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get a large mixing bowl and put in three and a half cups of desiccated coconut then add two cups of icing sugar sift it first it's also called confectionary sugar or something like that then get a pinch of cream of tartar just mix this together now add a can of sweetened condensed milk that should be about 390 to 400 grams now stir it seem like mix all this this is a very interesting experience now break this up into two amounts and put the second amount in another bottle now for one bowl putting a few drops or so of red food coloring and in the other bowl with the other half put in a few drops of green so just put in however many you want just now just mix all that in to get a nice color now as I said however many drops you want you might be enough you might need ten or more just depends on how much color you want alright so here we have two colors now we'll get on to the next part it's some sort of baking dish or something that's decent-sized at least 20 centimeters across say butter it put baking paper so it sticks and then you want to put put the green one down and we want to flatten it over the whole thing so we just want to flatten it use a spoon use your hands it doesn't really matter as long as your hands are clean alright so here's that laughs now get that layer and put that and squash it right over the top the top layer is on now just put this in the fridge for one to two hours just to set enough and then we'll get into the evening all right that was in the fridge for a couple of hours I just cut it into slices there you go awesomeness hope you like these I get a container and get strawberry raspberry at one of the red chilies or jell-o's pour it in just follow the packet now this is done get the bowl that you can put the trifle in now make sure you've got a good sized bowl now get a bunch of different berries I like to use pitted cherries strawberries raspberries blueberries stuff like that put them in the base of the bulb now get this pour it in now put this in the fridge to set you can put it in the freezer if you want to speed that process up but in the fridge could take four hours in the freezer you could reduce this to one and a half to two hours now do the same with a green one of jell-o just and then just set this aside we want this to start to set just very slightly now what you want to do is bake a cake you can buy a packet cake or whatever just by sponge cake or you just make one from scratch like I did let it set once it's cool just cut it up into pieces whatever size you want to put in the trifle now normally people put that over the base and a trifle but for me I prefer the jello as the base all right once that's broken up and the jello part the first layer has set then we're just gonna chuck this in it no just get chunks of the cake or whatever you're going to use this may not be a traditional trifle but this is how I make a trifle then pour anywhere from a quarter to a half a cup roughly of sweet sherry over then I pour over vanilla custard now it's entirely up to you how much I like to put in about a liter now get some different types of fruits and berries and about a cup and just sprinkle it over the top now we just put this in the fridge while the green jello is setting and then what we're going to do is we're going to get some thickened cream or whipping cream and beat that and then by the time that is done this and the jello should be ready okay now get the green jello that's it hasn't set but it's starting to get slightly gluggy you just pour that straight over um now just put this in the fridge or freezer so it sits properly just from this point another 30 minutes in the freezer or 45 minutes the fridge should be enough right now that that is pretty much set get the whipped cream that you've whipped and put it in now how much cream you want to use is fine anywhere between 300 and 600 mils is probably good now decorate on top with whatever you like I like to put a bunch of blueberries just around and then maybe some strawberries get a large mixing bowl put in four cups of desiccated coconut add a tablespoon or so of lemon rind so just great the skin of a lemon and then put in a can could be a 395 grams of sweetened condensed milk now mix this together you can use a wooden spoon if you want that it's probably going to be easier to really get into it with your hands so just start with the spoon and use your hands if you need to if you do need to use your hands make sure they are very clean now get 100 grams of glazed cherries and just cut off into pieces and mix them in with this you're probably going to want to really get into it with your hands alright so that's looking good sort of a light pink color to where you want give it that Christmas you sort of feel and now we're going to roll them into balls and put them on a baking tray you know give a baking tray lined it with baking paper if you've got something like this this is like a rubbery plus these silicone type thing that you can use which I find awesome and just get these and just roll them into balls and just place them a little bit of pop now while you're doing this turn the oven on to 160 degrees Celsius given spam force if not 180 so that'll be about 320 degrees or about 300 and I just pop these in the oven for about 12 to 15 minutes keep an eye on them they just start to go very slightly Brown then we're done right they're done so you just slightly browned still pink and just leave them on there for about 10 or 15 minutes just to cool get a large mixing bowl that's microwave safe and throw in about 500 grams of white chocolate now put this in the microwave for 30 seconds and stir then another 30 seconds and stir and keep repeating that until this is all melted and nice and creamy all right that's melted looking good now add a teaspoon of peppermint essence now get about a dozen candy canes put them in a bag like this and just bash them not so they're too fine so you want fine beat Center for some chunks or re we're done with that and add the crushed candy cane and just stir this in now get a baking tray and put the yumminess in there just flatten it out yeah now just get another couple of candy canes and crush them now just get some of them and just sprinkle it over the top and just flatten them in just a little bit I like to use a spork for this some people call it a theme all right now just pop this in the fridge until it's set now that will take maybe an hour or two and then we start breaking it up well that's it just bash it just turn your stove on to medium just to start start with one cup of sugar any kind of sugar is fine for this and then add one cup of water so what we want to do is just bring this to the boil and just stir this until the sugar has dissolved okay the sugar is dissolved now add in 4 cups of cranberries you can use fresh or frozen personally I like to use fresh just make sure you clean them before you add them to this just give them a good clean and now we just give these a bit of a stir what we do is return this to the boil then we reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes roughly basically until the cranberries burst so that's what we're looking for we want the cranberries to burst this is just a very basic cranberry sauce recipe or method for making cranberry sauce you can add other ingredients if you want you know in on occasion I'll mix in some chopped pecans if you want you can add some some raisins or some currants if you want you can just really just add that oh just some blueberries just for added sweetness all right these are pretty much done now they're for their burst so I think good it's what we do now is we take this off the heat and you've got to let it cool completely at room temperature now that could vary depending on what time of year use it cetera but I find that it takes at least one to two hour for this to cool at room temperature and once that's cooled then what we'll do is completing the fridge and we kill it and once again that depends on your fridge what temperature you have it set to usually to chill this in the fridge after it's cold will take another hour hour and a half well these are this cranberry sauce is already it's nice and chilled get a mixing bowl with a stand mixer or a hand mixer if you don't have one Chuck in about 125 grams of butter then add half the cup granulated sugar and half a cup of firmly packed brown sugar now won't beat this until it's pale and fluffy now get 2 egg yolks add them [Music] now add one teaspoon of vanilla extract and half a teaspoon of rum extract then add two thirds of a cup old eggnog now just mix this on low now add about anywhere from half a teaspoon to a teaspoon of ground nutmeg and equal amount of grounded cinnamon so if you're putting half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg putting half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon now get about 2 cups of self-raising flour while this is on low no just get the mixture now the size of anyway from 1 to 2 tablespoons depends on how big you want the cookies to be just place them about 2 inches apart what you want to do is pre-heat your oven to about 175 degrees Celsius which is about 350 degrees Fahrenheit now these should take about about 12 to 15 minutes now you want to put them on the lower shelf don't put them on the top now just leave them on here for about 10 to 15 minutes just to cool and set a little then transfer them to a wire rack or something a little them cool completely now get a large mixing bowl put in 2 cups of powdered sugar icing sugar confectionery sugar same thing different name then add about 60 to 70 grams of room-temperature butter then add just a little bit maybe about half a teaspoon of rum extract about three tablespoons of eggnog you can always add a little more once you've mixed this if you think it needs to be not as thick so for this I'm just gonna use a hand mixer because I'll get a better consistency but you don't have to [Music] [Applause] get your cookies get the frosting put it over the top however much you want how thick you want it now you're not to leave as is or you can sprinkle a little bit of nutmeg over the top which is what I like to do and just serve up now or you can put this in the fridge to let the frosting set for about 10 minutes either way it's going in your stomach so it doesn't really matter [Music] [Music] my first thing you're gonna need is one packet of raspberry jelly now I'm using raspberry you can use whatever you want but perhaps piece of Christmas color so why not then with some boiling water pour it straight in so it's about 1 and 1/2 cups now dissolve this Chile you have about 1 and a half cups of water now putting in just a bit more than one and a half because well the jelly is gonna take up some of the room already so give it a bit of a stir just get it to dissolve now what you want to do now is put this in the fridge for about 45 minutes and this needs to cool so we'll do that now all right now while that is cooling or chilling in the fridge get if you don't have a food processor that is and I don't get a plastic bag and put it in the plastic bag a whole packet of pilots nice biscuits now what we want to do is crush these so get a rolling pin and just bash it down until it's crushed now grab 170 grams of unsalted butter and melt it now I'd like to just put it in the microwave so just melt it however you want and then we'll proceed with the next part now I'll get a bowl decent sized bowl like this and put the crushed biscuit straight in here and add the melted butter to the crumbs and now we want to mix this in I get some sort of baking tray like this that's got a fair amount of height to at least an inch and a half two inches grease it and then clip that crumb mix straight in so now we want to just spread it out a bit evenly and then we want to Pat it down really quite firmly and whatever you want for this I use and this is a big spoon like this works quite well now this is nicely pressed down so it's quite firm so now this goes in the fridge for about 30 minutes to cool a bit now after you've wait about 30 minutes so the crumb mix is ready to come out put in roughly 10 to 12 grams of unflavored gelatin and then put half a cup of hot water and let it dissolve you can give it a little stir just to help it dissolve now in a bowl pour in a can of sweetened condensed milk it's about 395 grams and pour in the unflavored gelatin mix and mix it in okay they'll take they now cooled crumb mix out and pull the condensed milk with the gelatin mix over the top of it show me around a bit just so it completely covers it now place this back in the fridge for another 30 minutes alright that's ready it's been if it would 30 minutes now grab your jelly and just carefully pour it straight over it all right now we just put this in the fridge again until it sets alright it's been in the fridge for a couple of hours it's set it's ready to go now we'll just cut it into pieces and start eating yeah now all you need for this is some crackers any type I've chosen one called Jats now get some pepperoni or salami something like that cut it into a triangle that's going to be the Hat so you can place that there get some ricotta cheese put it in something you can squeeze it down preferably and this will be base of the Hat so you just spread that out and the beard just use something to thicken the beard up a bit I'll get some celery and cut it into thin pieces that and fry balls use a dried fruit cetanas raising something else but if you use salt and those are raisins cut them into a small size there you go really simple just a good way to make a little snack around Christmas a little bit more than just a snack and this is something that the whole family can get involved in now for this get a large mixing bowl and you want to get 200 grams of Brazil nuts chuck them in the bowl 100 grams or so of macadamia nuts then get 250 grams of pitted dates halved in about one cup tall one of the quarter cups of mixed dried fruits sultanas raised and stuff like that then the zest of one lemon didn't get about 2/3 of a cup of self-raising flour sift that in thinking about 3/4 of a cup of sugar and we'll just stir all this in now lightly whisk 2 eggs and add a teaspoon of vanilla to it and pour that in just this this part is totally optional you can either add a couple of tablespoons of brandy or whiskey or just some sort of favorite alcohol just mix this through as best you can you know just add 150 200 grand glands 150 200 grams of glazed cherries just mix this through now pour this in a pan chuck it in the oven at 150 degrees Celsius which is 300 degrees Fahrenheit it'll take about an hour and a half to two hours after about an hour and a half check it just put a skewer through the center and if it comes out clean it's ready all right that's done now just leave it here for about 20 to 30 minutes to cool and then we'll get on to the next part now once you've taken out of the tin you put it on there just get a little bit of brandy a couple of tablespoons or something and just sprinkle it over it [Music] you're mayor now just wrap it in tinfoil and just put it somewhere in a cool dry place on the counter in the cupboard or somewhere for at least two three days [Music] well rocky this is ready three days in the foil now you just want to get some little colorful like glazed cherry stuff like this just arrange them over the top wherever you want and get about a third of a cup or so of well I'm going to use apricot jam you can use a different type if you wish and just pop it in the microwave for about 20 to 30 seconds just so it softens it goes a bit runny now get your softened apricot jam and you don't just serve it up whenever you're ready well I hope you like this I'll get your mixing bowl and put in three egg yolks to that add 1/4 of a cup of castor sugar white sugar or extra fine sugar and beat this until it's nice and creamy [Music] all right it's looking good now add one and a half cups of milk and just mix this in lightly [Music] heard about a teaspoon of vanilla essence now this part is optional I'm gonna add a bit of rum natural rum flavoring essence so this is for a slightly alcoholic taste without any alcohol in it so just about half a teaspoon to a teaspoon just keep this mixing on the line just very lightly looks in it now sprinkle in about a teaspoon of ground nutmeg now while that's still mixing pour in 1/2 a cup of sticking the cream in a separate bowl put in the three egg whites and we want to beat these until they are white light fluffy and have peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see it's got soft peaks perfect now grab the ball with the first mixture and scooping this and we're going to fold it in now just fold this in now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to transfer it back into the other ball now you can just whisk this part in just lightly so becomes a little creamier but I'm going to use the machine to do it because it's more fun just pour the eggnog straight in yeah so pull it to about there and then there'll be creamy stuff on top you can just scoop that in put it on top and just garnish with a little bit of nutmeg you can put a bit of cinnamon sugar on too if you wish but they're all put in a cinnamon stick that can be quite popular but I just have it like that [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty this is going to be so easy now just get your strawberries and just take the end off so the bottom is flat you can place it down like that however you like and then just cut the top off like that so that's going to be the little Santa hat now get some cream that's being whipped you can buy it already whipped or you can whip some and get something like this squeeze it out or you could even just spoon it out and just spit it out like that put the little hat on squash it down and you can decide which way you think it looks best you go well that looks pretty good right around it you can see that's the Santa front now what we also want to do is put a couple of little Santa buttons you put them on how many how anyway whichever way you like and you get some melted chocolate or you can just break a little chocolate bits off that's right and get like a little skewer just dab a little bit on now just repeat that for however many you like you have different size hats you know it's pretty cool and pretty fun and so easy to do and it looks really created so voila and there you go get a medium-sized saucepan chuck in 125 grams of softened butter add a can of sweetened condensed milk should be about 395 grams add 2 tablespoons of glucose syrup and one cup of brown sugar have it on low and we want to cook this stirring without boiling for about 10 minutes or until the mixture is glassy and the sugar has dissolved okay as you can see the sugar has dissolved it's nice and glossy that's what we want now turn the heat up to about a low medium and just bring this to a simmer and we just want to cook and stir for about five minutes or so until the mixture thickens and once it comes away from the pan it's ready alright it's all nice there's you can see it's thickened there you go see it's coming away from the pan there see I'm creating that and now if I go around the sides comes away then we'll go back so that parts done just turn the heat off okay once you've turned the heat off just remove it from the heat and then we want to add the rest of the ingredients so you're 180 grams of dark chocolate you either use some fruit mints or mixed fruit like sultanas raisins just those little mixed bags you get just about anywhere from half three-quarters of a cup getting about anywhere from third to half a cup of dried cranberries and just about a third of a cup or so will cut up and crushed hazelnuts so just mix this through until the chocolate has melted and the mixture has become one a whole this looks so good this is about the most amazing fudge I think you'll ever try now get a baking dish baking pan greased it put some baking paper on it so you've got a bit of an overhang pour the mixture in now just even it out just spread it out so it's fairly evenly so awesome and once you've done this just pop this in the fridge until it's set could take six hours it's always good to just put it in overnight and it'll definitely be set then and then eat and see if it can last for more than four seconds alright that is ready now this ended up only actually taking two hours I forgot last time I made it my fridge wasn't as cold so my fridge is set to two degrees now so I only took two hours so if your fridges sits about two degrees this will be set in a couple of hours Christmas fudge get a large mixing bowl and put in 500 grams of white chocolate now we want to melt this so chuck it in the microwave for about 30 to 40 seconds give it us two and repeat that for 30 seconds stir until it has melted completely all righty then now that it's melted now you want to do this before you melted you want to cut up about 200 grams of marshmallows or just get mini marshmallows I like to cut it up so it's different sizes 100 grams of Turkish Delight and 100 grams of red licorice now just cut all that up into little pieces and get anywhere from about a quarter of a cup to half a cup of crushed nuts peanuts whatever type of nuts you like now I want to add all this in while this is nice and melted before it starts to set then these you cut up Turkish Delight red licorice crushed nuts and I'll stir this through quickly so it's all mixed in now just get a baking tray grease it and then put this in you can always put down some baking paper or parchment paper just to make sure that it doesn't stick but now once this is set there shouldn't be any real issues whether getting it out now just pop this in the fridge until it sets and then cut it up into pieces or just eat it in one giant mouth there you go really didn't take long now just cut it into pieces well I hope you like these now get a mug put in four tablespoons of plain flour or all-purpose flour add four tablespoons of sugar now just stir the flour and sugar together a little bit then add one egg let's give this a mix then add three tablespoons of eggnog and three tablespoons of oil now give this a stir [Music] now pop this in the microwave on HIGH for about two minutes now depending on the power of your microwave it might need another 30 seconds all right now just whip some cream or get some whipping cream and put some over the top I'll get some nutmeg sprinkle that over the top yummy well I hope you like this alright now get your Oreo cookie then get some icing sugar or cake frosting and just put that straight over the top so you want that to just cover it now get a couple of jaffers they look like this if you don't have gaffers in your country something that's red on the outside just place the next to each other now just by some spearmint or peppermint leave leaf treats they look like that and place them accordingly and there you go so simple really nice treat really yummy get a large mixing bowl pour in two cups of rice bubbles I think they called rice krispies or something in the USA and half the cup of sugar white sugar castor sugar fine sugar it's all good then add half a cup o desiccated coconut then add about anywhere from two-thirds of a cup to a cup of mixed dried fruits get a saucepan and over medium heat put in 125 grams of vegetable shortening brand that I use is COFA it has other names it's also called Crisco and cooking if you can't find any of these vegetable shortening is you can always use lard right now that the vegetable shortening is melted get 1 cup of white chocolate usually the white chocolate bits other easiest for this they're like these little things now get your vegetable shortening while it's hot and pour it straight over it and then mix it all in now get some sort of muffin or little cupcake thing put these in it and just spoon however much of the mixture you want in here how big you want these to be alright now just Chuck this in the fridge for about an hour and this will be ready to eat or lick get the mixing bowl and throw in or pour be easy to pour pretty hard to throw liquid and put in six hundred mils of pure cream or whipping cream thickened cream anything that you can whip perfectly not Devo because it had too many chunks in it now we just want to whip this and whip it good look at a can of sweetened condensed milk 395 grams pour that in and then we want to fold this in so we keep it light and airy [Music] and just over half a tablespoon of vanilla extract and half a cup of chocolate syrup chocolate sauce chocolate topping and fold this through then add three cut-up cherry rhymes for those of you that don't know what a tree ripe is looks like this it's awesome just fold that through now just get the container something that you can seal and put into the freezer and pour a mixture in now pop this in the freezer either overnight or just 46 hours should be plenty of time but just check it there's the ice climber well I hope you like this alright this is a really cool quick and easy way to have a nice little marinade for your ham if you have run out of time now you get about a quarter of a cup of mustard and half a cup of ginger beer or ginger ale now basically if you want more than that it's just two parts ginger ale ginger beer one part mustard and just mix it in yummy so you can just prepare your ham if you're cooking a ham however you would and pour this over it it's a really really yummy marinade so simple just two ingredients good large mixing bowl put in one and a half cups of self-raising flour then get two cups of eggnog just mix this through now get some glazed cherries cut them up or if you want them in big chunks that's fine I usually put in about 125 to 150 grams just mix them through oh yeah just get a cake tin I like to use one with a push up base just makes it easy to get out grease it if you wish pour the mixture straight in now pop this in the oven at about 350 degrees Fahrenheit which is about 180 degrees Celsius should only take about 25 to 30 minutes and it will be done oh yeah all right that's finished all right now just leave it here to cool a little bit then we take it out let it cool completely and then we'll get on to the next part where we make the frosting just get a bowl put in one cup of icing sugar confectionery sugar and add 30 mils or two tablespoons of eggnog just mix this until you've got a yummy paste alright once your cake is cool take it out of the tin get your topping and spread it over the top or if you want just spread it around I like to let it go down the sides because it looks extra awesome and then I just sprinkle some nutmeg over the top I was ready to eat you can also pop it in the fridge if you want these to sit on top but I like it all drizzly well I hope you like this oh look at the yummy today's in a large mixing bowl and put in one and a half cups of self-raising flour in two cups of eggnog regular eggnog not light or low-fat now just mix this in now get a muffin tray and put in some of these or you can just grease it and put the mixture in so transfer it to something that has a spout and pour it in you can pour it anywhere from half way to you know three quarters turn your oven on to about 180 degrees Celsius which is about 350 degrees Fahrenheit and put these in the oven for probably somewhere between 12 and 15 minutes now get a small bowl and put in half a cup of powdered sugar which is our icing sugar confectionery sugar and add 1 tablespoon of eggnog and just give this a good stir want this to be really thick oh yeah that's ready forget your muffins get the icing mixture and just drizzle it over you can have it just little bits thick whatever now you can leave like that put in the fridge for 10 minutes just to let this set a little bit get a little harder or you can sprinkle a bit of nutmeg over the top which I like to do I hope you like these my first off you want 500 grams of white chocolate now white chocolate melts is fine just something that's sort of circular like this and what you want to do is pop it in the microwave for about one minute and then give the stir and then put it on for another 30 seconds and stir it again and just keep repeating that until it's melted the first 60 seconds it's only starting to melt so another 30 seconds stir another 30 seconds stir and repeat that until it's it's melted but be careful not to burn it okay so that looks like that's done okay so they've let them we'll stir in the rest of the ingredients pour in one cup of desiccated coconut one and a half cups of rice bubbles one tablespoon of vanilla essence or vanilla extract if you stir all these things in at the same time if you wish I find it's easier to stir things in my adding bits and pieces putting 100 grams of glaze to cherries or less here now you can put them in whole chopped them up whatever whatever you want I sort of chopped up some of them and cut the rest in the hole now I had 160 grams of salt on us and 160 grams of almonds now you can cut them up and crush them a bit whatever you like and then just mix the meat now in the baking tray and align it with some baking paper you can put a bit of butter just on the tray underneath it to help the paper stick and then put the mixture and now what we want to do is spread it out use your hands if you want to that's alright then was it washed with a large metal spoon or something flat push it down just to flatten it out and compress it a little bit now just put it in the fridge and let it sit that'll take maybe 15 to 20 minutes it's not gonna take very long all right solid now I've been in the fridge for about 25-30 minutes and they're ready so now we just cut them in two slices and eat away [Music]
Channel: SimpleCookingChannel
Views: 463,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recipe, how to, food, cook, recipes, instructional video, cuisine, eating, homemade, chef, candy, instructions, educational video, video recipe, chocolate, dessert, shopping, online, ingredients, learn, basic, simple, tasty, main meal, dinner, lunch, tutorial, tips, simplecookingchannel, kitchen, easy, lunchbox, paleo, vegan, healthy, gummy, top 25 christmas recipes, homemade christmas recipes, simple christmas recipes, simple homemade christmas recipes, christmas food, christmas recipes, easy christmas recipes
Id: Ryzb1spN8K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 58sec (3358 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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