Top 18 People Who Allegedly Sold Their Soul To Pure EVlL

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throughout history many famous people have claimed that they can give thanks to all of their success because they made a deal with the devil this comes from the fact that some believe that if you promise Satan himself that he can have your soul rotting in hell after you die it's possible to get whatever your heart desires when you're still alive however in some cases these stories of these satanic pacts could just be a rumor it is important to keep in mind that many of these people who are accused of making a deal with the devil probably didn't actually do it and jealous rivals want to tarnish their reputation in these stories from history we will sift through the facts and the fiction of people who sold their soul to the big guy downstairs number 18 Robert Johnson guitarist Robert Johnson was so talented he became one of the most famous blues musicians in history as the story goes Johnson was born in 1911 to a poor farming family in Mississippi he wanted more for his life so he went to the crossroads of two major highways and made a deal with the devil he wrote a song called me and the devil blues knowing that this would make Christians angry even wrote you may bury me on the highway side tragically his death came far sooner than he probably expected he died at only 27 years old while his exact cause of death is unknown most people believe that he got wrapped up in a relationship with a married woman and that he was poisoned by a jealous husband many people credit Robert Johnson for beginning the unapologetic gritty mood that would later become rock and roll despite his devilish song lyrics the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Mississippi wanted him to be buried there when the Reverend James Ratliff was questioned about Johnson's deal with the devil he said that he had never even heard of Robert Johnson until a week earlier he knew about the rumor but he decided that as long as his congregation wanted him to be buried in his church he believed his soul could be saved because so many Christian people would be praying for him number 17 Bob Dylan is his song titled crossroads Bob Dylan tells the story of being at a crossroads with his soul he falls to his knees and pleads to the Lord to help save his soul from the lyrics it would seem like he is referring to God but the very last line says and I'm standing at the crossroads believe I'm sinking down most people believe that this crossroads Dylan is referring to is the same place that Robert Johnson once reportedly knelt down to offer his soul to the devil in exchange for the success his music career Dylan had just as much success with his career and continues to live as an icon in music history during an interview Bob Dylan makes reference to that very same bargain that he referenced in his song he said it goes back to that destiny thing I made a bargain with it a long time ago and I'm holding up my end the interviewer seems a bit confused and asked what was your bargain to get where I am now Dylan said should I ask who you made the bargain with Dylan laughs and stutters ha you know with a video no with the chief commander on this earth on this earth and in the world we can't see number 16 Theophilus of Adana way way back in 538 ad the Ovilus of Inanna was a cleric in the Roman Catholic Church he was elected to become a new bishop but humbly denied the offer and let his rival have the seat of power he actually wanted to have an ecclesiastical position instead of having all of the power and responsibilities of a bishop it's very possible that he had ulterior motives though Theophilus one of the position of Archdeacon which controlled where all of the donation money went he thought that if he gave his rival the bishop position that he would have at least been grateful enough to return the favor and give him the seat he really wanted however the new bishop did not return the favor at all he handed the archdeacon position to someone else to completely turned his back on Theophilus of Inanna he was stuck as a humble cleric that's kind of like being voted as team captain but letting your friend take the lead instead and they thank you by sending you to the bench for the rest of the season this made him Theophilus of Adana understandably angry he tried to do a good Christian thing and got screwed over in return he decided that the church wasn't as holy as they made themselves out to be he felt like they were a bunch of hypocrites so he decided to summon Satan to help him he signed a contract in his own blood and denounced Jesus and the Virgin Mary with Satan's help he was voted in as bishop a second time however he felt so guilty over his pact with the devil he confessed with another priest and showed him the bloody contract the priests decided that they should burn it the Ovilus of Audino looked very happy looking up to the sky as if God had forgiven him but then he died right afterwards and collapsed on the floor over the years the legend of Theophilus of adana has been retold so many times there are loads of different variations to the story it's so old there is no telling how much of it if any is true number 15 niccolò paganini niccolò paganini was a professional violinist born in 1782 his parents began sending him to lessons when he was just five years old he was already giving public performances in his home city of Genoa Italy at age 11 by age 15 he was already on her world tour while other musical geniuses like Mozart and Beethoven were given full credit for their talent at a young age people questions if niccolò paganini was actually working together with the devil according to some versions of the story who was Paganini's mother who was such a hardcore stage mom she was the one who summons satan to make sure her son sold-out concerts he was so talented people were blown away he did not need sheet music because he memorized all of his songs his fingers moved so quickly it was almost as if his fingers were made or rubber modern-day scholars even believed he must have had a combination of two medical syndromes Marfan syndrome which would have made his fingers abnormally long and Ahlers Danlos syndrome which would have made his skin very flexible and rubbery like other child stars fame and fortune at such a young age rune niccolò paganini at 15 he was already an alcoholic and a womanizer as he grew older he was very tall thin and his face was sunken probably from all of the drugs and alcohol people who watched him were mesmerised but also a little bit scared some say that he had the ability to split himself in two doppelgangers and walk around the audience to gauge their reaction to his music others say they saw the devil help him practice and one time apparently a bolt of lightning came down from the sky and struck his violin bow during a performance when he was in his 50s niccolò paganini came down with a series of seriously illnesses the doctors thought he was going to die so a Catholic priest came to pray over him when Paganini saw the priest he freaked out he was too young to die he told the priest to leave because he swore he was going to pull through and get better the priest left but Paganini did in fact die in a lot of people's minds the fact that he pushed the priest away from his deathbed only confirmed the rumour that he was working with the devil number fourteen Aleister Crowley Aleister Crowley is famously known for being the leader of an occult group he was raised by parents who were Quakers and began to reject the teachings of the Bible his mother was very strict and called him a devil and accused him of worshipping Satan because of this he began calling himself the beast and the Antichrist he was quoted saying that God and Satan fought over his soul he wrote in one of his books I was in the death struggle with self da-dun Satan fought for my soul those three long hours God conquered now I have only one doubt left which of the Twain was God however if you actually look at Aleister Crowley's teachings of what he truly believed he defined satanic behavior in the way that Quakers would the Quakers believe that any selfish thoughts or aspirations outside of God were considered to be satanic by that definition a very ambitious scientist would be satanic as well in his group Crowley's phrase was do what thou wilt as in do whatever you want with your own life he encouraged people to do yoga meditate and focus their goals and intentions while having sex number thirteen Jack Parsons Jack Parsons was born just a few years after the Wright brothers flew the first airplane and he grew up reading sci-fi stories about rocket ships taking people to space he tried to summon the devil when he was just 13 years old because he planned to sell his soul in exchange for a real-life rocket ship it didn't actually work of course but he continued to study science as he grew older and tried to create a rocket engine that was powerful enough to go through the Earth's atmosphere in his 20s he got involved with Aleister Crowley and his occult teachings which as we mentioned earlier some people consider to be satanic Parsons attempted a huge spell called the babylon working where he tried to summon a goddess named babylon that would help men go to the moon someday technically it worked Jack Parsons succeeded in invented jet fuel that is used by NASA today so did he actually sell his soul to the devil when he offered it up at 13 and that is the actual reason why he succeeded and changed life as we know it it all depends on what you believe number 12 Jimmy Page Led Zeppelin's guitarist Jimmy Page was very interested in Aleister Crowley and his occult teachings about selfishly focusing your intentions about what you want out of life he was such a big fan in fact that he purchased Crowley's former home in Loch Ness Scotland Page believed that the house was haunted he told stories about how people had died in that house and explained the strange sounds he often heard when he stayed there not this lead to a lot of people believing that he must have sold his soul to the devil like a lot of other famous musicians throughout the ages people began to spread rumors that if Jimmy Page was a Satanist then the entire band of Led Zeppelin was - this started the myth that if you play stairway to heaven backwards you will hear demonic voices speaking number eleven antoine rose antoine rose was a single mother who was living in extreme poverty and trying to protect her son Michael she claimed that another witch had tried to kidnap her son in the middle of the night but they stabbed her in the arm to stop her apparently witnesses saw her asking the devil for help in her desperate situation she slathered an ointment on a broomstick and placed it between her legs this was a psychedelic herbal that Wiggins once used to get high and it could only be absorbed in the body through the skin in the year 1477 Antoine Rose was accused of being a witch she was tortured until she confessed to working together with the devil her story is not that uncommon even today at its surface she was an impoverished single mother living on the streets turns to drugs however the story of her broomstick incident is one of the many stories that lead to the iconic witch on a broomstick stereotype number 10 john feein in the 1500s john feein was a young man who became a scottish schoolmaster just outside Edinburgh he was a bit of a genius earning a doctorate degree when he was still in his early 20s the only problem was that he spent so much time reading books he didn't know how to court a lady he met one of his students older sisters and he was very attracted to her he bribed the boy to bring him three of his sister's hares and tried to cast a love spell on the young one the boy gave him the hair of their family cow instead the next morning the cow burst through the door of the schoolhouse and jumped into his lap licking and coaling up against him the cow continued to follow him around town wherever he went the local authorities spot of this strange behavior and brought feein in for questioning they tortured him by twisting his legs and neck with rope until he confessed that he got his magic powers from the devil after getting a confession from fee and they demanded that he write down the names of other people in the town who were witches too he did not write down any names and fell asleep when he woke up he told the guards that the devil appeared in his dreams and said how displeased he was if he confessed the other names he would die that night he and managed to escape out of prison when he was caught again he said that he lied about working with the devil because they tortured a confession out of him after this they tortured him again breaking all of his limbs so that he was completely paralyzed then they burned him in a fire number nine Philippe Buzard in the 1800s a French composer named Philippe Wizard lived in London organizing grand balls where people could dance and have a great party after doing this for a while and making a lot of money he decided to move back to Paris he returned home in 1830 to write when everyone was terrified of the cholera epidemic music knew that when people are afraid they want to distract themselves with drinking and partying so he threw huge balls that winter at the theatre de Vario Tay and became the real-life great gatsby artist Toulouse Lautrec attended nearly all of these parties and some of his paintings are based on them not only did Philippe Buzard throw parties for profit but he also participated at them every single weekend he invented his own group dances and lyrics for everyone to do together to classic music like one called the galop infernal which was actually hilarious is available on YouTube and hopefully most people would agree that it would actually be loads of fun to participate in even today he was also a musician and composed his own tunes that his band played for people to dance to so that the only place they could go to hear those sweet jams was at his party basically Philippe Muse art had the best life ever he was a professional party thrower even his portrait looks like his face was puffy and his eyes were half shut as if he was in a permanent state of being wasted or hungover muse our party so hard you probably knew one day it would kill him he lived as if every day was his last day and had a very dark sense of humor he even had his effigy stamped on a candy bar el local chocolatier so that everyone could see it just in case he died of course a pious Christian people Ville Philippe Mia's art and his lifestyle was disgusting and sinful they thought that he must be working with the devil because how else could he convince so many good people to party like sinners number 8 heinrich cornelius agrippa in the 1500s heinrich cornelius agrippa was a scholar who devoted his life to writing about the occult in his books he mentioned the devil a lot and breaks down exactly how witches perform magic spells you may be wondering how exactly Agrippa got all of his information he claimed that when he was a young man he gave in to the temptations of the devil and learned how to perform magic by following around groups of witches he apparently found Jesus and managed to save his own soul he wrote his books in order to teach others who to keep the devil at bay during his lifetime he published a huge books about the occult even though he was so public about being friends with the devil he was never killed for witchcraft perhaps he was seen as publishing such valuable information on how to battle the devil they just wanted to keep him alive to learn more while it would seem that he would have been promoting witch hunts in the church he actually pushed for people to be more sympathetic and understanding he wanted to try to help save them from the devil's grasp and have God saved them through prayer rather than burning them at the stake number 7 herb on grandi a father herb on Grandia was a French Catholic priest in the 1600s he began to go to tons of exorcisms in order to cast the devil out of someone who had been possessed normally a priest was alone with a possessed person during the ceremony we now know that demonic possessions were usually mental and physical diseases if the exorcism did not work they thought it was because of a particularly strong demon and not because of a persistent illness according to records there was a strangely high number of demonic possessions in the town surrounding the Saint Pierre du marché monastery and father grande was assigned to take care of them at the monastery a nun picked up a bouquet of roses smelled them and then collapsed and started convulsing as if she is having a seizure the Mother Superior picked them up and did the same exact thing instead of realizing that the roses had been sprinkled with some sort of poison or neurotoxin the priest believed that the nuns had fallen under a spell one of the nuns was acting full on possessed and a priest named father mignon did an exorcism with two helpers at his side as witnesses he asked the demon for its name and she said Astaroth when he asked how it was possible that the demon got into such a holy place it replied that it was through the roses and that father herb on grandia led him in the truth behind this incredible story was that herb on Grandia was corrupt but not with the devil he refused to take a vow of celibacy and he would seduce the nuns into having sex with him it is very possible that that's not agreed to pretend to be possessed by a demon in order to get revenge on her bond grande for rape or because her own reputation had been threatened Grandia was found guilty of witchcraft and burned at the stake from then on the Catholic Church no longer allowed priests to do exorcisms alone for fear that they were inviting more demons down to earth instead of expelling them number six shield arise Jil de rice was a knight who fought alongside Joan of Arc to help fight against the English and win a battle for France the two became good friends and Jill de Rice was rewarded for his work by being given the title of marshal of France however Joan of Arc was kidnapped and brought to the English they called her a witch and burned her at the stake she'll de rice was so upset by the injustice that some say he began to dabble in alchemy in order to find the key to eternal life at this point he was the richest man in France and the Catholic Church wanted a piece of the pie instead of giving his money to the church he decided to put on an elaborate play unlike anything anyone had ever seen before he paid local actors costume designers and set builders to reenact his glory days of battle the church officials were so appalled by how he was throwing good money down the drain so they decided to accuse him of being a serial killer who practiced alchemy and worship Satan he was put to death and when he died the Catholic Church took custody of all of his money castles and land number five Giuseppe Tartini Giuseppe Tartini was an Italian violinist and composer in the 1700s he composed a song called the devil's trill sonata he claimed that he woke up one night to find satan himself sitting at the edge of his bed playing the violin after this visit from the devil he was able to play complicated trills that are usually impossible for most violinists to achieve even today many modern musicians are not talented enough to play the devil's trill sonata some people speculated that Tartini may have had six fingers on one hand and that is how he could play those complicated notes number four Johann Georg Faust as the legend goes dr. Johann Georg Faust was an alchemist and astrologer who lived in Germany during the early 1500s he wanted to be the smartest man in the world and enjoy as many earthly pleasures as he possibly could while he was still alive he made a deal with a demon called mephistopheles according to records he sodomized some of his male students and was generally abusive and mean towards everyone as a professor he looked down on everyone else because he believed that he was far superior local priests believed that he was in coops with the devil and that his pet dog was actually a demon who could transform in and out of canine form and into a human manservant it would seem that he truly did believe in magic because during his lifetime he published several grimoires or spell books in 1540 he was conducting an alchemical and his laboratory exploded number three Jonathan Moulton Jonathan Moulton was the early colonial settler in the new world who would earn the nickname Yankee Faust as a young man he was a poor apprentice to a cabinet maker but ended up completely switching careers which was uncommon at the time he became a professional silversmith and making a lot of money trading to England from the colonies he also served as the British our general for New Hampshire and lead a battle to victory in King George's War one legend says that Jonathan Moulton was able to afford his silversmith business by making a deal with the devil Moulton sat down and drank shots of rum with the devil and tried to get him drunk Moulton said he would sell his soul in exchange for filling up the boots with gold coins on the first day of each month they shook hands and went their separate ways Moulton found the biggest pair of boots in the entire state where the leather went all the way up to the thighs on the first of the month the devil took notice to how huge these boots were and he laughed it off a deal is a deal after all and he never specified the size of the boots he filled them with gold coins the next month Moulton was thrilled that the boots were filled all the way to the brim but he was greedy he got the brilliant idea to cut the soles out of the bottom of the shoes and cut holes under the boots that would go down to his basement the next month boots did not fill until the entire basement was flooded with gold coins when the devil realized he had been tricked he got so angry he set Moulton's house on fire this story was passed down for generations and eventually written down roughly 100 years later in reality Jonathan Moulton would have earned a veteran's pension after serving in King George's War he would have also made a lot of money selling silverware to rich English families he became rich so quickly his neighbors felt as though it happened overnight and they wondered how Moulton could have possibly made so much money unless he did a deal with the devil he would have also been the kind of person who would have been loyal to the crown even during the Gennari war it's no surprise that he was unpopular and that someone set his house on fire blaming the entire ordeal on the devil number 2 christophe Haseman in 1677 an artist named christophe Haseman from Bavaria was working at a castle in Austria he was so talented at painting that he had been invited to completed commissioned work from his noble patrons when he began have seizures everyone believed that these were physical symptoms of being possessed by the devil people assumed that he must have sold his soul in order to gain all of his talents Christophe Haseman confessed that he did in fact make a deal with the devil nine years earlier at the start of his art career but now he regretted it very much and won in an exorcism they demanded to know if he was a practicing witch but the local authorities decided that he was not but that the devil had a hold of him the local Catholic priest felt sorry for him when he saw Haseman sick and weakened physical state he began performing exorcisms on him during these exorcisms Haseman claims that he had a vision that he came face-to-face with the devil who was in the form of a dragon he was holding the contract to his soul and he ripped it out of its talons when he woke up he was cured after this Christophe Haseman began to paint pictures of the devil he painted a story with multiple panels telling the story of how he sold his soul and how the Catholic Church helped him get it back number one the Salem witches even if you don't consider yourself a history buff it almost goes without saying that the famous so-called witches of Salem Massachusetts were accused of being in coats with the devil the citizens of Salem believed that the devil gave those people supernatural powers and that they perform satanic rituals in the woods of course it was later discovered that the confession that started it all was a lie and innocent people were killed
Channel: Deep History
Views: 1,242,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 18, People, Sold Their Soul, Pure Evil
Id: x-5lGMR_a-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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