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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on scorched Earth and in this video I am going to show you how to do an incredibly easy wyvern trap that doesn't take much effort at all and it works every single time so anyways I'm going to show you how to set it up what you need to do and then exactly how to do it but it's a pretty simple trap all you're going to need access to is some pillars that's it with the new creature AI essentially what happens is anything with Gates and stuff like that they tend to try and avoid them but with pillars as long as you give them an opportunity to get in slash out and make them think that that's the case um you can basically make a trap that is perfect every single time now you don't even need these on the side right here so you can even pick these up on the side oopsies I just you know made a mistake but you know oh well could be worse um as long as you have these that go up and down basically you need to make a total of um just you can see 1 2 3 four and five tall and then once you make it five tall uh you're essentially at that point making it so that you have the ability to trap a wyvern because they fly up instead of down and uh you put two on the entrance side and I'll show you what that looks like and I'll show you how to build it in just a second here um but that's it you don't need metal either you can use Stone that's that's just fine and then you have to find a creature that you can fly with so I'll go ahead and show you how to build it all that stuff but I'm going show you how it works first just so you can see what I'm talking about you have to draw I don't care care if it's a male or a female right now but for those of you that are trying to get wyvern milk you do need to draw a female wyvern's attention if you do not draw a female wyvern's attention it will not work for you because you will not end up getting the kind of milk that you want joke insert joke there LOL nobody okay cool it's all right it's all right I'll just you know hang out on my own um so what you want to do is you want to set up a trap doesn't matter where as long as the Trap is pretty close to where you're going to try and shoot one of these things so I'm going to shoot one oh wow it didn't even work for me might be able to get attention just by existing really no we're not going to do this all right there we go so as long as you get its attention it's going to fly for you immediately go full speed you'll see it's right behind me we go as low as we can to the ground you pull it into the Trap just like this and wyverns don't like flying downhill so what happens is they get stuck like you see here and then you just knock it out now I have two pillars set one is the distance that a fire wyvern can shoot and then three pillars back is the distance that a lightning wyvern can shoot so that way you know exactly what to do and then you go ahead and knock it out with whatever knockout tools you have crossbow is just fine but uh obviously long neck with Tran darts is the best so yeah pretty useful so the next thing that a lot of people don't realize is you hop in the inventory take the milk out but one of the secrets is if you use a hatchet a hatchet will actually increase the torpidity of a wyvern while you're killing it allowing you to get the maximum amount of XP as well so using a hatchet and you get a melee kill on a wyvern which is worth an incredible amount of experience um and then you can also do what I just did take the milk out and you're good to go now you can do this little farm strategy all freaking day that's the really cool thing about it um you just have to stay low to the ground and that's kind of like the secret but anyways I'll do one more wyver I'm just going to spawn one in so you can see what I'm talking about let it freak out now this is what happens if it gets really close to you so essentially if you miss the Trap which isn't a big deal by the way um but you want to make sure you hear it kind of breathing its fire stay low to the ground and again it just sticks gets stuck in there just like that so notice how it can't hit me with that fire at this range even though the actual appearance glitch is there um it just sits there like and that lime manry is nice and safe right there now I would recommend a LM anria to uh aggro it but you know it's up to you what you do so as you can see that's how the Trap works you just stay low to the ground and then actually get the fire wyvern stuck in there get your Hatchet out pull the milk off of it and then melee it to death for that extra experience it's actually one of the best ways to level on Scorch Earth too because that experience you get from killing wyvern is really really really high so anyways how do you build this trap right like you can see it right there and it's pretty simple so we're going to start with the front side and then I'll move to the back so what you want to do is you want to find a decent like Hill or flat land you don't want to put it on the side of a hill cuz the side of a hill can cause problems for you so flat land works just fine I'm going to go like right here to build this next next one you go ahead and take one pillar down push it all the way up then go 2 3 4 and 5 that's it now if you can use something to get up a little bit higher what you want to do now is you want to actually use your commands to place your pillars one two oops not that one three and pick up that Meadow pillar and you only need to go three across now we're going to go ahead and go down 1 2 3 four and five and that's the front of it okay now that's great and all but what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and run one two three it's not going to let us go any further that's cool cool game that's what I wanted anyways um but it doesn't matter too much as long as you go up the sides so three and then we're going to go ahead and go down with it three four and five go ahead and go one two three and you can again pick all this up but just showing you the quick version so you create a box essentially just like I did right here and with this box it doesn't matter if they're vertical or horizontal we're going to go a total of five back just like you can see over here 1 2 3 4 five we have a total of four right here so if I was to place these down there's one two three and four so you're going to go ahead and go one more back and then we'll Place pillars that go down and then essentially what we're going to do is we're going to make a cage now again just like I did on the one side you can do this with stone by the way this is not required to have metal but you can trap Alpha wyvern in this one using the metal whereas Stone will get eaten by the alpha wyvern so just be aware of that so that is how you build the sides and then the back is the exact same we're just going to run that pillar across and like so that's it now some people have really fancy traps and I don't think those there's anything necessarily wrong with those I like my traps to be nice and simple like this so it's hard to mess up you build it the exact same every time and there's nothing special other than flying in and getting off your tame now it's also larger bit of a forgiveness Zone which is why I like traps like this and then again this front side one two one two that's it that's all you have to do okay and essentially the reason we have it this way is a wyvern can fit inside of this three Zone we'll go in wyverns fly up when they fly and they fly right so even if they try and Escape they get stuck inside of this cage that's all you have to do for the cage itself let go ahead and show you that it works just fine we're going to go ahead and spawn in a wyvern just like this and come here buddy and there he goes just like the last one this one works just fine now I would set up pillars I would put one right about here for that fire wyvern and then the electric wyvern go about three or four back and then you can stay safe when they're actually trying to go after you and that's it that's all you have to do knocked out good night all so once it's uh knocked out take out your hatchet kill the thing or I mean if it's a female go ahead and uh pick up that lovely lovely wyvern milk and that's all you have to do in order to do this trap now I you can build this anywhere you want on the entire wyvern scar but it doesn't really get much easier Stone you can't do I mean here's my recommendation don't do wood it's going to break too quick do stone if you're doing it early and then just build this exact design and that's all you need just stay low to the ground use your lria and fly out the back now the cool thing is if if you miss on the first few tries use the trap to your advant manage do a big circle and pull it right back in don't freak out people freak out and like fly off don't fly off the Trap will protect you I know it sounds weird but use the trap to your advantage in order to try and get the things back in the Trap and that's it that's all you got to do in order to have a really successful um attack on wyverns especially on scorched Earth with the new AI it makes it a little bit more difficult now if you're doing a Alpha Fire wyvern sometimes they can get stuck in the actual thing cuz they're technically just a wee bit larger than normal wyverns so you might want to go like one taller in then that that should be just fine um but you need to make it exactly three wide and then have a three tall zone or a little bit less than three tall Zone which is why this pillar strategy Works um in order for them to get stuck inside of the actual trap so hopefully this video helps you out again if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the Channel all right [Music] teach [Music]
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 21,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended 100 days, ark survival ascended ps5, ark survival ascended base build, ark survival ascended trailer, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark survival ascended mods, ark survival ascended pvp, ark survival ascended review, ark mutations, mutations ark guide, mutations ark 2023, ark ascended, mutations ark mobile, mutations ark, breeding ark, ark survival ascended mutation, ark survival ascended breeding changes
Id: tc5MszJ8n7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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