Top 10 Worst States in 2024

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today we're going to see what are the top 10  worst states here in 2024 everyone's favorite   subject outside of Mississippi so how do you  decide which is the worst state well if it's   just like one subject like the worst state when  it comes to Poverty it's easy you just look at the   poverty rate and there you go worst healthc care  you got to look at two things access and outcome   again simple but if you want to see what the  overall worst states are you have to look at the   bigger picture what we did was we took the 30 most  common things people use to judge of State we gave   each state one point for each time they showed up  in the top 10 of all the categories is it perfect   science no is it interesting yes some of the  stats we used were serious like domestic violence   Healthcare and murder rate While others not so  serious like political climate traffic and weather   now we're not going to go over where every state  ranked on every single subject that would get   quite tedious I'm sure so I'll tell you how many  times they showed up in the top 10 and some of   the more interesting stats that they were in the  top 10 with some also overlap like murder rate and   violent crime kind of the same thing but they're  a little bit different High School graduation   rate and school rankings again kind of the same  but different got it get it good let's take a [Music] look number 10 West Virginia West  Virginia's got its fair share of struggles   sort of like a one-legged man trying to win a  tap dance contest the king of all West Virginia   struggles is jobs lots of folks there have a  tough time finding work that pays well enough   to survive which considering they're one of the  cheapest states theoretically that shouldn't be   hard to do but it is back in the old days it  was pretty easy but coal ain't covering the   bills these days for most of West Virginia's  industrial history coal employed almost half   the residents either directly in coal or in some  kind of supporting industry like indirectly these   days it's closer to 10% residents keep saying  coal is coming back but it's not they may have   slowed the bleeding it'll never return to its  former glory the situation they're in is sort   of like this let's say in 1980 a single Coal Mine  employed 900 people and in 2010 it had gone all   the way down to 300 people here in 2024 it's  employing 325 people that's not a win that's   better than it was in 2010 but it's not coming  back it's not just the coal mine either you got   a lot of Health stuff health problems in West  Virginia are a serious problem I mean besides   the basic black lung that everyone talks about  they're dealing with opioid addiction an older   than average population these are hardworking  people there are great people wonderful people   the ones I have met never had a problem with any  of them and they Pride themselves on how hard   they work the downside is as you get older that  hard work you start paying for it in the form of   a bad back bad knees anything else because their  financial problems in this state they also have   a lot of INF infastructure falling apart and they  also have a lot of educational shortcomings when   it comes to budget they are recovering from the  opioid addiction issues they had let's say 5 years   ago it's gotten better it's not perfect but it  has messed up a lot of families there's a lot of   people in jail and a lot of grandparents raising  their grandkids right now some of the top 10s West   Virginia showed up in as the worst they're the  fourth poorest second when it comes to obesity   they have the eighth highest unemployment that  one changes all the time so they're usually around   seventh or eighth but they are second when it  comes to the most underpaid States the good news   is low cost of living and low housing costs West  Virginia had 13 appearances in the worst top 10 [Music] lists number nine Arizona Arizona like  every state on this list has more than enough   problems to give a governor a stroke and not  in a good way one of the biggest problems with   Arizona is the heat obviously it's the middle of  the freaking desert and I know a lot of people   really enjoy hot weather but a good portion  of the population can't stand 100° weather 4   months a year I know it's not that bad but  I'm sure it feels like it the only saving   grace about their heat is it is a dry heat I  know that's like the stereotypical thing and   it almost sounds like a joke but I would much  rather take Arizona's heat than Mississippi's   heat or Alabama's heat you're just constantly  wet and sweating it's horrible Arizona also   knocks it out of the park when it comes to water  they are always in a drought situation you can't   can't grow grass you got to have Cactus for  plants there's always a worry about wildfires   especially during the dry spells which is  pretty much all the time so yeah Arizona's   got its perks and it's definitely got its  challenges now how they get on a list like   this is how many times they showed up in top 10  worst lists they're number two when it comes to   air quality as in the worst number two first  when it comes to heat fourth when it comes   the political environment yes that is a negative  that's a it's a red state but it's turning into   a purple state right now this is causing a lot  of friction amongst the residents back in the   old Tombstone Arizona days they had laws that you  couldn't talk politics or religion while drinking   I think also you couldn't do it if you were  armed they should do that again Arizona comes   in fourth when it comes to domestic violence  there was one other one that I found while I   was looking at the domestic violence stats that  isn't really gauged on this thing but I thought   it it's noteworthy they lead the country  in teen sa so you know if you don't know   what sa is is I can't say it without getting  demonetized but it's the unauthorized use of   another human being's body against their will  Arizona showed up in 14 of the worst top 10 [Music] lists number eight Oklahoma yep The Sooner  State Oklahoma is the land of wide open spaces and   not so wide open minds bless its heart this state  sometimes feels like it's trying to figure out   which way is up from tornadoes that spin faster  than in my head when someone says free tacos to   a state's budget that is tighter than a pair of  jeans after a Thanksgiving dinner Oklahoma sure   knows how to keep things interesting and  don't even get me started on the weather   in the summer this place is about as hot as a  jalapeno enema then the winter rolls around and   it turns into the frozen tundra most people  know this about Oklahoma but they're still   moving there Oklahoma is slowly becoming one of  the most popular states to move to even though   it sucks terribly just goes to show you people  will endure a lot for a cheap house and low cost   of living now I did see a lot of different  articles about Oklahoma having a whole lot   of potholes and things like that the roads are  bad but I looked up their infrastructure ranking   they're actually 22nd in the nation so I think  that's kind of an illusion a lot of people there   have they've got a lot of open road maybe bad  things are happening there who knows stay off   the dirt roads Oklahoma's fine when it comes  to roads and infrastructure when it comes to   education they're ranked the third worst in the  nation Oklahoma had 16 top 10 worst appearan [Music] number seven Alabama Alabama the land  of sweet tea Civil Wars and civil rights this   state is known for Crimson tied football a  complicated history and Southern Hospitality   where the humidity Rivals a hot shower  and the mosquitoes could qualify for the   Olympics Alabama's the typical Southern State  conversations about the weather anywhere you   could debate politics anywhere and be thrown out  a certain establishments for suggesting that Mayo   belongs in banana pudding alabamans claim they  have their priorities sorted out but the rest   of the world scratches their head and tries to  figure out what the hell they're doing this is   a strange State like West Virginia it's got a  host of problems but it has amazing people that   know how to have a good time so how does Alabama  make it to number seven well there's a few things   like they're the second most polluted state in  the Union they're the third most humid state   they're seventh when it comes to poverty and  their fifth when it comes to gun violence they   also seventh when it comes to workplace safety  Alabama showed up 16 times in the worst top 10 [Music] lists number six Kentucky Kentucky  used to be the punch line for many hillbilly   jokes back in the day somewhere around the mid  1980s West Virginia shot pass Kentucky in the   punchline Olympics kenty's biggest hurdles  always have something to do with poverty in   the Bluegrass State it is tough for a lot of  folks to get by find a good job and even put   food on the table then there's their education  some areas are lagging behind so much when it   comes to funding for their schools it's almost  like they're denying a lot of their students   a fair shot at a successful life then there's  healthare Healthcare in Kentucky really boils   down to access compared to a lot of other states  they have fewer clinics fewer doctors and fewer   hospitals per capita the quality of healthcare  is great it's just getting in to see a doctor   is the the biggest problem here they also have  some infrastructure problems but really Kentucky   gets on the suckage list because of poverty gun  violence and domestic violence Kentucky ranks   as the ninth poorest state they rank 10th in gun  violence they are first when it comes to domestic   violence 45.4% of women in Kentucky have been the  victim of some form of domestic violence they come   in second to S assault now just off of Kentucky  for a second the absolute worst state when it   comes to S assault is Alaska and they are almost  triple the rate that Kentucky is when it comes to   schools Kentucky has the sixth lowest graduation  rate Kentucky showed up on 16 of the worst top 10 [Music] lists number five New Mexico New Mexico's  got a history of suckage they always seem to show   up on just about any negative list there is  from murder rate to the athletes foot rate   and everything in between but as far as desert  States go one could argue that this is the most   beautiful Desert State we have it is beautiful  I'll give it that what's not beautiful is its   laundry list of nightmare situations going on  here daily high crime lowest literacy rate and   poverty rate they're all scraping the bottom of  the barrel one other interesting fact they have   the third highest repeat offender rate yep  inmates released from prison in New Mexico   have a 49% chance of getting locked up again  or recidivism is what they call it the worst   is Alaska and that's 61% the lowest oddly  enough is South Carolina 21% while I was   researching that one I happen to come across  countries with their recidivism Norway has   the absolute lowest it's like one out of  every 15 inmates will end up back in jail   for some reason or another New Mexico comes in  second for residents on public assistance yeah   some form of welfare they come in second place  for that one they're the third poorest state   and the state with the seventh highest gun  violence rate 22.7 people are victim of gun   violence for every 100,000 residents New  Mexico shows up on 18 of the worst top 10 [Music] lists number four California yep  California made the list and I'm sure a lot of you   think it should be number one because that's what  you hear and all the horrible things going on in   California it's just a nightmare and I know they  paint this horrible picture like it's a freaking   war zone with a Hollywood Sign still intact the  fact is California is a nightmare situation in a   lot of respects homeless cost of living housing  but they have a lot of good things that put them   on number four opportunity that's one they have  a really high rate of opportunity meaning your   future looks good and you could probably find  a job if you're looking for one their economy   is outstanding their domestic violence is low  their health care is excellent infant mortality   is low obesity rate is low their infrastructure  is pretty good they got great weather and plenty   of things to do now where they suck are a lot of  different things traffic believe it or not their   schools aren't great housing costs obviously  cost living is horrible but some of the ones   that stood out for California that that might be a  little surprising worst air quality absolute worst   they have the worst high school graduation rate  yes if you include Washington DC they rank 51st   in the nation they are the least safest state for  workplace now that could be everything from being   run over by a forklift to workplace violence  this is another one that might shock you they   are fifth when it comes to tax burden everyone  is under the illusion they're the absolute worst   when it comes to taxes it's actually New York  followed by Hawaii Vermont Maine then California   now that's all taxes combined if they're missing  one like let's say they don't have a sales tax   or something they make up for at other places  California showed up on 18 of the top 10 worst [Music] lists number three Mississippi you know  on this one I feel like I'm beating a dead horse   everybody knows the Magnolia state has been  a nightmare since forever I mean you got to   go back to the Civil War days when they were one  of the wealthiest States we had absolutely when   cotton was all the rage payroll was non-existent  in most cases they were doing pretty good but   I will mention to be fair in recent years  Mississippi has climbed up the food chain   when it comes to education they were always the  bottom of the barrel it's like they didn't even   think about really putting much effort into it  till I would say the 1980s maybe late 1980s they   did like the bare minimum I would say around 95  99 they really started picking up steam and when   it comes to education it takes a lot and a lot of  time to really climb out of a bad hole and catch   up with the rest of the States they're doing an  excellent job their universities are excellent now   but they have a lot of things that drag them to  the bottom of the barrel first in poverty they are   the absolute poorest state we have they are third  when it comes to worst graduation rate now I will   tell you one thing that sounds strange I Just  Praise them for all their efforts they've made   towards school they used to be the bottom of the  barrel like I said and it wasn't even close now   there's a lot of factors to this it is very much a  rural State and in a lot of rural states you have   low graduation rates because a lot of kids will  go to school till they're a junior or whatever and   then they go work on the Family's Farm or they  get into some kind of agricultural work which   in a lot of cases they don't need an education  Mississippi is the absolute worst when it comes   to gun violence 28.6 people for every 100,000 will  be the victim of gun violence this year they're   number one when it comes to obesity and number  one when it comes to automobile fatalities now   that one wasn't one of the ranking 30 that we had  but I just wanted to throw that in there because   I thought that was amazing I would have assumed  that had something to do with states that have   a lot of giant interstates and a lot of traffic  Mississippi showed up on 20 of the 30 top 10 worst [Music] lists number two Arkansas Arkansas  is another interesting State it's a lot like   Mississippi it's a lot like Alabama it is very  much a Southern state now I make fun of Southern   States all the time my family's from Mississippi  spent a lot of time there gotten to know a lot   of people from the South I spent time there in  the military my problem isn't really with the   people of these states it's how they've been  run for decades and decades so it's really   the politicians I have a problem with Arkansas  is a perfect example and their problems go Way   Beyond when Bill Clinton was in charge I keep  getting emails and comments about how their   current governor is the worst Governor ever now  I don't think she is she's actually not doing   a terrible job other than she had some issues  with questionable purchases for her office from   a friend's company I saw one thing on the news  where the guy was saying that she paid $199,000   for this Lecter people were saying it was like  a $1,500 Lecter not a penny more if you don't   know what a Lecter is it's like a little Podium  they use when they're giving speeches first day   I was in college U there's some paperwork up near  the Lector in the front of the class and I asked   someone where they got uh some piece of paper  we're supposed to look at and he said it's up   there by the lecan and I'm looking around for a  person I thought that meant like the lecturer I   didn't know it was like a Podium thing yeah he  started laughing when I he realized I didn't   know what he was talking about then the jackass  loudly said the Lecter is is that Podium thing not   a person and there's a lot of Giggles Arkansas is  the fourth poorest state they are seventh when it   comes to the worst high school graduation rate  eighth when it comes to gun violence with 22.6   people being victims of gun violence for every  100,000 residents eigh for domestic violence   third for re offenders and third for automobile  fatalities Arkansas showed up on 20 just like   Mississippi on the worst top 10 lists all right  before we get to number one if you're looking to   move to another state there is a website called  home and money that will get you in touch with a   real estate agent anywhere in the country and it  also has all kinds of other things to help you   on your home buying Journey so to speak it's in  the description area below all right on to number [Music] one and number one Louisiana ho Louisiana  Louisiana has a lot of problems going for it but   it also has the French quarter so that's  pretty fun by the way if you ever go to   the French Quarter I encourage you to go it's  a lot of fun make sure you keep your wallet in   your front pocket things like that don't pull your  cell phone out in front of a bunch of people you   don't know don't get too terribly drunk but have  a good time it is quite a sight to see my piece   of advice to you is do not get a hotel room near  the French Quarter I made that mistake and got a   hotel on Bourbon Street cuz I thought it would  be cool oh my God I didn't sleep for 2 days but   Louisiana once you get past New Orleans has a lot  of problems crime is horrible in this entire State   they have the second worst state capital in the  nation Mississippi has the absolute worst Jackson   but Baton Rouge is almost as bad is one of the  most violent cities in the nation just wrecked   with poverty and everything else but the whole  State's like that Louisiana shows up always in   the bottom three whenever you're doing a worst  state list almost every single thing as you'll   see in a second here Louisiana ranks second  when it comes to Poverty they're the second   poorest state in the nation second when it comes  to gun violence they are the absolute worst when   it comes to workplace safety they are fourth when  it comes to obesity and second when it comes to   the most natural disasters flooding wildfires  homicidal strippers they got it all Louisiana   showed up on 23 of the worst top 10 lists all  right that's today's video hope you guys enjoyed   it hope you got some information out it now  go out have a great day be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 195,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: United States, United States of America, World According to Briggs, Travel, Real estate, Top 10, top 10 worst states to live in america, top 10 worst states, top 10 most dangerous states in america, usa, real estate, travel, worst states, top 10, united states, america, us, west virginia, alabama, arizona, oklahoma, arkansas, louisiana, mississippi
Id: -_RbuK7svpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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