Top 20 Massive Insects That REALLY Exist

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she is simply stunning now she must put her beauty to the test welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the heaviest longest and largest insects in the world and see what they're all about we won't be examining spiders centipedes or scorpions since none of those are technically insects and the W tapa is the biggest and the heaviest number 20 Sabertooth longhorn beetle with perhaps the coolest name in the bug world macrodontia cervicornis better known as the saber-tooth longhorn beetle is one of the largest beetles in the world found in the rainforests of South American nations like Colombia Peru and Ecuador the creature spends most of its life as larvae sometimes up to 10 years then once it's an adult it gets a few months of reproduction before perishing yikes including its jaws the biggest recorded Sabertooth was 17.7 CM long just under 7 inches due to the elusive nature of the creature the international Union for conservation of nature also known as the iucn has the beetle status down as vulnerable which hasn't been updated since 1996 number 19 imperial moth fun fact there's a misconception that all adult moths eat clothes in reality most don't some species like the imperial moth also known as eal imperialis aren't exactly big eaters and due to its vast size it if clothes were on its menu your jacket would be quickly destroyed found throughout North America and parts of South America The Moth is a beast that can have a wingspan of up to 17.5 CM around 6.9 in which is great since they have such beautiful colors once the moth graduates to Wings and becomes an adult it loses the function of its mouth then it only survives for a few weeks after the females have laid their eggs number 18 Chan's meas stick sounding like an overpowered mystical weapon in anime the Chan Mega stick also known as Ficus chanai is a stick insect native to the Asian island of Borneo in 2008 this Critter held the title of the longest Critter in the world datuk Chan chuun whom the species is named after donated his specimen to the Natural History Museum in London England with its legs extended the mega stick came to 56.7 cm in length around 22.3 in its body alone is 35.7 CM or 14.1 in thankfully due to its color and skinny size its natural camouflage helps this long creature blend in with the plants that it eats megati eventually lost its long title in 2014 more on that later number 17 acantha calus feri in 2015 the dobsonfly species aanus feri was inducted into the Guinness World Records as the largest aquatic insect by wingspan the creature native to water sources in Vietnam and China was recorded to have a wingspan of 21.6 CM around 8.5 in despite being a terrifying size and appearance the fra farai consume tree sap during their adult lives when they're larvey however they Feast on other bugs and small fish the adult males have long mandibles that they use to fight each other to win the female's affection they use their jaws to flip their competitor into the air to win the battle number 16 elephant Beetle it's not every Beetle that's turned into a quasi cyborg for the US military to control and make it fly around but the elephant Beetle also known as megasoma elephus is a unique creature found typically in rainforests in Southern North America and Central and South America they were discovered to be useful for study due to their vast size and strength in carrying Electronics The Beatles can be up to 12 CM in length around 4.7 in with the M's horns included which the females lack they can be up to 13.7 CM around 4.9 in the males have two horns that are used for defense and to fight other males for food and mating number 15 gorom mitas Heros flies are already pretty annoying but imagine if they were massive that's terrifying well unfortunately we don't need to fantasize about that as they exist with gormas Heroes part of the Midas fly family the heroes can be found in South American countries like Brazil Paraguay and Bolivia however due to their incredibly elusive nature little is understood about them but we do know the heroes lava live in ant nests feasting on the younger creatures once it matures the males feed on flowers while the females don't eat considered the largest fly species in existence the heroes can be up to 7 cm in body length or 2.8 in it also has a whopping wingspan of 10 cm or 3.9 in number 14 traitorous grasshopper imagine scoring at the World Cup only to look down and see one of the biggest grasshoppers in the world chilling on your arm well that happen to Columbia's James Rodriguez in 2014 with a tropicus ceries also known as a blue or Violet winged grasshopper found throughout South America the females can be up to 10.5 CM or 4.1 in on top of that they have a wingspan of up to 18 cm nearly 7.1 in another species traitorous cristata or giant redwinged grasshopper is even larger found in Central and South America their wingspan can reach 24 cm or 9.4 in while their bodies can be 14.5 CM or 5.7 in number 13 giant burrowing cockroach cockroaches are already a despised insect by most folks yet at least most of them are small this is the giant borrowing cockroach it's one one of the largest cockroaches in the world if you were to hold it it would fill the palm of your hand however the macro panesthia rhinoceros also known as the giant burrowing cockroach or rhinoceros cockroach isn't tiny at all mostly found around Queensland Australia these big beasts have a length of up to 8 cm 3.1 in and weigh a hefty 35 G or 1.2 o as its name suggests the Cockroach creates Burrows underground where it stores its food despite its appearance it isn't a pest in fact it's one of the most useful insects in the forest if this creature looks like a friend to you you might be delighted to know that some people keep these cockroaches as pets their Perks of Being relatively low maintenance odorless non-biting and living up to 8 years make them a tempting family member to some just not us number 12 Asian giant hornet in 2019 North America was panicking as the vesa mandarinia also known as the Asian giant hornet and nicknamed the murder Hornet suddenly popped up in the continent entomologists say the first Nest found in the United States is small about a fourth of the size of some found in the Asian giant hornets native Japan and just based on the size of them alone it's understandable that folks were nervous typically the workers have a body length of 4.5 CM or 1.8 in a wingspan of 7.5 cm or 3 in and a stinger with 0.6 CM or 0.2 in the Queens are even bigger found primarily throughout Asia especially in Japan the Hornets vast size mixed with their potent Venom sparked fear across the US and Canada the faster we find them the faster we can remove a nest and if we get to a nest early enough um nothing from that Nest will be able to reproduce however no new colonies have been confirmed in North America since 2022 seemingly showing their destruction in the region number 11 Chinese mantis typically tadera census also known as the Chinese mantis is native to several Asian countries however in 1896 a school teacher in Mount Ary Philadelphia Pennsylvania messed up big time by accidentally releasing them into the area since then this insect has spread becoming the biggest mantis species in North America the adults have a length of around 11 cm or 4.3 in for comparison the native Carolina mantis can be up to 6 cm or 2.4 in the Chinese mantis are one of the most vicious insects around on top of the females eating the males after mating the Mantis has been known to consume much larger animals including hummingbirds number 10 Hercules beetle you know with a name like Hercules this thing's not messing around small compared to a human But Mighty the Hercules beetle is incredibly strong for its size and able to lift objects much heavier than itself up to 8 50 times its own body weight the largest beetle in Central America and the strongest insect on Earth the largest of the rhinoceros beetles so named for their horns dyus Hercules can grow up to 6.7 in in length they use their horn like pincers for everything from dominance displays to lifting and fighting talk about a serious multi-purpose facial appendage the Challenger moves into fighting range and engages the defender despite their size however they are surprisingly gentle and are non-aggressive good thing for us right number nine tarantula hawk what's scarier than a huge wasp one that literally hunts tarantulas meet the tarantula hawk it's a parasitic wasp that has no fear of massive spiders yes their name might make them sound like a 1980s Prague rock band but these guys are the real deal while they primarily use their toxic sting to take down those big fuzzy eight-legged nightmare makers according to humans who have been stung the pain is like nothing else and can be accompanied by up to 5 minutes of paralysis it's like being stunned with a taser and they say it puts you into a state of paralysis for up to 5 minutes where all you can do is scream at up to 2 in in length with a qu in Stinger they are the largest wasp in the United States one almost pies the arachnid they hunt a tarantula hawk is the Brian Mills of the insect world as in very skilled number eight giant water bug found in many places across the globe in some regions these creatures can grow up to 4.75 in giant water bugs are fearsome Predators with a needle-like mouth that packs a venomous cocktail to paralyze prey we wish we could tell you that they only inhabit the most remote wilderness but sadly no in urban areas near water they've been known to seek out light in Street lamps where they are commonly mistaken for Less harmful insects like June bugs while the latter might creep people out they don't generally bite unfortunately these little predators do also known as toe biters or alligator ticks they strike their prey with speed and power their bite is extremely painful to humans too that's why they're nicknamed toe biters although generally content to avoid humans they won't hesitate to attack if startled or threatened so watch your step number seven acan Beetle babies in the animal kingdom they're always so cute nightmare fuel actian beetle larvae ARG kill it with fire that quote unquote little horror show is actually the larvae of the actian beetle another type of rhinoceros beetle while it may start off looking like an extra from an old ch renberg film despite their size and off-putting Origins they are gentle Giants also known as megasoma action which totally sounds like a classic Kaiju they can reach 2.75 in in width and roughly 4.75 in in length thankfully they seem to be on our side go on give it a little pat on the back number six Titan beetle another Apple named insect the Titan beetle is arguably the biggest known beetle in the world with the largest recorded specimen reaching a whopping 6.6 in this one the Titan beetle that lives in the forest of the Amazon is almost certainly the biggest of all insects while they are able to fly their huge size impairs takeoff therefore they have to climb and then launch themselves out of the trees to get going in terms of self-preservation mechanisms they rely on their powerful mandibles both defensively and to crush their prey those huge mandibles at the front are powerful enough it's said to be able to cut straight through a pencil found mainly in the rainforests of South America they tend to keep to themselves and quite frankly we're happy with that Arrangement number five Goliath beetle found in the tropical forests of Africa these beetles may not be the biggest in terms of length but with bulk and weight combined they are considered one of the largest and heaviest bugs in the world weighing up to 3.5 o at the larval stage like many insect species species and our other aforementioned beetles they spend a lot of time in their pupil phase and once they reach adulthood they mate and well that's sort of it the adults only live for around 3 months but while they're around they're actually rather cute little guys or should we say cute big guys number four Queen Alexandra's birdwing had enough of the creepy crawlies okay here's a pallet cleanser Queen Alexandra's birdwing these beautiful butterflies are the largest in the world while while specifically the females of the species take the title for the largest the males with their bright vibrant coloring are the more famous of the two found only in the Oro province of Papua New guini the female Queen Alexandra can achieve a wingspan of nearly 10 in given their beauty and size both sexes are sought by collectors but due to their endangered status the buying and selling of the qabs is 100% illegal number three Atlas Moth you might be noticing a pattern with the names here but if something is going to be named after a Greek Titan who holds up the entire Earth you bet it's going to be big the wingspan of the Atlas Moth reaches nearly 10 in in fact this colossal creature allegedly served as the inspiration for Godzilla's flying foe Mothra the atlas atus had long been thought of as the largest moth in the world in terms of surface area but recent Studies have posited that the title actually goes to the Hercules moth Atlas versus Hercules for the title we we'd watch that from a safe distance number two giant waa science suggests that a species when secluded for example on an island will tend towards one of two evolutionary paths dwarfism or gigantism the island rule factors in resources climate Etc well there must have been an abundance of just about everything when it came to the weda then so they're totally flightless they've got really good camouflage they're nocturnal so they're very very well adapted for um bir Predators their genus dinoc literally means terrible grasshopper and we've got to agree with the Greeks on that one largely wiped out on Mainland New Zealand they've thrived on surrounding Islands growing up to nearly 4 in not including legs and Weighing on average about 1 and a/4 oun it's one of the world's heaviest insects and has been around for 190 million years even outliving the dinosaurs however a few notable ones have weighed in it twice that at almost 2.5 o before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into settings and switch on your notifications number one giant stick insects across the globe one can theoretically find countless varieties of these bugs but you'd have to spot them and they don't make it easy should you notice one be warned they are huge and a little freaky the longest on record a new species was found in 2016 in China measuring a whopping 24.6 in but little is known about it in Australia however a specimen of the camori Gargantua variety named lady gagua has given birth to a daughter that has grown to an impressive 22.25 in as for their odd appearance it's evolutionary camouflage and it seemingly works less than half a dozen living camor Gargantua have been found living in the wild what insect creeps you out the most let us know in the comments his red color is not just for show it's a warning to other Predators did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 52,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animals, Giant Stick Insects, Goliath Beetle, Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing, Tarantula Hawk, atlas moth, big insects, biggest, biggest bugs, biggest insects, bug, bugs, centipedes, giant bugs, giant insects, giant water bug, giant weta, grossest insects, insect, insects, list, massive bugs, mojo, scariest, scariest animals, scariest insects, scorpions, spiders, titan beetle, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: bHlzwKKvf6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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