Top 15 Most Dangerous Prisoners Ever Held In Scotland

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some of Scotland's most dangerous men and women lie within the country's harshest prisons and some have even died within the penitentiary's walls welcome to the top 15 most dangerous prisoners ever held inside Scottish prisons a huge thank you to everybody that has subscribed to the channel YouTube have sent us this silver play button and it belongs to all of you as a special thank you we are now launching weekly shorts on Wednesdays currently focusing on the billionaire lifestyle series of the channel but we will soon be incorporating those into the prison videos as well I hope you enjoy the video number 15 Tiffany Scott subject to an order for lifelong restriction after admitting to stalking a 13-year-old girl by sending her letters while serving time in prison Scott died in hmp grampion during her sentence in 2024 first convicted of attacking a nurse in cheser England in 2010 while trying to escape from a hospital she was sentenced to 14 months in prison after making a transgender change from a man to a woman in 2016 Scott was told she would not be released until she was no longer considered to be an unmanageable risk to Public Safety after being sentenced to a further year in prison for attacking officers she further attacked several officers in 2023 and another 2 years in prison was added to the sentence later in 2023 Scott made national headlines after successfully applying to be moved to a women's prison a move that was later blocked by the Scottish prison service new guidelines were subsequently introduced requiring transgender offenders convicted of violent offenses against women to be housed in male prisons number 14 Edward Kenny jailed in 2019 along with his partner ail Jones for murdering vulnerable 19-year-old Margaret Fleming KY died at hmp Edinburgh in 2023 sentenced to life kyy and initially got away with the killing after Fleming was not noticed to have been missing for almost 17 years Kenny and Jones her supposed carers at the time of her disappearance were later arrested in 2017 and found guilty of murder and perverting the cour of Justice they were handed life sentence with a minimum term of 14 years and the whereabouts of Flemings remains a mystery to this day the couple even claimed Fleming's benefit money totaling £182,000 while pretending she was still alive number 13 Robert Bane in what became known as the wish or murder 17-year-old Zoe Nelson was attacked near a coery spoil Heap known locally as Monkey Hill Bane who was later found out to be the killer constructed a makeshift P to try and destroy the evidence of the crime after using New Media for the first time in the murder investigation it was revealed that his sister had withheld the identity of the killer for 5 days was found guilty of her murder and a second charge of attempting to defeat the ends of Justice which was also applied at trial he was handed a minimum term of 20 years for the murder and 6 years to be served conolly for the second charge after a psychiatric report deemed him sane number 12 Isa Bryson similar to the Robert Bane case Isa Bryson is a 31-year-old Scottish transgender woman who was convicted of the rapes of two women before her gender transition took place charged in 2019 and later transitioning in 2020 Bryson attempted to mix with local women at a college before being remanded to a women's prison to await sentence Bryson's 6-day trial was held in January 2023 at the high court of justice in Glasgow and it was revealed that Bryson had stalked female Partners online found guilty on the 24th of January 2023 Bryson was sentenced to 8 years in a male prison after the court recorded the crimes having been committed by a man number 11 Nicholas Rossy one of the more famous prisoners to have ever been held at Edinburgh prison Rossy went by a number of aliases including that of Arthur Knight Rossy was wanted by authorities in Utah for alleged rape that occurred in 2008 but had not only faked his own death but fled the United States and had been on the run for 12 years unfortunately for Rossy he ended up in the hospital during the events of 2020 and was later identified by the tat tattoos on his arm after many baale hearings some of which were successful a sheriff finally ruled that he could be extradited to the United States in August 2023 Rossy was extradited on the 5th of January 2024 and he is now being held at an unknown location while awaiting trial number 10 William begs convicted of murdering teenager Barry Wallace in 1999 begs became known as the limbs in the lock killer after his victim was found in L lemond Wallace was a supermarket worker who went missing after a staff Christmas party and the crime was described as one of Scotland's most horrific at the time convicted at the high court in Edinburgh in 2001 it was later revealed that begs had been cleared of a similar murder on a technicality begs had also been the subject of an extradition order having fled to Amsterdam while faing murder charges having been convicted of murder and multiple charges of attacking other people begs was handed a 20-year prison sentence in 2001 and he has had every parole application denied since number nine John McHugh serving a life sentence for the violent murder of waiter John Stewart McHugh was sentenced to 45 years once Scotland's longest serving prisoner McHugh described to police how he committed the crime for fun he was locked away inside a psychiatric hospital in Lanier but later escaped leading police on a Manhunt after climbing through an open window he made the headlines in 2020 after claiming to have seen inmates beaten at hmp Perth while serving time there a claim the Scottish prison service denies number eight Hugh Collins once branded as Scotland's most dangerous prisoner Collins had a reputation for shoplifting burglary and violence after bumping into a known rival in a bar a fight ued with Collins rival initially starting the altercation he was stabbed multiple times by cins who was later arrested charged and found guilty at the high court of Glasgow sentenced to life imprisonment Collins sentence was the culmination of 10 years of violent crimes for which he had been in and out of prison on multiple occasions in the first 3 weeks of his life term he had attacked three prison officers and was often kept in isolation in underground cells after spending some of his sentence in a straight jacket he became known in the media as Scotland's most dangerous prisoner once enduring 14 months of solitary confinement he was released in 1993 and has since expressed shame over the killing while turning his life around he died in August 2021 at the age of 17 number seven Steven lek out on license for another attack lek went on to attack 9-year-old Scott Simpson at a play park in July 1997 fatally injuring the boy he was later caught tried and found guilty of the crime being sentenced to life with a minimum of 20 years several attempts at parole have been made after he was automatically added to the application process his first appeal was denied and a second appeal was launched 2 years later with that also turned down after serving 22 years leas will be up for parole every 2 years and the victim's families are doing everything in their power to make sure the requests are denied number six Robert moan on the 1st of November 1967 Robert moan was absent without leave from his army unit and after drinking for days he armed himself with a shotgun he attacked a needle workk class at St John's High School while wearing his uniform killing one and holding the class and another teacher hostage for 90 minutes his motive was revealed to be revenge for expulsion from the school and he was later found to be insane and sent to a state hospital in South lanicare the story does not end there and after escaping from the hospital monan and an accomplice killed again this time three victims were added to the list they were once again caught after a high-speed police chase on the a74 near carile and were sentenced with a recommendation that they never be released moan led a rooftop protest over his conditions in hmp Perth in 1981 and had 6 months added to his sentence in 1995 for attacking a fellow prisoner today he is Scotland's longest serving prisoner and has studied law and philosophy while also transcribing books into Braille number five Adel belet al- mcrai after being revealed as one of the main perpetrators of the bombing of PanAm flight 103 over lockerby al- mcrai was initially held under house arrest in Libya he was next designated as a United States fugitive from Justice and added to the FBI's 10most Wanted list with a $4 million reward after a len discussion a trial for Al mcrai was held at Camp Ze in the Netherlands on the 5th of April 1999 he was found guilty and was sentenced to life imprisonment with a recommendation that he serve at least 20 years mcgi spent almost 8 years in various Scottish prisons before he was released on compassionate grounds having been diagnosed with Advanced prostate cancer he died on the 20th of May 2012 at his home in Tripoli number four Peter Tobin one of the most well-known serial killers in Scottish history Tobin initially served 10 years in prison for the rape and indecent assault of two girls in 1993 after being released in 2004 he attacked Angelica cluck in Glasgow sometime in 2006 a crime which he received 21 years for other crimes that Tobin had committed began to come to light and the remains of two teenagers who went missing in 1991 were subsequently found at his former home diagnosed as a psychopath by a senior psychologist Tobin was handed a whole life order in 2009 and will never be released initially connected with the Bible John murgers of the late 1960s Tobin was ruled out of this investigation but has claimed as many as 48 victims number three Peter Manuel nicknamed the Beast of burkinshaw before his identity was known to the media Manuel was born to Scottish parents in New York City and migrated back to Scotland in 1932 he was later convicted of seven murders all of them women except for Peter and Michael smart who died in their uddingston home in the early hours of the 1st of January 1958 many police officers suspected Manuel of the committing the crimes yet evidence was sketchy at best until he paid for drinks at a local bar using stolen Bank Notes From The Smarts residents he confessed to the murders after his father was arrested and a sensational trial followed at Glasgow high court representing himself at trial he was unable to convince the jewelry of his innocence and was found guilty of all charges except for one murder that of an neand on July 11th 1958 Manuel was hanged on The Gallows with his last words reported to have been Turn up the radio and I'll go quietly number two Dominic Divine known as the Beast of ioos divine was a British convicted sex offender and serial rapist that was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1987 only the third person in Scottish history to be sentenced to life imprisonment for rape Divine attacked five women in the IBO area of Glasgow he was held in a number of Prisons throughout the country before arriving at hm prison shots in 2009 he was found to be exploiting the work release program to smuggle drugs into the prison after day release sessions with the investigation carried out by the Sunday Mail returned to prison on further charges it was reported that he had been released in 2017 yet this was untrue and he died at Scotland's largest prison in 2023 number one James Ock named as one of the 10 most dangerous prison inmates in the world double killer James o rock recently admitted to murdering a fellow inmate in a brutal execution convicted for murdering Neil Kenny in 1992 he was sentenced to a further 6 years for holding hostage prison officer and a nurse for 19 hours he was given another 8 years in 2002 for abduction and then committed another attack in 2004 which brought another 4-year sentence in 2005 he stabbed a prison escort and a senior jail official head hmp Kil manuk resulting in a further 8-year sentence and was handed another 9-year sentence in 2019 after attempting to murder another prisoner in the prison gym his second life sentence came in July 2022 after after he admitted to killing fellow prisoner Dean Ramsey 18 months earlier attending court with the worst criminal record ever seen nicknamed pory in prison he has cemented himself as the top of the prison hierarchy with both inmates and prison officers living in fear of him at one point he became so violent that he was delivered his own menu into his cell so that he could eat away from other prisoners thanks for watching this video on the top 15 most dangerous Scottish prisoners ever help in Scottish prisons remember to comment below if you think I missed anyone important subscribe for more topl list videos coming this month and don't forget to check out more crime videos on our homepage I'll see you next week
Channel: Vidello Productions
Views: 8,091
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Keywords: Most dangerous prisoners scotland, most dangerous scottish prisoners, top 15 most dangerous prisoners in Scotland, most dangerous prisoners, scotland prisoners, scotlands most dangerous people, scotland prisons, scotland most dangerous, most dangerous people, scotland dangerous inmates, edinburgh prison inmates, barlinnie prison scotland, inverness prison, shotts prison scotland, low moss prison scotland, castle huntley prison, kilmarnock prison, most dangerous prison, scotland
Id: vhur0ZQ1o3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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