipolar, mental health, santa Monica, los Angeles, celebrity, head injury, brain injury, head trauma, motorcycle, the oc, 7th heaven, Malcolm in the middle, drake and josh, Pizza Hut
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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