Top 20 Darkest Avatar and Korra Moments Ever

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happy birthday my son [Music] if only i could have helped you welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 darkest avatar and korra moments ever now 10 000 years of darkness begins i know what you really think of me you think i'm a monster that's one of the saddest stories i've ever heard for this list we're going over the darkest and most mature moments from avatar the last airbender and the legend of korra since we will be talking about important plot points a spoiler alert is now in effect what do you think was the darkest point in the franchise let us know in the comments below number 20. aang is struck by lightning we've gotta find saka on top [Music] the grand finale of book two of avatar sees aang and katara fighting against azzullah and zuko underneath the city of bosang say when the daily army arrives to back the fire nation royals aang enters the avatar state to give himself an advantage in battle but before he can make any moves azula strikes him with her lightning it's later implied that this bolt doesn't merely injure him it briefly ends his life thankfully katara is there to heal him when the underage protagonist nearly meeting his end barely makes our list you know things are about to get dark i didn't just get hurt did i it was worse than that i was gone but you brought me back number 19 mingwa's shocking demise when i get out of here none of you will survive you won't get out after avatar quora is captured by a villainous group called the red lotus a group of her strongest allies comes to rescue her while she takes on the formidable sahir her friends mako and bolin take on two vicious opponents mako fights mingwa a waterbender who creates prosthetic liquid arms for herself but her unique bending style is ultimately her undoing now it's over mako takes advantage that her arms can conduct electricity by firing a bolt of lightning at her mingwa can't avoid or survive the attack although korra is aimed at a teen audience it was still willing to show a villain being taken out in a grisly way no no you don't understand number 18 azula's breakdown i thought we were going to do this together my decision is final you you can't treat me like this while she may be a militant villainous azula is still human towards the end of the series her best friends turn against her azula's father also gives her a huge amount of responsibility by naming her the firelord in the wake of these events azula begins to lose her grip on sanity and becomes increasingly paranoid she even hallucinates visions of her mother i didn't want to miss my own daughter's coronation don't pretend to act proud i know what you really think of me you think i'm a monster as satisfying as it is to see zula's perfect facade crumble we can't help but pity her although the former princess did some monstrous things no one wants to celebrate her struggles with mental illness number 17 police fate so do we have a deal yes you release the air vendors and then i'll turn myself over the red lotus asks cora to surrender to them to save the lives of a group of kidnapped airbenders during the exchange a fight ensues although lin and tsuyunbefong try to rescue korra they're held off by police a combustion bender who can fire explosions through the eye on her forehead her explosive attacks initially give the metal bending sisters a lot of trouble but they finally take advantage of a grim opening i'm gonna draw her fire you take her out just as pulley is about to fire a blast sooyin encases the villain's head in metal this explosion backfires and instantly ends the villain's life while the metal prevents us from seeing anything the unseen implications of this scene are positively brutal where's plee she sacrificed her life for our cause now let's make sure it wasn't in vain number 16 brainwashing at lake laogai we need to talk to the king about the war it's important you're embossing sei now everyone is safe in season two of avatar hang and company go to bossing say a walled city that has mostly stayed out of the war the gang discovers one major reason citizens have stayed out of the conflict anyone who speaks publicly about the war or causes too much trouble is brainwashed the process is carried out by the daily bossing says secret police force these agents bring their victims to lake laogai there the daily hypnotized the captives until they behave exactly as the agents want them to there's no war in boss what are you talking about where do you think all the refugees come from you can't hide it did avatar depict a totalitarian government that silences dissent through reconditioning the populace and spreading disinformation to retain power yep this show sure likes to hit kids with some heavy stuff you have made yourselves enemies of the state take them into custody number 15 the avatar cycle is broken rather nothing could stop this moment during korra's second season the avatar faces off against her evil uncle unlock he allies himself with the dark spirit batu meanwhile coral sides with rava the light spirit that lives inside her body and makes the existence of the avatar possible although the good guys try their best vatu and unlock eventually tear the light spirit out of korra's body rava is then destroyed piece by piece he's got the light spirit the spirit's destruction also severs cora's connection to all the past avatars including aang rava's absence also meant that the avatar cycle couldn't continue after korra's life ended although the light spirit returns later on seeing her destruction was quite traumatic for cora and the audience now 10 000 years of darkness begins number co the face stealer appears you speak with him you must be very careful to show no emotion at all not the slightest expression or he will steal your face the spirit world of the avatar franchise can be pretty dang scary although tenzin korra and boomi's trip through the fog of lost souls was terrifying a spirit introduced in avatar is far spookier ko the face stealer is a being who has the body of a large centipede and a constantly changing face in the season one finale aang needs to find the spirit to gain vital information you've come to me with a new face but he's informed that co will take the face of anyone who shows the tiniest hint of emotion this leads to a tense scene where ang struggles to remain expressionless ko's creepy body shape-shifting faces and unsettling voice add up to a spirit that is straight up nightmare fuel i must be going now we'll meet again number 13 little soldier boy no it's not a romantic picnic but it is a special occasion oh boy get ready to weep iro spends a day journeying through bossing say collecting items while helping everyone from a child to a mugger along the way eventually the purpose of his excursion is revealed he wanted to build a small memorial to honor his late son luten's birthday liu 10 lost his life during ira's 600 day siege of bossing say the idea that he's mourning in the same city where lu ten lost his life is sad but our tears really flow when iro sings a heartbreaking song from the vine falling so slow like fragile tiny shells drifting in the phone plenty of children's programming features missing parents or guardians who have passed away but do you deal with a parent losing their child in such a mature and heartbreaking manner my beloved lieutenant i will see you again number 12 katara almost commits a devastating crime i know who killed your mother i'm going to help you find him katara enlists zuko's help to find the fire nation man that took her mother's life during the pair's revenge quest the normally kind waterbender is unexpectedly ruthless eventually katara finally catches up to her target a man named yan ra she was protecting the last waterbender what who [Music] me consumed with fury she forms a ton of icicle spears by water bending the rain around her and unleashes them all at once however katara stops them from hitting yanra just before they caused irreparable damage although she didn't commit a crime she couldn't take back she came extremely close katara's shocking journey with zuko brought her to the edge of a very dark place i don't know if it's because i'm too weak to do it or if it's because i'm strong enough not to number 11. sozen abandons roku you were friends with fire lord susan back then he was just prince ozil and he was my best friend before the fire lord sozen and avatar roku were enemies the two of them were close friends they drifted apart after the royal expressed his desires to expand the fire nation past its existing borders since sozen's goals conflicted with roku's duties to maintain balance between the nations the two had a major falling out but i warn you even a single step out of line will result in your permanent end the two reunited after a long time apart when the volcano on roku's island erupted sozen helps his old friend contain the destruction at first but when poisonous gases weakened roku so much he could barely move the fire lord leaves his former friend to perish on the volcano without you all my plans are suddenly possible sozen completes his betrayal by starting a long and devastating war against the other nations number 10 a zulon orders ozai to obliterate zuko if uncle doesn't make it back from war then dad would be next in line to be firelord wouldn't he ira was once the heir to the fire nation throne but things changed after he lost his son while iro mourned his brother ozai asked firelord zulon if he could become next in line the fire nation ruler is understandably furious at his son's callousness but azulan's response to this ridiculous request was much worse he orders ozai to take zuko's life so the prince can understand what losing a child is like in true family tradition ozai decides to do something much worse instead of going through with the order he has his wife ursa take a zulon out with poison ozai could have just stood up to his old man but instead he used his loved ones as pawns just to seize power was your dying wish you are now succeeded by your second son number nine jet's last stand jet is a fairly dark character in general the young freedom fighter is willing to take innocent lives just to get revenge on the fire nation i heard your plan to destroy the earth kingdom town our plan is to rid the valley of the fire nation there are people living there jet mothers and fathers and children but the darkest part of his story is how it ends after being brainwashed by the daily jet leads aang and company right into the stone hands of the secret police force aang helps the freedom fighter break free from his mind control but after jett attempts to lash out at the daily leader he receives a fatal blow although he claims he'll be all right toff can tell he's lying we never see jet again despite happening off screen his demise is clearly one of the show's bleakest moments i'm sorry aang don't be number eight oppa's cool circus visit i'm sorry appa one of the hardest episodes to re-watch is the one focused on aang's flying bison oppa after being stolen from the gang by sand benders appa has to endure a series of awful events by himself one of the most disturbing parts of his story occurs after he's imprisoned in a fire nation circus but don't worry you won't anymore because i am going to break you the ring master refuses to feed oppa and threatens him with fire until the animal obeys the performer's commands children's programming doesn't always devote time to tackling how cruel humans can be towards animals almost a decade after this episode premiered the issues this story raised are unfortunately still relevant you've been through so much recently hurt and betrayed so twisted up inside number seven zuko shouts at the storm why can't i do it instead of lightning it keeps exploding in my face like everything always does suko is an angry young man we all know this despite that fact his uncle iro is always trying to help the prince improve and find balance in himself iro even opts to show him how to redirect lightning but he refuses to let his nephew try out the technique for real i thought that was the point you teaching me how to protect myself from it yeah but i'm not going to shoot lightning at you desperate to prove himself zuko decides to seek lightning elsewhere he climbs to a mountaintop and rails at a storm to strike him you've always thrown everything you could at me well i can take it and now i can give it back thankfully he is never hit by any lightning although the storm held back the show didn't pull any punches the teenage zuko was so damaged that he openly welcomed the potentially painful and fatal consequences of being struck by lightning number six korra suffers ptsd after being poisoned and though you will never again be reborn your name will echo throughout history korra the last avatar we've already touched on korra being kidnapped by the red lotus but their ultimate goal was significantly more messed up they wanted to poison cora to trigger her avatar state if her life was taken away while she was in this powerful form the avatar cycle would end watching her get poisoned is incredibly gruesome but the aftermath is equally grim what are you laughing about you're too late the poison's been in her system too long cora has trouble walking after the ordeal and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder even after she makes a big physical recovery she's plagued by nightmares and hallucinations cora's ptsd lasts past the episode she's poisoned and well into the next season the show handles the subject well by depicting the mature struggle in a realistic way there is no shame in taking the time you need to make a full recovery number five noah talks future goes up in smoke it's over brother i'm sorry for what i had to do to you messed up families are par for the course in the avatar franchise korra's first season features one of the worst examples of both series while the villainous noah talk aka amman terrorizes republic city his brother councilman tarlock tries to protect it in his own twisted way after both of them become wanted men they escape the city on a boat noah talk is optimistic that the two can start a new chapter in their lives although tarlock plays along at first he eventually decides to bring their stories to an end the former councilman uses one of noatak's weapons to blow up the boat it will be just like the good old days it's safe to say that no one saw the two brothers going out in such a sudden and grim way that's one of the saddest stories i've ever heard number four blood-bending battle hello children [Music] sorry to frighten you you'd be forgiven for mistaking the puppet master episode for a horror film the darkest part of this grim story occurs when hama and katara confront each other controlling the water in another body enforcing your own will over theirs hama is a bloodbender a waterbender who's able to control the blood inside the bodies of living things effectively turning them into puppets after using this technique on katara she uses it on aang and saka that's like my brain has a mind of its own hama controls their movements and nearly makes them wound each other katara uses blood bending to put an end to the dark tail the fact that katara had to become what she fought against is disturbing congratulations katara you're a blood bender although she never wanted to learn this twisted technique she later blood bends a man when she's blinded by rage and her own darkness number three zaheer ends the earthqueen so where are my airbenders i'd be happy to tell you once you hand the avatar over to me airbending was generally seen as the most gentle of the bending disciplines until the brutal zahir became an airbender as part of his plan to capture the avatar zaheer makes a deal with the earthqueen but she turns on him and orders her loyalists to attack him when zaheer and his allies win the battle he decides to get rid of the earthqueen maybe i forgot to mention something to you i don't believe in queens he uses a horrifying airbending technique on the queen that swiftly leads to her demise the disturbing scene leaves us breathless every time we watch it zahir's brutal bending is far and away one of the most wicked acts in the entire franchise he's the man who just took down the earth queen you want to be next number two ozai scar zuko try to understand my nephew is a complicated young man he has been through much zuko goes through some dark times throughout the story of avatar but one of his lowest points happened before the show began during a storm ira recounts how zuko got his infamous scar after speaking out of turn during a war meeting zuko was forced to duel his father but he refuses to fight ozai punishes zuko's refusal by using fire bending to give his son a painful scar you will learn respect and suffering will be your teacher the fire lord's actions would even be disturbing in a show aimed at adults seeing how despicable ozai was to his own son took the story to a very dark place but what could be darker than a parent giving their child a scar well if you like this video check out our series how geek culture became pop culture [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] join us as we look at how pulp fiction comics video games anime and nerd heroes became pop culture staples number one what happened to the air nomads aang before we get to the temple i want to talk to you about the airbenders what about them well i just want you to be prepared for what you might see although the last airbender is right in the show's title it can be easy to forget the dark reality behind those words aang is the only airbender around because the rest of his people were decimated by the fire nation at the start of the hundred year war the full reality of the situation first hits home for aang and the audience when he returns to the air temple he once called home and only finds bones it's an utterly heartbreaking scene [Music] [Applause] kiatso the amount of off-screen horror that had to occur before this moment makes us shudder to contemplate we're still stunned avatar could convey the magnitude of such a heinous act so simply and so effectively but you were right and if firebenders found this temple that means they found the other ones too i really am the last airbender do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 277,050
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Keywords: darkest avatar and korra moments ever, darkest avatar moments, darkest legend of korra moments, darkest avatar franchise moments, avatar deaths, korra deaths, ozai scars zuko, earth queen dies, avatar bloodbending, jet dies, azula breakdown, avatar, avatar: the last airbender, the legend of korra, korra, TV, Cartoon, Animated, Streaming, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, msmojo
Id: 97oXoF5XBnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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