Hidden Gem Nintendo Switch JRPGS That Deserve a Second Chance !

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The Nintendo switch 2 is absolutely looming  Over the Horizon when it comes down to it and   the Nintendo switch this year doesn't have a  lot of big system seller type of games we're   getting a lot of remasters remakes ports and  things like that which is completely fine for   the last year of a system and better than what  Nintendo's done previously but what I wanted   to do in this video is go back and take a look  at seven underrated Nintendo switch RPGs that   deserve a second chance these are games that you  guys have talked to me about extensively whether   it's on Twitter or in my comment section or on  the Forum boards anywhere where I've seen people   talk about what games should I pick up on the  Nintendo switch what should I take another look   at or games that drastically undersold compared  to how good they are in my opinion most of these   games haven't even hit 3 million units sold or  are right at there not that that's not good but   they absolutely could have done better so in this  video we're going to go over and highlight some of   those games and maybe you take a second look at  them if if you skipped it the first time around   but before we get into that please make sure  you hit that like button subscribe if you are   someone new and click that notification Bell  to get my videos first and let's go ahead and   first jump into Persona 5 Strikers now if you've  played the Persona Series games these are highend   turn-based RPGs some of the best turn-based  RPGs out there those do extremely well and   sell good and everybody loves them but there is  a little known spin-off SL actually kind of not   spin-off game because it's Mainline story with  Persona 5 Strikers and it's a combination of a   action RPG and the muso action games they kind  of mash them together and it's done incredibly   well this might be one of the best if not the best  KO techmo made type of muso action RPG out there   but once again don't think of it completely as a  muso Hyrule Warriors or Dynasty Warriors type of   game think of it as a combination or a blend of a  typical action RPG in it to some cool parts that   muso does there's platforming boss battles great  music great story a lot of different levels to go   through and play the graphics are fantastic this  is a very underrated game that did well sold over   a million units when you combine all the different  platforms that it's on but I think that it could   have done absolutely better and it's super cheap  at this point I've seen it for as low as $5 in   some places and as high as about $20 or so so if  you're looking for a really fun different style   of action RP PG and if you've played some of the  Persona games that are looking for something a   bit different then Persona 5 Strikers absolutely  should be something that you go out there and pick   up and yes while you do have to know a little  bit about the bass Persona 5 game when it comes   to characters and the story and some of the things  I think that the game does a great job of actually   telling you about what happened and recapping  things and then getting right into the new content   because it has its own story and its own place  in the Persona 5 timeline so I think it's great   for that and that's why you check out Persona 5  Strikers now let's go and move into another Atlas   RPG here and that is shin Mami tensei 5 and this  is great that I'm bringing this game up because   Shin magami T5 vengeance is coming out this June  across all platforms Nintendo switch obviously   has a version as well so if you missed out or if  you skipped Shin magam tensei 5 check out this   one vengeance is going to have a bunch of awesome  additions upgrades new different things added in   it's fantastic please check out my everything you  need to know about shin mam tensei 5 Vengeance if   you want to know more in depth about what they're  doing but the breakdown here is is that it is the   original game but they're completely tweaking  different things so think about like Persona   5 Royal something along the lines of that they're  completely tweaking it but it might even go a step   further because about halfway or so in between the  normal campaign you can actually Branch off and it   has a whole separate 80 hour campaign or so along  with new characters added in that are on your team   human characters they've got a brand new female  main character also another guy that was there   with you in the original game he's going to be  there with you actually using his demons as well   with you on Squad so I think this is going to be  a far better release of the game plus there's just   so many quality of life tweaks to the different  battle mechanics and systems a bunch of new   demons added in as well so this is going to be the  definitive version of the game where it's going to   fix a lot of the issues that people had like the  story for example so if you didn't try out smt 5   this game didn't do over I think 1.5 to 2 million  units so there's a lot of people who' have never   played this game I think this is the perfect  time to go back in and try out Shin Mame tensei   5 Vengeance coming out this June but let's go and  move to another series that's pretty much wrapped   up when it comes to its Trilogy of games all  across the Nintendo switch and that is the Risa   series 1 2 and three these are games all rated in  about I think the 80s category or so and each one   adds something new to the series I think they did  a phenomenal job when it comes to the music the   story The Character the voice acting all of that  is greatly done and by the time that you get to   the third game in the series you'll see oh my gosh  they added these big old huge areas they added   different buddies that you can ride on and you can  kind of move about the Alchemy and all of that has   been Advanced quite a bit and the combat has been  enhanced as well in terms of the turn-based combat   and what they've done it's super flashy a lot of  stuff to collect a lot of different characters   that you have on your team in order to play and  as you go on I think that they did a great job   with just really filtering what was important in  the atellier series and kind of what didn't work   and trying out new things now it doesn't always  come together to create oh my gosh the greatest   RPG experience and that's why as many people don't  play the game just because of certain things like   that but overall I think that a tell your RZA  that series if you haven't tried it out which   I think they said it sold about 2 million units  combined all platforms so a lot of people have   never played aelia Risa before I think now is a  perfect time when we don't have all these new big   games coming out now's the perfect time to check  out aelia Risa one through three play the games   they are kind of pricey if you want them physical  on the Nintendo switch you might be able to find   some discounts on other systems but I think it is  worth playing especially if there's some sales or   deals going on digitally for the games all right  let's move towards the next game here and we're   talking about Trials of Mana this is a complete  remake of the original sa densetsu 3 I know   there's a lot to it here but it's a remake of that  game that's from the Super Nintendo era and it's   Unreal Engine 4 Square enx completely remade and  this is a perfect time to get into Trials of Mana   because visions of Mana is coming out I think  this summer or so I think it's coming out this   summer or fall they haven't quite given an exact  release date for the game and visions of Mana look   spectacular it's being built for PS5 Xbox series  and PC and no doubt there will be a Nintendo   switch version and the reason why this series is  even back at this point is because of what they   did with Trials of mana and also with the second  densetsu collection or Secret of Mana collection   on the Nintendo switch and how well those games  did it showed that people want Secret of Mana   people want Trials of Mana so we're getting it so  perfect time to get get back into this now this   game across all platforms I think sold around 1.3  to 1.5 million so there's tons of people who have   not tried out the Mana series and now would be  a great time try it out on the Nintendo switch   you can pick it up on Xbox or Playstation when  it comes to the visions of Mana or wait for the   eventual Nintendo switch 2 version of the game  that I think will pretty much 100% come because   I think that's where most people are going to  want to buy the game anyway just like most people   bought Trials of mana on the Nintendo switch  so Trials of Mana absolutely one of the best   remake RPGs on the platform great combat multiple  different characters that you can use replay value   very fun polished combat as well with upgrades  and different things that you could do to adjust   your character a lot of cool different areas to go  through bosses to fight I think it is a phenomenal   remake of that original Super Nintendo game and  one that you guys should definitely give a second   chance to all right next up we're going to talk  about Xeno Chronicles 3 plus future redeemed and   I know what some of you guys are already saying  wait a minute how is this underrated it's a 92   Metacritic when it comes to Future redeemed it's  an 89 when it comes to the base game and yes I   know but more people need to pick up this game  Xeno Chronicles 3 plus future redeemed is a series   is a game Xenoblade series that should be in the  34 million unit seller range with every single   release plus now what we've seen so far with Xeno  bade Chronicles when it comes to the bestselling   would be Xeno bade Chronicles 2 which is almost at  3 million it's getting towards that Zen Chronicles   3 is about at 2 million if you included future  redeem it's probably over 2 million units which is   good but this series definitely deserves way more  and that's why I think it's underrated overall   people don't really see exactly what's great about  the series so if you haven't got into Xenoblade   let me tell you about it just a little bit here  guys let me tell you a little bit about zenay   Chronicles 3 in particular one of the best open  worlds in gaming hands down you've got a day night   cycle you've got some nice physics cool biomes  different areas completely connected in an open   world setting tons of different side quests to do  and honestly the side quests are some of the best   side quests that I've ever seen they're pretty  much main quests but they said hey we're going to   make them side quests to let you go seek out and  fill up the whole map and see exactly what you can   do but I think that this game is probably the most  impressive Nintendo switch open-ended game because   in this title you can have seven characters on  screen all at once you can switch between them at   any time whether you're in combat or out of combat  and the battles are seamless you transition right   into battles right there you can run away whenever  you want you can get into battles whenever you   want in a completely open world setting with day  night cycles with water effects and physics with   so much different stuff that you don't even see  in modern end RPGs to this day and they're doing   it on the limited Hardware compared to what's out  there with Xbox PlayStation and PC so it's really   cool to see what Zen bab picles 3 did and the type  of game that it is so more people absolutely need   to give it a chance I think it's under rated at a  89 on Metacritic and then 92 on the future redeem   I think it's higher than that and maybe that's  just the super Xeno fan in me but honestly after   200 hours of Xeno Chronicles 3 and another 50  plus hours of future redeem so a total of 250   hours plus I don't think I've had as much fun with  any other Nintendo switch RPG just overall when   it comes to Xenoblade Chronicles if you factor in  the story The gam playay the mechanics innovation   music I mean we can go into a whole other scenario  where we talk about how incredible the music is   and how there's over 100 plus tracks and how it's  beautifully designed and orchestrated but once   again that's just part of the experience that  Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is and I feel that it's   underrated compared to what it does compared to  how many people actually play the series but you   never know what's going to happen in the future  I think a Nintendo switch 2 version of this game   with 60 frames per second and upscaled up to  higher resolutions I think that could do some   wonders because the game really is impressive for  what they're doing on the Nintendo switch Base by   itself all right moving on to the next game here  guys let's talk about octopath traveler 1 and two   and both of these games are fantastic now out  of all the games on this list I'm pretty sure   octopad traveler is the most popular when it comes  to sales octopad traveler 1 sold 3 million units   across the Nintendo switch and PC versions with  the majority of that being on the Nintendo switch   so octopath traveler absolutely one of the more  popular games however the sequel octopath traveler   2 which is the focus of what I'm going to be  talking about today definitely did not do as   well and that was across the PS4 PS5 the Nintendo  switch I think it's also on PC as well and I think   that it kind of launched in a little bit of a  bloated time period at the beginning of 2023   but I still feel that it's a very good game it's a  very good game that does a lot of things right one   of the the big things that I think that they kind  of fixed a bit was some of the intertwined stories   now it's still not completely like a Xenoblade  story structure or anything but I think it's   better how you have these different intertwined  stories within the characters and I feel that the   combat system with the latent powers and other  things that they've added in to make it faster   and more fun to play is really good plus that  story and some of the cruelty in addition to plot   twists that it has with the different characters  are going to have you basically going through the   range of emotions from being completely elated and  happy but then thinking oh my gosh these people   are absolutely terrible when it comes to some of  the villains that you come across and if you love   the old school 16bit RPGs the old school style  this game kind of takes that Bas and says we're   going to add new things to it I personally love  the combat system with the HD rumble or with the   haptics on the PS5 that just felt great to play  they did a great job with that but the battle   system just flows you're going to be powering up  and using multiple turns or stocking your turns   in order to have better strategies you're going  to be switching out your different members that   have unique abilities and different classes that  you can switch between exploring the whole world   optional dungeons super bosses all sorts of  crazy stuff are in this game and it's one of   the best well-rounded turn-based jrpg experiences  out there on the Nintendo switch hands down so if   you have not experience octopath traveler 1 and  two definitely go out there and try the games out   I think that Pat traveler 2 does a great job of  improving on so many things from the first game   which many reviewers did say I just think that  people didn't give it enough of a chance or maybe   they played octopath 1 they didn't really beat  the game or they didn't really care about it too   much and didn't try octopath traveler 2 but now  might be a good time to give it a second chance   try out the games and see what you think at this  point I think you might be surprised that you'll   like octopath traveler 1 and especially octopath  traveler 2 and I will say one more thing with   the graphics in the game the HD 2D has always been  awesome since its Inception with octopack traveler   1 but they did a great job of enhancing it way  further if you compare octopath 1 to octopath 2   the graphics definitely got far more advanced in  between which it should right they're five years   apart but I was expecting it if they were going  to do another one to look pretty similar which   it does but the graphics are definitely better  when it comes to the background and the effects   and stuff that they've added into it just from  a visual perspective okay now we're moving on   to the next game here guys and we're talking  about Bravely Default 2 Bravely Default 2 is   a game that came out back in 2021 on the Nintendo  switch and it was kind of just pushed aside it's   a game that has a high 70s average not the best  average overall and people played that demo on   the Nintendo switch they got bodied by some bees  and said you know what I'm done this game's not   good now thankfully for teano thankfully for  square enx the game ultimately ended up selling   over a million units on the Nintendo switch by  itself so well funded everything's good there   for a double a RPG but I think that if you went  back and tried out the game now if you can find   it on discount or sale and I've played a ton  of this game I put 70 something hours into the   game or so beat a lot of the super bosses went  through and did so many different things this   game is very good and it's actually more in  depth than octopad traveler octopad traveler   borrows its battle system but strips things back  quite a bit this is very much the advanced version   combat-wise from octopad travel where you have  a ton of different classes you can go Brave in   default multiple times at any turn you can even  default yourself and expend turns to unleash on   enemies and then have to pay back those turns so  there's so many different little things that you   can do to tweak your battle experience to really  rise above and do something different from another   player to where hey one player might have this  type of strategy with these different classes but   another player can do completely different things  and have the same results or way better overall   so to me Bravely Default 2 is like the ultimate  version of what they were trying to do with the   old school Final Fantasy job or class-based  system it's really good some people are just   put off by some of the chibi style graphics and I  completely understand that but now might be a good   time to get into Bravely Default 2 because team  asano has teased that there will be new Bravely   Default information this year in 2024 and it seems  like there's going to be a remake or Master of the   original Bravely Default game from the Nintendo  3DS and maybe even bravely second end layer so   we could have the whole bravely series on the  Nintendo switch so now might be a good time to   get into Bravely Default 2 then see what they do  for Bravely Default 1 and end layer but even if it   was just Bravely Default one from the Nintendo 3DS  that game is awesome it just needs a few different   tweaks here and there to sh up the experience and  I think that it could rate higher than Bravely   Default to because of what they did with the  story overall so Bravely Default 2 absolutely   a game that you should look out for now the last  game here and a bonus one that we're going to talk   about and it's not quite I guess the prototypical  RPG like these other games but it's astral chain   this game to me should be three four five million  units in sales it deserves every single bit of   it yes I understand I know the story isn't the  best I get that but the combat in here is quite   possibly some of the unique and best combat on the  Nintendo switch or any other system hands down you   have these different Legions that you can pick  they're essentially your other team members that   fight with you automatically you're part of this  Elite operation and you have to go out there and   solve these aberration cases with these aliens  essentially from a different dimension that come   into the world and sometimes wreak havoc it's a  basic setup but the execution is done incredibly   well some of the best visuals if not the best  looking game on the Nintendo switch graphically   phenomenal music as well but the shining star of  this whole game and why I'm telling you you should   go out there and give it a second chance or third  chance just go out there buy the game brand new   preferably so the developers can actually know  that they got another sale with Platinum Games   is the combat in here I spent countless hours  in this game just toying away tweaking with my   different Legion setups leveling up replaying  missions going through equipping getting all   the different things the achievements in the  game this game is packed to the brim full of   seamless content and when I say seamless content  I mean that content that doesn't really like oh   my gosh I got to play this or I got to do this  it's like hey this will help me out whenever   I do this achievement or I do this thing in the  game I'll get something extra like a customizable   equipment or I'll get something different to  where I can make my character look different   or different colors I can completely customize  my experience and what I want to do in this game   it's that good and it's complete in terms of the  game itself you play the game you beat the game   it can take you anywhere between depending on the  difficulty between 10 to 30 40 hours it took me   like 40 hours plus but I was replaying missions  and doing different things and then after you   beat the game there's even more there's DLC built  into the game so people talk about oh man look at   what Atlas is doing look at what some of these  other companies are doing with DLC and extra   releases well they built all the DLC into the  game after you beat the game where there's tons   of replay value and missions and different things  to do afterwards so to me astral chain absolutely   should be a game that deserves a second chance if  you have not picked it up and I know a lot of you   guys despite this game being on almost all of my  Nintendo switch list a lot of you guys have still   not picked up astral chain so absolutely pick up  ashle Chan I give you guys a little bonus game   there I know that's more than seven to eight  games because I said there's multiple games   but we're talking about series overall what do you  guys think overall when it comes to what I talked   about here and these underrated Nintendo switch  RPGs that deserve a second chance from you out   there let me know if you're planning on trying  out any of these put a comment below and I'll   do my best to go through all of them and maybe  even have a followup with more games so if you   have an underrated RPG that you want me to check  out or you want me to talk about also put that in   the comment section but all right guys that wraps  it up for this video here thank you so much for   watching I do appreciate it please make sure you  hit that like button subscribe if you are someone   new click that notification Bell and check out  my other Nintendo switch list videos RPG vids and   more right here on screen scen thanks for watching  and we'll catch you guys for the next one peace
Channel: PlayerEssence
Views: 11,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo switch, switch, nintendo, nintendo news, playeressence, player essence, new nintendo, nintendo switch news, nintendo switch 2, nintendo switch oled, nintendo switch games
Id: Ya11zBuns3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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