Top 10 Comedy Movies NO ONE Expected to Be AWFUL

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to talk about a Rotten Day welcome to watch Mojo and today we're looking at anticipated comedy movies that everyone assumed would be anywhere between hilarious and passible yet they weren't even watchable it's the beard it makes me look like Santa number 10 The Hangover Part Two Phil I think it's happened again with the first film being a record-breaking breath of fresh air fans were eager to see the Wolfpack return granted we knew only so much could be done with this premise like home alone too though the change of scenery opened the door for new possibilities the film also could have taken a meta approach like 22 Jump Street would 3 years later instead Todd Phillips followed the same formula right down to Allen being responsible for the wolfpack's predicaments Allan what did you do it's not my fault Teddy shouldn't have been sharing from his bag what bag we'd be forgiving if the film brought the laughs but the humor goes Way Beyond feeling recycled it's more vulgar mean-spirited and downright unpleasant audiences showed up in droves regardless but after The Hangover two nobody was surprised when part three resulted in another awful experience I changed my mind Alan you can't change your mind everybody's Counting on you I I I I'm fine just the way I am I want to go home turn the car around number nine Howard the Duck it's Howard thank you almost 4 years after hitting the Silver Screen Howard the Duck remains one of Cinema's easiest punchlines believe it or not there was a time when this superhero comedy seemed poised to become the next big thing yeah well I didn't buy it at first either producer George Lucas was riding high on the success of the Star Wars Trilogy and first two Indiana Jones movies bringing some of the same creative figures along it was based on a Marvel comic known for its sharp satire and inventive scenarios with a highly entertaining Central character none of the potential shine through in the final product you know Howard we could hold out for a PBS special pH proving too runchy for kids too juvenile for adults and too disturbing for any one who wasn't already wondering how a human woman and anthropomorphic duck could consummate their relationship you know this is beginning to seriously undermine my self-esteem number eight Norbit it's a horror show Eddie Murphy has endured various ups and downs but the Nutty Professor was definitely a high point Norbit seemed like a successor to the clumps with Murphy again playing multiple characters ret teaming with makeup Legend Rick Baker Murphy's career was also on the upswing following his Oscar nomination for Dream Girls if Dream Girls was the highest of highs Norbit was the lowest of lows maybe you two go take poop together the three characters Murphy played ranged from Bland to racist to one of the most repellent screen presents we've ever seen in a comedy every aspect was unlikable with even the impressive makeup effects enforcing a terrible message about overweight people Murphy made horrible comedies before but we didn't think he had one so repugnant in him hold on now P a't nothing going down there unless I got the word p written on number seven The Big Wedding no offense untaken anyone who read the script for The Big Wedding would know this project was doomed from the moment Lion's gate said I do based on the All-Star Ensemble though you could have expected the film to be this uncomfortable this romcom doesn't even feel like it was helmed by one person characters make decisions with a little Rhyme or Reason as if scenes are missing she thinks you are a serpent oh well flattery will get you everywhere the comedy randomly switches gears between PG-13 and R-rated material although it never takes full advantage of the latter you you slept with Missy's father today no no no not today it was years ago when we were married oh we've seen movies squander Talent before but it's almost remarkable how little the cast manages to salvage it's awful in ways that we didn't even anticipate yet The Big Wedding still isn't uniquely bad enough to be a guilty pleasure it's just a waste by the power still vested in me I Now pronounce you husband and wife number six the bonfire of the vanity and it begins on a rainy night a little over a year ago in the late 80s everybody and their mother read the bonfire of the vanities all eyes were on Brian depalma's film adaptation to be a cinematic event but people were soon talking about this dark comedy for the wrong reasons as talented as the cast was many actors felt mcast with Bruce Willis is a character who was British in the book and Tom Hanks Hollywood's resident nice guy as a protagonist we're not supposed to sympathize with I'm sorry I'm very sorry please forgive me oh come on plagued by Studio interference the film sucked out what made the novel so challenging and humorous the troubled production inspired a fascinating book by Julie Solomon and a TCM podcast but Tom Wolf's novel remains overdue for a faithful adaptation what does it profit a man if he gains the the whole world and loses oh well there are compensations number five Holmes and Watson well well well look who's back in the game after will frell and John C Riley established their comedic chemistry in Talladega Knights and Step Brothers many were mystified by how painfully humorless Holmes and Watson turned out oh yeah little there nothing to be ashamed of of course the third player was just as integral to the aformentioned films Adam McKay who would co-produce Holmes and Watson but was apparently more interested in directing Prestige pictures at this point in his career well nobody expected the Sherlock sendup to be Prestige they expected it to strike a balance between stupid and funny only getting the former at its best Holmes and Watson is like an SNL sketch that goes on for too long at its worst this clueless comedy will make you want to throw every physical copy over the riken boach falls what is this strange sens where did I go wrong number four je how come I never seen you around before I'm From Another Place Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez's real life relationship has rebounded but there's a reason why Martin breast hasn't made another movie more than 20 years after XI much of the press surrounding this dark romcom Revol evolved around Affleck and Lopez's offscreen romance at the time some adored benifer While others were getting sick of them even if you fell into the latter category xie seemed to have promise with The Supporting Cast including alpacino and Christopher walin and I am very concerned about the way things have turned out here considering that breast also directed classic crime comedies like Beverly Hills Cop and midnight run you could have fathomed how universally hated XI would be some say xie was gutted in the editing room and while that didn't help any film with the Line Turkey time is beyond saving it's turkey time huh number three Zoolander 2 thanks for coming with me I feel kind of nervous hey you're showing up the first Zoolander was a modest box office success but became a full-blown cult class on home media 15 years later fans were still referencing the center for ants and imitating looks like blue steel the idea that Ben Stiller would deliver such a soulless sequel after all this time didn't even feel like a possibility it's all too confusing I thought coming here would help me find myself and possibly my son but this is more than I bargain for right off the bat Zoolander 2 leaves a sour taste in your mouth as it undoes The Originals happy ending that's sour taste turns staler as we're treated to celebrity cameos that go nowhere offensively dumb comedy bits and callbacks that only remind us how much better the original film is we don't want your excuses Stiller this script needed to be at least three times funnier than this be careful Derek he'll try to get inside your head don't worry it's closed for business number two The Love Guru give me a pound lock it down break the pickle tickle TI with hit franchises like waynesworld Austin Powers and Shrek Mike Myers appeared Unstoppable sure he had a slip up here and there but it' take a flop of astronomical proportions to kill Meyer's career The Love Guru is a cautionary tale about what happens when an artist becomes too successful he's finally here for the first time on the upper show Welcome G Pi with cringy stereotypes and toilet humor so lazy that you'd swear the movie was literally farted out the pitch should have been rejected on the spot when Myers is the star co-writer co-producer though surely it'll all come together yeah right B gazer oh my god there you go even with Meyers track record up until this point putting all of your eggs in one basket is a dangerous game the studio paid the price but so did Myers who struggled to regain his Mojo sense thank you gur T Ina before we unveil our top pick here are a few dishonorable mentions your highness a strong cast and creative setup can still amount to an epic fail look ravishing in that armor but I don't think you'll need it the wi Wizard's a peaceful little man I'm wearing it you're just being jealous [ __ ] Bewitched a throwback so bad it's bewildering guess what what I'm a witch guess what what I'm a Clippers fan North Roger eert wasn't the only one appalled by how South this production went come on and these folks are going to fight of course they are they're not going to take this line [Music] down and then the media circus began Amsterdam David O Russell's exercise and wasting an A-list Ensemble $80 million and our patience it's for her own good ever say that to me again I can't handle I'll put you in a hospital I'll send you to a wi ladies stop I'm sorry I'm sorry I had to raise my voice Aloha How could a movie with Emma Stone be off wait her character's ethnicity is what I am a quarter Hawaiian HOA call me sir before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one year one whoa whoa whoa don't tell me you're thinking about eating the forbidden fruit that's exactly what I'm thinking Jack Black and Michael Sarah were just two of the comedy Titans in this prehistoric comedy calling a Modern Life of Brian to mind the behind the scenes Talent was equally encouraging with Jud appow producing and the legendary Harold RIS directing year one carries a sad sentiment with the knowledge that it'd be reis's last directorial outing well what's worse it was a biblically laugh note to go out on I want you to enter the holy of holies oh that is quite a coincidence cuz I want you to sit on the Poley of poliy never living up to its cast creative team and premise there isn't a joke that works or a scene that doesn't overstay its welcome unwatchable is one thing but we'd go as far to call this film unreleasable alas here we are talking about it wondering how so many funny people could go so wrong H I'd like to thank the high priest for his incredible sacrifice that was really something wasn't it come on put your hands together it makes it sound what comedy did you find shockingly awful vent in the comments you all right you warm enough I don't know come fill my balls and tell me did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos n [Music]
Views: 53,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Film, Movies, ben stiller, comedies, disappointing, disappointing comedies, disappointing movies, eddie murphy, gigli, hated, hated movies, holmes and watson, howard the duck, jack black, john c. reilly, list, michael cera, mike myers, mojo, norbit, the hangover, the hangover part 2, the love guru, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, will ferrell, worst, worst comedies, worst movies, year one, zoolander, zoolander 2
Id: 4DvXVcJA-Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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