Top 10 Worst Video Game Pre-Order Bonuses

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pre-order bonuses are a worrying trend as a whole but these are the worst of the worst there is one thing I do know I have a job to do and I'm gonna see it through welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 worst video game pre-order bonuses so what are you waiting for come along rabbit for this list we're looking at those little extra bonuses that came with the game as a reward for pre-ordering the ones that you immediately regretted there was a time when I thought myself the deadliest scourge to the scene we're only looking at pre-orders here so limited editions like the 1 million saints row 4 package and the torso bust that came with Dead Island Riptide will not be included also Deus Ex mankind divided horrible pre-order augmentation would have also made this list but thankfully Square Enix realized how terrible it was and cancelled it so they dodged a bullet as pre-order numbers climb more rewards are unlocked number 10 extra melee attacks remember me this little video game that ironically no one remembers is a science-fiction action game that follows a memory hunter as she fights to regain her lost memories the game is focused mainly on hand-to-hand combat with its distinguishing characteristics being the combo lab a feature where players can customize their own combos with pre-ordering the game from Amazon Best Buy or Steam players were treated to three unique fighting moves the flash kick the spinning bird kick and the dragon punch yipee why didn't they just include those in the game to begin with nobody knows but that's gonna be a trend number 9 Ranger mode the limited edition Metro last light there is our hero these games with an intense cult following take place in a post-apocalyptic Moscow and has you playing as underground soldiers fighting for survival seems like there's four kinds of things stirring up seeing as how survival is such a key concept for this game the developers must have thought that adding an extra difficulty setting would shake things up for die-hard fans I surrender surrender Ranger mode was thus created and it was placed in the limited edition of the game which was only guaranteed to those that pre-ordered the standard game even though it calls itself a limited edition it was the reward for a pre-order and therefore eligible for this list kind of insulting don't you think if you don't pre-order the game guess what you can still have the Ranger mode after the game comes out charge you five bucks number eight glow-in-the-dark condoms infamous second son uh if you want to get your hands on infamous second son you can get your hands on one some condoms no we didn't just read that wrong in Italy the pre-order of infamous second son actually came with glow-in-the-dark condoms but what it really has to do with the game no one really knows maybe so you couldn't create a second son of your own other than that there's absolutely no connection between this game about a man who is ostracized for his superhuman powers and glow-in-the-dark condoms oh and it also came with two Red Bulls because those are hard to come by now as weird as this may be why can't we get cool [ __ ] like that in the u.s. uses a poster no one ever gives you condoms number seven sand globes Resident Evil 5 you're kidding right if the Resident Evil series screams one thing it's snow globes well sand globes in this case because the game is set in Africa isn't that clever the game follows Chris and Sheva as they battle mutated monsters and humans and of course the sand globe is the perfect thing to supplement all that your friends will gawk in amazement at how much the figures look like their respective characters and how well the sand refuses to snow but instead flops from one side to the other I don't know about you but this is definitely one thing that all horror fans must own am i right gang it on and see what happens snow glow number 6 25 extra lives sonic lost world I think I liked it better when I was trying to destroy you in 2013 Sonic was on his last legs so the franchise needed a major boost so for this entry Sega decided to offer the questionable bonus of 25 extra lives for those that pre-ordered the game never have you seen a group so evil so nasty and devious sure extra lives aren't bad but as a pre-order bonus that's kind of a letdown when the reward is extra lives the game is basically screaming that it's impossible to summarize for in the end the pre-order was considered a joke and the game received mixed reviews talk about a marketing misfire number five a football Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag little more than a blowpipe but no too quick what do you think of when I say 18th century pirates battling it out on the open sea did you say football no of course he didn't please dude it'd be tough say regardless some retailers especially in the UK packaged this game about clashing pirates with a black football with the game name etched on the side why because American football is so popular in Europe duh captain got the look of a man crafting a bold idea look I've seen before you Mogwai laddie the bonus became somewhat of a joke on the internet with many people questioning just what it was that Ubisoft was thinking when they created this brilliant idea oh wait I get it the Tampa Bay Buccaneers pirates because the British would totally get that joke right number four a commemorative coin Super Mario Galaxy hype was through the roof for this Mario installment because he was now on the Wii and like most franchises that run out of ideas in space needless to say this historic game needed some form of remembrance so those that pre-ordered were treated to a commemorative coin it's literally just sort of like a silver coin with Mario flying through the air on the front this is really just an excellent page sure it may make a cute keepsake for diehard fans or coin collectors I guess but it's absolutely useless for most gamers you can see them now selling on eBay for about five bucks as gamers desperately trying to rid themselves of this meaningless item first of all it looks pretty damn crappy - it doesn't look anything like a Mario Brothers coin from the games and been a big wee on the back number three retail exclusive pre-orders Batman Arkham City never heard of it that's not what I wanted to hear Warner Brothers games is pretty much notorious for abusing pre-order culture with a lot of their games at times often flaunting their pre-order bonuses immediately once the game is announced and yet Batman Arkham City may be the worst offender of all yeah that's how we get respect DLC for Robin was a pre-order offer for Best Buy while Game Stop gave a DLC map then any other retailer got to use one of five different skins for Batman you expecting a kiss ea did something similar with Mass Effect 3 by keeping weapons as retail exclusive pre-orders and while WB games did tone it down a bit for Arkham Knight they still locked content to retail pre-orders closing time bringing news Gotham's underworld is terrorized by the brutal Red Hood over time oh sorry number two the dayz euro promotion Call of Duty advanced warfare yeah if I remember all of that like it was yesterday that was today actually a lot can happen in one day pre-order column to the advanced warfare at Gamestop and get the exclusive day zero edition anyone who follows gaming knows that the Call of Duty franchise is the king of the multiplayer world and that millions partake every year in the fun so for those that pre-ordered the latest installment they were treated to 24 extra hours of multiplayer as it was released to them a full day earlier than other gamers are they really that desperate that they needed an extra 24 hours of play time what are you doing we don't kiss go if that wasn't bad enough the digital pre-order version of the game didn't work properly for the ps4 and Xbox one users forcing them to redownload the entire 40 gigabyte game on day zero you see what else this thing can do Plus Xbox one users using the 14 day trial had issues getting online fun stuff America's been trying to install democracies and nations for a century and it hasn't worked one time before we take a look at our worst offender here are a few honorable mentions number one too many packages watchdogs I saw something no one was meant seen watchdogs a game about a hacker who can manipulate the city was aimed to be the be-all end-all of open-world games needless to say a disappointed a lot of people but that disappointment is nothing compared to the mess that was the pre-orders I called the cops you didn't know less than five retailers had exclusive content including Game Stop Amazon Walmart Best Buy and Target most of these came with awful bonuses like different outfits exclusive guns or an extra mission job I didn't know it was such a mess that many people needed a spreadsheet just to keep up with who offered what when bonus content is that complicated it's definitely not worth it brah honey your uncle's a different kind of person it doesn't mean he doesn't love us do you agree with our list I'll erase the last barriers myself what pre-order bonus were you dismayed with four more fulfilling top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to if you you
Views: 3,540,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, Watchmojo, Terrible Pre-Orders, Day Zero, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Batman: Arkham City, Watch_Dogs, Super Mario Galaxy, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Sonic Lost World, Resident Evil 5, inFamous: Second Son, Metro: Last Light, Thank God
Id: xajRLB7Adc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2016
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