TOP 25 Upcoming JRPGS & Nintendo Switch Games in 2024 !

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2023 Was an incredible year for video games  but 2024 is already shaping up to be pretty   epic because there are a bunch of great Nintendo  switch and Japanese RPGs that I need to break   down in my big 25 list for upcoming titles but  before we get into that what's good everyone OJ   here welcome back to another video please make  sure you hit that like button subscribe if you   are someone new and click that notification Bell  to get the best Nintendo switch and Japanese RPG   videos now let's go and jump right into it and  we're starting off at number 25 with Soden 1 and   two HD remaster gate Rune and Dundon unification  Wars now this is a really cool old school RPG you   like old school RPGs this one you're going to be  into two gripping fantastic Tales allinone package   very cool stories very kind of torn like War torn  kind of dreary but then you find the light and the   hope I love that when it comes to Japanese RPG  G got Old School turnbas combat with a really   cool camera like battle angle I love the camera  battle angle in this it was always awesome back   in the day when I first played it cuz it was so  different from a lot of games but bringing it back   we're starting to see some games we're going to  talk about that have it and yeah it looks really   cool new quality of life features like autosave  battle fast forward and more everything's been   upgraded to HD redone audio and pixel art so this  one's looking to be pretty good it got delayed out   of 2023 so they're taking some extra time to make  it special in 2024 from Konami is Konami kind of   back well maybe we'll see here s in 1 and two hdv  makes them number 25 on the list number 24 Saga   Emerald Beyond this game is coming early 2024 and  it's pretty cool because it's got branching story   paths with multiple different characters choices  and actions now there's various different endings   that you can unlock countless scenes to discover  so you're really going to have to be crafty if   you want to to get through everything here now  it is a unique Tale on each playthrough so it's   not going to be the same thing each time that you  play for a different ending you also have a bunch   of diverse worlds as well and the cool thing about  this because saga's been going for a really long   time and I didn't expect there to be a brand new  game but this actually includes all of the best   elements from the previous saga games when it  comes to combat when it comes to storytelling   when it comes to Atmosphere they're trying to put  everything together in a new game to Revitalize   the series so I'm looking forward to it it looks  pretty good like a cool double a type of RPG and   it's coming out early 2024 so we'll see how it  works out next up at number 23 Contra operation   galuga which has one of the best names ever it's  coming in early 2024 this is not a remaster this   is a brand new entry in the Legendary Run and Gun  Contra series very excited about that you've got   brand new modern graphics and sound new stages  enemies bosses and more and you've got Co-op two   players in the story mode in addition to four  players in the arcade mode and what everyone is   looking forward to the stackable upgrades I'm  hyped for this because Contra has always been   one of those games that I've Loved from when I  was little back in the day I played so much of   Contra on the NES and the Super Nintendo Contra  is just one of those games that was legendary   back then and I'm looking forward to seeing how  this one is and I think that the co-op should be   a lot of fun especially local co-op if you grew  up Old School playing with your brother or your   sister or your cousin whatever the case is it's  going to be super cool to hop back into this and   have those nostalgic Vibes fighting through  jungles and waterfalls and all sorts of stuff   cuz they really nailed I think in my opinion at  least the look but then also modernizing things   a bit next up at number 22 and it's Mario versus  Donkey Kong and I'm thinking to myself am I really   excited for this I think so I've never played a  Mario versus Donkey Kong game for anything more   than like a couple minutes but the minutes that  I did play was okay and this is a full remake of   the game I think that it looks solid in terms of  the graphics now there has been some discussion   over the price of it being a $50 game it is a  gba remake but I think that there's going to be   some nice content in here and once again it's not  using pixel art or anything like that it's a full   remake of Mario vs Donkey Kong it's a puzzle  Style game with some action elements as well   and I think that they did a great job with the  animations and how Mario moves and sounds and I   think that it's going to be a cool little game  to play next year not expecting anything crazy   sales-wise or combat wise or gameplay or anything  but I think it's going to be a fun Sleek game it   maybe be a bit better than people are thinking  based off of that first trailer but I'm really   having it in at number 22 just because it looks  interesting and I really haven't been into Mario   vers Donkey Kong before and it looks kind of cool  so that's why it's number 22 on the list coming   in at number 21 Penny's big Breakaway it's coming  early 20204 this is a Sleek colorful 3D Adventure   platformer made by Evening Star many of you guys  know from Sonic Mania Fame they actually developed   that game in conjunction with Sega and you use an  anthropomorphic yo-yo as a weapon trust me it's a   lot cooler than it sounds and that weapon or that  yo-yo that's the name is Yo-Yo they can actually   level up as well and get you new abilities to  help Penny on The Adventure now there will be   some awesome speed running elements to this game  which we'll get into a little bit more here and   there's secret stages plus items to collect so for  completionists or for people that just really want   to have a dope Adventure game with platforming  elements and have a variety of different places   to go and things to do this game is apparently  going to be packed full of it now there will be   a story mode in addition to a Time attack mode  with online leaderboard so Sonic Mania is one of   the best games that I've played on the Nintendo  switch and when you tell me that the development   team behind that game is making a brand new game  but going into 3D and it's a new IP as well yeah   sign me up I think it's going to be a solid  game and if anything the controls are going   to be really good cuz Sonic mania's controls  are awesome so Penny's big Breakaway makes the   number 21 on the list coming in at number 20  another code recollection this is coming out   this January and I'm looking forward to this game  because there is a rare game in the collection   it's two fully remastered games in one and this  Wii game that comes here cuz I think it's like DS   and the Wii it was never released in North America  because Reggie hated certain games like Reggie and   Nintendo of America hat hated certain games we  almost didn't get Xenoblade because of this so   they just wouldn't remaster certain titles  that they felt wouldn't sell that well but   thankfully it's finally here now and it's coming  in a physical collection this is going to be a buy   now before rare type of game but the cool thing  about this is that it's not just the same games   you've got overhauled visuals fully explorable  environments new voice acting new puzzles new   music and so much more plus for people like me  that hate solving stupid puzzles at times you   have an operational hint and navigation systems  to help out I think that's going to be good so you   don't end up getting stuck like you would back  on the Nintendo DS or Wii with these games and   graphically it looks really good compared to the  original titles so I'm looking forward to this one   and I love love love these games that were never  released getting physical real collections here in   the US or in other places very good to see that  so another code actually made it all the way up   to number 20 on my list next up at number 19 is  black myth Wukong coming out August 20th 2024 and   this is a really hyp looking action RPG from the  Chinese developer game science now it's based off   of Dragon Ball Z I mean it's based off of Journey  to the West the old school 16th century Chinese   novel you guys know about it it's what Dragon Ball  Z is based off of that was a joke in there anyway   uh you have fast-paced action that challenges the  players which I did like from what they showed   off recently and this this is really cool the devs  seem focused on player satisfaction they're saying   on their website that the game will never be pay  to win but there might be some expansions or DLCs   in the game so right there you know they're really  focused on having the best gameplay experience for   the players now this game has beautiful graphics  and the game playay appears to be really tight in   terms of controls and speed I love what I'm seeing  from the graphics I love what I'm seeing from the   game game play I love what I'm seeing from the  style and substance of this game it seems like it   could be the next lies of PE type of title not in  like a soulsborne way but that cult hit action RPG   that does way better kind of comes out of nowhere  to surprise people action RPG action game of the   year so black myth Wukong is looking really good  next up at number 18 Apollo Justice Ace Attorney   Trilogy coming out on January 25th 2024 you play  as the rookie attorney Apollo Justice and the   legendary Ace Attorney now this is dope because it  features 16 episodes including DLC only episodes   that were never released outside of there so  you finally get them which is good because a   lot of these games were stuck on the Nintendo 3DS  and that whole eShop shut down so Apollo Justice   Ace Attorney you get that game Phoenix Wright Ace  Attorney Dual Destinies my favorite game in the   series and Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Spirit of  of Justice all three games being brought back and   the coolest thing is that the switch version to me  at least will be the definitive one cuz it's the   only version that has physical this is absolutely  a buy now before rare which I will have another   one of those but this is absolutely that these  are games that are pretty much shut down where you   can't buy them digitally anymore there's no way to  access them or they're on Old systems where it's   hard to get physical this is absolutely a buy you  get great content you get a lot of great games and   if you've never played Ace Attorney might as well  just pick this one up if you don't like it that's   fine you got yourself a rare game on the Nintendo  switch now I can't say the same thing for Xbox   and Playstation cuz there's no physical for those  there's only a physical on the Nintendo switch but   I think it's a dope game just to pick up and have  to collect and to have some of this history with   some of the best Ace Attorney games out there next  up at number 17 Luigi's Mansion 2 HD coming out   this summer and I'm excited for Luigi's Mansion  2 simply because once once again crusty Nintendo   3DS or old school game coming back physical this  is a great way bring back these 3DS DS games that   are long lost or that people don't play anymore  that people forgot about bring them back and   let people try it out Luigi's Mansion blew up on  the Nintendo switch it's a great game it blew up   Luigi's Mansion 3 one of the bestselling titles  on the platform Luigi's Mansion 2 elevated the   series from its smaller route from the GameCube  so I think that bringing over Luigi's Mansion 2   with better visuals with better gameplay with  increased value all that stuff is being added   in better audio everything's being upgraded in  this game you know exactly what you're getting   but it's a great game I played it back when it  came out on the Nintendo 3DS and I was blown   away by its visuals I think even still to this  day you can boot it up on your Nintendo 3DS and   say this looks pretty good so I'm guessing that  playing this on a Nintendo switch OLED portable   is going to look insane insane because Luigi's  Mansion 3 looks so good so I'm looking forward   to seeing exactly how it looks and going through  Luigi's Mansion 2 once again we'll see what they   do with some of the online and some of the other  features and content in the game but so far so   good for Luigi's Mansion 2 HD next up at number  16 Dragon's Dogma 2 this coming out March 22nd   2024 and this is hype because we finally get the  next evolution of Dragon's Dogma after a decade or   so of essentially just having the same game with  the expansion and re-releases all over the place   Dragon's Dogma 2 looks to really take the series  to new heights you've got a bunch of cool classes   you've got a bunch of cool weapons you've even  got like a Shadow of the Colossus style combat   with huge Titans on screen that absolutely are  happening because of the increased horsepower   of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox series so I think  that Dragon Dogma 2 is going to offer even more   variety and gameplay options than what we saw  with the first game that's incredible because the   first game has so much stuff in there but I think  it's the tone and setting that people really get   drawn to A Dragon's Dogma along with the awesome  in-depth combat system that really Blends the line   of a cool Japanese action RPG with a western  style fantasy setting but kind of blending it   in a really intrinsic and unique fun Type of  Way Dragon's Dogma 2 is a massive game from   Capcom they're looking forward to selling a lot of  copies of this game and I think it's going to do   incredibly well when it drops on March 22nd next  up at number 15 is Mega 10 Musashi wired coming   out on April 25th 2024 and the biggest thing about  this game I've talked about it before I'll talk   about it again is the fact that it's got complete  crossplay and cross save you buy it on Playstation   switch PC wherever it's at you're going to be able  to access your save file and play against or with   anybody else on platforms we absolutely need more  of this because there's a lot of people that that   will buy multiple copies of the games over time  so if you buy it on the Nintendo switch at first   and maybe you want to get it on Playstation later  you can still have access to your save so this is   something that I love to see and we need to see  more from developers as more and more people get   different systems and want to have connectivity  to their games and not have the experience broken   by playing on something different or being able to  play against their friends on different platforms   so I love that about the game the action looks  really good I love the fast-paced mech combat   that I'm seeing here and it looks like the story  is actually kind of corny but good corny in a   type of way so I'm looking forward to seeing how  that plays out as well level five delayed a lot of   their games for extra polish and I think that with  this game already being available and them taking   their time to get it out in the west it's going  to make it an even better version of the game so   I'm looking forward to Mega 10 moushi wired on  April 25th next up at number 14 Dragon Quest 12   the Flames of Fate now this is to be decided but  I definitely think that it could launch in 2024   and the reason why I say that is because I think  that the Nintendo switch 2 is launching in 2024   and they want to reveal Dragon Quest 12 and it's  into another game that we're going to talk about   here in the Dragon Quest franchise on the platform  so I feel that Dragon Quest 12 has a good shot at   launching then and this apparently is going to  be a big shakeup for the franchise there's going   to be a lot of new things it's going to have  a new potentially darker tone and it's going   to switch up the combat in some type of way now  for those who don't know Dragon Quest is more of   a traditional hardcore jrpg and I'm thinking that  it's still going to be that here but I think that   they're actually going to make the combat system  more of a ATB based combat system maybe even with   some light action RPG elements so we're going to  have to wait and see exactly how Dragon Quest 12   plays out but from everything in terms of what  they've said before which is not much I think   that Dragon Quest 12 is going to end up being a  surprising game that shocks and does things very   differently that might have a radical reaction  on all sides when it comes to Dragon Quest fans   coming in at number 13 is Hades 2 goodness  gracious I love the first Hades game it's got   fast-paced action it's got plenty of upgrades it's  got a great story variety within the environments   the levels the speed the difficulty everything  seemed tuned completely perfect for Hades and   with Hades 2o they are promising even bigger and  better bosses they are promising more levels they   are promising more weapons more creativity in  combat and so much more for this game and I   think that Hades 2 the main character looks super  cool as well love the female lead love the color   scheme that she's wearing as well but I'm looking  forward to seeing if this came can really match   up to what Hades wed the game kind of came out  of nowhere even though super giant is known for   making some of the best action games out there  Hades to me was still a surprise because it was   much better than their previous games and their  previous games are really good so Hades 2 has some   big shoes to fill and I think it's the first time  that super giant decided to actually make a sequel   to a game usually they move on to a brand new IP  something different but I think that they still   felt that they had a lot of ideas and different  things they can do in the Hades world or in that   universe so they decided to revisit it plus they  made a bolt load of cash off of the game sales   across the Nintendo switch PC Xbox PlayStation so  I'm pretty sure they feel that they can make more   on this as well cuz Hades already has such huge  clout and fan recognition so Hades 2 looking to   take over in 2024 at some point number 12 Eden  Chronicle 100 Heroes coming out this April and   I'm looking forward to this game because it's like  the old school s Coden but they're bringing it   new school you've got brand new graphics you've  got kind of a HD 2D flare you've got super cool   effects and everything man the way they've kind  of put this game together it's absolutely the   spiritual successor of swen it and that's exactly  what people have wanted for so long Konami waited   way too long to bring that ser series back and  now we have the developers of the original games   creating this title across so many platforms and  it's finally going to be here the story is looking   absolutely epic the combat is looking even more  Dynamic than ever with so many different Heroes   to choose from and different paths and options  this is going to be a game that people really   enjoy playing and really play in different types  of ways based off of your own personal preference   of what type of Heroes you want to use and what  a abilities you want to exploit so I'm really   looking forward to eing Chronicle 100 Heroes next  up at number 11 is Prince of Persia the Lost Crown   this one's coming out soon January 11th 2024 and  I'm looking forward to this because it looks like   Prince of Persia dread it absolutely looks like  Prince of dread and I love that because Metroid   dread is awesome and I would love to see more  developers take some of the old school franchises   that they have and turn them into dope 2D action  Sid scrollers this is exactly what some people   I know I wanted to see when it comes to Prince of  Persia Prince of Persia started its roots as a old   school 2D action adventure type of game now this  is far more fast-paced than those originals but   it's still really cool and hearkens back to that  old school design but also new elements as well   there's a lot of stuff that your character will  be able to do in this game in terms of abilities   combat options and it looks beautiful it runs  great apparently too on the Nintendo switch you're   going to get 60 frames per second across every  single platform and Visually it holds up as well   so Prince of Persia the Lost Crown do not sleep  on this game I know it's not the normal Prince of   Persia that people are looking for when it comes  to the next big 3D action game or even the Remake   but I think that the prince of pers the Lost Crown  could be just as good if not better than some of   the old school Prince of Persia games that people  love all right guys we're in the top 10 let's   start out with Dragon Quest 3 HD 2D remake and yes  this is another to be decided and the reason why   I included it on the list here is because I have  to include it I think once again Nintendo is going   to have that switch to and Dragon Quest 3 HD 2D  remake is going to be a game that's headlined on   the platform the Nintendo switch is one of the  most successful platforms of all time and it   absolutely dominates and took over Japan what  do you want if you you want hype in new sales   for your game what do you do well you release it  on the most popular system with the brands and   that is Nintendo switch and that will probably  roll into Nintendo switch too now I do think   that this game will be on the standard Nintendo  switch and it could even be on other platforms   but Dragon Quest is just so big in Japan we saw  what happened with Dragon Quest Monsters the Dark   Prince a spin-off sold over 345,000 units in Japan  actually surpassing final fantasy 16's debut sales   a Mainline Final Fantasy game yes huge install  base difference but Nintendo and Dragon Quest   is just massive so I'm guessing that Nintendo and  square enx would absolutely want to wait and have   a dual launch across platforms but the Nintendo  switch 2 as well included in there why else have   we not seen anything on this game it just seems so  suspect that went complete radio silence Nintendo   has also been known to tell developers to hold  on to some of their games especially if they've   already released a big entry on the Nintendo  switch they did this with Mario plus rabid   Sparks of Hope telling them to hey hold on to  it release it on the next switch Ubisoft didn't   listen but yeah I think that this is awesome to  see I think that Dragon Quest 3 HD 2D remake is   going to be incredible Dragon Quest 3 is already  an awesome game so obviously this game's going to   take everything there that people love about the  HD 2D games and take everything that people love   about Dragon Quest and put them together beautiful  so I'm looking forward to it next up at number   nine is Grand blue fantasy relink coming out  on February 1st and that's when things get kind   of crazy February is going to be a massive month  for games but Grand blue is first and I'm looking   forward to this because I think that grand blue  fantasy relink is a game that is met by Destiny   no matter what has happened they've pushed through  they've got this from Platinum Games to their own   in-house and over all of the years it's looked  incredible at every step of the way you've got   Co-op you've got multi player you've got a bunch  of cool missions you've got great combat it seems   like very tightness when it comes to the controls  and the graphics and the sound and the design   the boss battles look fun the environments are  incredibly detailed and it just looks beautiful   in motion there's so many things about Grand blue  fantasy relink that just screams incredible action   RPG or must play I'm getting better vibes from  this game than I got for Tales of arise just   because the party members look like it's better in  terms of the combat and what can do and the depth   within it next up at number eight is Final Fantasy  7 rebirth and this is a big one as well February   29th and what else can you say yes they're  splitting up the Final Fantasy games but these are   essentially new games at this point Final Fantasy  7 remake Final Fantasy 7 rebirth but this one is   actually doing a lot of the things that people  would have loved to see in the original game and   even in Final Fantasy 16 I love the fact that you  have more of an open-ended world it's not going   to be restricted you have a bunch of side quest  different ways to Traverse across the land you've   got rideable chocobos in there I mean what else do  you need at this point well a lot more we're going   to talk about that here got so many cool things  that's going to make this game awesome I love   the battle system in this game the combat looks  so dope with the ATB godges that you can spend   like you did in the first game but also with the  Dual text as well and a full cast of characters to   use in addition to being able to play a separ  off at least in some parts this is what Final   Fantasy is about to me Final Fantasy 7 rebirth is  going to have so much content that fans are going   to get excited about they talked about 100 hours  to complete everything about 30 or so hours to   take care of the main quest and scaling difficulty  as well so the better that you play the more and   stronger the enemies get so as you level up they  do as well to keep the challenge so it's going to   be interesting to see how that dynamically shifts  as you go along Final Fantasy 7 rebirth it's going   to be massive it's going to be a great game and  I'm looking forward to it in February number seven   Persona 3 reload again February February 2nd this  time and I have this over the other big RPGs for   February because Persona 3 reload has incredible  substance and style the game originally on the PS2   is already better than a lot of games that come  out now and they're completely reuling the visual   and the combat system is being tweaked to be even  better they're adding new additions to the combat   system to be able to exploit enemies and stuff  that you have to worry about as well they're   reworking some of the content in the game it's  got great music like always visuals are on point   as well and it just breeds new life into a game  that's been already re-released multiple times   Persona 3 reload is looking really really good and  I hope that this success cuz I think this game is   going to do really well will lead to a Persona 4  Golden complete remake as well coming in at number   six is a interesting game unicorn Overlord not  to be confused or messed up with unicorn overload   which I hear people say all the time Overlord  March 8th 2024 and what makes this game super   exciting is not only the beautiful visuals but the  amount of combat options the amount of different   races that you can recruit and put on your team is  going to be unreal there is a lot of stuff in this   game but it's also a unique blend of tactical RPG  and more that vanillaware is creating to just kind   of shake things up in that genre you don't see a  lot of people doing the 2D kind of sidescrolling   tactical RPG feel but this game has that and  the games that are on this list there's a lot   of Unique Style games that play a bit differently  and unicorn Overlord makes it so high on my list   because it is something different now I don't  know if it's going to be better overall than Final   Fantasy and some of these other games I'm just  excited because it's cool to see vanillaware make   some awesome nude style of game this kind of fits  exactly what I'm looking for for my old school   2D tactical RPG style of games it looks like it's  going to be a ton of fun and have a lot of content   based off of what vanilla Weare and Atlas has  already stated about the game all right guys we're   in the top five let's go ahead and Jump Right In  man I'm excited for this Paper Mario the Thousand   Year Door now after playing Super Mario r G I was  blown away by how much fun I had with that game it   was just like pure joy the whole time playing but  I already know Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door   is better than Super Mario RPG it takes some of  its elements obviously it's a natural or different   type of evolution from the Super Mario RPG system  but I think they even take it to new heights when   it comes down to it and this game is going to be  completely remastered it's going to look beautiful   on your Nintendo switch ol especially like with  that paper design and everything I'm so looking   forward doing my Action commands getting my button  presses right and the incredible writing in the   game that's even better than Super Mario RPG  at times so I'm looking forward to this game   I think it's going to be so much fun with this  combat and I think that people are going to be   in for a surprise this along with Superman RPG  will be the reason why Nintendo finally ditches   the recent Paper Mario style of games it's just  like an action adventure game that has no RPG   elements this will be the reason why we've already  gotten big sales numbers for Super Mario RPG and   Paper Mario the Thousand Year is going to do even  better so get ready guys this is going to be one   of the best games released on the Nintendo switch  hands down next up at number four visions of Mana   for NX you know how to make a fan go crazy when it  comes down to this I love it I'm a huge Mana fan   I've been playing Mana games since the beginning  since the original at least the original Secret of   Mana then later I played the Final Fantasy Mana  whatever spin-off thingy Game Boy but to me the   Mana series really is Secret of Mana on the Super  Nintendo the beautiful style the visuals the rabbi   enemies there's just so much cool stuff it's a  staple in the series and they're bringing it back   and it looks better than ever I think this game's  also going to be a Nintendo switch 2 title as well   imagine playing that anywhere that you want to  so I think that visions of Mana is bringing what   makes the series incredible they're taking their  time the producer says that he finally got his   chance to make a new game it's been like a decade  and a half going on two decades for the last brand   new Mana game obviously Trials of mana and the  collection of Mana did incredibly well on the   Nintendo switch and on Playstation so of course  they were going to be working on a new Mana game   and it looks like they finally have something for  us the combat looks solid as well the locations   and Vistas just sceme quality and magical and  colorful I love what they've done here so I think   that this is going to be a great jrpg experience  for people to play in 2024 all right guys top   three and it's princess Pete's Showtime stage  let's go March 22nd princess pach Showtime is so   high on this list because I am completely curious  about this game I am so curious about this game   and how it's going to play I'm really hoping that  it turns into some type of franchise because look   at all this different stuff that Princess Peach  can do one I love Princess Peach she's awesome   one of my favorite Nintendo characters easily one  of my favorite Mario characters out there but you   have Kung Fu Princess Peach you have detective  Princess Peach you have sword fighter Princess   Peach you have Baker Princess Peach and there's  going to be even more so you're going through like   a play and like a stage and there's going to be  cool stuff that you're going to be able to unlock   between different segments and zones as Princess  Peach chains up outfits and gameplay completely   shifts towards whatever outfit she has I love that  it's really cool it's not necessarily the most   unique idea but it's Unique and creative within  the Mario Universe for Princess Peach of all   characters so Princess Pete Showtime might not be  better than a lot of these games on this list but   it's so high in terms of my big upcoming and more  like most anticipated that I had to put it up here   just because it looks dope and I like Princess  Peach it's good to have a new Princess Peach game   the first game she actually stars in Solo wise  since super Princess Peach on the Nintendo DS   and I don't necessarily like that game that much  so I think this game's going to be a lot better   at least I love the theme a lot more at this point  all right coming in at number two is Deco police   let's go yes this game was delayed yes this game  is having some issues there but at the same time   we are going to get a update in April at the next  level five Vision event and from what they've done   so far from the gameplay that they' shown off they  have not only retool the battle system to kind of   be a bit more user friendly but then also add in  other elements of strategy but then also add in   brand new locations fully fleshing out the world  added in more density into the city that was one   of the reasons why they delayed the game now this  is a brand new IP you want to make a great first   impression the last thing that you want is for  people to turn on the game and it's trash as a   brand new IP so I understand why they're taking  their time I understand why they let us know   about fleshing out the worlds and making it more  dense because from the gameplay demo it didn't   really seem like much was going on in the city  plus they want to add new locations they want   to add different areas they don't want it just in  that same dark city they want to have other places   based off of the different art that they show off  so I'm looking forward to DEA Poli I think it's   going to be a ton of fun I think that the best  way that I'm going to play this game at least   is going to be the Japanese voice acting but I'm  interested to see how the English voice acting is   going to work but I think that this is going to be  a great mix but I think this is going to be a cool   mix of everything that level five has done when  it comes to Professor Leighton and Ace Attorney   and some of their other RPGs kind of all mixed  into one and coming in at number four this is   the biggest game for me next year that we know  about so far and it's called metaphor reantaso   oh my goodness they released a 14 minute video  developer Deep dive and we learned so much more   about this game and the new action RPG hybrid  blend action turn-based RPG hybrid blend yeah   they're actually doing it so it is a mixture  of that you can start out battles in action   fight potentially even defeat enemies right there  but certain enemies you're going to have to break   into to term based action as it gets more intense  love that about it now you have eight different   tribes with unique characters within each of them  and your daily life or some of the simulation is   going to have some similar aspects to what we've  seen with Persona which they did show that off   where you're shaking hands with other characters  that you meet from different tribes and one of the   key themes here is going to be religion and how  that ties into the world view making your friends   your allies your foes and everything and how that  plays a part into how people are treated and what   is going on in the world and as you go across and  trying to unify this is exciting metaphor reantaso   has shot all the way up I was already excited for  this game I made a separate individual video talk   about how awesome this game looks and how it's  done the RPG impossible with some of the things   but I think that the Persona creators have really  spent a lot of time energy effort so much stuff   because when they talked about it in their video  they're like hey this game is going to be grand   it's going to be a big game it's going to be  something that people are going to be talking   about they are really excited and happy about this  and based off of what I've seen it is going to be   that good but that's going to wrap it up here  guys for 25 big upcoming Nintendo switch games   in addition to Japanese RPGs for 2024 let me know  what you're excited about what I missed in the   comment section below all right guys that's going  to wrap it up for this video here thank you so   much for watching I do appreciate it please make  sure you hit that like button subscribe if you're   someone new click that notification Bell and check  out some of my other big Nintendo switch and RPG   list right here on screen thanks for watching  we'll catch you guys for the next one peace
Channel: PlayerEssence
Views: 62,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo switch, switch, nintendo, nintendo news, playeressence, player essence, new nintendo, nintendo switch news, best switch rpg games, best switch rpgs, switch rpgs, best nintendo switch games, best switch games, best nintendo games, best nintendo
Id: kZknMuuRwQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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