Satan’s LOCATION Exposed! // Fallen Angels, Nephilim & Demons Explored in Detail

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[Music] in popular culture we've all seen countless images of the Satan and usually we see him ruling the fires of hell from the underworld we see pitchforks and horns but what is the Bible actually say about the Satan what does it say about his location and his tactics what does it say about his crew the Fallen Angels and the demonic entities well it's time to explore in detail what the Bible says about all of this and more stay tuned [Music] whenever one decides to grow in their knowledge of God one of the first things we have to do is read the Bible for ourselves you see we all have been bombarded with inaccurate and fanciful ideas when it comes to spiritual concepts for instance many of us grew up with this idea that God is some giant with a long beard who sits on a cloud somewhere and such ideas make it harder to believe in God but when you actually read the Bible for yourself we see that it says God is spirit which is actually a very practical concept many of us grew up with the idea that Satan is a red horned figure who lives underground but when you read the Bible we are shown what and where Satan really is and when you get deep into it again you will find a very practical concept now many of you have seen our previous episode which tells the story of this gangster who goes to hell and in that presentation it shows this image of Satan with horns and it seems as if he is the ruler of hell and so here I just want to make the point that the imagery there is not to be taken literally as how Satan actually works because this portion of that episode is symbolic to show how Satan is largely responsible for those who end up in Hell so in that episode the images are mostly figurative and often symbolic however in our most recent episode where we expose one of Satan's lies the imagery there can be taken as more likely how Satan works and where he is so is Satan ruling hell from under the ground well let's just jump right into what the Bible says so here Ephesians 6:12 Paul is writing to the effusion church and look what he says about Satan and the forces of darkness for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities the cosmic powers over this present darkness against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places so here Paul and he's writing to believers he says we don't wrestle against flesh and blood meaning humans he's saying that our main enemy Satan is rare in the heavenly places we wrestle against the authorities the cosmic powers who ruled the kingdom of darkness the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places now when we look at the Greek word for heavenly places here score tools we end up finding the Greek word heavenly places and that is the Greek word at peroneus an immigrant is is often used to translate the heavenly in heaven celestial basically something that is existing in the heavens and so let's go a little bit deeper than that by clicking here to see how heaven in the Bible is described and the Greek word of course there shows that heaven in the New Testament refers to what in the air the heavens really in the skies the universe the aerial skies or the universe so here we see that Paul identifies the location of Satan the forces of darkness the Satan am not underground ruling but actually ruling we're in the heavenly places which we have just seen in the Greek refers to the universe the skies the airs basically above us not below and if you study and research the ancient Israelite tradition you'll find numerous writings that - the Satan and the forces of darkness existing in the heavens or in the celestial regions in fact according to Israelite tradition there was once a time when Satan and the angels who he convinced to turn against God were banished from God's presence and when those rogue angels left the high heaven where God was they weren't immediately thrown into hell no they were actually allowed to roam around the universe to roam around the heavens with Satan interestingly the book of Jude in the New Testament actually quotes from an ancient Israelite document that was well known around the time of Jesus the Book of Enoch many of you are well familiar with the Book of Enoch and so I'm sure you probably know that most Christian scholars don't really view it as Scripture but do recognize it as an ancient Israelite historical document that highlights what many ancient Israelites believed and in the Book of Enoch there are quite a few interesting narratives they're one of those narratives tells the story of how many years ago long long time ago the group of angels who chose to side with Satan committed a great sin these fallen angels were known as the Watchers and one thing that they watched were how pretty women were on earth in fact some of these Watchers or fallen angels decided to marry and even mate with human women which was a great great sin in the eyes of God and according to this narrative whenever an angelic being and a human mate and produce a child the result will be a Nephilim what is a Nephilim a creature that was never supposed to exist a diabolical integration of the angelic with human flesh a walking abomination now this could all just be a great story and very creative however Genesis 6 says this look what it says in Genesis chapter 6 it shows us one of the main reasons why God sent the flood upon the earth so here says that when human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful and they married any of them as they chose then the Lord said my spirit would not contend or would not remain in humans forever for they are mortal in their days would be 120 years the Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them and they were the heroes of old men ever known so here we see in this story is talking about what happened right leading up to the flood and it's showing that the sons of God here saw the daughters of human beings and they were attracted to them and they decided to marry them and they had children by the daughters of humans and the product of that were these Nephilim and then here says that they were the heroes who was it referring to most scholars would say that this is referring to the Nephilim back in those days were the heroes they were great great creatures of strength you see in verse 6 it says that this really disturbed God and it says that the Lord regretted that he had even made human beings on the earth his heart was deeply troubled but we know that God did find favor with Noah and his family and so therefore Noah and his family were saved and the ark God then sent the flood and basically wiped out all of humanity and these Nephilim creatures which in his eyes were just a huge abomination they were never ever supposed to exist so ultimately we see here that one of the reasons why the flood came is because the sons of God impregnated humans and produced these hybrid Nephilim creatures [Applause] now just like any biblical passage there's always going to be various interpretations some scholars say that the sons of God here may refer to a different race of humans however it seems that the majority of modern scholars and more importantly ancient scholars view the sons of God here as referring to angelic beings why is that well remember the story of Job job was a righteous man and he had favor with God and so Satan wanted to test job's faith and harm him but in order for Satan to do that he had to first ask God for permission look at how it reads job 1:6 it says that the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came with them so here in this scene we see that the angels they came before God and Satan also came with them and then began to ask God if he could attack job so the interesting thing here is that these angelic beings are being referred to as the sons of God and so that's one reason why some scholars would say that the sons of God in Genesis 6 refers to angelic spiritual beings and specifically in Genesis 6 the Fallen Angels who chose to follow Satan now again according to ancient Jewish literature found among the Dead Sea Scrolls such as the Book of Enoch the Fallen Angels who chose to impregnate human women were immediately punished by God and were chained and placed in prison in the darkest region of Hell for doing that and they were placed in a region of hell called Tartarus and so it's quite an interesting narrative and so the question we have to ask ourselves is is there anything in the Bible that says that the angels who sinned with these women were chained up and placed in Tartarus is there anything in the Bible that mentions that well actually the Apostle Peter alludes to something similar in one of his letters look at how it reads in 2nd Peter 2:4 so here Peter is talking about the judgment of God and and here he says regarding the angels he says God did not spare the Angels when they sinned but sent them to hell putting them in chains of Darkness to be held for judgment but said them to hell now I always say that whenever you come across the word Hell in either the New Testament or the Old Testament because of modern translations you really have to investigate the Greek and Hebrew word that was translated into the English word hell and one of the reasons is because the word hell is translated from many different words in the New Testament it's translated from the word Hades sometimes you'll see the word hell translate it from the word Gehenna sometimes it is translated from the word Totaro and these are three different things and so we want to look here to see what is the greek word behind this translation of hell and to do so we're just gonna go to tools' here and we see that it says that if God did not spare the Angels when they sinned but cast them into hell and the greek word used there is tatar Oh what is to taro the deepest abyss of hell to taro refers to the deepest abyss of Hades of Hades in the Greek it is often referred to as the abode of the wicked dead and so being the deepest abyss of Hades we see that to taro is not just haiti's it's not just hell - taro is the darkest probably the most painful region of hades and that's where the angels who sinned were chained and sent to the greek word to Taurus hell therefore Judgment Day so pretty pretty scary stuff and so when it says that they were placed there to await Judgment Day in Chains some scholars note that perhaps the great sin that they committed was when they saw the daughters of humans and married them and then produced these Nephilim and so those who have a literal reading of the Genesis 6 account will likely say that yes some of these fallen angels committed a sin that allow them to be placed in Chains of darkness until Judgment Day but what about the other fallen angels who are not locked up in Tartarus where are they at we know that Satan is not locked up yet because we know that he and his crew were still able to approach God and ask God for permission to attack Jobe Satan was seen in the heavens with the sons of God and that was after the Genesis 6 account so it seems as if Satan and his crew are still around now one could say and some do say this one could say that perhaps when Jesus ascended to heaven Satan was then locked away and chained up at that point some have made that point and I understand that however you still do have theologians who would counter that and argue that well even after Christ ascended the Apostle Paul still said that Satan and the powers of darkness are aware in heavenly places and so seemingly even after the Ascension of Christ Paul is saying that we still war against cosmic powers and high places in the heavenlies that seems to indicate that Satan and his crew have not yet been locked up in Chains in the abyss in fact I just thought of something we know that during the thousand-year reign that's when Satan is locked up into the abyss is likely that then he will be locked up into the same abyss that the Fallen Angels were locked into for sinning with women just thought of that but anyways so it seems that he is not locked up yet right so is there anything else in the Bible that talks about if Satan is locked up yet or if he's still out there roaming around well John in the book of Revelation he seems to indicate that Satan and his fallen angels are roaming in the universe he seems to kind of indicate that and he kind of alludes to such an idea in Revelation 12 in the book of Revelation chapter 12 it describes a battle that will take place between the good and evil angels and in this battle Satan will end up losing his place in heaven or in the universe and will eventually be thrown down to the earth look at what it reads in Revelation 12 7 then war broke out in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back so here we see that Satan and his fallen angel crew were strong enough to even fight Michael the Archangel and the good angels but they were not strong enough liquid it reads in the next verse but he was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven first not and then the great dragon was hurled down that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads a whole world astray he was hurled to the earth and his angels with him and as you read along here you will see that after he is hurled to the earth then it talks about how the Antichrist will begin to rule with the help of Satan the Beast will then rise and so it's very very interesting passage here of course that's with our passages there are made different interpretations and scholarly opinions on it some people believe that this battle between the Angels of Light and the angels of darkness has already happened some people believe it happened very recently but again you do have scholars who say that it hasn't happened yet because we'd see in the passage that after Satan is defeated in this battle against the angels of light and after Satan is thrown to the earth and loses his place in the heavenly realms that then the Anti Christ rises and so by that logic I do understand how some can argue that it seems as if this battle is something that will happen in the near future right before the Anti Christ starts to rule and that might be a reason why it says that once Satan is thrown to the earth it says he is filled with fury because he knows his time is short and so this verse seems to indicate that the moment he is thrown down to the earth realm that that will be in the end times because as it says that his time is short and then soon after that we see the rising of the beast and the Antichrist and so what are your views on that you know do you see Revelation 12 the angelic battle there as a future event or maybe you see it as symbolic you know so there there are many perspectives with that but again it does fit into the argument showing that Satan is not underground the fallen angels are not underground they are and always have been roaming the heavens roaming the universe [Music] this makes things a little bit more serious because this means that we live in a world that is currently under the control of satanic forces and angelic beings who are above us and if that is the case that gives us a huge clue into how Satan operates you see it is not coincidence that we live in a world that looks at Satan as some type of preacher underground that's what he wants us to believe that is part of the deception you see as long as we are looking down we will fail to look up he doesn't want us to look up because if we glanced towards the sky what will we see air the atmosphere well why is that important oh it's vitally important you see in the air what is traveling radio waves television signals communication devices the entertainment networks every day millions of invisible signals are traveling all around us the air and the atmosphere is the highway of our technological world and who controls that highway well it's like what the Bible says in Ephesians 2:1 and as for you you were dead in your transgressions and sins in which you used to live when you follow the ways of this world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air the spirit who has not work and those who are disobedient here clearly it shows that Satan is the ruler of the kingdom of the air and the King James Version says that Satan is the Prince of the power of the air my friends whoever controls the airwaves controls the radio waves the TV signals the communication channels as long as Satan is above us it is easy and practical to understand why his influence is so strong in our world he is in control of the media and not only that but did you know that we now have technology that can transmit ideas and emotions into individuals based upon the signals that we transmit to them through the air so if we as humans have reached a point in our mechanical achievement that we can do such things how much more could Satan in his fallen angels with far more advanced technology do the same now we clearly see how the Satan influences our world and so I would argue that even while he is in his remote location he can still easily remotely control much of what's going on in our world now I know some of you have some ideas about the type of technology that is now existing and possibly the type of technology that Satan may have his disposal so you know if you are one who has done extensive research on this please share in the comments your findings as well now as you could imagine with any discussion of Satan and fallen angels existing and seemingly being able to roam around the universe this will inevitably bring up a big question an AOC Network is far from a conspiracy channel but the question can't really be avoided what about all of the identified sightings of objects that people report are they all fabricated or is it possible that some of these sightings are manifestations of fallen angels alone in the universe UFO in the form of a bright light is seen descending over the Dome of the rock in Jerusalem the video is said to be taken over the weekend another video from a different angle [Music] whoa maaaah [Music] or US senators received a classified briefing about UFOs at the Pentagon may have heard the pilots and other military personnel been reporting these these kinds of sightings for years a couple weeks ago the Department of Defense even released footage shot by a Navy Super Hornet pilot Senator Mark Warner who is the vice chair of the Intelligence Committee said look I think it's important he told us just this afternoon I think it's important that the military is taking this more seriously now than they did in the past so what are they taking seriously those videos you were talking about are these pilots were describing seeing these things up to 30,000 feet in the air flying at extraordinary speeds hypersonic well over the speed of sound changing direction in the most astonishing ways and seemingly defying the laws of physics I know you think that the government didn't take the threat seriously enough so let me just ask you point-blank the question do you believe that that life from somewhere else while you ran this program came here visited it observed I will tell you unequivocally that that through the observation scientific methodologies that were applied to to look at this phenomena that these aircraft will call them aircraft are displaying characteristics that are not currently within the u.s. inventory nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of so I know you're using your being clear but I mean the answer she has my personal I can't speak on behalf of the government obviously I'm not in the US government anymore my personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we we may not be alone whatever that means now if we are going to talk about this we must first consider something very very important we must consider what exactly fallen angels are we know that fallen angels were at one point angelic beings who were on God's side and scripture shows that angelic beings have a special type of body a spiritual body what is a spiritual body a spiritual body is a type of body that cannot only exist in the physical world but can also interact with the spiritual world we talked about this in the how you will look in heaven episode and in that episode we explored the scriptures that speak on how Jesus was resurrected in the spiritual body that one day we all will have and that same body is very similar to the type of bodies that angels have it's a body that can literally exist in two different realms at once basically this type of body could go through physical objects and then become physical again when Jesus was resurrected he was able to do this at one point he walked through a locked door and then occupied physical space again and ate fish and he was not hindered by anything he was not hindered by space or time and so the spiritual body is incredible and so the question that we really have to ponder at this point is do fallen angels still have that spiritual body that angels possess or were they stripped of that body after they left God hmm something to think about share in the comments what you think about that I do think that you could make the argument that when those angels chose to leave God maybe they lost some of their power and beauty in fact there are many who argue that evil possess to them and that they changed somehow to something much more sinister and so yes you could make that argument but I would still say that I lean towards fallen angels not just being spirits but still having a spiritual body in some capacity and one reason for that leaning is because in Revelation 12 it says that they were in a battle with the holy angels they lost eventually but they were still able to put up a fight and so that indicates that they still must have some type of a supernatural body to even be able to go to war with God's angels of light now what about demons often people do confuse fallen angels for demons and that's understandable I mean we don't really talk about this sort of thing in this level of detail in our churches very often which is why we're doing it now but actually fallen angels are very different from demons demons are only described in the Bible as evil spirits no where are they shown to be physical creatures they are always described as spirits who really aren't even that powerful in fact they are often always shown to be looking for someone to possess because they are just spirits who don't really have power in fact that's why they are always trying to possess humans because they need a human body in order to function and operate in the physical world again and so demons are they just spirits they they can't really manipulate physical things without a host so they really aren't that powerful and they definitely couldn't fight with angels they are just spirits so where do demons come from well again if you look into ancient Israelite theology the primary idea of where demons come from is the aftermath of the flood remember the the Nephilim well many scholars argue that it is likely that when the flood killed those hybrid creatures their spirits are now what roam the earth as demons and of course there are many ancient Israelite writings and there see squirrel documents that refer to this such as the Book of Enoch the book of Jubilees and so you know it gets pretty interesting and it is an important study because if demons are just the spirits of Nephilim we can see why if there are unidentified objects above us it is most likely that they aren't demons but actually fallen angels because fallen angels have that angelic body and the angelic body is really described as an interdimensional type of existence for example if you had an interdimensional body you would not have to even travel at light speed to get to a far place in the universe if you had an interdimensional body you would be able to move in and out of dimensions and even through portals to traverse the universe and even beyond and so it's really above our level of understanding I mean we are really talking highly advanced angelic stuff here but nevertheless it is great to research and as always you know we are interested in your thoughts on this so please share in the comments do you think that it is likely that these sightings are actually fallen angels making appearances and moving around to observe and to manipulate our world or do you think it's something else you know so something to think about now I know someone out there is thinking wait a second wait a second do you mean to tell me that there are evil beings out there flying around who may have advanced technology and power and they are roaming above us what's to stop them from coming down and hurting me or doing something else well good question but you know what's holding them back the power of God let's back up for a second you remember Jobe he was a friend of God and Satan and his fallen angels they wanted to hurt Jobe and even though they were more advanced than job they could not harm a hair on his head until Satan first asked God for permission that is HUGE this means that Satan does not have ultimate autonomy he can't just do what he wants he can only do what God allows him to do and if God allows him to do something it's always for an infinitely wise purpose that goes beyond our present understanding now a job was just a friend of God and the Satan had to ask for permission to harm him but you you are a blood-bought child of God so listen when you understand who you are in Christ you start to realize why a fallen angel does not want to come to your house listen some of you out there need to start realizing that you have authority in Christ first of all you have power in the name of Jesus out of my house and stay away from my family and second of all God's angels watch over you did you know that read X 1215 Hebrews 13:2 Matthew 18 10 you have angels who watch over you and when you use the name of Jesus they are dispatched you thought this video was just going to talk about fallen angels and Satan no this episode is not only to expose their location but also to expose their weakness when you are a child of God there is not a fallen angel there is not a demon there is nothing that can come against you some of you have been in fear some of you have been worried about the satanic world but my friend let it not be if you feel that a demon or an evil spirit is around you if you know Jesus it's time to use your authority and command it to leave get out and go to hell in the name of Jesus if you know God and have a relationship with God my friend the last thing a demon should do is come in your direction they fear it Paul they fear Jesus and if you know God they will fear you too and fallen angels will they fear the name of Jesus as well but you know what else fallen angels fear being thrown into prison like the ones who sent back in Noah's day were they fear being thrown to the deepest abyss of hell so even a fallen angel would not want to mess with you because the last thing you do is a mess with a child of God so basically when your dad is the king of the universe you can not fear so I just wanted to wrap it up with that truth because I know that this has been an interesting topic but the most important thing that I could say about fallen angels and demons and any of that is that you have power over them all with the name of Jesus and speaking of power you don't want to miss the next episode because we're going to be looking at the power of the first Christians and just like how the Holy Spirit used them I believe he's going to use you get ready god bless [Music]
Channel: AoC Network
Views: 1,251,103
Rating: 4.8040581 out of 5
Keywords: satan, demons, fallen angels, nephilim, the book of enoch, bible prophecy, a and o productions, the bible project, bible flock box, sid roth, christian, christianity
Id: WriGCH83xoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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