Top 20 Times Celebs Were CAUGHT Lying

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I knew the truth um but it's tough to stop once you start welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the most notorious moments when celebrities weaved a tangled web of lies and were eventually caught in it politicians are exempt from this list because lying or at least the appearance of lying seems to be the norm in that line of work I don't want to talk about it I know but you could just you know be honest and say how you feel and number 20 Tiger Woods needless to say a successful marriage hinges on openness and honesty among all parties involved Tiger Woods and elen nordgren were once the picture perfect couple the golf great and his model wife hence it's understandable why professional golfer Tiger Woods and elen nordan's marriage fell apart when it was revealed that he engaged in extramarital Affairs and lied about them this shocking Revelation came in 2009 after Woods crashed his car just outside his Florida home triggering media scrutiny into his personal life subsequently several women came forward alleging that they had had affairs with the golfer Woods eventually owned up to the claims admitting that he had lied to a lot of people including himself I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior I engaged in the Fallout from the Scandal not only cost him his marriage it also had significant consequences for his career number 19 star Jones The Long running daytime talk show The View was designed as a platform for women to engage in candid discussions about various topical issues but it turns out one of its original panelists Star Jones wasn't so candid about her personal life I was struggling with my weight since I was 18 years old Fitness wasn't important to me nutrition wasn't important to me food was my vice and my comfort in 2003 Jones who was once diagnosed as morbidly obes began to lose weight in a rather dramatic fashion according to her this was the result of a strict dieting and exercise regimen she also vaguely alluded to receiving a quote medical intervention however rumors persisted that seemed to suggest otherwise finally in 2007 Jones confirmed the speculations disclosing that she had indeed undergone gastric bypass surgery to help with her weight loss in 2003 I took control and underwent gastric bypass surgery I went from 307 lb to at the lowest 142 lb number 18 Rick Ross in 2008 a photograph emerged in the media showing Rick Ross dressed as a correctional officer the rapper took offense to its publication insisting that his face had been digitally manipulated onto someone else's body by quote online hackers it's a lot of people that don't understand and I don't blame him in fact he took things a step further by challenging anyone to provide solid proof that he ever worked in the prison system well investigative website The Smoking Gun decided to take him up on the challenge they Unearthed his personal record with the Department of Corrections complete with his social security number and copies of his birth certificate faced with the overwhelming evidence Ros confessed to his past job as a corrections officer in Florida between 1995 and 1997 what made you want to do that one of my big homies one of my big homies had just got in trouble and a lot of people a lot of things were going going on and he just suggested it number 17 Rebel Wilson the film industry is often seen as a realm of smok and mirrors a reputation that was certainly not helped by Australian actress Rebel Wilson back in 2015 an Australian magazine alleged that Wilson had fabricated several aspects of her personal history people were calling me a liar and a fake and for someone like me who prides herself on being very candid and authentic it was it was just probably the most devastating thing they could have said to me the actress had claimed to be 29 years old that year and asserted that Rebel was her birth name however a former classmate countered this stating that she was actually 36 at the time and official records revealed her birth name as Melanie Elizabeth bounds I pity her and I feel really sad for her that she would do that because now she would have that on her conscience and I feel like that's kind of um probably calmer enough for her in in addition Wilson's claim of a rough upbringing in the quote unquote ghetto of Sydney was debunked as evidence pointed to a quote very normal upper middle class background number 16 bowwow sometimes celebrities tell lies that seem understandable other times such as in the case of bowow their Fabrications are so ridiculous and unnecessary they leave you wondering why in 2017 bow shared a picture of a private jet on his Instagram claiming he was flying to New York with the aircraft yet shortly after a fan spotted him seated in economy class on a new york-bound commercial flight oh you just posted a picture you like yeah what the hell what the hell is the problem because the way it looked it looked as if I was taking a big boy jet going to New York and really I was on Delta a quick reverse image search revealed that the original picture bowow posted was actually a stock photo from the website of a private Transport service this led to social media users ridiculing the rapper sparking the # bowwow challenge in which they shared side-by-side pictures depicting a glamorous falsehood alongside their mundane reality if I fly commercial No Lie this is real but you know a private jet is means just for you not for other people who could buy tickets to no what they got this thing called Jet marter Are You That Number 15 Ryan locky all eyes were on decorated swimmer Ryan locky at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro Brazil however locky misused that attention and effectively derailed his career after falsely claiming to have been robbed at gunpoint by individuals impersonating police officers these guys came out with a badge a police badge no lights no nothing just a police badge they pulled us over uh they pulled out their guns they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground the incident generated International attention but as more details emerged it became apparent that locky and three other swimmers allegedly vandalized a gas station bathroom and were made to pay for the damages locki eventually apologized for overexaggerating his story and was charged in Brazil with falsely reporting a crime I did lie about that one part and I take full responsibility I'm human I made a mistake a very big mistake and it's something that I learned from and I know that that will never happen again although the charges were later dropped the repercussions to his career were severe he lost multiple endorsements and received a 10-month suspension from competitive swimming number 14 brand in 2002 then 23-year-old singer Brandy appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show where she announced that she was expecting her first child with music producer Robert Smith we recently learned that she got married and is she's married now yes and is expecting a baby girl this summer but that wasn't her only big announcement she also revealed that she and Smith had gotten married in a secret ceremony months earlier however it turns out out only one of those statements was true after their relationship ended Smith admitted that they had actually never gotten married this claim was later confirmed by Brandy to none other than Oprah herself I I felt the pressure of again having to be perfect and I was scared according to the singer they had fabricated the marriage story to protect her innocent image as she desired to maintain the perception of not having a child out of wedlock number The White Stripes when Jack and Meg white first started gaining Traction in the Detroit music scene as the indie rock Duo The White Stripes they made everyone believed they were siblings hello my sister and I would like to thank m music and everyone who voted for us for best International video this image persisted even as the two Rose to International Fame however in 2002 a local Detroit paper did some digging and uncovered the truth Jack and Meg were once married they tied the knot in 1996 short before forming the band and divorced in 2000 just as they began gaining widespread attention despite this Revelation they maintained that they were siblings it wasn't until 2005 that Jack publicly acknowledged the deception stating that they had propagated the lie so as to be taken more seriously as musicians and that ain't what you want to but that's what I'll do number 12 Bill O'Reilly conservative journalist Bill O'Reilly has faced scrutiny over some of his exaggerated claims CL s in 2013 O'Reilly asserted in a book that he was present outside the home where George de Moren Shel fatally shot himself and had heard the shotgun blast that's what O'Reilly wrote In the book plain and simple right there O'Reilly says he was outside the guy's house in Florida when he heard the Fatal gunshot and he said basically the same thing on Fox News while promoting his book deor and schil had gained notoriety for his association with Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination of President John F Kennedy however this was later debunked as false then in 2015 Mother Jones magazine published an article which disputed O'Reilly's claims that he was on the fauland Islands during the 1982 War because I was in a situation one time in a war uh zone in Argentina in the fauland where my photographer got run down the controversy that ensued LED O'Reilly to retract previous assertions that he had witnessed extreme violence during conflicts in El Salvador and Northern Ireland number 11 Manti Teo in September 2012 Manti tail the star Notre Dame linebacker gained public sympathy after choosing to continue playing despite apparent news that his grandmother and girlfriend had died Tail's girlfriend was supposedly a Stanford University student named lenee kakua who succumbed to leukemia my whole world told me that she died on September 12th everybody knew that this girl who I committed myself to died on September 12th however whatever public favor the football player gained quickly evaporated when a media investigation revealed that kakua never existed and that the entire story was fabricated apparently ta had been catfished by another individual and was the victim of an elaborate hoax I grew emotions that um I I sooner or later I couldn't control anymore and it just lingered on and then when I tried to end things you know I tried every other way to end this but he was also complicit initially perpetuating the falsehood by claiming to have met kakua in person despite their relationship being solely online the incident tarnish Tao's pristine reputation and was later explored in a 2022 Netflix documentary number 10 Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt though Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit would initially deny allegations of an affair many did think it was a very big coincidence that the Scandal broke out the same year that pit and then wife Jennifer Aniston ultimately divorced at least I read this in the Fair article where he was saying that maybe it's not maybe two people the nature of two people is not meant to be with each other forever well I don't know I I don't I'm not sure what I was talking about okay actually but there's just so much pressure on that from from day one during the proceedings Jolie would claim no infidelity took place and cited her father's cheating on her mother as ample deterrent and yet just a few months after the divorce was finalized Jolie announced her pregnancy with Pit's child so did they or didn't they well in 2008 both Jolie and pit would refer to Mr and Mrs Smith as the movie where they quote fell in love in two separate articles so we guess that answers that hey honey I should probably tell you was married once before number nine Lil Kim some lies can get you jail time that's what Lil Kim found out during a court proceeding in 2005 she told a Federal grand jury that her co-manager Damen Butler and bodyguard Swift Jackson were not involved in a 2001 shootout in front of radio station Hot 97 in New York the two uh camps I guess saw each other here and it were there was a war of words that were on records already between foxy and L Kim it got out of hand words were exchanged and shots were fired she also claimed to have not been on the scene or to know one of the suspects but Lil Kim ran into big problems when security footage was released showing that Not only was Kim there but so were Butler and Jackson This misrecollection earned the rapper 366 days in prison 30 days house arrest and 3 years probation I'm turning myself in to the US Marshals it still feels surreal but I got to do what I got to do I thank all my fans and friends for all of their support number eight Paris Hilton after serving jail time Paris Hilton appeared on Larry King live to talk about the experience during the interview King asked the arys if she'd ever taken drugs and twice she denied it claiming all she's taken were meds for ADHD I've been on medication since I was a child I have ADD so I take medication for that just that's the only thing you do with attention deficit disorder yes photos began to pop up showing Hilton smoking the green stuff though and perpetrators of a 2008 robbery claimed to have found other narcotics in her Hollywood Mansion however what cast the most out on paris's drug-free claims was when she was arrested on suspicion of drug possession in 2010 a suspicion cast due to8 grams of the stuff being found in a handbag that also contained her credit cards phone and driver's license today she admitted she lied I was in possession as well as telling the officer that the bag wasn't mine number seven Beyonce in a 2008 interview with Marie CLA UK Beyonce appeared to imply that some of the lyrics to her 2006 single Irreplaceable weren't actually aimed at Jay-Z don't you ever for a second get to take it you're prompted by an onstage claim that bee wrote the song for her ladies Neo came forward saying he had written the lyrics himself for himself Neo went so far as to express regret for giving the song up although he acknowledged it was better suited to a female artist the singer also confirmed that Beyonce rewrote the song's Harmony and melody lines and thus did in fact earn her songwriting credit just not for the lyrics for her to take the song and make it hers I didn't mind her saying I wrote this for my girls at a concert or whatever the case may be because in a way technically in a way she did you know she put her spin on it if you going to do it the exact same way I did it you might as well let me keep it number six Steven ranaz given the profound tragedy of the September 11th attacks it's certainly not a good idea to falsely claim to be a Survivor if only someone had told that to Steven razi beforehand did you out yourself or did uh somebody bust you the times the New York Times New York Times figured this out did you figure out how they figured out that you were lying about your experience during 9/11 did you ever figure out how they busted you no I don't the comedian and actor had previously described working as an account manager at meril Lynch in the south tower on that fateful day he claimed to have narrowly escaped the building shortly before the second plane hit citing the experience as his motivation to move to Los Angeles to pursue an entertainment career however a New York Times investigation proved that it was all a bold-faced liee not only did ranaz never work for Merill Lynch the company didn't even have offices in either Tower at the time I I truly in all of my heart wished that I had that voice that I feel like I have now that said hey man take a breath relax people are going to like you people are going to understand who you are when they get to know you you don't need to lie about that take that back number five Millie vanil they certainly can't blame this one on the Rain On The Rain Millie vanil was hot in the late 80s but soon after their lipsyncing facade began to crack Charles Shaw one of the actual singers came forward in 1989 and revealed he was one of three vocalists who recorded the tracks as the vocals were attributed to Fab Moran and Rob patus things got messy fast more Von patus had to ultimately relinquish their Grammy and lawsuits were sprung on them and Arista records citing Consumer Fraud protection laws while morvan recovered from the humiliation Pilatus did not as he grappled with substance use disorder until his death in 1998 but with us it went from one day to the next we lost the fame we were pushed aside suddenly and you had to live with that number four Kim Kardashian in 2007 when Kim Kardashian was only semi- famous rumors emerged about a sex tape made by her and her ex Ray J whatever we did in our private time was our private time and never once did we think that it would get out in an interview with complex magazine she publicly denied that any sex tape was made even worse she denied it to her then boyfriend Nick Canon when the tape finally did get leaked Nick called it quits saying it was mostly the deception that pushed him away despite claiming she wouldn't release a sex tape for any amount of money Kim is reported to have settled for a $5 million payout from Vivid Entertainment and has long battled armchair speculation that she herself was directly involved in the leak you know there are people who say that you put it out yourself you know that yeah and you know I think why would anyone put that humiliation on their family like that number three Jesse Smet one of the most confounding celebrity lies ever told remains that involving actor Jesse Smet in January 2019 Smet made headlines after claiming to have been the victim of a hate crime in Chicago I was just jumped and I then I look down and I see that there's a rope around my neck which I hadn't OB you had noticed it before it was so fast you know what I'm saying it was so fast how long did this all it felt like minutes but it probably was like 30 seconds Smet alleged that he was attacked by two individuals who hurled homophobic and racial slurs doused him with an unknown chemical substance and placed a noose around his neck the news sent shock waves throughout the country with many high-profile figures expressing their support but as the Chicago PD investigated the incident several inconsistencies in Smet story emerged that was because it was all stay Smet was subsequently convicted of felony disorderly conduct for lying to the police effectively derailing his career this was planned this was premeditated premeditated the extreme they idolized you and they would have done anything for you and you chose them because you knew that you could trust them that they were loyal to you number two Brian Williams in 2003 while on assignment in Iraq Brian Williams was traveling on a military shinook helicopter when the chopper ahead was hit by RPG fire on the the ground we learned the shinook ahead of us was almost blown out of the sky that hole was made by a rocket propelled grenade or RPG Williams reported a story to this effect at the time but as the years passed the story morphed until he was no longer a mere witness but a victim of the attack Williams chocked up the melling as a bungled attempt to Thank A Vet involved in the incident an explanation that seemingly overlooked his past reimaginings of the event I want to apologize I said I was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by RPG fire I was instead in a following aircraft The Fallout was a six-month suspension from NBC Nightly News and a serious blow to his professional reputation before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Lance Armstrong cancer survivor and tour def Frost Champion Lance Armstrong always maintained that his legacy was drug free for seven straight years he dominated arguably the hardest sporting event in the world history in the making seven times a win of the toour around him grew an Empire that included a powerful Foundation dedicated to fighting cancer but in 2012 after years of denying charges to the contrary the US anti-doping agency determined that was a lie by October of of that year Armstrong had forfeited prizes and awards dating back to 1998 he was stripped of all seven tour to France titles and he was banned for life from Olympic sports the ioc would later delete Armstrong's Olympic results and take back his bronze medal I'd love to we'd all love to go back in life and and have a few doovers yep um never should have taken it on especially knowing that that most of what they said was true additionally he was forced out of the foundation that once carried his name lost multiple sponsorships and even saw the episodes of Arthur he appeared in be banned all due to this one massive long running lie what other celebrity Tales smell fishy to you let us know in the comments below tried in the past to be clear but sometimes people don't always um report and write what what you say and I've kind of just put my hands that check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 361,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Celebrity, Hollywood, Jussie Smollett, beyonce, brian williams, caught lying, celeb, celebrities, celebrities caught lying, celebrity caught, celebrity scandals, celebs, celebs caught lying, celebs lying, controversy, infamous, kim kardashian, lance armstrong, list, lying, mojo, notorious, scandal, tiger woods, times celebrities were caught lying, times celebs were caught lying, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: Vy8xynxl70k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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