Top 10 WORST neighborhoods in the United States of America #2. Chicago and Los Angeles are on it.

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what is going on fellow earth dwellers how about we do a second neighbourhoods list neighbourhoods you should never dwell in to be more specific I said in my last video that we could do two or three of these bad neighborhood videos I'm thinking more than now that I'm doing some research we have a bunch of really bad neighborhoods in this country now one thing to keep in mind about this list a bunch of stats bad location and a reputation pretty much make up a bad neighborhood if you think a place is bad because it has a bunch of violent crimes well you're correct that does make it bad but it might not also have a sewage treatment plant in its borders or crappy schools like another neighborhood so that's why a really dangerous place might not have made this list what I'm getting at is crime isn't the only stat on this list and they really don't fall into any particular order but all have a strong argument for being the worst now I know this should probably be called ten more bad neighborhoods I get it stop typing still gonna call it top ten I have a theme on this channel and I'm sticking to it but anyway the neighborhood's on this list are the type of places you don't need to move to or at least move to willingly so why don't we take a look here's my top 10 worst neighborhoods in America number two number 10 druid hills birmingham alabama druid hills isn't the place you want to be for very long or for any amount of time to be perfectly honest in the past year this small neighborhood has seen sixty counts of theft twenty-three burglaries 13 shootings and five armed robberies and recently they've seen packs of coyotes roaming the neighborhood I don't even think these things traveled in packs I mean small family units and I get that I mean I watch Discovery Channel on the roadrunner cartoon I mean I know it all so move to druid hills that you like theft burglary shootings and the unnatural evolution of the coyote number nine the Fairfield Area Baltimore Maryland in case you ever visit Baltimore don't ever visit the Fairfield area the crime rate here is 305 percent higher than the national average giving you a one in nine chance of being involved in a crime while in the neighborhood the good news is this is an industrial area and doesn't have any homes really and they shouldn't this place is polluted like most places that have industrial areas for more than like a week in the United States I imagine they do have people living here though they just live outdoors kind of like urban campers that do it for more than like a weekend this apparently is all a hot spot for overnight parking if you're living out of your car number eight North Blue Ridge Kansas City Missouri this area of Kansas City is a very small community with only about a hundred residents and it's a good thing the population is so low this is a very poor area the unemployment rate is 210 percent higher than the national average of the residents who do work the income per capita is only about $12,000 12th on $12,000 anyway they also have more broken-down cars than residents it seems and that's not counting the local pick and pull now I'm talking about cars and backyards that haven't moved in 10-15 years and even the ones on cinder blocks in the front yard that haven't moved in three years yeah they got a lot of those now they do have a Dunkin Donuts and that kind of makes you forget about all the rest but still it's not a good place number seven College Hill st. Louis Missouri Missouri you've made it twice on this list isn't that great this one you can get the whole story on this town almost on stats alone the unemployment rate in College Hill is 185 percent higher than the national average the median household income in College Hill is 63% lower than the national average the overall crime rate in College Hill is 219 percent higher than the national average you know something's wrong with your neighborhood when you drive through it and people have boarded up all the lower windows on most of the homes not vacant homes occupied homes they do have this really cool tower in the middle of town oh look a boarded up windows number six Hunts Point New York New York this one is so bad HBO did documentary about the streetwalkers that work here everything about this neighborhood is horrible the cost of living is 12% higher than the national average how how is that a thing everything about this place sucks and it still cost too much to live there that's crazy if you live here now move that's your best option being able to tell people you live in New York City isn't worth living here the crime rate is 65 percent higher than the national average and the average income per capita is $11,000 how much are these street walking girls making here if they're only making eleven thousand a year number five West Englewood Chicago congratulations Chicago you're on the list and congratulations all of you that always ask why Chicago didn't make the list I've explained this before but we'll do a quick recap on why it never does make the list there's just too many people in Chicago and since crime stats and all other stats are done on averages and per capita it just doesn't cut it it doesn't add up most of Chicago is really nice with really good people West Englewood is not part of that Chicago it is actually known as the worst area in terms of gang activities in Chicago the crime rate in West Englewood is 262 percent higher than the national average I'll say that again the crime rate is 262 percent higher than the national average while in the area you have a 1 and 9 chance of being involved in a crime this ladies and gentlemen is one of two neighborhoods that give Chicago a bad reputation okay maybe there's a third number for Eagle Dale Indianapolis Indiana this area of Indianapolis is no stranger to crime a little over twenty percent of the population is living in poverty for the most part this is due to their drug dependency just last week authorities served 15 search warrants from these raids 11 pounds of meth 60 pounds of weed 18 firearms and 25 bootleg copies of Madea Goes to Jail were seized like I said these people aren't drugs that was just Tuesday also what the hell do they have planned for Friday Eagle Dale is safer than two percent of the cities in the United States in other words if you took 100 towns in this country there would only be two worse than this little slice of heaven number three Midtown New York New York Midtown is the highest per capita rate in all of New York City it's actually 215 percent higher than the national average for every 100,000 residents there's 126 crimes reported just last month there were reports of teens robbing newsstands a lyft driver being assaulted by a bicyclist in traffic 18 reports of men exposing themselves and four reports of people trying to buy jet season tickets I'm telling you it's gotten bad in Midtown number two for Park Chicago for Park is the worst area of Chicago you can go to the crime rate is 145 percent higher than the national average the total year-over-year crime in the neighborhood has increased by 13 percent the schools here are bad they have no jobs and the weather sucks this is what politicians are talking about when they're trying to scare you into voting for them two or three neighborhoods in Chicago are bad and they make it sound like this whole city's a war zone then they make you think they're the only ones that can save you so you better vote for them it's all nonsense and stop typing I'm not saying any party does it more than the other one they all do it they're all guilty sucks and number one the fashion district in Skid Row Los Angeles Skid Row in the fashion district are right next to each other and kind of are one in the same and stop typing they are and they're all so frickin scary places to be and should be avoided at any time of the day or night Drugs and Crime are out in the open in this area and they have an overall crime rate that's seventy five percent higher than the national average and I promise you that is an incorrect stat I'm sure it is much much higher I used to work in this area at least I had to pick up supplies here and it looks like downtown Tijuana if downtown Tijuana took a turn for the worst it's worse than Tijuana I'm not kidding the reason I say there's more crimes is because nobody reports anything the police trying to avoid this area at all timed and the locals know it and they don't even call the police the police have pretty much taken the stance that if there's not a body they're not investigating anything so it's useless to call them it's you gotta fend for yourself in these neighborhoods a cop told me that once he said if there's not a body they're not showing up the area is said to be America's homeless capital with around 2,500 homeless residents within this half square mile I'm not kidding it's a half square mile the streets here look like people are camping out on the sidewalk to get the latest iPhone or something it's just these people are in line every single day and all of them put together don't have enough to buy one iPhone I'm not even kidding they're all broke obviously they're living in Skid Row Los Angeles and they go around the fashion district digging in trash cans it's sad I'm not trying to make light of them that's a bad situation there and it is probably one of the worst neighborhoods in the country the two of them other all right so that's my top 10 worst neighborhoods in the United States number 2 I hope you guys enjoyed it hope I didn't scare you too much but there are some scary neighborhoods in this country I'd love to hear what you think subscribe if you haven't already subscribed I have links if you want to buy some merch that's down below everybody have a great day be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 190,771
Rating: 4.7995577 out of 5
Keywords: Royalty Free Images Stock, Top Ten Lists, travel, Top 10 reasons not to, best cities to live in, worst cities to live in, worst neighborhoods in america, most dangerous places in america, worst neighborhood, poverty in america, worst places to live, us cities, baltimore, los angeles, Chicago, birmingham alabama, worst american cities, top ten lists youtube, Worst cities in America, Worst us cities, Worst American cities, top 10 worst neighborhoods in los angeles, new york
Id: 6Liq7LbKuVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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