Top 10 WORST Movies 2023

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as the trailer to Star Trek Nemesis once said for every force in the universe there is an opposite kind of funny to reference that movie in a video about the top 10 worst of the year but that is to say when I make a top 10 best movies of the year list I got to make a top 10 worst movies of the year list it's funny as time has gone on I feel like the the concept of making a top 10 worst list has become taboo like you're not supposed to but as the great philosopher Erman trout once set yeah well I enjoy it so sit back relax pour a beverage water or otherwise let's celebrate the top 10 worst movies of 2023 funny enough there's a movie I'm actually going to Omit from this list cuz I I went in pretty hard on Five Nights at Freddy's in my review but as I say comment below let me know plot twist I do read the comments in my videos feedback is important I saw a lot of comments that were like yeah the movie was messed messy but the games are messy and that's what the movie was supposed to be to me it sounds like a bit of cope doesn't change the fact that it seems like Five Nights at Freddy's the movie did land with fans of the franchise in large part anyway and in a world where a lot of these big studios or movies uh betray the properties when a movie does right by fans I feel like that should be celebrate so live long and prosper Five Nights at Freddy's I will see you in the sequel also in a world where it was tough for me to make the top 10 best list to find 10 movies that I like that much this was difficult in a much different way I had to whittle it down in a world where there about 15 bangers that could have been on this list so not having to deal with one more that that's that's the thing I'm doing for myself as well full transparency also these are not reviews for the movies I'm just going to briefly touch on why they're bad I do have reviews of all of these movies if you want to check out the reviews let's not stand on ceremony let's get this bus fire going with number 10 number 10 I'm just going to start this out with Ant-Man in the WASP Quantum Mania a movie when I watched I was like all right there was some enjoyable things in it maybe with a bit of booze it didn't make it better by the way so I was just wrong about that that rating just seems very flawed once again another MCU movie that has cameos I feel like cheap sitcom cameos boiling it all down it's just you had something that worked with the first Ant-Man movie and they just it's like they forgot all about it the movie is too big for ant-man's britches it's as simple as that compounding with the fact this is actually what made it on the list is I continually forget about modok being in this movie it's so strange I'll see a movie I'll talk about it with friends and they'll be like better or worse than Ant-Man of the was Quant Mania and I'll be like it's probably worse and their response is always is there anything in that movie that's worse than modok and I'm always like oh my God I forgot about modok no the answer is no it's the worst thing in a comic book movie in 2023 how does my brain just pull it out and forget about it it's like Horus slug horn sorcery or some [ __ ] I always forget about modok and then I remember modok in the movie's just worse you know what was better than this movie and modok the Flash number nine next up Aquaman and the lost kingdom yeah don't worry after this I never have to try to remember the title of this movie again Aquaman 2 is actually kind of an interesting thing that's lived in my head for about a week I do not believe the movie saw in theaters was the movie James Juan made or set out to make I feel like Aquaman 2 to James Juan is alien3 to David Fincher if you believe the reports that's exactly what it sounds like this movie was supposed to be well something cohesive something that made sense but the Final Cut of the movie just jumps around it I splashed my scotch on me waste not the Final Cut of the movie felt like Edward Scissor Hands got his hands on it or something just sliced it to [ __ ] I just feel like we've seen enough good from James Juan to know that this is not how he does it if this is the last movie in your DCU before the reboot I don't know why you just don't let the guy make the movie he's set out to make none of it's going to lead to anything anyway so just let it happen number eight next up is a Megalodon part two you know what I me yeah the first Meg you say oh it's just dumb fun this Meg movie was just dumb bad Dollar Store Leviathan Dollar Store Abyss though I am glad to know 20,000 Fe below the surface without a suit all you need to do to keep from being crushed from the water pressure is clear your sinuses I get campy fun for the sake of Camp be fun but you got to lean into it more than this movie did it wasn't fun it was just trash number seven next up the MCU strikes again with the Marvels how someone who has the power to reignite a dying Sun by flying through it would struggle in any fist fight whatsoever well less Beyond me but she is struggling against the most forgettable villain in MCU history so there's that this movie was a mess bad CGI bad green screen cheesy SNL comedy bits about cats slurping people up and vomiting them out for the sake of getting them off a space station or a planet of people who sing I feel like when a documentary is made about the movies of this time some years or decades from now looking back we're going to learn the truth about how much AI played a role in writing this [ __ ] tell them we just got to call it how it is which is why these lists are important number six speaking of AI possibly and probably making trash let's talk about wish wish the chat GPT screenwriting test run known as generic a fantasy Adventure I think me talking about AI writing this [ __ ] is my way of trying to believe that people didn't write it they can't be that lazy right no way an entire Act of Bruce Almighty that illustrates granting everyone's wish is probably irresponsible went over a human being's head the cinematography was boring there was no sense of art to it it didn't feel like fantasy the side friend characters were forgettable it felt like they had a movie and someone was like well we need a group of side friend characters 2023 was a year that Disney felt the squeeze we need to try crazy concept people have been telling them that for years but now they know financially it's wild to see the contrast between Disney Animation when they were in their Prime in their Heyday to now to this number five next up The Exorcist believer which could have been pretty cool in fact when the movie was starting out I was like all right it's going a different direction feels like they're trying to flesh this out give it a shot turns out it was one of the most generic [ __ ] Exorcist movies I've ever seen in my life which is what I'm talking about when I say disappointment generic Exorcist movies Diamond dozen and a generic Exorcist movie is a sequel to The Exorcist dude also has Ellen buron in it dude it was when they made her useless that's when the movie truly knows dive for me I was like okay she's in this movie to have her in the trailer to get asses in the seats number four next up retribution do you remember retribution I didn't until I was looking through my reviews of the year coming up with my top 10 list and I was like what was that wow well that sounds bad for what I was saying about it after my review I did remember it somewhat I remember it being nonsensical illogical ass [ __ ] physics jumps the shark like a [ __ ] at one point good for Li n and still getting those paychecks still riding the wave from the first Taken movie that's impressive but this is one of those straight to Walmart bin movies I don't know how it got a theatrical release but there I was sitting in a theater number three next up Children of the Corn barely remember this one either however it was a weird thing that was always there on my mind like like a little Post-it note when people would come up to me I'd run into people at theaters it's like one of the it's one of the questions people like asking me what's the worst movie of the year and usually I'm not good at that I'm not used to being like Oh hey here the top five or the I'm just I usually have my mind on other things so I would have to whip out my phone and be like all right let me go through my reviews and see what I've reviewed this year not with Children of the Corn Children of the Corn was always there I always had that to pull from and i' would always be like well Children of the Corn sucked ass I would it was just my go-to answer I always knew it I always remembered it and then a CGI corn monster when in the book it's implied to be Randall flag possibly but that would have been kind of cool I didn't need to see a corn monster just have something in there that could be Randall flag intrigued me a little bit less would have been more but no sure CGI corn Monster by the end why not who doesn't love that number two man the top two it's the difference between bad and and disappointing I'm opting for disappointing being number one so number two Expendables four feels like forever since I saw this movie turns out it was about 3 months ago wild sometimes time flies sometimes it just drags but Expendables 4 it was truly awful what was once a celebration of the action stars of yester year became a cartoon version of itself again there's leaning into cheese for the sake of fun for the sake of the celebration of action films and then there's just a massive waste of time this is that second one there's been some bad green screen in 2023 a lot of which are on this list Expendables 4 had the worst of it holy [ __ ] it DS on me two Jason Statham movies on this list to be fair Jason Stam does feel like the one carrying this movie he's the one not sleepwalking to the end when you have martial arts Legends like e wise and Tony jaw this in an action movie and you waste them and the action is still this bad no it's terrible number one number one and I will say right now is this objectively the worst well that's subjective my brother and I have a tradition at this point we will pick a movie that's bad usually it's I have to determine the movie cuz I'm the guy who watches the movie so it's me double dipping on [ __ ] but we'll watch the bad movie will talk [ __ ] while sipping Scotch already been decided Indiana Jones in the dial of d is the next movie in that tradition this movie had a lot going for it man James mangled was directing he's one of the best directors working right now in my opinion Harrison Ford was back in the end they just brought Indiana Jones back to make him this sad old broken grumpy man on this adventure well they Han soloed him like I said in my review maybe it was a spoiler Talk video but I guess that's what you do with Harrison Ford characters now have this great iconic Rog likee Adventure bring him back make him a grumpy old broken man whose life has just Fallen apart and then [ __ ] him more again with that documentary in the year 2035 looking back at movies of this era I want to know the story behind this never saw Phoebe Waller Bridge before saw her in this movie her character was an [ __ ] when anyone has to self-describe themselves pump themselves up to other people result daring beautiful self-sufficient these movies are written by people who apparently think Gaston from Beauty and the Beast is likable cuz that's how he would talk about himself that's right Belle I'm resourceful daring beautiful self-sufficient the chase sequences felt too sterile too clean everything was too CGI it didn't feel daring didn't feel like Indie every other Indiana Jones movie is better than dial of destiny that includes Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and that's why it's the number one disappointment of 2023 thus to me it's the worst of 2023 so there they are there there you have it those are the 10 movies in 2023 that turned me into a grumpy dick thank you for watching this video I appreciate it and once again like I said in my previous video thank you once again for making another year of Me on YouTube possible we press forward to 2024 which let's be honest is probably going to be a trash fire that's election year dude out there it's going to get ugly in here we just talk movies and that's fun so your list of the top 10 worst or disappointing movies of 2023 whatever they whatever you think comment below let me know and as always if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click right here to see [Music] more
Channel: Jeremy Jahns
Views: 792,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10, worst, list, 2023
Id: 13AwhTWRUX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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