Top 12 MIND-BLOWING Vegan TV Moments

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- Veganism is just extreme. It's narrow minded - What's extreme? What's extreme? - Judgmental, It's self satisfying. - Look, if you and I were in a field drinking beetroot juice and somebody walked in and started sucking on the breasts of a cow, who's the maniac? It isn't just the human animal that has an interest in his life. It isn't just a human animal who feels a deep connection to his mother. It isn't just the human animal who would rather be loved than be alone, rather be free than be enslaved, rather live than be killed. - Hey everyone, this is Klaus from Plant Based News. So today we're gonna be looking at the most startling vegan TV clips. If you're not familiar, vegans are traditionally portrayed as weak and fringe on TV. - I've been a vegan for more than 14 years. And I can honestly say, I've never felt fitter or more relaxed. - But more recently the image of vegans has changed. For example, the release of Carnage, a couple of years ago which was commissioned and broadcast on the BBC. - Okay, beef requires 28 times more land than pork or chicken to produce. It is the single biggest driver of global deforestation. Compared to vegetables alone, it requires 160 times more land and produces 11 times more greenhouse gases. It's time to stop the production of beef. - Anyway, we haven't even gotten to the video properly yet. Hope you enjoy our top TV moments. - [Klaus] First up, is comedian, Nathan Ranganathan, broadcast on BBC Two in the UK. - Um, I am a vegan, is something that people watching this, as soon as they hear me say that, will go, oh, I knew he was gonna say it, how'd you know a vegan's a vegan? 'Cause they'll tell you. People hate vegans. Uh, and the reason they hate vegans is because they think we're humorless. They think that we think we're better than non vegans. They think that we're always banging on about it and all of those things are true. Uh, I am better than you, if you're not vegan. In terms of my ethical decisions I'm so much better than you. I'm better for the planet, I'm better for the animals. There's nothing worse about me apart from I'm slightly irritating to have round for dinner. - [Klaus] At number 11 is a debate between vegan advocate Earthling Ed and a butcher discussing the environmental impacts of raising animals for food. - Great response. - I created a documentary called "Land of Hope and Glory" online, which talks all about what happens to animals in the UK. - [Man] I honestly- - After let me respond please. So there's two studies. The first study was a five-year study conducted by the University of Oxford. It's the most comprehensive study that's ever been conducted, exploring the relationship between environment. - Is this the one that was run by a vegan? - But he wasn't vegan when he started but he wad vegan when he finished it because of what he found out. Now what he discovered. - You may be after this conversation, John, as well. - Not very likely. - But it wasn't the first time that Ed was put up against representatives with the meat and dairy industry. - And if you think of, and coming from animals, it's just part of the natural gaseous cycle that this planet has learnt to adapt that has adapted to cope with over thousands and thousands of years. - And no, absolutely not. I mean, if we look what the United Nations is telling us we look at some of the most prestigious and respected bodies are telling us 'The Lancet' we're looking at the university of Oxford, looking at Harvard, looking at the nature journals, science journal, all of these studies and all these institutions are saying very clearly that actually animal agriculture is the leading driver of so many environmental problems that we're facing, it's bigger than just methane emissions - If the farmer says he loves his sheep all grown, do you? - I absolutely do love my sheep deliberately - You can deliberately breed baby animals specifically to die in a state of terror and say, you'd love them. Don't let me finish. The people naturally eat meat, but just be honest about where it comes from pain and terror. How do you respond to it? - Absolutely not. I would argue that the sheep are almost the in this world when we're trying to be trying to find sustainability. Sheep are almost the ultimate in renewable technology. - [Klaus] Okay. Let's move on to number 10 which is between Joey Carbstrong and TV host Phillip Schofield where things got a little bit heated over the terminology Joey was using to describe the process of slaughter and insemination. - I think that the use of these words whilst - so you're playing word games, let's talk about the act you're taking an animal's life against their will. What is, how does that, what does that mean? That animals, animals rape each other in the wild too. We cannot point to nature and say that that's moral. Okay. We're a civilized society to take someone's life against their will It's savagery actually, actually I think you agree - That's not my point - even though we've grown canine teeth were very flat and blunt like a cow it's necessary to eat meat that's the molars at the back. But the canines were developed to chew meat. So why have I developed teeth to do? - Just because you can eat an animal doesn't make it moral to do so. Okay. - But it wasn't just Phillip Schofield who was putting up a defense for eating animals in 2018 Joey went up against the more notorious breakfast TV presenter. - There's a lot of people might be tempted to take up a more vegan based diet, but they hate this kind of vegan terrorism that's going on Milk is murder. - Take the vegans out of the picture. It's about the animals. Are you against animal cruelty? of course it's not cruel to bolt gun and slash- - I'm against human cruelty, oh me too. I don't, I don't kill animals, kill humans either but to kill animals for a product we don't need is cruel. - Although Piers started by making comments about dairy the topic at hand, it wasn't long until we resorted to using ad hominine attacks. - So in September, 2011 you were arrested when police found a loaded sawed off pump action rifle - Oh a character attack. Is this got anything to do with the topic at hand character attack on my past? - Well, were you found with a pump action rifle during your trial. - Would this be relevant If I was speaking up against dog abuse or child abuse - I realized vegan is not my thing, but I realize it's a growing thing. - It's not your thing. - My problem is this kind of vegan terrorism that goes up. - He's against animal cruelty so it is his thing. - Everyone that drinks milk, according to you is a murderer. - No, they're not consciously. They don't know. But now you know what happens to animals in slaughterhouses. So you can have a milk in your coffee. What are you going to do about it? - They don't go to slaughter houses. - Yes they do. - No they don't. - You don't know nothing about the industry my friend. - [Klaus] At number nine, drum roll, Preacher Lawson. - A little about myself. I'm a vegan. Yes. I'm a vegan. Which means I don't. Yeah. All right. Thank you three vegans. I appreciate it. So a vegan, we don't eat animals. We don't eat meat or whatever. And the reason I decided to be a vegan because I had a dog and I fell in love with my dog. And I was like, I can't eat my dog. You know, I can't, we eat pigs. And guess what? Pigs are smarter than dogs. Pigs are smarter than chimpanzees. They're just ugly. And you can't eat something just because it's ugly. If that's the case some of y'all looking tasty tonight, right? - [Klaus] At number eight, we have an advert published by Tesco in 2019 where they were showcasing their new range of meat-free sausages. - So Chloe walks in from school. - "Daddy." She says, "I don't want to eat animals anymore." - I Love my meat, but not as much as I love my little girl. That's why we've made some changes to our old favorite sausage casserole a-la-Carl now with meat-free Cumberland's they're still with with my magic touch, cumin, coriander and a dollop of mango chutney just as tasty as it used to be. - Better actually. - Food love stories, brought to you by Tesco. - This advert really highlighted the normalization of plant-based products in society. But it wasn't long until pushback came from the meat and dairy industry who was so frustrated, they actually went on mainstream TV. - I just think that the wording and the advert was totally unnecessary. I mean, why not just have a little girl saying I'm not really keen on eating meat anymore. It's quite a, quite a direct attack on my industry. And I do take offense to it. - But that appearance only helped promote the new meat-free products. I guess the saying is any publicity is good publicity right? Anyway, we're on number seven which goes to another TV ad, which is broadcast on one of the most popular TV shows in Israel reaching a massive 35% of the population. - [Klaus] The advert was hugely successful and followed a few years after vegan advocates Tal Gobower won big brother in Israel in 2014 and also used it as an opportunity to grow animal rights in the country. - He convinced everybody on this show to go vegan - Hello not just everybody in the house, but half a million people in Israel changed their diet because of the big brothers show. - [Klaus] Now for number six, with tune into American cable TV and the Dr. Oz show, which featured Kip Anderson the co-director of 'What The Health' and plant-based Dr. Garth Davis, which quickly turned into a shouting match. - Unbelievable. Cause this is the most unscientific discussion I've ever had in my life. - for one second, that is not science. That's a lie, Travis. And what you're doing is lying to this public. And that's why I got to treat the map. - I read everything on it. And then I read your quotes and I disagree with you. - [Klaus] At number five, an epic vegan TV moment racked up a massive 7 million views after taking a vow of silence for a year, vegan advocate and personal trainer James Aspey, broke that silence live on Australian Sunrise and the clip went viral. - What a pleasure to have you here? - Can we have a drum roll? - What your first words are going to be? - Hey James, I-. I can assume that this was a kind of a passionate why did you do this? - Thank you for asking. - Lovely to have you back right. - It's great to go out and talk. Ooh, sounds different. - Yeah. Can you fit is it difficult to exercise those muscles after so long? - I'll tell you soon. - Yeah. Great. - okay. The reason I took the vow of silence was to raise awareness for the voiceless victims of this planet, - the animals - the animals, we all say we love animals and we all are against animal cruelty but we pay people to mutilate torture and slaughter animals. And it's not for any necessity. It's not because we need to for our health. It's just because we liked the way they taste. - [Klaus] Our number four pick is for vegan chef Daphne Chang, after refusing to cook meat, The judges decided that her time on the show was up it's a shame She didn't even get a chance to show the nation how delicious plant-based food can be. - There's a mystery box of ingredients just like in the other food competition shows. And so our box was empty. Nicholas had asked that we reversed roles. So they asked the meat chefs to cook vegan and they asked me to cook meat. And that's me saying impossible. And they made it sound like I said it three times in a row but actually they cut it. Cause then it kept asking me and then they cut it into two times. I haven't had meat in 16 years and I'm not going to change that. Just, you know, for a competition. Nicholas is asking me if I'm refusing to cook meat, then that means that I'm going to withdraw from the competition right now. I was completely shocked when they turned it back and said sorry, goodbye. Basically in a very curt very abrupt way. Unfortunately they said that I have to cook meat or I'll be disqualified and unfortunately I can't, I can't do that. So I had to walk away. - [Klaus] Anyway on to number three which is when Oprah Winfrey took on the beef industry and won. After the having Howard Lyman on her show in 1996 discussing food safety concerns around Mad Cow disease Oprah made a very bold statement. She declared the conversation of Howard Lyman alignment had quote unquote "stopped me cold from eating another burger". and little did she know the impact that that one sentence would have. She was sued by the cattle industry after their stock plummeted, supposedly because of her comments, but after a lengthy trial and in where she even relocated her show briefly she was acquitted of all charges in court. - [Oprah] My reaction is that free speech, not only lives it rocks. - [Klaus] Our number two spot goes to vegan advocate Gene Bauer, after his calm, dismantling of Tucker Carlson on the notoriously hard network, Fox news. - So you've got your views about what we ought to be eating. I do too. I love burrata, but I'm not trying to force anybody else to eat burrata. It seems to be taking kind of a large step to assume you have the right to tell other people what to eat. Why are you doing that? - Well, I'm actually not telling other people what they must or must not eat. I just want people to think more about their food choices and recognize the consequences of those. And also to recognize that not eating animals is actually an option we have. You know, we grew up believing we need meat for protein but in fact we can live well without it. So it's a choice we each need to make but we should make informed choices. - I don't think it's a crazy idea. And I, I, you know, I love animals and I don't like the way factory farms treat animals. So I'm kind of sympathetic to what you're saying. - Well, we are certainly a passionate group as vegans but not all vegans are that skinny. In fact, the only US male weightlifter who qualified for the Olympics in Rio is a vegan. And there are amazing vegan bodybuilders and athletes. Scott Jurek a legendary ultra runner vegan. So vegans, you know, can be very healthy as well. - Interesting. Well that you make a compelling case wanting to get to the root, the moral question. Do we, do we have dominion over the animals or are they our peers? Are they the same as people? - We have power over other animals. And I think with a lot of power comes a lot of responsibility, so, so we can kill them but whether we should kill them is a bigger question. - Okay. You know, I have to say I started the segment thinking this guy's probably crazy but I think you're actually reasonable and thoughtful. - [Klaus] So our number one, vegan TV moment drum roll goes to another Fox news moment which happened very recently. Check this out. - Joining me right now is the CEO of Smithfield foods, Dennis Organ, Dennis it's great to have you this morning. Thanks very much for joining us. - And if I may add quickly as the new CEO and president of Smithfield, I'm personally promised that that the we're going to do better. And, and the first change under my leadership is transparency. And, and at times brutal honesty and, and the truth is that that our industry, in addition to the outbreaks that are happening at our plants our industry poses a serious threat in effectively bringing on the next pandemic, with CDC data, showing that, three of four infectious diseases come from animals and the conditions inside of inside of our farms can sometimes be Petri dishes for new diseases. Hog farming also causes immense harm to our air and waterways. - Well Dennis that's I want to ask you about that's what I want to ask you about. - What's really funny about this is Maria Bartiromo the TV host really thought she was interviewing the CEO of Smithfield foods, which is a massive meat giant. But in fact, it was Matt Johnson from animal rights organization. DXE I mean, let's look at the comparison of the two. You have to admit, they do look pretty similar, but the fact that Fox news were duped was quite startling. The sheer audacity of Matt Johnson to pull off such a stunt is what makes this moment so historical. - Well we have an important correction to make it appears. We have been punked earlier in the program. I interviewed someone calling claiming to be the CEO of Smithfield foods, Dennis Organ We've since learned that that was not Dennis Organ but an imposter making false claims about the company. - Anyway, thank you so much for watching. Let me know down below your favorite vegan TV moment and I've got a surprise for you cause we've actually left one very special moment off this list. That happened two days after our exclusive interview the very man himself when he gave his truly historic speech - I think that we've become very disconnected from the natural world. And many of us what we're guilty of is an egocentric worldview. The belief that we're the center of the universe, we go into the natural world and we plunder it for its resources. We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow. And when she gives birth, we steal her baby even though her cries of anguish are unmistakable. And then we take her milk, that's intended for her calf and we put it in our coffee and our cereal. And I think we fear the idea of personal change because we think that we have to sacrifice something to give something up but human beings at our best are so inventive and creative and ingenious. And I think that when we use love and compassion as our guiding principles, we can create develop and implement systems of change that are beneficial to all sentient beings and to the environment.
Views: 275,886
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Keywords: joey carbstrong, earthling ed, veganism, diet, animal rights, vegan diet, tv, viral, butcher, vegan vs farmer, piers morgan, vs, debate
Id: or84TnNKgU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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