Top 20 Stupidly Overpowered Anime Villains

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look at you each and every one of you despises me so much and now that you finally tracked me down you can't even lay a finger on me welcome to watch Mojo and today we're looking at anime antagonists with strength or abilities that are almost too strong for their stories to qualify we have to have seen them in battle or what they're capable of number 20 muan kibutsuji Demon Slayer kimetsu no yaa everything comes from something and all demons come from muan 1,000 years old and capable of changing his appearance at will muan is vastly more powerful than even his own demonic subordinates he slaughterers most of his lower rank demon moons after just one of them was killed muan can also easily overpower his upper ranked henchman too he can change someone into a demon with a mere [Music] scratch even demons speaking his name out of tin will die instantly while muzan's full capabilities in battle haven't been demonstrated yet in the anime mangar readers know what's coming and he's no [Music] pushover AA number 19 zor Yu-Gi-Oh dual Monsters the final antagonist of the original Yu-Gi-Oh series zor is the devilish God of evil and shadows now watch and learn water and with what he's packing between his legs zor has real big dragon dragon energy dragon is what we meant to say after his Revival zor proves to be more powerful than anything Yuki and his friends have faced for that you shall pay with your soul nor the most powerful monster Spirits from Exodia to the Egyptian gods to kaiba's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon prove no match for him zor is intent on destroying all life on Earth if not for the Egyptian gods using a one it's likely he would have succeeded now prepare to be consumed by the darkness number 18 Tara shigaraki my hero Academia the Protege of all for one one of the deadliest villains in the world shigaraki is arguably even stronger than his master shigaraki's original Quirk is Decay which lets him break down anyone and anything he [Music] touches after training he becomes able to turn entire cities and the people living in them to dust as if that weren't overpowered enough afo bestows shigaraki his own eponymous Quirk which lets him steal the quirks of others this plus some enhancements from a mad scientist makes shigaraki super humanly durable and gives him access to a host of powerful abilities the creepy Manchild is a walking disaster Zone and deku's got his work cut out for him number 17 Marshall D teach AKA Blackbeard one piece named after the most notorious pirate of all time this hairy chested terror is the main antagonist of toa's Flagship series and the only character to have more than one devil fruit power as if creating black holes at will wasn't impressive enough teach can also unleash devastating earthquakes that can annihilate anything or anyone in his path starting off as part of whitebeard's crew Blackbeard's strength and intellect made him an easy pick for the role of a commander the kicker this was before he had even eaten the yummy yummy numy fruits and gained his first ability number 16 father Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood many villains like to boast about how they are or will become God only to have it blow up in their faces this guy well he's a man of his [Music] word to perform Alchemy there is one simple law for everything created something of equal value has to be given in return father is the Only Exception allowing him to do as he pleases without any restrictions a living philosopher stone and born preloaded with all the world's knowledge father only needs to come into contact with something to fully understand it so no rules obstacles or challenges dude you're practically a walking cheat code number 15 maruem Hunter Hunter King of the Chimera ants this green monstrosity is an unparalleled biological weapon designed to eradicate all humanity and look bored while doing [Music] it Flawless in nearly every way maram can shatter huge walls with one punch tear off limbs with a lazy yank and kill other Chimera ants with a single [Music] strike mm's High intellect and huge Aura allow near instant Mastery of n yo and ren something that takes highly skilled Hunters years to do as shown in his battle with Neto maram relies completely on hand toand combats as anything more would be Overkill number 14 the God Hand berserk franchise while their appearance and motives are anything but Heavenly this group of villains have power that approaches the Divine the end of days drawn near for our sacred children each is a demon of impossible strength and evil as they're molded from Humanity's Collective negativity in addition to some level of foresight that approaches omniscience each is able to alter reality in some fundamental way whether it be themselves or things around them let us begin the chant of offering Stray From the Path and you will not be granted the black wings that will carry you to the heavens even partially manifesting makes them stronger than even the mightiest of their demonic Apostles the god hand is so overwhelming that defeating them in battle much like a complete adaptation of Berserk is hard to ever imagine [Music] happening number 13 sukuna Jujutsu kaisen they don't call him the king of curses for nothing sakuna is a Jujutsu sorcerer T kiss a thousand years old and tremendously powerful sukuna basically toys with all his opponents even his battles with some of the most powerful opponents usually conclude with him not only coming away without receiving permanent damage but also with him flexing on his foes along with his immense strength speed and regenerative abilities zuna's innate technique tend to rely on dicing and cleaving through just about anything including most of shabuya currently he only controls his host body occasionally but if sakuna ever manages to Incarnate fully into yui's body today's Sorcerers will have their work cut out defeating [Applause] him number 12 Aaron Jer Attack on Titan he may be the protagonist of Attack on Titan but by its ending ainer is also its villain the angry alian wields the power of not one not two but three different Titan shifting abilities his attack Titan is powerful enough considering its size and ability to view his own future memories and those of past users that plus the Warhammer Titans hardening abilities is overpowered enough but when touching a Titan of Royal Blood Aaron can use the founding Titan which lets him command other Titans and become the largest one in the world oh yeah and he can summon up past holders of the nine Titans and unleash the devastating rumbling which annihilates most of the world's population for number 11 Giles fate franchise sorry saber but if the Holy Grail War accepted bets our money would be firmly on the king of Heroes that self-confidence is just too infectious part of the Archer class gilgamesh's gate of Babalon contains a vast amount of weapons which can be thrown in Mass to WS his [Music] Target rarely ever needing to get serious in a fight his insanely High Charisma level means he can influence entire Empires and armies to do his bidding even if someone were to get close enough for a strike his golden armor is damn near indestructible number 10 how asakura Shaman King when you've been reincarnated multiple times you pick up a thing or two how asakura has lived several lives but by his third his furoku or Mana is orders of magnitude higher than everyone else's the shaman can use all five elements of nature though he does favor his Spirit of Fire what is that after becoming the titular Shaman King and absorbing the great spirits how is basically Unstoppable able to create supernovas and black holes in fact the only reason how doesn't wipe out humanity is that the protagonists talk him into delaying his judgment on them and who says procrastination never solved anything number nine fukuchi Ochi bungo stray dogs a military police captain and secret terrorist leader fukui oi is as powerful in a fight as his mustache is tidy and it's quite the spruce bit of upper lip decoration on the surface fukui's ability mirror lion doesn't sound too powerful he can increase the power of any Weapon by 100 fold okay that's actually really strong but when wielding the katana Shinto Amino goes in fukuchi goes from overpowered to straight up broken you see this particular sword can cut through both space and time and fukui's ability extends both its range and time period so basically nearly any fight with fuk is a foregone conclusion because he's already won number eight uabar bleach after rizen we didn't think bleach could get a villain that was more overpowered we were wrong enter uabar the king of the Quincy's ability is known as the almighty and for a very good reason with its uaba can view and Tim all possible Futures fights with him are a formality and only other seemingly broken abilities even stand a chance against him and this is on top of his ability to steal away a shinigami's bonai ability plus having the peak of all usual Quincy abilities strength speed bow creation Etc as if all that wasn't ridiculously op enough we haven't even gotten to his final power up number seven fi of the right A Certain Magical Index when you're packing the literal right hand of God you're not exactly going to be weak are you F of the right ability is basically an instant win button if he targets someone with the third arm he grows out of his shoulder it's over distance strength skill none of it matters it's a testament to his power that fi manages to match series protagonist tomas's equally broken image breaker ability [Applause] oh and he also gains control of the Star of Bethlehem a huge super weapon capable of destroying a continent no big deal number six enrio Puchi JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stone ocean there are many overpowered JoJo villains but the most absurdly strong one so far is enrio pooi most characters in the series have one stand power pooie has three technically it's the same stand that evolves but each version is increasingly ridiculous White Snake lets poochie steal someone's memories and stand and Grant them to others SE Moon lets the fanatical priest manipulate gravity and turn anything it hits inside out what do [Music] finally Maiden Heaven allows pooie to accelerate the flow of time by affecting gravity on a universal scale the last of these broken Powers is what pooie uses to kill nearly every hero character and reboot the universe twice number five alair creators when fiction becomes reality sometimes it wants to do a bit of writing of its own that's basically the concept behind alt originally an OC from a music video alter gains self-awareness and a positively broken ability in Helicon this power essentially makes her omnipotent she can enter both other fiction worlds and the real world the military uniform princess can rewrite the plot of reality in any way that suits her from redirecting damage to creating her own Universe alter even has abilities she doesn't even know about since she becomes stronger the more people write fanfiction about her truly she is the ultimate god mode Mar Sue number four fused zamasu Dragon Ball super as a God zamasu is already immensely powerful however after he fuses with his alterate self Goku black the resulting Fusion proves powerful enough to match Goku Vegeta and Trunks all in their strongest forms Blades of judgment what the although this form is unstable resulting in his defeat zamasu lingers after death effectively fusing with the fabric of reality as infinite zamasu it's him are you sure this new form not only easily withstands the aformentioned fighters attacks and unleashes devast on the earth zamasu also starts to affect other timelines with his devastating Powers it takes the Omni King obliterating the entire universe in that timeline just to end him all of existence go [Applause] [Applause] away number three uiha Madara Naruto sh Chen seriously murdera where do we even start besides his immense strength speed and skill murdera has an unlimited stream of chakra at his [Music] disposal a pyromaniac at heart he can perform the deadliest fire-based attacks in existence and is able to identify someone else's powers by reading their chakra event he Masters the renegon allowing all five elements to be used go kick knowing Shing gun murderer can predict and mimic the movements of his foes and even hypnotize them if miraculously someone manages to land a hit his healing abilities ensure that it is a short-lived Victory also did we mention the massive giant he can summon number two misogi kumagawa Meda box abnormal don't let his smile and frail appearance fool you this student council president is one scary high [Music] schooler thought to be a normal child at first kumagawa minus turns special screws into long SW swords after stabbing someone with the pointy end their physical and supernatural abilities would transfer over to him using this method he eventually learns all fiction which literally means to erase something right out of existence self- declared the weakest person in the whole world he fully expects to fail at everything making it impossible to put him down for good honestly if it wasn't for all the murdering his Never Say Die attitude would be admirable before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure to go into your settings and switch on notifications number one anti-spiral guran Lagan a being of collective Consciousness the anti-spiral is the embodiment of their entire race anpal they're able to control meas from vast distances as well as affect the minds of those within their domain most importantly they can alter the reality of their universe and effectively do anything that their final battle against team dauran sees them form an enormous Mecca to do battle with the heroes it's so big that it uses galaxies as projectiles however the anti-spiral removed their spiral energy which means they're no match for Heroes willing to do the impossible see the invisible roro fight the power Etc anyone though goners is there an impossibly strong villain you're shocked didn't make our list let us know in those comments [Music] below did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 41,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime, Anime villains, anime big bads, anime enemies, anime fights, best anime, best anime to watch, blackbeard, bleach, demon slayer, dragon ball, gojo, jujutsu kaisen, kaido, list, luffy, mahito, mojo, muzan, one piece, sakuna, tanjiro, top 10, top 10 anime, watch mojo, watchmojo, watchmojo anime
Id: MiQjFeDiSJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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