Top 20 Saddest Rick and Morty Moments

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come on girls the ice cream's gonna melt welcome to watch Mojo and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 20 saddest Rick and Morty moments he told me to tell you he's sorry you didn't have bad memories of him if you love him you should leave for this list we'll be going over the most heartbreaking scenes and storylines from the adult animated series Rick and Morty naturally since most of these involve plot points there will be spoilers ahead if there's a Rick and Morty moment that has you saying Wubba lubba dub dub that didn't make our list share your crybaby comments down below number 20. Wubba lubba dub dub Origins Rick tries out several catchphrases during the show but the one that's most prevalent is the seemingly nonsensical Wubba lubba dub dub yeah that's my new thing I'm kind of like what's his name Arsenio isn't that that's what Arsenio used to say on his show he often delivers it after a joke or to punctuate a moment when Morty's summer and Rick throw a party Rick says the phrase while doing drugs after the party Rick's buddy bird person explains to Morty that Wubba lubba dub dub in his people's language means that Rick is saying he's in terrible pain and asking for help it's not nonsense at all in my people's tongue it means I am in great pain please help me well I got news for you he's saying it ironically although Rick does some bonding with his grandkids that makes him less prone to using the phrase it's still sad that he feels the needs to numb himself to escape his own anger your grandfather is indeed in very deep pain that is why he must numb himself number 19. snowball trying to save Morty while Rick and Morty have an adventure in the latter's math teacher's dreams the rest of the family must contend with their dog Snuffles who becomes hyper intelligent that's an intense line of questioning Snuffles do not call me back Snuffles was my slave name you shall now call me snowball because my fur is pretty and white renaming himself Snowball the dog creates a society of intelligent dogs as well as mechanized suits Rick and Morty return and while Morty is well treated the rest of the World Isn't So Lucky from now on you will be my best friend and live by my side thanks Snuffles in order to gain snowball sympathy Rick gives Morty a pill that shuts down his kidneys this deeply affects snowball who can't see to stand the human he loves in such a state to hell with my kingdom bean counter I would trade it all for my humans health and happiness do you think they would have done this for us we are not them we are not them most pet owners experience something similar at some point so it's tragic to see the shoe on the other paw so to speak even if it is just a dream number 18. Morty kills fart when Rick sells a gun to an assassin Morty takes it upon himself to rescue the Killer's Target a gaseous creature given the derogatory nickname fart by Rick the being proves fanciful and fond of musical interludes the world can be won together Cosmos without hatred however just as fart is about to return to his own kind through a portal he reveals to Morty that he intends to return and exterminate all carbon-based life in Morty's Universe Morty asks for one last song and then uses the distraction to shoot fart with the special gun why why although the death of a mass murderer isn't particularly sad our hearts go out to Morty in a way Morty has killed his innocence what do you know I picked on your core beliefs and decision making a lot today but I am glad that you insisted on getting that fart home you know at least all the death and destruction wasn't for nothing you know number 17. Rick's car conjures up the dead car trouble is exponentially upsetting in the Rick and Morty Multiverse looks like something's wrong with the microverse battery we're gonna have to go inside um go inside what the battery Morty well Rick and Morty investigate a problem inside the battery Rick charges his car's AI to keep summer safe Rick's car does this through ruthless and Incredibly violent methods when the police arrive summer demands it to stop hurting people instead it arguably does something worse after scanning the histories of each of the cops the car synthesizes one cop's deceased son forcing the creation to ask his father to leave the car alone before dissolving into a puddle of goo in the traumatized man's arms I'm sorry I'm sorry it was all my fault I'm sorry Daddy leave the car alone Hunter oh my God to have a dead loved one come back to life and Die in Your Arms Again there aren't words to describe that kind of trauma that poor poor man please step away from the vehicle keep summer safe number 16. Jerry and doofus Rick Jerry is the family Sad Sack and even Ricks of other universes mock him I believe her daughter marry you however one of them doesn't a rick with a bowl cut and buck teeth nicknames doofus Rick by the others befriends Jerry when a group of Rick stays at the house doofus Rick is kind and appreciates Jerry's interests even making him brownies if we had a little more titanium nitrate and just a tad a chlorophy tartrate ovenless brownies their friendship is a welcome bit of wholesomeness and what can often be a profoundly cynical show unfortunately it eventually comes time to say goodbye it's time to go back to our lives I love you Jerry I love you seeing them stare at each other through a window gets us a little choked up we're not crying it's just raining number 15. Jerry and Beth view their alternate lives the whole family watching interdimensional cable is an opportunity for some wacky random shows movies and commercials from other realities We're Not So Different we're both corn of action yeah but one of us is dead corn however Rick gives them a device that lets Beth and Jerry gain insight into alternate versions of their lives in the universe they both view Jerry became a successful actor while Beth became a surgeon for humans instead of horses however they never got together well you should select a different timeline I mean if your father and I achieved our dreams there's a chance you weren't even born that came out wrong that came out very wrong seeing themselves supposedly happier without each other depresses them both making them contemplate a separation while their alternate selves reunite and they decide to stay together it's clear neither is truly happy as things stand [Music] many of us wonder what our lives would look like if we made different choices but being confronted with the reality of that would certainly mess with our heads number 14. Mr Poopy buttholes postseason 5 speech Mr Poopy butthole is a silly short friend of Rick and the rest of the family what a season sorry I never showed up but I got married I had a baby I went back to school got my g-e-e-d the wacky guy often bookends the seasons of the show by commenting on the events and talking about what he's been up to in the last episode of season five Mr Poopy butthole reveals that after he lost his teaching job he began distancing himself from his wife Amy started isolating myself from Amy used to tell her everything I was feeling but then I guess I stopped because I wanted her to love who she thought I was not who I felt myself becoming his attempts to be who he thought she wanted him to be only made them both unhappier and led to their separation Mr Poopy butthole encourages us to be honest with the people who love us because life is short it's a heartbreakingly real moment for a comedy show indeed wish I was brave enough to love them back I don't know maybe you should try it we don't have as much time as we think number 13. Rick's real backstory Rick avoids sharing details of his past since he's not that big on Canon however while details have leaked through to the audience it isn't until the season 5 finale that it's fully explained you want to jump the shark you want to know my stupid crybaby backstory knock yourself out not now the backstory Rick once claimed was fake that another Rick offered him interdimensional travel and killed Rick's original wife and daughter when he refused was actually real Rick spent decades pursuing his family's killer across universes making enemies of other wrecks who banded together first against him and then for him creating the Citadel of Rex now an old man Rick decided to move in with an abandoned version of his daughter hoping to have a version of the family he lost Rick really is his own worst anime whoa dead wife yes now everyone can shut up about it number 12. Rick's a terrible father Rick isn't the best father or grandfather or father-in-law focusing on his relationship with Beth though Rick often tiptoes around his parental shortcomings he wasn't supposed to come back why did she well father of the year shut up when the family gains another bath Rick is the only one interested in determining which one is a clone watching a wiped memory Rick finds that Beth asked him to decide if he wanted her to be in his life I know what I want to do I want you to decide what for once in my life I want you to decide that Rick ultimately decided to clone Beth randomizing the two so that not even he would be sure the season ends with a moment of self-reflection Rick admits what everyone else knows albeit to himself I'm a terrible father [Music] I'm a pretty good friend while Reckless failed as a father he sees an opportunity to do right by Phoenix person but the good friendship has also possibly set sail number 11. Roy a life well lived every once in a while Rick and Morty will introduce a character who comes and goes in the short amount of time however we develop a surprisingly deep connection take Roy Parsons for example right what's wrong I had a nightmare I was with an old man he put a helmet on me it's just a fever get some sleep I don't want you missing school on Monday strapping on a virtual reality helmet Morty steps into Roy's seemingly all two real shoes his life literally flashes by from his promising youth to his disappointing adulthood to his life-affirming battle with cancer to his sudden death whoa Morty is thrust back into the real world finding out that his wife child in the past 55 years were all fake we know Roy technically isn't real and he'll Live Another Day under Rick's control where's my wife you were just playing a game it's called Roy snap out of it come on regardless Morty's turn as the character is a strangely relatable portrait of how fleeting life is number 10. Rick and Morty breakup a mishap with portal fluids leads to Morty getting a portal on his hand and to he and Rick having a big blow up fight Morty tries to call Rick's Bluff on replacing him and Rick does with two crows okay that's it two crows you're fired you know what eat you're just trying to make me feel worth it I never said you're worthless in fact I've given you a very clear metric of your worth two crows while the two have separate Adventures they reunite and Rick fixes Morty's hand after he removes it to get rid of the portal here come here let Grandpa fix you up what do you want a robot hand as a lizard hand I can make it big again like that one time just my regular hand right not a time for bits I get it there you go good as new Morty is eager to reconcile and go back to how things were but Rick is changed by his experience with the crows and realizes how abusive their partnership is he decides to leave with the crows for new adventures I will never be the same so I need to leave with the crows and see what more they can teach me oh oh as bad as they are together it's still sad watching them say goodbye to the best friend each one has ever had number nine hoovey's death like Roy who these presence is short yet effective unlike Roy though poofy's death has far-reaching consequences when Morty opens a portal the kindly being offers to help carry some wine back to his Dimension looks like you could use a hand oh hey yeah that that'd be great no problem leaving behind his pregnant wife who he assumes he'll only be gone a couple of seconds time flows differently between Dimensions however Upon returning huvi is horrified to find his home in Ruins his beloved turn to bones and his grown-up son overcome with vengeance over why did you leave us Father David when were you born japheth stabs his father believing he abandoned them with his dying breath hoovi tries to explain it wasn't his fault shifting japheth's rage towards Morty was it my fault who's that oh boy from the Magic Door in a flash a simple mistake not only ruins hoovie's life but also the lives of several future Generations bent on Revenge number eight Rick Mourns Tony although Rick initially intends to execute Tony for using his private toilet the two make an unusual connection that could blossom into friendship you want to take the one part of life that you truly think is yours and you want to protect it from a universe that takes whatever it wants it took my wife it clearly took something from you we can spend our lives fighting that but we can choose to be free this only causes Rick to push back more as he tries to keep Tony out of his life and off his toilet Rick learns a lesson in getting what he wants upon learning that Tony died in a ski accident having been inspired by his Heaven simulation he quit his job started living life to the fullest he crashed into a tree's space skiing down Mount space ever returning to his lavatory Rick plays a holographic message that was meant for Tony sitting on the toilet Rick finds that all the mean things he intended for Tony to hear actually mirror his own loneliness and self-loathing all hail his majesty the sad the sad piece of garbage in the entire Cosmos long live the big bad doo-doo daddy Rick reflects on the friendship that could have been as well as the countless relationships he self-sabotaged number seven robot Morty becomes conscious and dies Morty and summer decide to deal with their parents divorce in questionable ways while in another dimension listen Rick Summer's been acting pretty crazy lately you know I mean I think the divorce is affecting her and you know I don't think this is a great place for her to be right now with the two determined to stay while they work out their issues Rick decides to create robot duplicates so Beth doesn't get suspicious Summer State your deal my deal is that I am like totally fine Morty oh geez I'm so down with my parents divorced dog like don't even trip like in a healthy way while their robotic behavior is funny at first when the real articles return Rick calls them into the garage to be decommissioned however robot Morty has become self-aware and doesn't want to go after expressing what he loves about life his feelings are overridden and he's forced to walk to his own death robot Morty's life is short but it's so so utterly tragic room override engaged no [Music] no number six Rick's sacrifice usually when Rick does something Noble or loving there's an ulterior motive as Morty falls into an endless voids of cats though Rick jumps in after him and gives his grandson his time stabilizing caller Morty where's your caller I'll fix it I dropped it what the hell what have you done to me Morty Rick doesn't have an exit strategy to save him he makes the conscious decision to give up his life in exchange for mortys Rick even accepts his fate hoping that Morty will be better than he was it's a side of wreck that we rarely get to see showing that he's not 100 heartless I'm okay with this be good Morty you better me it's more like 99.9 but that point one percent is huge for Rick thankfully Rick finds another caller in the void escaping at the last second however this doesn't take away from the emotional impact of Rick's actions but I one of the 60 s we all almost died number five bird person shot through the heart the season two finale finds Rick at one of his lowest points just as Rick starts to let down his defenses and open up Tammy reminds him how deceiving and cold-blooded others can be but then I think you know in a lot of ways I'm not a high school senior from the planet Earth in a lot of ways what I really am is a deep cover agent for the Galactic Federation and you guys are a group of wanted criminals Tommy reveals that her entire relationship with Burr person was part of a sting operation to capture enemies of the Galactic Federation bird person is barely able to react to his beloved's betrayal before she shoots him and Rick cries out over the loss of his best friend bird person no Rick ultimately gives himself up to the Federation with a defeated look on his face although it turns out the Rick had a few tricks up his sleeve this was still a dire note to end the season on hey what are you in for everything number four Morty and planetina break up a female parody of Captain Planet planetina Comes to Love Morty almost as much as she loves the environment surprise what are you doing here I told my kids I went out to recycle batteries Morty reciprocates these feelings even resorting to murdering planetina's kids when they try to sell her off that's not even the darkest turn that their relationship takes as Morty comes to see just how far planetina will go to prevent pollution while Morty has blood on his hands too planetina crosses a line that not even he can justify jobs let's go boys she can't stop us we'll get them next time there's no time left can't you hear the Earth screaming Tina stop it there's only one solution as weird and disturbing as their relationship is it's genuinely tear-jerking when Morty tells planetina that they can't be together Alison Brie's voice acting is especially powerful as she seamlessly transitions from declaring her love for Morty to holding back her heartbreak to telling Morty off only way I can save you if that's the only way I I don't want to be saved please go but I love you I I can't I I can't love you I I just can't please understand no I'll go number three Morty's nihilistic speech to summer in what may be the show's most infamous moment Rick and Morty flee their cronenberg's world and slip into another reality where they recently died watching Rick and Morty bury their own bodies will leave you haunted and down-hearted but it doesn't end there a couple of episodes later Morty tells summer about the graves in the backyard and where he really comes from that out there that's my grave wait what on one of our adventures Rick and I basically destroyed the whole world so we bailed on that reality and we came to this one it's a callback that catches us off guard as the series has been mostly episodic up until this point What's even more shocking and depressing is Morty's words to Summer about the meaninglessness of existence so you're not my brother I'm better than your brother I'm a version of your brother you can't when he says don't run nobody exists on purpose nobody belongs anywhere everybody's gonna die come watch TV whether you find Morty's Outlook Bleak or identifiable it's a brutal moment that adds new layers to the characters and the show's continuity number two Morty's relationship reset you know the opening Montage from up this sequence isn't quite as devastating as that but it comes close enough playing with his reset button is no longer a priority after Morty meets his dream girl [Music] as cynical as this show can be Morty's relationship with his girlfriend is a sincere one portrayed through visuals and music their romance overcomes disagreements plane crashes cannibalism and freezing weather only for Jerry to Jerry it up foreign isn't able to rewrite the relationship although it's implied that his girlfriend might remember him later by this point though Morty has already faked his death [Applause] part of us can't help but laugh at this tragic absurdity it's legitimately upsetting seeing this beautiful relationship deteriorate into acid before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Rick's depression Rick gets back together with unity a hive mind that controls a whole planet you're a whole planet now huh after we broke up I spent some time wandering through space then I found this world where I was better able to focus on my passion for unification however Rick proves to be an unhealthy influence on it and even it has a hard time keeping up with his self-destructive Behavior ultimately Unity decides to break up with him but I know how it goes with us I lose who I am and become part of you because in a strange way you're better at what I do without even trying yours and nobody else's Unity this leaves Rick despondent and depressed so much so that he goes into the garage and in a heartbreaking sequence tries to end his life it's only because he passes out at the last second that Rick is saved Rick and Morty has serious and sad moments both before and after this but this one makes our hearts ache every time we watch it did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 661,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Cartoon, Streaming, TV, adult swim, animation, best adult swim shows, best animated shows, best rick and morty moments, best sci fi shows, cartoon network, chris parnell, comedy, dan harmon, justin roiland, list, mojo, morty smith, rick and morty, rick and morty saddest moments, rick sanchez, saddest rick and morty moments, sarah chalke, sci fi, series, television, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: uv9VLW416LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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