Top 20 Hilarious The Big Bang Theory Running Gags

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here's an interesting fact about alcohol hit me welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 running gags on the big bang theory we take the dish off it might fit in the elevator yes but the elevator's been broken for two years i've been meaning to ask you do you think we should make a call about that we'll talk about this later did you always say that but we never do but you love that spot no i love my mother my feelings for my spot are much greater for this list we're looking at the best jokes gags and moments that kept coming back again and again and made us laugh every time leave a comment leave a comment leave a comment number 20 my mother had me tested sheldon is definitely an odd bird and although he doesn't want people to think he's weird most of them do oh no i beg to differ however while some might also call him crazy he has empirical evidence to the contrary as he repeatedly assures us i'm not crazy my mother had me tested we never find out much about these tests or what they were testing exactly but not only does he consistently claim his mother had him tested mrs cooper herself confirms this as well during one of her visits to los angeles doctor says he's fine told you although i do regret not following up with that specialist in houston maybe that specialist in houston could have provided a little more insight number 19. leonard is lactose intolerant being lactose intolerant isn't fun but thankfully leonard isn't intolerant to being mocked for it because if he were he would be in a constant state of flatulence that no amount of open windows would fix its main ingredient is paneer a farmer's cheese that would cause leonard to render any room uninhabitable within minutes leonard's short stature and his asthma are also brought up often but it's definitely his inability to digest dairy that is the most recurrent of the running gags related to his character sometimes leonard brings it up in too much detail like on his first date with penny do you want some right no i'm lactose intolerant right so gas yeah got it frequently though it's the rest of the group that mentions leonard's dairy-induced big bangs well you know milk and the taters milk and the gravy parmesan crust your lactose intolerant boyfriend will turn into a gas-filled macy's day balloon number 18 soft kitty cats in general were a running theme throughout the series from hypoallergenic calicos to zazzy felines i was going to name him herman von helmholtz but he's so fazzy but there is no cat-centric gag more prevalent and important than the soft kitty song we first learn about the song in season one when sheldon gets sick and the guys escape to a planet of the apes marathon leaving penny to care for him soft kitty warm kitty little while that's the first time we hear the song it's definitely not the last this gag keeps on running through season after season and even develops its own specific rules such as the fact that the song is only for when someone is sick and if you mess up you have to start again from the beginning happy kitties um sleepy kitty sleepy no start over number 17 sheldon is a robot okay so we know sheldon isn't actually a robot or at least we're pretty sure he isn't and based on some questioning by howard and raj in season one even they aren't 100 convinced have you ever harmed yourself or allowed yourself to be harmed except in cases where a human being would have been endangered well no i smell a robot what we all do know is that while sheldon may not be a robot just yet he definitely wants to be one and is disappointed when he calculates that he won't live long enough to make that happen so you're upset about missing out on becoming some sort of freakish self-aware robot by this much however it does lead him to create a pretty cool mobile virtual presence device in an attempt to avoid the dangers of the outside world as well as adding brussels sprouts to his diet the latter of which causes him and not leonard to be the flatulent roommate for once worked out isn't it oh lord i think it's about to burst [Music] on the other hand it might have been the brussels sprouts number 16 forgetting stewart when the series began stuart bloom yes that's his last name was a confident talented artist and proprietor of a comic book store now give me the picture well you drive a hard bargain but here all right so um just give me a call so leonard how are you enjoying anything can happen thursday by season three however he's begun his regression into sad depressed loner stewart the poor guy gets stood up by stray cats and is happy to play dead just to be a part of a group activity although he becomes a series regular and a part of the gang it's a running joke that he is often forgotten about when activities are planned i invited you to my murder mystery party no you didn't oh or even when there's some big news like bernadette being pregnant sounds like something a member of the group might know yeah birthday party first pity party later number 15 sheldon and sarcasm sheldon can add up the change under a couch cushion just by sitting down but he usually can't recognize sarcasm when it's staring him right in the face for god's sake sheldon i have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time i open my mouth you have a sarcasm sign this hole in his emotional iq is something the writers have a lot of fun with throughout the series initially the humor is just in him having sarcastic comments go right over his head but eventually sheldon tries to improve and starts to keep track of his stats when it comes to picking up on sarcasm did leonard i'm no expert but i believe what we just heard from penny was sarcasm ah good i'm 8 for 26 this month and it goes really well was that sarcasm no was that sarcasm yes for all the sheldons out there yeah that was sarcasm number 14 howard doesn't have a phd as much as leonard's lactose intolerance and sheldon's not being crazy or mentioned throughout the series there might be no single character point that gets brought up more than howard's lack of a phd you're a doctor you're a doctor you're a doctor you're a doctor and howard you know a lot of doctors howard likes to tell people that engineers usually don't get one but that doesn't stop the jokes from coming but she has no prospects no marketable skills and then one day she meets a group of geniuses and their friend howard for the most part it was sheldon commenting on howard's phd list level of education but the other members of the group also got their jabs in during the show's 12 year run even his loving wife chimed in on the matter you'd want to get teased about that get a doctorate i have one they're great number 13 the wi-fi password maybe the most impressive thing we noticed in the show is the strength of the wifi in sheldon and leonard's apartment many of us have probably experienced weak wifi in different rooms of our house and yet on the fourth floor at 2311 north los robles avenue the wi-fi in the guy's apartment is strong enough that penny can use it in her unit across the hall hey leonard is your wi-fi down i can't get on oh sheldon changed the password it's now penny is a freeloader it might be a tad unrealistic but we're okay with it because it leads to some very funny moments whenever sheldon changes the wi-fi password if you can't get me to stop eating your food what makes you think you can get me to stop using your wi-fi i believe that you're capable of great change leonard can usually be counted on to give the new password though and the formatting at least is always the same yes it's penny get your own wi-fi no spaces thanks number 12. bernadette sounds like howard's mom we got a little glimpse of this one early on in their relationship when bernadette and raj were bonding over teasing howard they poked fun at some of his favorite jokes and both did their impression of his mother help me out of that sub i'm stuck again however the next time we hear her do the voice it isn't in jest and it's the beginning of this funny running gag we're very different people howard so communication's a little tricky does he like the pancakes he didn't try them yet an added dimension to this is the fact that howard doesn't initially pick up on the fact that she sounds just like his mother it isn't until she yells at sheldon and leonard one night during dinner that it finally clicks you guys ever noticed sometimes bernadette sounds like my mom i don't hear him no not at all number 11 howard and raj are a couple the running gag that raj and howard are a couple is hard to miss even leonard's mother sees it the first time she meets them in season two both selective mutism and an inability to separate from one's mother can stem from a pathological fear of women it might explain why the two of you have created an airsets homosexual marriage to satisfy your need for intimacy whatever the reason for it this relationship is played up throughout the series after that the two best friends often argue like a married couple and have gone as far as to seek professional help we're just saying all the things we love about each other oh like you and i did at couples therapy they even kissed two times once virtually and they've felt each other up we aren't sure what base that would be for bernadette but it sure sounds like first base to us yeah maybe number 10 restraining orders one might not think of restraining orders as comedic fodder but on the big bang theory not only are they played for laughs they are played on repeat throughout the series wait here i'll get some alka-seltzer we can build that rocket and we can shoot it at bill nye's house as long as i'm not within 500 feet of it we know sheldon is harmless and definitely wouldn't hurt anyone especially his idols but he can also be a little let's call it persistent it is this quality that led to a number of restraining orders filed against him boy a restraining order from stephen hawking no lips so nice next to the ones he's already got from leonard nimoy carl sagan and stan lee the ones from leonard nimoy and carl sagan are just mentioned on a few occasions but we are witness to the ones filed by bill nye the science guy and stan lee you boys may have had gelato with stan lee and gotten autographed comics but i saw the inside of his house and got an autographed application for a restraining order number nine amy crushing on penny the growth of amy farah fowler was one of the biggest character transformations on the show that sounds so great but i have a little more studying to do can you believe this nerd when we first met her she was a robotic female version of sheldon who only dated once a year to get her mother off her case and disliked physical contact from anyone even penny please don't touch my breasts i wasn't going to all right i just want to establish boundaries cut to a few years later and she's getting drunk in vegas writing sexy little house on the prairie fan fiction about sheldon and totally girl crushing on penny and penny's reactions from awkward to flattered take these running gags across the funny finish line there's not a hair on my body i wouldn't let this woman trim number 8. penny loves wine after 12 seasons of the big bang theory we still didn't know penny's last name but we did know that she loves alcohol particularly wine she might not have a clean glass to drink it out of but that won't stop her from getting her buzz on yep that's good wine glasses should have handles and penny's love for the grape juice that burns is often commented on and joked about throughout the series hey you guys want to play a drinking game no no we'll never win but you always play the drinking game it also serves as the catalyst for a few of the biggest moments on the show including her first ever kiss with leonard and that ill-advised hookup with raj quick-draw couth ripali this never happened do you understand me really still can't talk to me number seven food questions sheldon is a man of routines and habits and when he finds something he likes he sticks to it there's no harm in trying something new there's a lot of harm in trying something new that's why we test out drugs and cosmetics on bunny rabbits that includes his food as anyone who brings him his meal is sure to discover via a barrage of questions regarding its contents and preparation did you remember to ask for the chicken with broccoli to be diced not shredded yes even though the menu description specifies shredded yes brown rice not white yes did you stop at the korean grocery and get the good hot mustard yes did you pick up the low-sodium soy sauce from the market yes thank you you're welcome what took you so long while there are a few people who get the full questioning treatment most of the time it's leonard on the receiving end leonard does get to turn the tables on his roommate one time though and inundate him with questions black beans not pinto beans yes double guacamole of course no cilantro nope lettuce shredded nut chop yup you understand why i'm doing this to you i do that'll be all it is a very happy moment for lenny number six bazinga no running gag or quote from the show has been entrenched into our pop culture lexicon more than bazinga once again you've fallen for one of my classic pranks bazinga if you don't own a red t-shirt emblazoned with the word know someone who does or have seen someone wearing one we assume you haven't left your house in the last decade the word was first uttered on the show in the season 2 finale and was last heard in season 8 when sheldon announced his sheldon at email address why dot biz because i just gave you the business and also was taken in the intervening six seasons bazinga was uttered many a time but maybe the most memorable was the classic ball pit scene in which sheldon while evading leonard continuously pops up out of the balls and proclaims his signature catchphrase bazinga number five mrs wallowettes from cheers to home improvement there is a history of television shows featuring a character whose face is never completely revealed to the audience maybe you shouldn't try to have all the answers and instead ask more questions and the big bang theory carried on that tradition with howard's mother mrs wallowetz not only is her face never revealed besides one brief moment passing by an open kitchen door but she is never even seen on screen although she is most definitely heard do their parents know they're here no but if you keep screaming maybe they'll hear you loud wall penetrating screams are an integral part of the show and a running gag that continued until the sad day she passed away i didn't care for her yelling but now that i'm not going to hear it again i'm sad if you want i can yell at you later it won't be as good number four the roommate agreement while a great laugh-filled running gag for fans of the show the roommate agreement was anything but funny for leonard i don't care i'm done hold on are you saying that you want to invoke clause 209 i don't know what that is but if it means i can go home and sleep then yes think carefully here and in fact it was the cause of much of the anguish he had to endure for all those many years that he and sheldon lived together now some provisions probably didn't cause leonard much stress like clauses for zombie apocalypses and correct flag usage never fly it upside down unless the apartment's in distress however there were many items in said agreement that did annoy and enrage leonard and even led him to retain a lawyer one time albeit one that he was sleeping with schooled legal principle is ambiguity in a contract benefits the party that did not draft it in this case leonard so much for count one but there's no but sheldon that's how the law works school number three sheldon's spot it is the singular location in space around which sheldon's entire universe revolves and it's the running gag that began on the very first episode it is of course sheldon's spot and if you know nothing else about it you know not to sit in it and if you don't know that you find out pretty quickly as penny did in the pilot episode in the winter that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm and yet not so close as to cause perspiration in the summer it's directly in the path of a cross breeze created by opening windows there and there it faces the television at an angle that is neither direct thus discouraging conversation nor so far wide is to create a parallax distortion i could go on but i think i've made my point sheldon's spot is an ever-present running gag that even extends beyond the apartment into his parking spot at the university the fact that he doesn't have a car is irrelevant maybe they reassigned it because you never use it well i'm not using my nipples either may should reassign those it also leads to one of the most heartfelt gestures of the entire show when he gives his spot to howard even if it only lasts 94 seconds i changed my mind get out of my spot number two the broken elevator on the surface there may not be anything inherently humorous about a broken elevator but the fact that it is broken does lead to some funny situations often involving heavy items being carried up the stairs almost there almost there almost there no we're not this includes new furniture for penny and a time machine for leonard the broken elevator with the crime scene tape across it is a silent yet ever-present character on the series sheldon when is your landlord going to fix the elevator i don't know lately we've been talking about converting it into a missile silo one that becomes so ingrained in the fabric of the show that when the elevator is finally fixed in the penultimate episode it leads to one of the biggest audience reactions of the entire series i can't take anymore [Music] you believe it they finally fixed the elevator number one three knocks this is definitely one of the best jokes on the show but it also was the one that almost never happened i bet that started off as a joke but by the third one you realize there was something strangely enjoyable about it yeah i kind of want to do it again if we go all the way back to the second episode of the series the first time we ever see sheldon knock on a door he only knocks once this one knock anomaly aside for the next 12 years his multi-knock obsession is a constant running gag penny penny penny like the broken elevator sheldon's knocks become so important to the show that in season 10 he even confides in penny the reason he does it and another burning fan question is answered i mean the first one's traditional but two and three are for people to get their pants on now if only they would have told us penny's maiden name do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from msmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 1,189,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, TV, bazinga, funniest the big bang theory moments, list, mojo, mrs wolowitz, msmojo, running gags, running jokes, sheldon knocks, sheldon's spot, soft kitty, tbbt, the big bang theory, the big bang theory moments, the big bang theory recurring jokes, the big bang theory running gags, the big bang theory running jokes, the roommate agreement, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: w8SYYxkX8sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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