Top 10 Male Singers Who Can Dance

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Love this video . Michael is the greatest.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/malabataandalus 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
vocally proficient and versatile on stage welcome to Ms mojo and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10 male singers who can dance for this list we're looking at male artists of the past and present all of whom are capable of performing is both high-functioning singers and dancers guy number 10 Ricky Martin was a teenage heartthrob as a member of the Puerto Rican boy band menudo the adult version of Ricky Martin didn't just liven up the American music industry with 1999's livin la vida loca he established a new dialogue for Latin American artists to thrive in the mainstream he's not the type of dancer that storms across the stage instead Ricky Martin owns his physical space and busts out moves like he owns the joint it's that Latin beat and self-assurance is certainly part of the package me too number nine jason Derulo's now here's an R&B superstar that does fully utilize every aspect of the stage born and raised in florida jason derulo originally worked as a writer / producer for Cash Money Records but considering both his vocal and physical talent well it was only natural to show off his legwork he's a millennial by definition and while keys not restricted by genre trappings on stage Jason most definitely captures the essence of how people his age like to get down the only problem however is that not many can move like mr. Derulo and he operates on a more energetic level than most number eight Justin Bieber I tell the violin it's time to sink the swim wasn't play boga say what you want about Bieber but don't forget that his creative mentor was uh sure not too shabby as teachers goes Justin found fame via YouTube and surely understands how to captivate an audience however Biebs can flat-out groove and you could even say he's underrated when it comes to his choreography after all you don't attract the attention to someone like Usher because you're just a quick learner it's because you've already got it going on back in the day baby gave us cute little dancing beeps but as he continues to evolve both personally and creatively he'll surely figure out how to further cement his status as a top-flight song and dance man explosive explosive number seven Justin Timberlake whether it be on the stage of Saturday Night Live or on a worldwide tour this GQ gent has demonstrated that he can dance you know that in sync fans have been there since day one but even though some of you may not be devoted fans yourself you can at least admit that justin has a little MJ too at least in terms of natural rhythm a true triple threat with a sense of humor to boot Timberlake's raw talent manages to emot-- on many levels just by how he moves number six Bruno Mars where some use Instagram filters to give themselves a throwback vibe Bruno Mars has it going on naturally and while someone like Justin Timberlake learned the tricks of the trade through a boy band and Disney career Bruno Mars arrived on the scene and just let loose all by himself nothing uptown funk the Super Bowl halftime show not once but twice everything stops when Bruno Mars hits the stage because he's just got that magnetic thing happening you don't choose to watch you have to watch alongside his crew named the hooligans Bruno omits the goodtime Charlie feel whether it's a chilled out approach or an all-out fury of funk number five Chris Brown while this man has experienced plenty of ups and downs in his career he's undoubtedly one of the most brilliant dancers of our time inspired by the legendary Michael Jackson and even the after mentioned uh sure Chris Brown is an impressive Triple Threat with his street flavor never failing to thoroughly stun audiences he's a modern fixture of award shows and that's a testament to Breezies insane freestyle performances that simply can't be matched and if Chris Brown stays focused on his craft he just may surpass a few of his more notable contemporaries number four Elvis Presley Jailhouse Elvis comeback Elvis seventies Elvis or fat Elvis and never really mattered where Elvis Presley was in his career as he was going to blow our minds regardless for better or for worse for the sake of our list we're focusing on early Elvis and the men that shaped the essence of rock and roll while legitimately changing an entire nation if not all of pop culture back in 1956 TV executives actually wanted to shoot the king from the waist up simply because his sexualized gyrating was too much for the human mind number three James Brown known as The Godfather of Soul and deservedly so here's a musician from the American South that just felt the music James Brown had a unique personality and all of that chaotic charisma came through when he hit the stage and though he was a tremendous singer in his own right it was his physical gestures that truly highlighted the essence of his lyrics it's one thing to say you're a sex machine and it's another to say it like James Brown an original gangster of dance number two uh sure still a relatively young man uh sure is not only inspired numerous entries on our list but continues to stay relevant on the charts with 1993's call me a mac uh sure announced himself to the world through some serious dance bravado and by the time he dropped you make me wanna assure Raymond was still only a teenager yet still influencing an entire genre of music amazing much like Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez have been holding it down four female singers and dancers this century uh sure set the bar for a new school of male performer the last last night I'm get you right before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions let's face the music in dead come on drama number one Michael Jackson even as a young child the late Michael Jackson had already begun revolutionising the art of popular dance the talent was obvious and it seemingly came naturally almost too naturally but MJ deservedly claims his throne in the early 80s with iconic dance routines time and time again largely in part to legendary practice sessions Oh he broke the color barrier music thanks to his undeniable artistry on stage and despite his own insecurities MJ changed the lives of aspiring performers by offering new ways to express himself through dance so do you agree with our selections which male singer do you think and bust-a-move the best for more thrilling top 10s published daily be sure to subscribe to his mojo you
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 6,428,703
Rating: 4.5622277 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, MsMojo, male singers, Chris Brown, Usher, Best Male Dancers, Best Singers and Dancers, Singers Who Can Dance, Best Male Singers Who Can Dance
Id: T9k1gNxd3HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2016
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