15. See Together
When you see a ghost, you’re going to want other witnesses to prove that you’re not
just “seeing things.” Do not go out on your own. Always, ALWAYS take along a ghost hunting
partner – or an entire group – whenever you head out searching for ghosts. The experience might prove to be more sinister
and life-changing than you ever imagined, and you’re going to want to have people
around you who believe you and understand the experience as well. Believe it or not, you may need some support
after even the most minor of dealings with the paranormal. You’ll also appreciate a second set of eyes
confirming your story to nonbelievers. Not only will you want to bring a friend for
support during the aftermath…but you might need him/her to keep safe during the sighting. There is strength in numbers. Ghosts are unpredictable and fear can freeze
you or make you do stupid things. If, for any reason, you experience this fear,
having backup is better than being all alone with the ghost. 14. Know the Signs
As well as knowing the types of ghosts you may encounter and the tools you’ll need,
you should read up on common signs that you’re being visited by the paranormal. We’ll go over some of these key indicators:
Animal reactions – if your pet seems to react to thin air, don’t just assume he
or she is behaving inappropriately. Animals are sensitive to the beyond, just
as we are. Take their behavior into consideration when
you feel there may be a ghostly presence nearby. Unexplained sounds – these are most common
of poltergeists, but many ghosts can exhibit behaviors that make a whole lot of noise. The sounds usually begin subtly and quietly
but slowly gain traction, as the ghost insists on you being aware of his presence. These sounds include knocking, footsteps,
scratching, banging, and other more sinister noises. You may also hear inexplicable crying, moaning,
or whispering coming from a specific area of the haunted house or building. Electronic malfunctioning – ghostly interactions
sometimes correspond with malfunctioning electronics. We’re talking lights switching on and off
or lightbulbs going out altogether. TVs and radios going to static, increasing
in volume, switching channels, or turning on and off without explanation. Cold or Hot spots – throughout haunted areas,
it’s been well documented that cold and hot spots are quite common. When temperatures fluctuate drastically in
certain areas, this may indicate that the paranormal is present. Moving items – whether it’s furniture
moving around unexplainably, items of loved ones appearing out of nowhere or everyday
items disappearing/reappearing without explanation, doors, drawers, or cupboards opening or closing,
or even objects levitating, these are all stark indicators that a ghost is near…and
likely one with a negative energy. Smells – certain scents, fragrances, or
even odors may emanate from a haunted environment. This suggests that scent was strong in the
living person…or in that person’s inevitable demise. Feelings – don’t ignore your feelings. If you’re sensing that something has brushed
past you or nudged you or that you’re being watched, always trust your gut that such feelings
may mean something. Peripheral visions – often spotting shadows
out of the corner of your eye can be an indicator that something is around you that shouldn’t
be. 13. Go to the Ghosts
Of course, to see a ghost, you must find a ghost. The best way to do that is to go to the ghosts’
favorite haunts. We’re talking haunted houses, haunted hotels,
grave yards, old psyche wards, decrepit hospitals, and schools. Think ancient locations. Historical sites of dark pasts and horror
are your best bet to catch a glimpse of ghost. Some of the more famous haunted sites in America,
for instance, are the Stanley Hotel in Colorado – a haunting hotel that Stephen King based
The Shining on, or the Eastern State Pen in Philadelphia. The old lockup is no longer occupied…by
the living. But it’s said to be haunted by the inmates
that once clanged against those cells. You could even consider going international. Victoria, Australia’s Asylum will be sure
to drive you crazy. The facility operated between 1867 and 1995,
during which more than 9,000 patients passed there…some in mysterious ways. Or try out Leap Castle in, Ireland. The luck of the Irish is sure to bring some
of the horrible history of Leap back from its grave, as many were locked up there and
met their fate. You might even fly over to this haunted home
in Rose Hall, Jamaica, where a voodoo priestess once lived. She still haunts the place, and if you follow
this tip and go to the ghosts, you may just run into her. 12. Get Equipped
Apart from a camera, you’ll want to be well-equipped for a ghost hunt. Most ghost hunting teams take along abundant
equipment for their adventures, so the following is the short-listed supplies you might consider
stockpiling for your own private ghost hunt. First of all, you’re probably an amateur
ghost hunter, so you don’t have unlimited funds for such things like topnotch audio
recorders, video cameras, and digital laser thermometers. Unless you’re planning to become a professional
ghost hunter, affordable equipment will be your go-to. Let’s start with the basics: your mobile
phone (to call for assistance if needed), a flashlight, batteries, comfortable walking
shoes and clothing, and a pen and paper to jot down paranormal notes – like the feel
of the space, the temperature, and any other abnormal happenings. Next, you might consider bringing an audio
recorder of some kind. Even those on the cheaper end will be better
than none at all, as you’re going to want proof of your experience. But obviously a higher quality recorder is
preferred. If you have a decent bankroll, spring for
some of the gear that the big names use. Ghost Hunters on the Syfy channel, Grant Wilson
and Jason Hawes, shared their expert opinions on some of the best ghost hunting gear to
keep in your tool belt with tech source, PCMag. Griffith adds that most of the equipment used
on the show is simply to monitor the environment, such as barometric pressure, temperature,
changes in wind or static charge, and electromagnetic fields. “It is not normal for any of these environmental
conditions to change drastically in a short amount of time,” he told PCMag. “We have found that when this happens paranormal
activity is underway.” This high-tech (and rather more expensive)
gear includes thermal cameras, motion detectors, laser grid scopes, full-spectrum cameras,
EMF meters, EVPs, and special infrared probe thermometers. Here’s how each of these help you see ghosts. Thermal cameras offer a visual of cold and
hot spots in any given area. This will help you see where the ghosts might
be hanging about, invisible to the human eye. Motion detectors obviously detect motion in
the room. If you’re not moving, then what is? Laser grid scopes cast a grid of green dots
via a laser across a given field. This allows you to spot upsets in pattern,
showing you that there’s something amiss in your midst. Full-spectrum cameras, offer viewers a near-ultraviolet,
near-infrared light. Having an all-encompassing visual is essential
to seeing every angle…and every ghost. EMF meters measure electromagnetic levels. When a fluctuation registers on an EMF meter
that isn’t within the “normal” range, ghost hunters consider this to be an indicator
of paranormal activity. EVPs – or Electronic Voice Phenomena – are
high-tech microphones that capture sound not within our normal human range. Infrared probe thermometers measure the room’s
temperature and register cold air pockets. If the temp of a spot sinks by 10+ degrees,
this may indicate a ghost is present. With all of these tools in your toolbelt,
you’ll be sure to know whether a ghost is present…which will allow you to call it
forth. 11. Get Your Camera Ready
Considering ghosts don’t always take on the corporeal form, and the lighting of a
haunted place may not make for the best sighting in the moment, photographs may be the primary
method by which you see a ghost. Many have taken photographs in haunted places,
only to find that they’ve captured apparitions that didn’t appear to them in the moment,
for whatever reason, but did appear in the film thereafter. So, if you head out on a ghost hunt, don’t
forget to take along a high quality camera and a mega GB memory card that can hold thousands
of photos. While there, snap as many photos as possible. Leave your cell phone camera at home. The resolution sucks, and you’re likely
to capture plenty of false ghostings with its terrible optics. Once you get your camera home, examine your
images with a focused, but skeptical eye. Cameras are not perfect, and artifacts develop
on lenses. That doesn’t mean you’ve captured the
paranormal on camera. But you may just be in the right place at
the right time to capture a shadow person, a corporeal ghost, or the “energy” that
you’re looking for. 10. Know Your Ghosts
The concept and appearance of ghosts date back to antiquity. 8th Century BC Homer describes ghosts as “a
vapor, gibbering and whining into the earth.” Ghosts often manifested in transparent forms,
like vapor, in classic literature, while, on other occasions, they might appear corporeal. In modern times, this type of ghost is called
“the interactive personality.” This is the ghostly form that most of us picture
when we hear the word “ghost,” because it takes the shape of the living person – same
personality, mannerisms, etc. – though slightly transparent and discolored. But there are more uncommon ghosts that take
other forms, and if you’re not ghost-savvy, after happening upon one of these, you may
not even know that you saw a ghost. For instance, ecto-mist and ectoplasm is the
vaporous cloud often written about in ancient texts. It floats above the ground in a grey, white,
or black orbital mist. This indicates that a ghost is present. Similarly, “orbs” are ghost indicators
as well. They hover above the ground in a ball of light
that’s transparent. Sometimes they aren’t seen in the moment,
but rather, afterward, in photographs taken during a ghost hunt. These orbs are considered to be the souls
of the departed. You also might sense a poltergeist, but you’d
probably hear it, rather than see it. Poltergeist actually means “noisy ghost.” Although it’s not often seen in a physical
form, it’s the type of ghost that wreaks havoc throughout the home with loud crashes,
slamming doors, stomping or knocking noises, the flickering of lights. If you don’t see it in and of itself, you’ll
at least experience its misdeeds. Ghost sightings also commonly have this thing
which is like a heat airwave. This airwave is aptly described by blogger,
Amanda Linette Meder. “The energetic vibration and density of
a spirit is different than that of beings and things in the physical world, including
air,” she writes, “so seeing a change in the density or texture in the air around
you is most common.” Meder suggests that ghosts may appear as “visual
snow” or “a fuzzy air heat wave” that manifests in a haunted space and travels around
the area. The heat wave is most often seen in low lighting,
so dim the lights to observe the ghostly energy. The point is, ghosts and spirits can take
many forms, so before you head out in the hopes of spotting the classic ghost – all
transparent and human like – consider other ghostly shapes. Be educated in the visual energies of a ghost. Be aware that you can also see either full
or partial apparitions or via your peripheral vision. Be on guard and trust your gut that what you’re
seeing is what should be believed. 9. Go on a Ghost Hunt
For those of us who would jump at the chance to see a real-live ghost, the best way to
see them is to seek them out. Most of the time, ghosts don’t just appear
to you. Unless you’re the proud new owner of a house
that was built on an grave yard, or someone has accidentally gifted you with a cursed
doll, it’s unlikely that you’ll be handed the right set of circumstances for sight. So, like the rest of us ghost hunters, you’ll
have to take charge of putting the right circumstances into place. One way to do this is to go on an actual ghost
hunt. What’s a ghost hunt you ask? For those who are inexperienced regarding
paranormal happenings, a ghost hunt is often led by an actual ghost investigation team
who specializes in communicating with the spirits among us. They know where to go, what to bring, how
to open up opportunities for sightings. These groups are all over the country, and
they often hold public events. If you’ve seen TV shows, like Unsolved Mysteries,
Paranormal Files, or Ghost Hunters International, you probably know what this kind of investigative
team looks like, as well as some of the gear they use. But don’t get your hopes up just yet. While there are no statistics on the matter,
I’m guessing the success rate of a non-televised hunt won’t be “as seen on TV.” 8. Research
Are you trying to find out the potential of a ghost viewing in your own home or in a location
near you? Good, because that’s what you should be
doing if you want to see ghosts. Research your locale to take an educated guess
at where potentially haunted sites may be. Think unusual fatalities, places, etc. – any
circumstances which might leave a soul in limbo. Don’t forget that the most common haunted
places are grave yards, forts, houses, and schools. Of course, you’ll want to first take a look
at locations where paranormal sightings may already have occurred. At what time were these sightings reported? If there’s a specific time or date that
sightings tend to crop up, plan your ghost hunt around them. Also consider town gossip. If there are rumors of strange and sinister
events and ghost sightings, these “rumors” might be based in fact. Investigate your local legends, purported
haunted houses, and seemingly mythical ghost stories. While some might be more fiction than fact,
others may hold truth. The truth is where you should begin. 7. Bring the Ghosts to You
While visiting the ghosts, yourself, is all well and good, sometimes you get tired, hunting
around for phantoms. Instead of chasing after vapor, call the ghosts
to you using séance techniques or a Ouija board. Communicating with those who have passed can
be touch-and-go, but contacting the after life through a Ouija board has a proven track
record. But beware: the Ouija board has been known
to call forth some aggressive and frightening spirits. And while you may not see a corporeal ghost,
you may sense the spirit’s presence, through cold spots, paranormal activity in the room,
and simply through the movement of the planchette as he or she speaks to you through the letters
on the board. 6. Be sensitive
You have to sense the ghost with your whole body. Feel them. Open not only your eyes to see, but every
molecule in your body. Only then will you sense a ghost’s presence. If your body and senses are shut off to the
ghost, you may not register their activity at all. Smell the air. You know what we said about odd and out of
place fragrances or odors. If your nose catches a whiff of something
unusual, it may be a scent from the after life. Listen for any sounds – rumbling, whispering,
murmuring, rustling – any noise that could mean paranormal activity. Even if you don’t hear the ghost in the
moment, if you’ve taken the earlier tip of ours and brought along your audio recorder,
then you might just hear it on playback. Be aware of the sense of touch. Do you feel something rustle past you? Do you sense a cold spot? A warm spot? What is that tingling sensation up your spine? If you turn up the volume on your senses and
“see” with all of yourself, you’re more likely to get what you asked for. 5. Before Careful While Viewing
When you’re in the presence of a ghost or ghosts, protection is a must. While not all ghosts are demons, protecting
yourself from any evil spirits that may cross your viewfinder may be the difference between
whether you make it through the night…or become one of them. One way to protect yourself is through the
use of certain gemstones. Emeralds, agates, black onyx, black tourmaline,
labradorite, and peridot are some that paranormal experts vouch for. Black tourmaline is the most powerful shield
against all evil. Next, using certain herbs can deter the demon
spirits. The herbs in question? Anise, basil, cacao, cayenne, chamomile, clove,
cumin, dill, fennel, and sage. If you find your home is haunted with malevolent
spirits, these are also advised for cleansing and protection against possessions. You can also cleanse your space and your aura
for protection. You can do this by sprinkling holy water around
your home and burning sage incense. To cleanse your aura, practice yoga, burn
white sage, and spend upwards of 15 minutes in the sun every day. 4. Meditation
Once you’re safe and cleansed, open your senses through meditation. Pick a quiet, tranquil spot where you can
be at peace. Sit down, get comfortable, and meditate seriously
for some time. Focus on your breath. Calm your body. This calm will lead to an openness that invites
spiritual contact. By relaxing your body’s muscles and clearing
your mind, you’ll also be freeing up your senses for that spine-tingling sighting. And remember what we said about the senses:
you must be sensitive to pick up on the sometimes subtle movements and behaviors of the ghost. You will also awaken your third eye, which
we’ll discuss later in this Top 15. 3. Sell Salt
This is a tip to seeing ghosts according to Chinese tradition. Take a decent amount of salt and mosey on
over to your local grave yard sometime before midnight. Place a mat on the ground somewhere in the
yard, put the salt on the mat, and wait. When midnight rolls around, you’ll experience
something that will make you a believer. Ghosts will come along, stretching out their
ghostly hands, to buy salt from you. Do not look up at the ghost. Just place a pinch of salt into one of their
outstretched palms and shiver. It is said that if you look directly at the
ghost, you will be cursed and terrible things will happen to you. If they’re “buying” the salt, shouldn’t
you be paid for it? Yes, of course. Some say that the ghosts will pay you in “hell
money” or other random trades. When the sun comes up, these trades will convert
into real money. If you make it until sunrise, pick up your
mat, whatever remains of your salt, and march out of that grave yard. Don’t look back. 2. Don’t Believe
I have advice for you: be skeptical. Think about it. In nearly any scary movie or real-life ghost
encounter, the most skeptical of the bunch is the one who gets it the worst. They always say, “I didn’t believe before,
but I do now. Now that I’ve seen it with my own two eyes.” This is true of anything paranormal. When you don’t believe, you may be the one
a ghost chooses to show himself to, just to prove he exists. Even more importantly, skepticism makes you
less vulnerable to possession. Those who believe strongly in demonic possession
and dark spirits open themselves up more to being taken over by them. You want to see a ghost, sure; but you definitely
don’t want to cross the line into something darker. So carrying around a fair amount of skepticism
will serve you in both cases. Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills
and I hope you’re enjoying the video so far. If you've ever been curious as to what I look
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We all have a third eye, and using it is one way to see spirits with your mind. You may be asking, what is the third eye? It’s stronger than your physical eyes, because
your perceptions and intuition are stored here. The third eye can not only see the energy
that lies before you, but also that which lies behind. It holds this vision in the form of a memory. These images can then appear before your very
eyes, as though you’re physically seeing them…but actually they’re spirits of your
memory and how you remember and envision things. When it comes down to it, every human being
is a spirit. We carry around our spirits within our corporeal
bodies. That doesn’t necessarily mean every human
being is or will be a ghost. Those spirits who remain even tentatively
on earth only stay because they are attached materially in some way to the space between
the physical realm and the nonphysical. You really must work to open this third eye. It’s easier in youth, as we see with eyes
wide open, our intuitions are stronger, and we don’t have so much conditioning. When we get older, our intuition takes a backburner
to conditioning and social cues. This is when our third eye sleeps, and we
are no longer open to experiencing other spirits in this manner. Open wide your third eye, and you will see. Thanks for checking out this video. Be sure to subscribe because we upload new
countdowns every Tuesday and Saturday. Or if you're still not convinced, here are
some of our other videos that I think you'd like. Enjoy!