Top 10 Insane Things That Happened on Rick and Morty

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[Music] welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 most outrageous things to happen on rick and morty huh seems like tv from other dimensions has a somewhat looser feel to it yeah it's got an almost improvisational tone what's up man i have no coral with you boy boy what's that supposed to mean oh heroes we would like to introduce you to our beloved king so that he may thank you personally uh no it's cool for this list we'll be looking at the weirdest wackiest and most insane things to happen on adult swim's fantastic animated sci-fi the more risky and crazy the better what moment in rick and morty did you hide because your family wouldn't understand let us know in the comments number 10 x gone give it to you this is an example of when outrageous was also awesome if if it's satisfaction you're after i think i might have an idea totally let's do it when summer gets screwed over by her former employer the devil rick shows her that sometimes you need to get your own justice namely street justice why because sometimes what you really need is for someone else to pay a horrible price and it's not just the devil as several groups fall to the duo's beatdowns some that aren't usually seen on tv due to their controversial nature [Music] it's even crazier when we see the two taking steroids together while we couldn't anticipate rick and summer getting jacked and beating up various bad people in an epic montage we're thrilled they did number nine ants in my eyes johnson everyone wanted to sign up to some interdimensional cable once they saw this episode even if it included a brutal leprechaun death jeez rick oh my god that's some pretty hardcore stuff to you know for a serial commercial well you know morty i mean you want to sell boxes of cereal you gotta you gotta pump the gas a little pedal to the metal morty rixty minutes provided a lot of room for improvisation from parodies of popular shows ridiculous movie trailers to weird concepts such as a bug infested salesman hi manson my eyes johnson here at ants in my eyes johnson's electronics i mean there's so many ants in my eyes and there's so many tvs microwaves radios i think i can't i'm not 100 sure what we have here in stock because i can't see anything ants in my eyes johnson is not only incredibly funny but also makes you cringe the idea of insects being in your eye sockets things become even more outlandish when we find out he can't feel anything and catches a flame and also i can't feel anything either did i mention that but that's not as catchy as having ants in your eyes so that always goes you know off by the wayside i can't feel it's a very rare disease you couldn't predict this even if you tried number eight morty's guidance counselor morty's used to being traumatized but this is a memory even we wish could be removed after some stargazing morty thinks he sees a man on the moon which really freaks him out wow that's incredible what the heck it gets even worse when a similar looking gentleman is introduced as the new guidance counselor mr lunas at his school his family tries to deter him but he confronts his principle with what little evidence he has okay hmm is that it is he doing anything to hurt anyone oh he's up to something i think i understand up to something lives on the moon okay i'll talk to him this inadvertently leads to mr lunas being accused of being inappropriate to kids this proves too much for the man to handle who ends his life shortly after but we want to remember the good things like how from a certain angle some people would say he looked like a smudge the dark humor of this story might have been a little much for some viewers to handle number 7 pickle wreck just when we thought we were used to the madness by season 3 the blue-haired scientist broke the internet when he turned himself into a pickle i turned myself into a pickle morty boom big reveal i'm a pickle what do you think about that i turned myself into a pickle it was definitely one of the more absurd things we've seen the scheme was hard for even the family to wrap their head around but it quickly devolves into an escalating battle for survival rick takes on rats russians and even a knockoff action hero called jaguar this can only end with one of us dead and i have never died that'll be your downfall jaguar not being open to new experiences it was one of the most memorable moments of the show but that still doesn't take away from the fact that it's absolutely ridiculous i'm not a cow i'm a pickle when i feel like it number six sexy summer while there are always fans that will fantasize about their favorite characters the context of this scene makes it a little distressing rick and morty go on an inception-inspired escapade where they try to get mr goldenfold to give morty straight a's listen tonight we're going to go into the home of your math teacher mr goldenfold and we're we're going to incept the idea in his brain to give you a's in math morty it's here they are privy to all of morty's teachers fantasies and some of them aren't exactly safe for work after diving deep into a subconscious through mrs pancakes they discover that goldenfold harbors a shameful attraction to morty's sister it's just a summer oh geez because this is an imaginary version of summer she starts flirting with the two freaking the characters and the audience out number five face hugger love during pro morteus rick and morty end up controlled by some parasites called galorzo are you guys sure [Music] after surviving thanks to her toothpick summer helps them build a civilization allowing the aliens controlling the duo to develop personalities and relationships however it's not as wholesome as it sounds the two parasites confess their love for each other and decide to start a family kissing each other passionately no it's cool i feel the same way making the moment even more uncomfortable is the parasites have rick and morty's voices you have to remind yourself it's the parasites professing their love not rick and morty can we do this are we allowed to do this i don't care i just want you number four ultimate soul bonding as you've seen on this list rick and morty aren't afraid to get super weird they've even shown the characters attending end of the world parties that might have too many liquids flowing however claw and hoarder is by far the weirdest instance of the characters getting some action to free the dragons from enslavement rick morty and summer all have to perform an ultimate soul bond with several dragons hold on hold on there's gotta be something else in here there's gotta be another way just give me a second i haven't read all this yet but you see soul bonding is just a dragon's way of getting down and dirty it certainly took us by surprise to see our trio of characters be part of the soul bond it gets so freaky that even rick tells the kids not to speak of this to their parents maybe don't tell your parents we did this best not tell yours either number three homeless santa visits the rocky mountains santa claus is coming to town but not in the way you wanted to evacuate morty from a dead homeless man's body rick has to enlarge it this means a giant naked homeless santa in the sky as we see various news outlets report on the different areas of the homeless man across the continental u.s one alludes to what is happening in the rocky mountains we've got feet here on the west coast bill giant feet even relative to the giant man's size and you know what they say about that well if the old adage is true one can only wonder what's going down in the rocky mountains this is where his groin would be we then see a large protruding shadow approach as a lumberjack screams for his life that's right santa's package destroyed the rocky mountains number two morty's shameful children when morty visits his mother's work he discovers a machine that gathers the reproductive material of horses what's this thing in the middle of the room with with the hole in the end that's a breeding mount the nurses use it to collect reproductive material the look he gives it spells nothing but disgusting trouble unfortunately rick gets his hand on a barrel of the stuff and because morty is too ashamed to admit it accidentally creates giant whitetail wagon monsters are you saying that to mess with me what mess with you like trying to get me to say something i have no idea what you're talking about for real yes okay good then then it's your fault we thought it was as sickening as it could get but then one of summer's eggs is used to try and lure the creatures into space just when we thought there was no way morty and summer's genetic material would mix quick spoiler alert they do we were just as shocked as the characters were on the show nikki it's all you bud [Music] sticky [Applause] before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions rick's planetary relationship rick's romance game outplays all expectations so what you just go around knocking up planets now is is that what you do when i'm in school i'm a scientist morty i try things sex with a living planet big step for mankind cronenbergs this weird love potion leads to an ending that no one can forget boy morty i really cronenberged the world up didn't i you got a whole planet of cronenberg's walking around down there morty at least they're not in love with you anymore though tommy's children what happens in fruity land stays in froopy land well hello all i am the king of froopyland but i go by another name too we know it's tommy we know we know abradolf linkler's fate the tormented fusion experiences a fate worse than death oh great who invited abrad off linkler i thought everyone was welcome it's not the same summer before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one king jellybean we're surprised that this scene even got aired and we'll never forget it happened morty convinces his grandfather to go on a stereotypical hero's exploit to help out a poor town at last two heroes you must help us this village is terribly poor yet the giant that lives in the clouds above has untold treasures you know what i i accept your call to adventure good sir the result is them killing a giant getting taken to court and then morty and the audience getting traumatized in a tavern bathroom it starts as an innocent exchange between king jellybean and the young wannabe adventurer but i'm starting to get nervous that maybe it's gone a little too far off the rails isn't that what adventures do hey you know what you're right everything's going fine i just gotta relax and go with the flow jellybean forces himself onto morty who has to defend himself from jelly bean this moment isn't played for laughs at all and comes out of nowhere it's a scene that would establish to viewers that you will never be ready for what this series will throw at you why don't we use 25 of them to pay slippery stair here for a ride back to the village and then we'll give the rest of the schmeckles to the villagers huh really sure morty yeah you know good adventure needs a good ending do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Views: 364,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Cartoon, Streaming, TV, adult swim, ants in my eyes johnson, facehugger, homeless santa, king jellybean, list, mojo, morty's children, morty's guidance counselor, outrageous, outrageous things to happen on rick and morty, pickle rick, rick and morty, rick and morty craziest moments, rick and morty outrageous moments, rick and morty soul-bonding, sexy summer, shocking rick and morty moments, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, x gon
Id: dZ3rq65vdYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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