Top 25 Hardest Hitters Of The Last 25 Years... Pt1

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I'm officially calling you out to fight me Dave you can't run away from me forever and you need to follow through with this fight to get respect how do we measure a fighter's power to know how hard they truly punch sure watching them put someone to sleep fight after fight is a pretty good gauge but today we'll be taking a look at every aspect of what it takes to be a ring assassin droid hit me with one shot when a hit moon is happy Frode from George Foreman to David hey Tommy Morrison to Deontay Wilder sit back and enjoy as we in no particular order take a look at the biggest punchers the boxing world has seen in the last 25 years well 27 to be exact as we focus exclusively on fighters that were active from 1990 to today they're not ranked by pound for pound so of course every entrance to this list is a heavyweight what are the more forgotten champions of recent times is the Nigerian nightmare Samuel beter with a KO percentage of 80% out of his 36 wins peter was no joke in his time despite the most famous clip of his career being his post-fight interview after winning the WBC title in 2005 with a record of 24 no Peter came desperately close to knocking Vladimir Klitschko out after putting on the canvas three times but ultimately he didn't have the skills needed to see the job out to the end and lost by unanimous decision overall I would say Peter is a good puncher but nothing spectacular his aggressive style worked in his favor for the majority of the time but once entering the championship rounds he fades quite drastically she's a born and not me he's aggressive he's strong he's a real heavyweight he's got a neck that's real short and compact Michael David Haye is a man I'm sure many of you viewers are familiar with there was only two men he defeated that managed to go the distance leaving him with a 92% ko percentage in his 28 victories he made a stamp on the boxing scene during the late 2000s when he pretty much dominated the cruiserweight division winning three of four major titles he later moved up to heavyweight and beat Nikolay value of for the WBA title value of had an astronomical height advantage but hey still managed to defeat Elan points and even came close to stopping him in the last round but as a heavyweight I personally feel hey failed to live up to expectations after getting bullied by Vladimir Klitschko and more recently whether injured or not lost in a huge showdown with fellow cruiserweight champion toady Bell you first time his game pain was superb and it worked out he said prior to the fight exactly what he was gonna do and how the fight was gonna go and it went basically 100% exactly how he said it's gonna go I go be a Buchi is a fighter I considered swapping for many of the honorable mentions I listed for him but despite not becoming a world champion in the short 20 fight career that saw him with 15 of those wins by knockout Mike was a badass in the ring he put together combinations his uppercut on Chris bird in his last fight in 2005 still makes me cringe to this day and shows the kind of potential he could have had in his career moving forward if his personal life had never held him back Larry Holmes is a top 10 all-time great heavyweight in my opinion and the people that follow this channel know I include fighters dating back to the very start of the Queen's burger rolls we're making lists so that is something I say with the utmost praise Larry didn't have the most menacing one punch power but a truly devastating all-around skill set that saw him ko 44 of his 69 opponents in the bout see one which in Larry's case was mostly title fights as he dominated the era between Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson this may come as a shock to people but my favorite ring moment in the whole history of boxing was in the 15th round between Larry Holmes and Ken Norton even Rocky Balboa ringside was left flabbergasted I won't be a champ love you anger make him [Applause] I have no heart [Applause] Shannen the cannon brakes may have turned himself into a bit of a meme in the last few years with the whole let's go champ thing but fans that followed him as a young man coming through the ranks will remember the way he made semi-desert Jamin look like nothing but complete novices [Applause] it's speculated Briggs holds the record for most first-round knockouts in heavyweight history with 37 which is impressive whether you're knocking over tomato cans or not heavyweights are big men and can take a much harder punch than the average guy on the street so kudos for that feat but at the age of 45 and coming off a drug ban I think it's time for the cannon to maybe consider calling it a day Tommy Morrison is a fighter that needs little explanation when talking about his power just listen to the sound of those punches [Applause] [Music] his devastating left hooks on ko 42 of his 48 opponents many of which were brutalized in the first two rounds although many will argue the fact he failed to compile a resume of the same stature as his peers like Lennox Lewis or Mike Tyson he did beat some top fighters like George Foreman and razor ruddock and when Redick went down it was like he got taken out by a sniper [Applause] Tommy had a whole heap of personal issues that stalled him from achieving an even better career but he still most definitely deserves his spot here today a few favorite fighters if you put Rocky Marciano in Floyd fashion together you'd have me that's you I think that's me another fighter that was lucky to make the cut was the seven foot giant nickel I value it despite being the largest heavyweight champion of all time by quite a distance value of failed to really impose a size on the many small men he met in the ring [Applause] a 52 fight career saw him win 50 of those contests with 34 coming by way of knockout but he never really beat an opponent that carried any real threat to him either way at an average of 330 pounds I'm glad it wasn't me in there getting my face wash in his hairy sweaty chest leans on you that hairy chest of his sweating in and some people know punters list would ever be complete without the team dynamo Iron Mike Tyson be mentioned [Applause] he is regarded by many fans as one of the hardest one-hitter quitter x' in the sports history whether he won or lost people would still be watching his knockout reels in a thousand years time a perfectly managed and trained young Tyson was quite simply boxing perfection when he was coming through the ranks knocking out every man in his path whether you argue the fact his level of competition was not quite up to scratch he proved all doubters wrong when he got too tight a level and dealt with them in the same fashion at the end of the series we'll be calculating our personal top 25 and you can bet your house will be near the top just an amazing athlete with a real killer there's no one Joe Messi is a name unsure many of the die-hard fans watching this might not be too sure about he retired undefeated in 2007 with a record of 36 and OH with 29 knockouts after he got a bleed on the brain that left him unable to compete again 22nd - Nevada Athletic Commission decided it was too dangerous for Macey to step back into the ring we wouldn't feature a fighter that didn't at least prove himself against a few decent contenders and Messi did defeat Vasili year off Monte Barrett David Eisen and Bert Cooper that to be fair weren't exactly world beaters but it takes a certain level of skill to beat those guys it might be possible that I've only featured Joe just to give him a bit of credit that he's failed to receive elsewhere he didn't exactly punch like a prime George Foreman but he certainly knew how to put a guy to sleep on his best night [Music] I hope you didn't think we were going to miss out on active guys because whether Anthony Joshua has 19 or 90 fights I think it's fair to say he has proved himself to be of a certain level already [Applause] the only fighter listed with a 100% KO record Joshua is a bad man when entering the ring although it's very early in his career so I don't doubt he'll eventually take a loss or let a fighter go the distance down the line but as for now his knockout of Vladimir Klitschko proved the raw strength and power this young man possesses every time he steps up the pace his opponents hit the ground we won't get too carried away with Joshua considering he's only been competing for a couple of years but I've got a feeling his ring presence will live on for a long while to co+ apart it fit undefeated young heavy if it's pure excitement you like to see when watching boxing then look no further than Evander Holyfield [Music] [Applause] in his prime he really was something special to watch relentless work rates quick hands studying power and to top it off the uncanny ability to never accept defeat [Applause] when Evander would after George and landed 18 19 punches in a row he just wasn't going to take no for an answer if you landed a three-punch combination you know he's coming right back with a 10 punch combination the 63% ko percentage doesn't really give this warrior the justice he deserves and that probably comes down to the fact he kept fighting way past his prime quite honestly at his best there is little to no heavyweight I'm picking to beat Evander and that's saying something considering he moved up from cruiserweight Tony Tucker was just another one of those great heavyweights from the late 80s and early 90s that suffered fighting in the same era as a prime Mike Tyson with 47 Kos and 57 victories Tucker was not a man that can be overlooked when looking back over the last 25 years he proved that when he stopped Buster Douglas for the vacant IBF title in 1987 there was that took there and right behind it or another injuries and managerial problems kept Tucker from reaching its full potential but overall he was a great boxer that could on his day beat a large majority of the fighters listed here although they may look similar and share the same last name it's important to separate the Klitschko brothers when raiding their skill sets Vitali Klitschko was an aggressive hard punching heavyweight that pretty much dominated the division in the 2000s 45 victories with 41 knockouts kind of speaks for itself but honestly it was more the manner of how he dealt with the top contenders which is more impressive after losing to Lennox Lewis and an all-time great heavyweight slugfest in 2003 Vitali remained undefeated for the remainder of its 10-year career and defended his WBC crown along the way and for the unlucky man that went the distance they had to endure a life-altering beating in the rig Hashim Rahman is often overlooked when talking about recent heavyweight greats granted he hasn't got the most stacked resume but you can't look past the fact he knocked out Lennox Lewis and in brutal fashion as well [Applause] before he met David Tua in 1998 Rahman had a record of 29 and Oh with 24 knockouts and even when he eventually stepped up in competition his KL rate stated an impressive 82 percent he wasn't blessed with natural skill or talent a rather slowing off and out-of-shape Rahman never really grew a fanbase in America but he did always carry the power to upset the major players of the heavyweight division Earnie Shavers a top 25 hardest puncher the last 25 years you may ask yeah that might be confusing for a lot of fans that associate him with fighting in the 70s but he kind of makes the list by a technicality considering his last bout was fought in 1995 obviously this was not even a shade of his prime self but good old Ernie sneaks into the list and I'm guessing a lot of people watching already know how high he could potentially rank when compiling him at the elbows the best one punch fighter the one greatest punch I have ever seen is owned by a man named Earnie Shavers Ernie was a freak of nature one punch could seriously change your life and although a lot of his fight footage is grainy to view by today's standards you could still see the amount of force this man could generate with a single blow in shavers 74 victories he flattened 68 of his opponents and any top contender of that time will tell you the relief they had if they never had to meet I know a photo shoot thank good we've decided to cut the video in two parts we'll be working overtime to get the next video ready as soon as possible so if you think a fighters missing I can guarantee you they'll be featuring in the final top ten next time please remember to hit the like button and subscribe if you're new around here until next time fight fans this is boxing legends TV signing off [Music]
Channel: Boxing Legends TV
Views: 8,306,455
Rating: 4.6955295 out of 5
Keywords: top 25 boxing, hardest hitters, boxers, mike tyson, anthony joshua, david haye, haye v joshua, vitali klitschko, evander holyfield, larry holmes, Hasim Rahman, Nikolay Valuev, Samuel Peter, Shannon Briggs, Tony Tucker, Tommy Morrison, Joe Mesi, Ike Ibeabuchi, part 1, part 2, klitschko v lewis, tyson v berbick
Id: ti0MiiDGd_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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