Top 10 Fruits You've Never Heard Of Part 10

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as we dig deep into what the world has to offer we found fruits with unusual colors tastes and shapes all coming up on this episode of top ten fruits you've never heard of part ten number ten pine berry this Chilean fruit also called pineapple strawberry was given the name pure and white strawberry to help promote this berry to the British market discovered by Spanish explorers the pine berries the oldest known strawberry this white strawberry is one of two berries responsible for the common strawberry we eat today grown wild and cultivated organically this berry is found in a protected mountain range overlooking the ocean near manna knowledge hilly growing during Christmas time in this region the pine berries also cultivated commercially in greenhouses in the UK in the Netherlands the first small-scale greenhouse was set up after six years of development and research tasting like the best strawberry you've ever had the pine Berry has a very aromatic scent and taste of pineapple plus the obvious strawberry flavor the flesh is very plump and juicy and it's very satisfying to bite into this berry pairs well with most sweet and savory flavors and dishes behind fiber antioxidants vitamin A C and folate this fruit helps boost the immune system prevents birth defects boosts energy and heart health the general consensus among gardeners is that the pine Barry will fruit the first year the plant has been established the second year will bear some white strawberries but it probably will create some red ones too it's recommended to have one regular strawberry plant for every four pi berries to help with pollination number nine Kirstin fruit native to southern Mexico Central America the Caribbean Bolivia Peru and South America this fruit has two common names being Kirsten fruit and Jamaican cherry although its origins are in warm climates the Kirsten fruit can be found growing in the United Kingdom Japan China and many other places around the world a fast-growing tree that will grow up to ten feet or 3 meters in two years it will produce blueberry like green fruits that are ripened to a reddish color being the size of a large blueberry with tough skin the texture inside is that of having tons of tiny Rice Krispies the Kirsten fruit has the aroma of cotton candy can't complain with that and offers a juicy sweet and sour tart eating experience eaten raw made into jam and baked goods the tree's leaves can also be used for making tea oddly enough this fruit is used to catch fish along riverbanks in Brazil as they are attracted to the fruit that falls into the river being a fast-growing tree the timbre of these trees is durable and lightweight used in construction able to grow in poor soil conditions this tree is heavily propagated by birds and bats person are low in carbohydrates and full of vitamin C a and folate that we use traditionally to treat migraines headaches and gout offer antibacterial and anti-cancer properties and help lower blood sugar number eight milk Apple first documented by a Spanish explorer in the 1500s in Peru this fruit thrives in warm tropical climates most notably found along roadsides in the Philippines Guatemala Panama the Caribbean India and Zanzibar the milk apple was commercially grown on a small scale in Florida in the United States commonly also known as the star apple this green to purple ish fruit as a star-like shape on the inside the purple fruits are more frequently found where the yellow ones rarely in Nigeria they have a local variety that's Orange produce on a rapid growing tree up to 65 feet or 20 metres tall the milk Apple has a smooth almost leathery skin with multiple gelatinous seed pouches the creamy and milky eating experience isn't great when it's at room temperature when chilled though this fruit becomes a delicious sweet dessert tasting like a mix of persimmon lychee and Apple measuring about the size of a large Apple only the inside flesh is edible both the rind and peel are rich in latex something you don't want to consume a creamy addition to a smoothie this fruit is also great for making dairy-free ice cream great fruit to strengthen the bones milk apples jam packed full of calcium and phosphorus when you think of the mineral iron meat and beans come to mind but believe it or not the milk Apple is a potent source low in fat and calories the star apple is high in fiber making an ideal weight loss fruit number seven Oregon grape this evergreen shrub that is immune to wilting is native to you guessed it Oregon found throughout the US Pacific Northwest and neighboring Canadian soils this berry isn't commercially cultivated multiple varieties exist with the tall and low Bush being the most common the tall is used mostly for landscaping where the low is almost exclusively found in the woods this footage you see here was taken four hours hike up the side of a steep mountain near the top and a protected forest a little bit of sweet with a whole lotta sour this fruit is like nature's sour patch kids quite a juicy berry the Oregon grape is refreshing on a hot day but don't chomp down on those oval-shaped seeds inside or in for a nasty bitter rush the seeds can easily be spit out and should be done so otherwise the bitter taste will overwhelm all of a sour goodness you need to check the leaf shape to make sure you're eating in Oregon grape versus a wild blueberry but really the sour taste will instantly give it away they're consumed raw made into jams jellies and fresh pressed juice the berries are used to create a unique purple dye where the inner bark will yield a yellow dye the Oregon grape offers a traditional remedy to fix many stomach issues like infections gastroesophageal reflux disease stomach ulcers upset stomach and cleansing the bowels number six mangosteen one of the most delicious creations to ever grace planet Earth the mangosteen has been dubbed the queen of fruits now if you're wondering durian holds the title of king I can't say I agree with that the mangosteen is purple on the outside and white on the inside grown on a tree up to 82 feet or 25 metres tall this tree originates from Malaysia and Indonesia it can take up to 20 years to bear fruit a banned fruit in the United States up until 2007 the ban on imports was lifted as long as the fruit was irradiated before leading Thailand Central American and Caribbean cultivators are now supplying non irradiated fruit but they don't carry pests getting into the fruit isn't as easy as it looks the outside can be hard as a rock but the flesh on the inside is soft and delicate a hammer isn't the right tool for this job instead first picking a mangosteen that has skin that depresses when firmly squeezed is a good start using a fingernail or a knife to cut into the outer shell but not deeply is the first a delicate pinch squeeze and rotate up the two halves will reveal the jelly-like pods one or two seeds will be present among all of these pods the initial bite is a juicy explosion of tropical perfection you never want to end an indescribable mix of lychee banana peach and vanilla will saturate your mouth with pleasant sweetness juiced frozen made into ice cream and used in desserts the mangosteen is versatile with its uses but really it should be eaten fresh touted for its antibacterial antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties this fruit is full of antioxidants yeah that was a mouthful that fight free radicals number 5 langsat the dooku land zones or langsat fruit is one that's native to Southeast Asia but grows in Malaysia Indonesia Brunei Thailand and the Philippines reaching up to 98 feet or 30 metres tall this tree can produce fruit for a hundred years the fruit measures about the size of a small plum it looks like a potato but don't be fooled the langsat is amazingly sweet followed by a sour twist the firm shell holds a jelly-like pod on the inside as well as a few inedible seeds having a similar texture to leech eat the langsat has a taste of its own tasting like a mix of a grape and grapefruit this fruit grows in clusters just as grapes do eat mostly raw but sometimes cooked blanks at is used in beverages fruit salads and jellies jams and desserts high in vitamin C B complex vitamins thiamine riboflavin and electrolytes blanks at is effective at maintaining good eye and dental health anti-aging managing cholesterol relieving migraines and protecting the skin the seeds of the fruit are pounded and mixed with water and drank as a medication for deworming and ulcers the leaves of the tree are juiced and use as eyedrops to reduce inflammation you've got a wonder who's the first to try that out number four nomnom fruit starting its journey in Malaysia the nomnom fruit Warren immune amou in Indonesian which is named after a flat similar-looking pastry is found in the northern parts of the country this fruit can also be found in India Sri Lanka and Indonesia growing on a shrubby tree up to 50 feet or 15 meters tall the nomnom fruit is unlike all others if potted this shrub can be pruned into an ornament - looking bonsai tree looking like a vomited up pakora this lumpy greenish yellow fruit is wrinkly and gross on the outside and the inside a seam along the side of this fruit is your gateway to the inside within the wrinkly rough juicy flesh are large seeds you don't want to eat when ripe they turn yellow which is also when they're sent and sour flavor will develop eaten raw and cooked with sugar to make a sweet compote as well as pickled this fruit is used in making sambal a pounded chili condiment a sour beverage called star bit juice as nom nom mixed with beets star fruit and honey on the savory side nom nom is used in curries fried with batter to create a fritter and fruit salad with a peanut sauce offering vitamin C a and antioxidants the seeds provide oil used in treating skin diseases young leaves of the nam nam can be used as an anti diarrhea solution not commercially produced due to their short shelf life blasier is the place to go if you want to try this fruit number 3 pacific crabapple found growing along lake sides and stream banks up to mid elevations the pacific crab apples home to vancouver island known as deer candy they're found in moist open woodlands with a single Pacific crab apple tree providing an abundance for many deer to enjoy being elongated in shape this wild crabapple takes on a distinct eating experience depending on the ripeness of the fruit the hard apples will eat like a typical Apple but is sweet and sour at the same time the soft apples are very tart and taste like apple cider when soft you can pull the stem off the Apple and suck out all the soft pulp and juice they feel almost like the texture of a soft grape the flavor is very crisp and sharp and incredibly refreshing these apples go well in the smoothie it should be noted there's two seeds per Apple that you don't want to consume these little wild crab apples are a nice raw snack and can be substituted in place for apples or crab apples and pies applesauce and turnovers the bark of this tree is traditionally used for digestive disorders externally on wounds and as an eye wash on ask me how that works the leaves are a common place for butterfly larvae where the wood is used to make small tools like mallets number two Borel whole fruit native to Colombian rainforests and found in Ecuador in Panama this large fruit is one that requires preparation to consume worrell whole fruit or head shaped fruit as it's known is one that is required to be tree-ripened the mature fruit will fall onto the ground when it's ready to be consumed if picked off the tree early it'll be completely inedible even when it's ripe and edible eaten raw it has a strong bitter taste most would spit out in Colombia to be enjoyed this fruit is made into a drink it's mixed with milk eggs water and sugar he could also be found in local ice creams and jellies the most popular beverage called Google de amor or love juice horoho is an aphrodisiac a known libido booster natural energizer an appetite suppressant this fruit offers three times more amino acids than meat being a front-runner on the ORAC or oxygen radical absorbance capacity scale bara Hall clocks in with a score of five thousand four hundred and forty almost two thousand points higher than red wine and strawberries be high in vitamin C potassium iron calcium magnesium and phosphorus water hole is actually one of the highest phosphorus rich fruits on the planet these high phosphorus levels provide the body with energy and improved brain function number one porcelain berry hailing from Asia the amur pepper vine wild grape or porcelain berry is a small blueberry size berry with fantastic color to it classified as an invasive species in some parts of the United States this deciduous climbing vine can reach up to 65 feet or 20 meters long it can achieve this length thanks to little tendrils that reach out and grab onto something like other plants or a trellis being a fall berry the porcelain berry ripens in September through October throughout the ripening process it changes colors multiple times the fruit will start off green then ripen to a dark purple to a navy blue color and finally a light teal color it's probably one of the if not the only teal colored fruits on earth can you name another as a color comes in so does it starry night spots for a berry that looks so visually appealing same can be said for its flavor offering an earthy woody initial bite followed up by a bitter astringent aftertaste this isn't the berry the neighbors are gonna be stealing off the bush in the middle of the night it's mealy texture with low amount of juice paired to a blueberry please one unsatisfied when eating it to top it off each berry has one big unpleasant seed in the middle that needs to be spit out despite its low score on the taste test porcelain berry offers anti-cancer properties as well as being able to help reduce pain and inflammation a decoction or liqueur made from the roots of this plant where traditionally used to minimize tumors and alleviate bleeding hemorrhoids it's not all bad with this berry if you want to get your hands on some unique tropical fruit watch you head over to our friends at Miami fruit and use coupon code tightened for five percent off when placing an order if you're going on vacation anytime soon to a tropical country and planning on testing out some exotic fruit we recommend you check out our tropical fruit guide which will help you save a lot of money bartering for fruit how many of the fruits on this list have you heard of and which ones do you want to try most let us know in the comments down below you enjoy the content hit that thumbs up button and why not subscribe to the channel until next one have a good one
Channel: Earth Titan
Views: 493,701
Rating: 4.8096933 out of 5
Keywords: top 10 fruits you've never heard of, strawberry tree fruit, buddha's hand, salak fruit, titan top list, top 10 list, ackee fruit, unusual fruits, weird green fruit, weird fruit names, weird looking fruit, weird shaped fruit, weird fruit, fruits of the world, world fruits, exotic asian fruits, asian fruit, weird fruits, exotic fruits, exotic fruit, fruit exotic, exotic fruits pictures, types of exotic fruit, fruit rare, green fruits, tropical fruit, tropical fruits
Id: 8CXUc2vybMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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