Top 10 Actors Who Are Unexpectedly Good Singers

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sure we know they're talented but did you know they could sing bury me and straightly shoes welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 actors who are unexpectedly good singers save me from for this list we're looking at celebrities who became famous thanks to their acting chops what surprised us later on in their careers by showing off a wicked set of pipes and as the title suggests we're really focusing on actors we were surprised to learn could sing so a guy like Hugh Jackman wouldn't make the cut because we've been seeing him croon for years oh hi number 10 Zachary Levi my boy no fine I'm fine I'm black although the fan demanded musical episode of Zachary Levi spy comedy Chuck never actually happened thanks for thinking outside the box on that one Levi's co-stars often commented that he would sing between takes to kill the hours the hell did he learn that and we're guessing they didn't mind he got a chance to show off his pipes both in the Disney film tangled too soon and while starring in a Broadway production if I don't try just a fartist thing might go and based on his clear talent we're excited to see more surrounded by enormous piles of money number nine Hugh Laurie got my sperm test tomorrow and my pot is on the shell he's a cold sadistic doctor how sweet no he's a light-hearted comedian with a passion for music she was a low-down she walls the roughest toughest frail but many had a hob the Bigelow away though he only rarely got to show off his musical abilities on his hit TV show house you may be surprised to learn that this British actor not only sings but also plays multiple instruments I went down to sit James infirmary Laurie small screen success allowed him to join the appropriately named band from TV a charity musical group comprised of TV personalities in the house no pun intended I got a song ain't got no melody come on imma gonna sing it to my friend but Lori's so good we pay to listen to him which we can as he's released a couple of albums why let he lead a life of misery when you don't care a bag of rings for me so one chain number eight Anna Kendrick mama things I'm living in a convent though she started her career on Broadway I drink champagne from a slipper you drink water from a Dipper and took on musical roles early in her professional life this actress remained largely off our radars until her oscar-nominated and non singing role in 2009's up in the air when I came to Craig three months ago with this he told me in quite astutely it's only a problem if you have a solution however it wasn't until 2012 when she starred and pitch perfect that she showed off her singing talents for a wide audience and boy are we glad she did her contributions to the film's female acapella group along with the radio play of her own hit single cups have cemented hers as a singing voice not to be forgotten when I'm gone you're gonna miss me when I'm gone you're gonna miss me by my walk you're gonna miss me by my talk oh you're gonna miss me when I'm gone number seven Robert Pattinson whether you love him for his role as Cedric Diggory or hate him for playing a certain sparkly vampire beautiful you can't deny that when he steps up to a microphone Rob Pattinson kills it the young British actor has a soft crooning voice that's got a smoky yet soothing texture to it and not only does he sing play piano and guitar he also writes his own music say aye and he got to show off his singing and songwriting talents on the twilight soundtrack maybe if the whole acting thing doesn't work out our pats could consider a career in music number six Chris Pine you got it this is Captain James T Kirk of the USS Enterprise coming to you with a love ballad to you sounds weird right but when this Starfleet captain opens his mouth it's more than just headings and orders the new Jack Ryan is a surprisingly excellent vocalist which he showed off in some indie films and on Jimmy Kimmel let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars and talk about perfect casting he was also given the singing role of Prince Charming in Disney's into the woods I was raised to be charming not sincere alongside musical veterans like Meryl Streep and Johnny Depp but we still like to see Captain Kirk do some karaoke or something yeah I'll try number 5 Oscar Isaac once a vocalist and guitarist for a small time Miami based ban Isaac gained well-deserved recognition with films like The Bourne Legacy and Drive that's very nice that's nice here thank you where we did not get to see his musical prowess okay Giroux parts of Arkansas that's why we were more than a little blown away when in 2013's inside Llewyn Davis he let it rip as a down-and-out folk singer struggling to get by in the early 1960s I'd fly River to the Juilliard grad has definitely got it whether or not he'll be able to show off his talents in Star Wars Episode seven remains to be seen iron my key and I hate my way number four Colin Farrell lookout cleveland storm is coming through this irish bad boy may have made a name for himself playing hardened tough guys and films like swat i'm not a doctor but audiences were lucky enough to see a softer side of ferrell when he was playing second fiddle or guitar rather to jeff bridges in 2009's Crazy Heart this is the UH this is the autograph you need he's got the American accent down and when he's using it to sing some country we couldn't ask for more stop acting like of course that could be me sure he may have unsuccessfully tried out for the famed Irish boyband Boyzone at one point but we won't hold that against him number three Kevin Spacey there's nothing between you and an audience but but a microphone it's like strapping yourself to a locomotive Spacey was a late bloomer in terms of gaining Fame in Hollywood and the same can be said for a singing career sing me something after blessing us with his talents and iconic roles like Lester Burnham in American Beauty and someone in the usual suspect and me the keys you've been [ __ ] Spacey co-wrote directed co-produced and starred in his own passion project about famous American singer Bobby Darin and lent his singing voice to the role somewhere beyond the sea somewhere waiting for me my lover stands on golden sands and what choose the ships and ever since he's taken every opportunity possible to show off his pipes and we're glad of it Oh number two Jeremy Renner I'm looking for the mask so then how'd it go and rain on this brain although a few of the Avengers were up for this list Hawkeye nailed the bullseye this time we already know he's got talent in the acting department with a couple of Oscar nods under his belt and he's basically cemented himself as the hardened emotional wreck you don't want to mess with but when given a chance to carry a tune or two he knocks us off our feet I nest any pardon or anything done he's actually sung on screen quite a few times but we're still waiting to see him in an actual musical role then did you believe in rock'n roll also the Avengers on Broadway maybe from the hook the Iron Man to captain look I know it's Captain America I know that but I had to rhyme with there before we play ourselves out to our top pick here are a few honorable mentions when I speak my mind did I say the right when I was just a baby my mama told me son always be a good boy don't ever play with guns in pursuit of your deepest urge in pursuit of that fish which till now has been sigh use or gel Bluetooth Berlin scallops ear I cook skin Caldecott go from under five effective kids there was no ransom to be paid and the fairy tears it all into there's a kiss at the end of the rainbow number one Ryan Gosling I just don't understand how come so quiet we know this Canadian hunk for his deep thoughtful roles as well as his occasional ladies man parts in romantic comedies baby Lynne Hagen David Lynn Hagen okay is this a bad time yeah that's why we're surprised that he was once a member of the Mickey Mouse Club alongside Justin Timberlake Britney Spears and many others that's good and all but I think you guys need to make it a little more exciting chant-like throwing that whole terrorist thing and maybe add some machine guns yeah and explosions firing explosions are really cool and was almost picked to become a member of the Backstreet Boys do you regret that decision not how he lives the past me like I live in the now you know later forming the band Dead Man's Bones once his acting career took off Gosling has since had several opportunities to showcase his singing chops and while it would have been entertaining to see him as a member of BSB we're glad he chose this route good okay slow dance slow dance to this part do you agree with our list you think you're better than people what's singing actors do you wish we're on the list never you for more celebrity top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to we out
Views: 7,195,995
Rating: 4.7929215 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, unexpectedly good singers, actors, surprising singers, surprisingly good singers, actors turned singers, ryan gosling, dead mans bones, jeremy renner, kevin spacey, colin farrell, oscar isaac, chris pine, robert pattinson, anna kendrick, Actor (Profession)
Id: GAsdj-YaZaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 13 2014
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