A Royal Family, Episode 1: The Father in law of Europe (Documentary)

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so [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a story about power love triumph tragedy and honor at the end of the 19th century the danish king christian the ninth and his queen louisa succeeded in marrying their six children into the leading european royal families and christian the ninth thus became known as the father-in-law of europe today his descendants are all over europe and these royal descendants have quite exceptionally chosen to come together and talk about their families incredible story a tale that they know from letters and diaries and from the stories that have been passed down to them through the generations [Music] in addition the family has also made private photos and films available many of which have never been shown publicly [Music] when the father-in-law of europe invited his children his sons and daughters-in-law and his grandchildren to denmark every summer they came without fail and from places as varied as england russia and greece the whole royal families of europe used to assemble in friendsburg and the story goes that they were walking through the park and they met an elderly gentleman who was lost and he asked how does one get out of this park and the king said just follow us and he noticed this very happy family joking and laughing and when they came out of the park he thanked them and said whoever the pleasure of talking to and the king said well i'm the king of this country and that's my lesson the crown prince that's my second son the king of greece that's my grandson the conference constine and then that's my daughter the queen of england and that's my other daughter the empress of russia and my third daughter the dutch cumberland and the man was very happy and he took his hat off and he said in my name is jesus christ and walked off in the following programs we'll look in detail at christian the ninth children and their spouses and will follow their descendants down through to today where they can be found in practically all of europe's royal houses but now we're going to meet three children who all had a major influence on european history they were born at almost the same time and they later became famous as queen victoria of great britain tsar alexander ii of russia and king christian ix of denmark the story begins in 1818 at the german castle got all little prince christian has just been born and nobody has the slightest idea that he will one day become king of denmark and go on to be known as the father-in-law of europe prince christian of glutesburg who became christian ix and who was my great great grandfather was a young prince out of a german but also very much danish related family it was an enormous family and they had no money christian is the sixth child in a large family which over the next few years will come to consist of no less than 10 healthy children [Music] due to financial constraints christian's parents live with his mother's family at gothorpe castle near schleswig but they will soon have a place of their own the duke of luxembourg dies leaving no airs the castle and the dukedom is then so to speak available to king frederick sixth of denmark in a document frederick vi transfers ownership of the dilapidated castle to his brother-in-law christian's father and establishes the younger glutesborg's ducal line which 40 years later will be known and recognized in all of europe in the following year there is much joy and the great power in britain when a little girl is born in kensington palace the girl victoria has been born in unusual circumstances george the fourth her uncle had only one daughter princess charlotte who died in childbirth so suddenly george the force realized that there was no ear to the throne no child so he asked all his brothers to drop the old mistresses and the legitimate children because they were everywhere legitimate children misses and to marry quickly and to have prince or a princess so the old obliged rushed to germany found german princesses not extremely beautiful but i mean they could still have children and it was a race who would have the first child three brothers married at the same time yet it is the middle brother the duke of kent who first produces a healthy child [Music] he has married a princess from the house of saxa coburg and together they produce a daughter victoria when she was born they were starting to have a colonial empire not much when she died she was ruling over half of half of the world princess victoria in britain prince christian in germany and grand prince alexander in russia are born in a time when the industrial revolution is beginning to spread from great britain to the rest of europe [Music] it is a development that brings prosperity to those that own the mines and the factories and hard times for the many workers [Music] the childhood of queen victoria was very unhappy because she had no brothers and sisters because her father died just after her birth and her mother was not very kind with her she didn't like her i can remember crawling on a yellow carpet spread out for that purpose and being told that if i cried and was naughty my uncle would hear me and punish me for which reason i always screamed when i saw him age 13 victoria starts to keep a detailed diary which she will continue with for the rest of her life at 14 she describes her first royal ball the doors were opened and the king leading me went into the ballroom i danced in all eight quadrilles we came home at half past twelve i was very much amused [Music] among other things the princess sketches the ballet dancer marie teleoni whom she is fascinated by talioni is the first dancer to complete an entire ballet on point this happens during a performance of leicester feed which hails the start of the romantic era in ballet [Music] victoria grows up so overprotected that she's not even allowed to go up a staircase without holding someone by the hand she remained in the same room as her mother until she was about in fact until she got engaged when she was 17 or something not only in the same room but in the same bed and it was quite a restrictive upbringing [Music] in saint petersburg completely unaware of the fate that awaits him grand prince alexander grows up in the inichkov palace and before the boy has even started to speak properly his father attempts to teach him drill alexander had a very tough childhood it was very austere and run to a military regime and the poor boy had to do exercises and was treated like some well somebody much older and he had a miserable time and never forgot how badly treated he was as a child alexander's uncle the tsar died suddenly in 1825 and because there are problems with the line of succession seven-year-old alexander receives a shock when he discovers that his father has agreed to let himself be proclaimed as russia's new czar the first for this means that the little boy is now next in line to rule the enormous russian empire [Music] prince christian and his family move into glucksburg castle he never thought of becoming a king it was not in the line of the family so he had a very very normal life very quiet [Music] house full of siblings christian's childhood is far from boring and according to his brother prince hans he and prince christian often got a thick buttered slice of bread to eat between meals when they were feeling hungry we stood on either side of the doorway and when our sister louisa came in we slapped the buttered bread onto her cheeks castle's toilets are built onto the outside of the building and as they are open everything drops directly down to the fish in the moat these loose were very well liked by the boys and they were shooting the fish out of the loo and then they were going down with the boat and collecting the fish enjoying to bring it home and having it perhaps cooked for themselves at 18 christian takes up a captain's commission in the cavalry and moves into a very modest official residence in horse guards barracks frederick vi looked after him quite a lot he didn't live with the royal family but he came regularly and frederick vi was very fond of him that is certainly one of the reasons why he so to speak was worked into the seam of the royal family [Music] shortly after victoria's 18th birthday her uncle the king dies at six in the morning the princess is fast asleep when her mother comes and wakes her and she said quickly put your dressing on and go downstairs and victoria the not knowing but guessing what happened and she came downstairs and she saw the prime minister lord melbourne and the archbishop of canterbury and then knelt in front of her and said you are the queen i am very young and perhaps in many though not in all things inexperienced but i am sure that very few have more real good will and more real desire to do what is fit and right than i have she was surprised frightened but yet very at once she took things in hand and her mother wanted to interfere at one say you must do this you must dress this way you must do that she said no now i rule the 18 year old queen victoria moves into buckingham palace which for the first time becomes the royal family's preferred residence in london and the coronation takes place the following year christian was 20 years old when he was sent by frederick vii to queen victoria's coronation and he was very aware that she was looking for her husband because she was also his age and therefore he decides to buy new clothes and hoping maybe that could be a sort of an eye-catcher for her the coronation is a success but christian has to accept the fact that he will not be victoria's choice of husband despite the fact that she finds him attractive it has already been decided who she will marry the lives of queen victoria grand prince alexander and prince christian all change dramatically in the next three years all of them marry victoria's uncle king leopold the first of belgium is one of the few positive male role models she has been close to during her childhood queen victoria had a great respect for the political mind of her uncle and she always wrote to dear uncle leopold every single day to ask him about the way she should run the politics in in great britain and he arranged her to meet prince albert who was his nephew twenty-year-old victoria wants to marry someone she loves and is therefore not pleased when a meeting is arranged between her and her german cousin albert [Music] yet the meeting results in everything falling into place and victoria is not long in coming to a decision she proposes we embraced each other and he was so kind so affectionate i said i was quite unworthy of him he said he would be very happy to spend the rest of his life with me he seemed so happy that i really felt it was the happiest brightest moment of my life [Music] they are married in february 1840. in 1838 39 the charming russian grand prince alexander spent 16 months traveling around getting to know western europe journey brought him among other places to england where he was the guest of queen victoria for three days after which he continued to germany he was sort of shopping for a wife in protestant europe catholic princesses were two complicated marriages and he passed by darmstadt but he was not supposed really to stop there because the only available princess marie was really very young she was 15 i think but he saw her and said that's the one i want his father was furious and his mother broke down in tears but alexander had no doubts the young couple exchanged vows in a ceremony at the winter palace in 1840 and the same evening a so-called polish ball is held which lasts one hour [Music] in denmark prince christian proposes to the beautiful danish german princess louisa of hessen she was in copenhagen because her father and mother spent a very large part of the year in copenhagen next to the royal family and that's how they met and it is theirs was certainly and they failed the heart it was not an arrangement but it happens to be a very good arrangement from a dynastic point of view from a political point of view and certainly from a personal point of view as christian is still just a poor officer the wedding does not create a huge amount of [Music] interest frederick vi dies without leaving an heir he is thus succeeded by his cousin christian the eighth by the time christian the apes was a king it was already getting a little bit dicey to put it in a modern way who would in the long run would take the succession to the danish throne king christian the eighth son frederick who is meant to succeed his father to the throne has a problem he cannot have children thus the king has only one real choice to transfer the line of succession to his sister princess charlotte she has two children a son friedrich and a daughter louisa who was just recently married prince christian friedrich is married to a russian grand duchess but when she dies in childbirth he seeks comfort in his mistress thus undermining his position as heir meanwhile in the duchy of schleswig-holstein the duke of augustenborg is of the opinion that he ought to be the first in line to the danish throne yet as he has married beneath his position the king chooses to ignore his claims as well realizing that that is not to be and that only a pretty poor and very modest prince not even the oldest son of a pretty poor prince who was just put in place at luke's park gets the whole loot if you can say so he revolts against it [Applause] [Music] the origins of the three-year war which breaks out in 1848 are extremely complex but as it was later said there are only three people who know this understand this question one went mad one is dead and the third has forgotten all about it as commander of the horse guards prince christian is unreservedly on the side of the danes but his three older brothers are fighting for the enemy christian was in the army in denmark so he had to be with the danish people and so it was very awkward for him and his brothers because it was really at the same time a brother war the prussians support the rebels but the danes nonetheless managed to maintain their position until russia forces prussia to sue for peace in 1850 and denmark comes away from the war victorious [Music] christian viii is dead and his son frederick vii is now denmark's king denmark simultaneously receives a new constitution which means that the king's absolute power has been replaced by a democratic process in which the people get the right to vote two years later the great powers recognize prince christian as heir to the danish throne however the choice of christian is not met with universal approval in denmark by the time he became heir to the throne we had had the the first lazy wars of 1848 to 1850 and of course at that by that time the there was a great animosity toward anything that was remotely german in denmark in copenhagen prince christian and princess louisa live modestly in the yellow palace alongside amaliamborg palace all six of their children are born whilst the family resides here they are frederick alexandra dalmar wilhelm tura and valdemar they had many children at that time one always had male children and they were also educated in a very normal way of life like any other children who would have had to earn their own living they had to make their own clothes it is their mother who has made the decision that the girls have to sow their own dresses she would have probably seen to it that her children were well and becomingly dressed and probably also not too expensively so that is the family home from which they all came and that is i suppose is what to them seemed the wonderful background that they brought with them into all their more or less illustrious positions in europe in the in the in the following generations in great britain queen victoria is wonderfully happy with her husband prince albert so happy that they have no less than nine children the family now spend most of the year at windsor and as well as being his wife's closest advisor albert is also a good father to his children and he took care of the children because he loved his children and talked to them and taught them to much more than it was done in these days you know in olden days they were always kept on their noses and so on very difficult to develop their own characters especially in england whereas everybody was told children are to be seen but not to be heard throughout her life victoria has recorded her surroundings in drawings and paintings and she produces many pictures of her children and the boys all have to wear dresses until they're about six years old when queen victoria ascended the throne the english monarchy was not at all well considered in europe because her uncles had accumulated so many scandals and they were so debossing they were drunkers they were debossing they had dabs they had mistresses the one even george the four was by big gamus i mean he was twice matted at the same time that everyone considered the english monarchy as the last one i mean it was a horror and a endless fountain of scandals however victoria who does not do anything without first gaining her husband's permission behaves quite differently she invented that style the victorian style which is also a kind of ethic it's a moral way of life very severe very austere [Music] great britain and russia have not experienced the revolutions and rebellions which driven by famine and unemployment have spread through the rest of europe karl marx who is now living in london has just published the communist manifesto which ends with the words workers of the world unite [Music] as a result of a rapid industrial development over half of great britain's population now live in cities in 1851 albert realizes his dream of holding the first world's fair the great exhibition he's the driving force behind the building of the impressive crystal palace which is constructed out of steel and glass and queen victoria opens the exhibition on the 1st of may the vastness of the building with all its decorations and exhibits and my beloved husband the creator of this great peace festival uniting the industry and arts of all nations of the earth all this was indeed moving and a day to live forever with over 6 million visitors the great exhibition is a great success he was a great enthusiast if you have a look at the things he's left behind if you look at the albert hall and the whole area there and all these museums the natural history museum the science museum that's all prince albert compared to great britain russia is extremely backward the economy is in a terrible state the population is principally made up of peasants the majority of which are illiterate [Music] in 1855 alexander is crowned as tsar alexander ii when he ascended the throne ross was actually in a war in a crimea war where he were fighting both the english and the turks and the french russia wishes to strengthen its position in the balkans to secure access to the mediterranean but at the peace of 1856 russia must take the role of the defeated party several hundred thousands have lost their lives in the fighting [Music] the defeat and the country's massive poverty lead alexander to concentrate all his energy on a radical reform program he was my favorite son the reason is quite simply because he was a it's a looking for something to do for his people [Applause] in england immediately after the crimea war queen victoria writes to a self-sacrificing nurse who has grown attention to herself by her care of the wounded florence nightingale it will be a very great satisfaction to me when you return at last to these shores to make the acquaintance of one who has set so bright an example to our sex a couple of years later victoria's oldest daughter marries the prussian crown prince and together they have a son wilhelm who will later become known as kaiser wilhelm ii he was her first grandchild of course who said which is very important and i think she liked him very much and he he doted on her and he was not much loved by anybody in the rest of the family of course because he was very difficult he must have been a very difficult character it's also about time that a suitable match is found for edward their oldest son and heir to the throne victoria studies the photographs of a large number of german princesses but is not impressed by what she sees danish prince christian meanwhile has a daughter queen victoria pointed her eye towards denmark and found that alexandra was a very good eligible young lady who was suitable for for edward at the time but nevertheless he had also heard that the um the russian court had the same ideas or were also in in search for an air victoria therefore hurries to get hold of a picture of alexandra she studies the picture in detail and even though she thinks that the princess's brow is a little low and that her nose is a little too long she is clearly a better choice than all the other candidates but a tragic occurrence means that all plans of marriage are put on hold albert is just 42 years old when he dies from typhoid i stood up kissed his dear heavenly forehead and called out in a bitter agonizing cry oh my dear darling and then dropped on my knees in mute distracted despair unable to utter a word or shed a tear it was a catastrophe to her she was completely traumatized by the fact of losing her husband she felt completely lost and i think she must have had terrible problems when prince albert died in 1861 queen victoria went into deep mourning for the rest of her life and always wore black and um for the first two years after his death life in london and in england was very very somber and very quiet there were no parties there was no activities of any kind whatsoever [Music] when alexander ii makes his name as the liberal tsar the majority of the russian population are peasants who live under slave-like conditions beyond the reach of the law in russia you you could not sell slaves so if i sold my little property with a hundred souls as we said to you you were to take them and they could not leave you as they could not leave me they were attached to the property that was an obsolete system and it had to be changed alexander has decided to abolish serfdom so that landowners can no longer own their peasants the nobility is an uproar but alexander will not be moved i'd rather liberate them from the top than wait until they liberate themselves from the bottom [Music] the year 1863 results in major changes in prince christian's life [Music] his daughter alexandra finally marries edward the heir to the british throne the ceremony takes place in saint george's chapel at windsor but the thoughts of the british foreign secretary a guest at the wedding are elsewhere the greek throne has suddenly become vacant and the great powers cannot agree on whom to put forward as the new greek king yet during the wedding reception the foreign secretary catches sight of princess alexandra's 17-year-old brother prince wilhelm and a few weeks later the greek national assembly elect him as their new king under the name of george the first [Music] denmark is made up of three main parts the actual kingdom of denmark and the duchies of schleswig and holstein the old constitution states that the two duchies must always remain united however frederick vii is keen on absorbing schleswig into the kingdom proper whilst letting holstein remain a duchy under the danish monarchy prince christian with his knowledge of the german way of thinking meanwhile advises against such a change in the constitution he foresees that this will be a red rack on [Music] on the german states which at the time were still 30 different duchies and kingdoms yet in 1863 the danish king gets the proposal approved and catastrophe strikes frederick vii dies without having signed the official documents and the 45 year old christian now succeeds as king christian the ninth he is immediately placed in a desperate situation on the one hand he fears the consequences of signing the new constitution but knowing that that if he didn't do it uh there would be a lot of turmoil at the in at home in denmark and some even predicted that there would be a sort of major uprising christian concedes after only three days and signs but he adds that he fears that the new constitution will lead the country into misfortune [Music] the fateful signature immediately provides prussia's newly appointed head of government bismarck with a reason to declare war on behalf of the german federation [Music] the austrian and prussian troops move into holstein and schleswig on the 1st of february 1864. 57 000 men with breach loading rifles and precision cannon completely overwhelm the modest danish forces the war ends later the same year and christian is in despair to him it's the devastation of within his first year of reign he's lost a third of his country and the future is very very uncertain after christian becomes king he moves from his modest home to amelienborg palace which consists of four nearly identical palaces i think they got into the palace which we now call christian the ninth palace and which is actually the one which i'm living in now they were very simple and very humble and being the same with everybody they lived at the royal palace as anybody would would live in a normal house which means that they had the contact with everybody they were both remarkable people not particularly brilliant neither christian the ninth nor queen louise were brilliant people but they were people who who knew what they stood for and they were completely sound they had no uh fancy ideas uh they were unassuming yet queen louisa has hidden talents she always remained behind her husband leaving him being the king the ruler but she was i think the great personality and the mastermind behind politics behind the monarchy behind the family and louisa is unusually fortunate at arranging good marriages for her children alexandra is already married after the future king of great britain and now her next daughter dalma is to marry russia's coming tsar alexander the third the sumptuous wedding is held in some petersburg yet the parents of the bride are not amongst the guests christian the ninth and queen louise were unable to attend their daughter's wedding because they didn't have the necessary money to give a big enough show amongst the other royal courts of um europe and they felt it was better that they stayed away in the winter palace dalmar's in-laws are having problems the zarina has tuberculosis and is forced to spend most of her time in the warmer climes of the crimea a long way from some petersburg my grandmother's grandfather alexander the second he had a mistress while he was married to empress maria alexander ii falls faithfully in love with a 30-year younger katarina dulguruki a 17-year-old lady in waiting as the tsar's mistress she is installed in a palace in some petersburg where over the following years he spends many evenings but then the assassination attempts against alexander begin and his wife becomes nervous for the safety of her husband as he travels in town when she really realized that her husband was in danger she told him to bring cathedral and her children in the palace and arraigned they arranged an apartment of her in the higher reaches of the palace so that tsar would not have to leave the palace and risk his life in the streets of petersburg i don't think a wife can do more than that [Music] that's true love [Music] queen victoria has been paralyzed by grief since the death of prince albert and she has isolated herself from the rest of the world for years after albert's death she still sends letters on blackboard paper but the establishment of a close relationship to a scottish manservant john brown slowly helps her recover her interest in life he followed her down to england from from scotland and and stayed with her and sort of entertained her but at the same time was was quite rude at times uh to her but she obviously liked him a lot and and and the way the simple way because he was a very simple peasant queen victoria wouldn't say no to a little drink especially in her loneliness and her widowhood and he was a drunkard so they would go on picnics with a teapot full of whiskey to hide the unethical drink and they would drink the whiskey in teacups and enjoying themselves like that i don't think he was a lover queen victoria was very respected they were scared of her actually i think the family was was a bit scared of queen victoria we had got amused when all we said then she said when one said the joke which was a bit too even though victoria does not appear to have a great sense of humor something is bubbling below the surface queen victoria had a cracking sense of humor she was at windsor dining and she was sitting next to an old very deaf admiral who went on and on with some story about a ship which had sunk off portsmouth and the queen trying desperately to get him off the subject asked him about his sister and he mishearing said well we had to turn her over examine her bottom and give her a good scraping swell upon queen victoria disappeared into her napkin hulled with laughter tears running down her cheeks victoria manages to regain contact with the rest of the world and she becomes a symbol of the immense british empire she was of course the central figure to a large extent in the uh in the european history of that uh period she had a great influence uh throughout the whole world she was very important she was the last monarch when england still had all the colonies india and many many other countries and i think she was the most important of the last uh kings of the monarchy as it used to be in the old way [Music] in the winter palace the russian empress succumbs to her fatal illness while the empress was dying on the first floor of the winter palace in san petersburg she could hear the children of the mistress running on the floor above her room [Music] when she died then alexander ii shortly after married is a mistress the tsar's family is shocked by his new marriage the whole family the children of the disease dan press thought that she was an intriguer the second wife an ambitious woman a nasty woman who had killed their mother because of the grief that she imposed on the mother alexander ii intends to modernize russia and together with his brother he draws up a new constitution which is very similar to the british it was going to have free elections it was going to have numbers of parliament and everything that is uh let's say valuable for the beginnings of a new democracy they both read the project and they were delighted and the tsar put the project in his pocket and said tomorrow it will be published but later the same day things go wrong when alexander is driving along the katarina key near the palace an assassin throws a bomb the bomb exploded some meters from the carriage and did not even hurt the emperor but killed one or two cossacks that were following the carriage the guards asked the emperor to remove himself from the scene as quickly as possible but he wanted to go and give assistance to the people who were wounded or killed and then there was another anarchist who dropped a second bomb and that killed him and they found in his coat the new constitution of russia the same day his son now alexander the third is declared as the new tsar and christian the ninth daughter is now zarina of russia he took out the project of the constitution out of the pocket of his father and torn it to pieces and that was the end of any project of reform and to have a constitutional monarchy in russia it's one of the big issues of history what would have happened if alexander ii had been successful in putting forward the new liberal constitution of russia nearly a quarter of a century freddensburg palace is the most international court in europe the gatherings in denmark and the french poll and so on were in enormous family gatherings they were of course the danes the greeks us the russians the english the hanoverians and also the french they love to talk together because at that time the traveling was quite something it was fine there was no planes so when they gathered they had many many things to talk about christian and louise's grandchildren are always at the center of these gatherings they had invented a bicycling club and they had asked the tsar the uncle alexander iii to be the head of the club and they said in the letter that they suspected that he was too fat to climb on a bicycle and he pretended to be absolutely furious by this incident but yet he accepted becomes a tradition that the palace guests scratch their names into the windows with a diamond but some write more than just their name one says um that's what you are just an old pig and then the other one next to it writes slightly different writing with a drawing of a cat cat's bottom that's you christian's daughter alexandra always turns up with numerous suits for her father but the king prefers to wear his old familiar clothes so his wardrobe ends up containing countless number of suits he never wears [Music] after 60 years on the throne queen victoria can celebrate her diamond jubilee [Music] and never to be forgotten day no one ever i believe has met with such an ovation as was given to me passing through those six miles of streets before leaving i touched an electric button by which i started a message which was telegraphed throughout the whole empire it was the following from my heart i thank my beloved people may god bless them [Music] four years later in 1901 queen victoria dies aged 82. [Music] for her final journey the queen travels with memories from her entire long life everything from rings bracelets and necklaces to handkerchiefs and photographs fulfilling the wishes of his queen her doctor places a photo of her friend john brown in victoria's hands in denmark after 56 years of happy marriage christian ix has lost his influential queen louisa the couple's six children are now all well married and christian now has sons and daughters-in-law and grandchildren in all europe's major royal houses in 1906 the 87 year old king christian dies suddenly after his morning audiences he retires to his bed when his daughter dalma looks in on him a few hours later he is no longer alive [Music] all the bells in the country announced that the father-in-law of europe is dead copenhagen has cue patiently in the rain for hours for a chance to pay their final respects to their king [Applause] in the following programs each episode will focus on one of christian the night's children and we will follow their and their descendants lives up to the present day royal family the next episode concerns christian's eldest son who marries a swedish princess and whose descendants end up on the thrones of denmark norway belgium and luxembourg uncle gagi took his teeth off his mouth and started to run after me and to put his teeth into my decal tape so i said uncle axe and uncle axel save me from uncle goggy that old man who want to throw his teeth into my difficulty that was my first impression of the scandinavian family [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Scandinavian Royalty
Views: 859,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: queen margrethe ii, king christian ix, queen louise, queen victoria, tzar alexander iii, queen elizabeth ii, queen alexandra, crown prince frederik, crown prince haakon, king constantine ii, prince michael of kent, royal, royalty, royal family, danish royal family, swedish royal family, norwegian royal family, british royal family, russian imperial family, greek royal family
Id: qN9ViNXpY7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 33sec (3153 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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