14 NEW Avengers That Phase 5 Will Introduce

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with Marvel's new phase five coming up soon we are all really excited but with most of the Avengers gone what or who can we expect now to save us all and so we decided to make a list of some of the new Avengers that we believe face five will introduce and without further Ado let's begin so let's try and start off with ant girl or Cassie Lang for a more familiar name she has already been around as ant-man's daughter for quite a while now but what about her as a hero for those of you that do not know Cassie Lang in the comics eventually becomes known as the stature because of some life-altering events and we will try and leave that as a hint and then later Stinger because of her questionable choices spoilers but uh she has about the same abilities as Ant-Man you know becoming really big or really small yes surprise surprise we could say that she's there to carry on the legacy of Ant-Man and she probably is as the rest of the Avengers are already retiring or have already started to with the other younger generation of Avengers already introduced and ones we can expect to see in Phase five like ironheart and Echo here we have another one and she is making her debut as ant girl we are curious to see how much of her they will bring from the comics but for now we feel like Young Avengers might be in the works somewhere come on you're excited you have that feeling about that too don't you you know try as they might keep it a secret but you and me we are on to their tricks okay so when we first saw Nicholas Cage with his skull on fire did we automatically know that he was from Marvel what you all knew from the start seriously well we think that we can probably see at least a cameo from this Hellraiser at least once in Phase five and why because of the Thunderbolts so Marvel has already announced the Thunderbolt Series in Phase five and guess who's a member of this Suicide Squad oh yeah Ghost Rider he is more of an anti-hero than a full-time hero but we love him and we are so excited to see who's going to take on his character and if Nicholas Cage will return for the role he probably would since Marvel does have a knack for bringing back the originals which we all really enjoy but if it is not Nicholas Cage some people are hoping for Norman Reedus to play the role and you know we think that he would be a pretty fitting Choice we've seen Norman Reedus and death stranding connected to death in The Walking Dead fighting the dead now he's literally becoming the Dead Oh yeah this is just starting to get more and more exciting or deadly huh okay the name might sound like Spider-Man and may give some of you the impression that she is basically like spider girl but older that's not it at all when it comes to Spider Woman Jessica Drew or Spider-Woman is not your average spider Persona or variation whatever you want to call it she may share some of Spider-Man's abilities like superhuman strength agility durability spidey sense but where Spider-Man shoots webs she shoots Venom and she has a motorcycle Spider-Man doesn't have one of those now does he she's also immune to poison and has regenerative abilities and so you already know how awesome she is at this point but what is her connection to phase five and how do we know that we can expect to see her well she's one of the main ones in secret invasion in the comics and she also plays a part in secret Wars there's also the new spider-verse movie which could introduce Spider Woman as part of the MCU but that's difficult to say even though everything is now connected by the Multiverse so anything works speaking of the Thunderbolts we also speculate that we might see Agent Venom soon ish alright so we don't quite believe Agent Venom will be joining us anytime soon but there has been some build up of his character already especially in the post-credits scene of Spider-Man no way home where we see that the Symbiotes are all going a bit crazy over Spider-Man to the extent that they left a little something and we assume that they might bring back that dark and edgy Spider-Man from Sam raimi's Spider-Man 3 but most importantly they might bring us Agent Venom for those that don't know that is how Agent Venom comes to be from symbiotes so we can already tell that there's some sort of a setup here but again it's difficult to say that it's going to be in Phase five but who knows we might get ourselves a surprise since Agent Venom is part of the Thunderbolts as well and we have spider-verse coming out so there might be somewhat of an introduction since Tony revolory the actor for Flash Thompson and the current Spider-Man universe has really been pushing for an Agent Venom movie for quite some time now although we aren't really sure if he's going to be Agent Venom or someone else is going to be casted since uh unfortunately he was quite negatively received by audiences as flash but I guess we'll have to see where that goes so the last time that we remember seeing blade was more than 10 years ago and honestly did you know did you really know this guy was from Marvel too of course she did but anyways let me tell you a little something about blade as a refresher so he's half human and half vampire making him a damn Peer who is immune to vampire bites and he hunts vampires yeah he's basically Blade the Vampire Slayer who has almost all of the abilities of an average vampire but now improved because he isn't disintegrating from the Sun regenerative abilities super speed superhuman strength heightened senses and excellent combat ability blade is just one of those really the cool characters and those sunglasses he wears come on that's uh like literally the definition of cool we really wanted to see this character again and now finally he's going to be back on screens blade will be getting his own movie already announced by Marvel to appear in about 2024 which by the way is also when phase six happens and uh there were some issues in the making of the movie which sadly caused the delay but Marvel has assured us that blade is Phase five there are also some interesting spoilers about blade from the comics in case you didn't remember he has close ties with Dr Strange the X-Men and guess who oh yeah that's right Ghost Rider This spells out a lot for potential plot points that we can speculate but we cannot get too ahead of ourselves since this movie is still in the works but still we are really really hoping that we are going to be seeing Ghost Rider alongside blade would that not be epic please Marvel please all of us are waiting on the X-men with baited breath when will we see their debut when are we going to see Wolverine and Deadpool on screen together Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds on screen as part of the MCU oh yeah let's talk about a few of the characters in this entry mainly storm beast and Wolverine okay let's start off with storm first we expect that our favorite weather changing Queen might be making her debut soon as well at least we hope because if you remember the way that the hints were dropped by Tom Holland before Spider-Man no way home about him meeting Andrew Garfield or bumping into Tobey Maguire we are aware about how sneaky Marvel can be with giving us subtle messages like that Nate Moore the producer of black panther 2 mentions and I quote well Storm's relationship with wakanda is pretty interesting end quote and yes we agree it is pretty interesting but there isn't any Black Panther movie or Series in Phase five while that may be true we just can't rule out that she might just be making her debut and very secretly but we are watching and there's surely going to be someone in the upcoming Ant-Man movie huh like storm perhaps maybe secret Invasion has a lot of Heroes okay so about Beast he is another character We Believe might make his debut soon and we love it do you all remember this gentle yet Fierce guy he's such a lovable character and we are ready to welcome him so how do we know that he might be making his debut as well compared to storm Beast might be a much sooner appearance and we can take the clues from Secret Invasion so from the trailer Abigail brand has already been confirmed but who is a close associative Beast oh yeah that's right Abigail brand but if that doesn't assure you in the comics and this is spoiler during the secret Invasion a few Scrolls have been brainwashed and believed themselves to be heroes and one of them being oh yeah you guessed it beast and Beast also played an active part in stopping the skrull invasion now we aren't sure how much of the plot from the comics we can expect to see in the series but Beast is very intricately embedded within the MCU so it makes sense for Beast to make his debut in the secret Invasion series and we really hope he does how can you not just completely adore this guy look at him he's so fluffy so about Wolverine the last time you Jackman made his appearance as Wolverine was way back in Logan and he has since completely retired from the role but through the efforts of many people we can finally expect to see him again in Deadpool 3 and yeah we are super hyped for it but Deadpool 3 is set for phase six so what about phase five from what we have gathered so far mar Marvel still feels like there is quite some time for there to be a full X-Men thing and with Phase 5 and 6 revealed we didn't see any X-Men there either we can only hope for cameos and debuts right now so for Wolverine and we think that maybe there is a chance for him to appear in Phase five maybe alongside Beast or maybe in a post to credit scene we already mentioned a secret Invasion a bunch in this video but Wolverine plays a role in that Series in the comics so something of that sort like an introduction and confirmation of him in the MCU since Deadpool 3 will be out sometime in phase six it is definitely possible that they sneak in Wolverine somewhere all of us fans are just really waiting for anything X-Men a surprise appearance somewhere in the background or something just anything you know now I just want answers just give us Wolverine we've already seen this character introduced in the trailer of Marvel's upcoming series secret Invasion for this one we will talk about Abigail brand and on the surface she seems similar to the black widow or Maria Hill since you know she has similar combat abilities but let us comic fans let you in on a little bit of a spoiler she's literally pyrokinetic abilities so pair her combat abilities with super powers and oh yeah you've got yourself a seriously awesome character Abigail Brand's debut is perfect for this new series in more than just one way first off she actually is a part of the secret Invasion universe and then she has a lot of Secrets of her own for Comic fans you already know what we're hinting at here but for those who don't know this character might be more interesting and important than you think unless well Marvel has other plans and we believe that she'll take on an important role as an Avenger and as part of the X-Men I mean the MCU maybe we are being set up for X-Men and we are really hoping since we've seen Professor X recently but I guess we'll just have to wait and see again we'll just keep waiting here just need some info but we'll keep on waiting okay we've already seen in the recent Doctor Strange movie that that Mr Fantastic has been introduced but what about the other three that you know made up the Fantastic Four we do believe they might also be introduced in Phase five let's have a look here let's start off with invisible woman or Susan storm now again we would like to reference a secret Invasion for this one or actually all of the Fantastic Four because all four of them play a part in the comic at the very least and since we've already gotten the introduction of Mr Fantastic or what's left of him and we do have a feeling that Marvel thinks it's time to add the Fantastic Four into the universe or again we hope now a little about who exactly is invisible woman we haven't seen much of her since the last Fantastic Four movie but we do recall her being able to go invisible I guess that was obvious but aside from that she can break force fields make people temporarily blind and what else here oh yeah she she can explode them and you know just reflecting on this is she really a hero because is that not a bit extreme she sounds kind of terrifying now but these are just a few of her abilities that we can gather from the comics and from what we know from her from the movies it is possible that Marvel has other plans because usually characters get edited but we hope that she appears soon alongside Mr Fantastic we really just want to see all four together please so about the Human Torch since Marvel is connecting multiple universes and all the other movie versions what um what about Johnny cause you know he kind of became Captain America yeah that's a bit of a head scratcher but the Human Torch is also someone we expect to see I mean we expect to see all of the Fantastic Four but we do wonder who will show up as the new Human Torch it's not gonna be Chris Evans again right that would be a really interesting and confusing plot twist in most depictions the Human Torch is the annoying little brother who pulls pranks on people he's a bit of a trickster and just someone that you could either love or hate but despite that he is also there when you really need him and he cares for those he loves he is a bit of a hot head huh pun intended and his abilities match his fiery personality as he turns himself into a flaming hero who can even use the power of flight there are many different versions of the human torch as there are with any of the other Heroes on this list but we do hope Marvel brings us something to enjoy with this character in the mix else you know it could turn into a bit of a hot mess huh okay much like the other two the thing might also show up in Phase five the thing in the comics was actually a part of the Guardians of the Galaxy and that was after the Fantastic Four had disbanded I should have said spoilers for that one but anyway so then the Guardians got called for some war and then they got stranded on Earth and then they disbanded and the thing's part in the team didn't last for very long but we haven't really seen the thing being with the Guardians yet which can only mean that the upcoming volume 3 of The Guardians movie could be the perfect time for the thing to make his appearance this speculation May hold some weight even more so because it kind of aligns with the comics of how the Guardians disbanded after taking him in and with volume 3 being reportedly the last movie in the Guardians franchise maybe thing gets to be the new addition in the array of characters that Marvel has been introducing to us lately plus like we said earlier with Reed Richards all already introduced we are pretty sure all of the Fantastic Four are going to be showing up sometime soon possibly as soon as phase five although we recently saw Mr Fantastic being turned into ribbons and Black Bolt also uh taking a hit we're not really sure if Marvel would kill these two characters so easily we think at least Mr Fantastic would be making an appearance again soon maybe through some Multiverse magic but again we will just have to wait and see what becomes of the Fantastic Four in whatever plans Marvel has for them what are your thoughts and opinions for Marvel's phase five which characters are you looking forward to let us know in the comments below and thanks for watching thank you [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 694,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Warlock, Cassie Lang, Falcon, MCU Phase 5, MCU Phase 5 Avengers, Maria Rambeau, Ms. Marvel, Stature, blade, daredevil, echo, iron heart, photon, who will be in avengers 5, fantastic four
Id: ISOM-t2-hKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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