3 Quick and Easy WW Desserts (Weight Watchers) | Low Point Desserts

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[Music] hey guys it's Alisha today I've got a video about one of my favorite things and that is desserts now if you're like me you've got a sweet tooth and you're always looking for something to satisfy that sweet tooth so today I'm going to show you three recipes that I make quite a bit when I'm on Weight Watchers they are low in points they're easy to make and they taste delicious so let me jump in here and get started this first one is for chocolate peanut butter banana ice cream or as it's also called nice cream now I love this stuff it is so good and it's actually fairly healthy for you too and low in weight watcher points so it's one that I love to make quite a bit you can definitely switch up the flavors if you don't like chocolate peanut butter you can do plain you can do with other types of fruit like strawberry but this is our favorite so this is the one that I'm going to show you and it just starts off with some frozen bananas there I'm using four and I'm just breaking them in fairly small pieces and putting them in my food processor if you don't have a food processor but you have a high power blender you can do that to my blender is kind of weak sauce so I like to use my food processor here I'm adding in 1/3 cup of milk now I usually like to make this with almond milk but I don't have any on hand right now because I'm not going to the store as much so I'm just gonna use regular milk today but like I said typically I would use almond you can pretty much use any milk that you want next I'm going to add in some cocoa powder and then a little bit of creamy peanut butter you can use PB fit if you want I've tried that before I don't think it tastes as good as the regular peanut butter and using the regular peanut butter it still keeps this fairly low in point so that's what I usually use but like I said PB Fit will definitely work too in this if you want to lower those points even more another plus to the regular peanut butter though is that extra fat that's in there and the creaminess of the peanut butter it it just adds extra creaminess to the ice cream I think so again that's why I go with that one thanks to man add just a pinch of salt to this you don't have to add this if you don't want but I feel like it just kind of brings out the flavors of everything and then sometimes I also add vanilla which I forgot this time and so that's just kind of a nice little addition to this too but that is all there is to this you're just gonna dump everything in and blend this up I do usually have to stop it at least once or twice while I'm blending it though because as you can see there there's a big old chunk of banana so I stopped it knock the stuff down and then continue to blend that's probably at least once or twice that I end up doing that after blending it up for a couple of minutes this is what you end up with this stuff is so good and as you can see there it looks a whole lot like soft-serve to me and that's kind of what it tastes like - it is got just a wonderful flavor to it the consistency is great as you can see they're nice smooth just really good stuff as I said before this is a go-to for us it's something that we really enjoy and it's also something that I don't even really feel guilty eating because it is pretty healthy for you you can either eat this right away when it's at that consistency that you see there which like I said is a lot like soft-serve or you can stick this in your freezer and let it firm up a little bit but to be honest ours it usually doesn't make it that far this makes about four servings at four points a serving on all three colors green blue and purple and we usually eat this all pretty much as soon as it's made so yeah definitely one of our favorites and definitely one that I would recommend making next up is a classic that's just made a little bit lighter and that is rice krispie treats do you start off with this Brummel and brown real yogurt spread now you can use margarine any type of a light butter spread that you want this one is only two points for two tablespoons though so that's what I like to use this one plus it's got a pretty good taste so I start off with four tablespoons of this and I just put this in a pan that I've got on a low heat and I'm gonna just get that melting once that's all melted I'm gonna add in four cups or eight ounces of mini marshmallows you can use whatever type of marshmallow you want you just want to be using 8 ounces of them and then I'm going to just stir those until they completely melt and you've got some delicious gooey gooey goodness going on there and you want to just keep stirring this so that it doesn't stick or burn or anything like that but I do have this on a low heat and you want to continue to have it on the low heat because you definitely want to do this kind of low and slow you also want to have ready to go a greased 13 by 9 pan like I've got there now that this is all melted together I'm gonna add in a little bit of vanilla just splash or so for a little extra flavor you could probably also add a little salt if you wanted I sometimes do sometimes don't I'm going to just mix that in [Music] and now I'm gonna add in six cups of rice krispies and I'm gonna just stir this until it's all incorporated together one thing I was going to say I do know that you can buy the pre-made rice krispies treats and I think the individual ones are four points apiece which I do love and I do buy those but every once in a while I just really improving kind of the homemade rice krispies treats which definitely has a different flavor I think anyway then the store-bought ones so I like to make these and these are actually bigger than the store-bought ones ounce wise I think they're about twice as big so that's why I like to make these so next you're gonna take this and you're gonna just press it into your prepared 13 by 9 inch pan I just sprayed a little no calorie cooking spray in mine so you're gonna just pour this in and then you're gonna just press it in and one way to do this because this stuff is really really sticky one way to do this without getting it stuck all to your hands is to take a little cooking spray and just kind of spray your hand with it and then press it down you can also use a little bit of water to just some type of liquid on your hand will help keep that from sticking to it as you can see here it is completely sticking to my hands right now so I started just kind of smoothing it a little bit and then I went back and sprayed a little cooking spray on my hand once I've got all pressed down in that pan I just take mine and put them in the fridge and that seems to help them set up and just kind of stick together a whole lot better if you leave them out room temperature they don't ever seem to really set up that much so like I said I just stick mine in the fridge and they are good to go and here they are now I cut mine into twelve servings at five points of serving on all three colors green blue and purple and I also made these with Cheerios thought I'd show you those too I don't think there is good but I think we're still good so I cut mine in twelve so you can do them in sixteenths and then they would only be three points apiece on all three colors these are so good though and I can't even tell that they are a lightened up version of the original personally they've just got a wonderful flavor and definitely hit the spot when I've got a sweet tooth this last one is one that I'd love to make in the summer time or just when the weather is getting warmer like it is right now and that is for strawberry frozen yogurt sandwiches now these are kind of a tape on an ice cream sandwich and they are so so yummy I love these things they're also really really easy so you're gonna start with some reduced fat graham crackers I've got four of them there that I just laid on a piece of parchment paper in a pan and then they're in that bowl I've got two cups of a fat-free vanilla Greek yogurt and I'm gonna just add this entire tub which is 8 ounces of fat-free whipped topping to that and then I'm gonna just fold that all in together until it's all combined once I've got those two folded together I'm gonna add in about two cups of chopped fresh strawberries now I did not cut these up into small enough pieces I was in a big hurry and didn't take the time to cut them as small as I normally would so that kind of came to bite me later but you want to have pretty small pieces in this because otherwise it's not gonna be real easy to eat once this is all frozen you can also puree the strawberries if you want I've done that before too and that works pretty well but yeah you definitely if you're going to chop them you want them a little smaller than what I did here once I've got those strawberries all folded in I'm gonna take this mixture and I'm gonna just lay it on top of my graham crackers [Music] and then I'm gonna just smooth it out now I'm gonna take another four graham crackers and I'm gonna lay those on top trying to hopefully line them up with the ones on the bottom the best that I can so that when I cut these they do look like actual ice cream sandwiches and now I'm going to take a piece of saran wrap a plastic wrap I'm gonna cover these up and I'm gonna put them in the freezer for a good 5 hours what I ended up doing here was putting them in overnight because you want these to completely firm up it's the next day and I took these out of the freezer I've let them thaw for a couple minutes just so that pizza wax paper would come out of the pan real easy pull them out of the pan and now I'm gonna cut these up into individual sandwiches and a little tip to get these to cut easier besides letting them defrost for a couple of minutes or so it's to take your knife run it under some hot water and then that will cut these easier than if you did not and here they are on a plate these are so so good I just love these things you do want to let them defrost I would say probably a few minutes maybe five before you try to eat them though just makes it a lot easier they soften up a little better but um yeah these are yummy yummy stuff and they are just five points apiece on the green blue and purple plan which i think is pretty good because they're very satisfying - okay I'm gonna have you try one of these they're not maybe as defrosted this would be good but yeah there's still little [Applause] don't think they could definitely stand to be defrost a little bit more how's the flavor well the flavors are good I mean the president strawberry is making the impossible to eat right now yeah but it tastes like a really nice strawberry ice cream and the graham crackers you know add that layer of I don't know it's a different type of sweetness mm-hmm you know where the strawberries creamy the the graham crackers light fluffy and sweet so it tastes really good it actually tastes very similar to a traditional ice cream sandwich yeah just with you know frozen strawberries and then just need to be tossed a little bit more yeah okay and that was it I hope you guys enjoyed these three yummy WeightWatchers desserts thank you so much for watching and I will see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: AliciaLynn
Views: 54,248
Rating: 4.9683208 out of 5
Keywords: 3 Quick and Easy WW Desserts (Weight Watchers) | Low Point Desserts, favorite ww desserts, easy ww desserts, quick ww desserts, light rice krispy treats, chocolate banana nice cream, nice cream, banana ice cream, yogurt sandwiches, strawberry frozen yogurt bars, strawberry frozen yogurt treats, weight watchers desserts, ww desserts, myww recipe, ww green plan, weight watchers, ww, myww green plan, alicialynn, healthy, weight watchers new program 2020, family friendly ww dessert
Id: bzYWnzsAjxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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