Top 10 Times Emily Blunt & John Krasinski Made Us Believe In Love

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these two go together better than peanut butter and jelly welcome to Ms mojo and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top ten times Emily Blunt and John Krasinski made us believe in love before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list we're looking at all the adorable and funny moments that make this couple one of the most relatable in Hollywood number 10 their red carpet love it isn't uncommon to see googly eyes on the red carpet but what Emily and John have is definitely next level not only do they look at each other like they're the only ones on the carpet but they're also physically affectionate and constantly making each other laugh your date night like with your group of friends what do you guys like even with paparazzi screaming their names you can always see them whispering to each other they're funny individuals but together they glow it's clear that they're best friends and have a dynamic everyone should strive for in a relationship number nine John's obsession with The Devil Wears Prada before even meeting Emily John was totally obsessed with the masterpiece that is The Devil Wears Prada are you wearing this with the Chanel boots yeah you look good he's so obsessed that he's reportedly seen at 75 times which he has admitted might actually be an under exaggeration even though Emily plays a snarky receptionist in the movie this is where John's love for his wife truly started and then John also told me that he is seeing Devil Wears Prada 75 he's kind of story like that yeah it's a little weird no I'm touched and on it he also knows all the amazing outfits in the movie by heart and even has his favorites picked out despite the obsession Emily isn't creeped out by him and admits she's flattered by it number eight scuba diving on their honeymoon I'm a big phobia of sharks I feel like there are sharks in any massive water well where it's a pond that's where they live they live in the water guaranteed while honeymooning with John Emily Blunt faced her fear of sharks head-on by scuba diving in shark-infested waters clearly this wasn't entirely her idea but she went along with it anyways and I lost it five seconds I was a get out wow you cave under pressure I mean you say no and then you jump in her reward for being brave was a shark swimming right past her head which caused her to faint underwater while most of us would probably be back on the shore vowing to never set foot in the ocean again Emily's no quitter luckily a sweet sea turtle made the whole thing worthwhile when it gave Emily a comforting pat on the head number seven the Battle of the accents but no I check her hand and to be honest I knew I knew right then and there that I felt everything I needed to feel for John is from Boston USA and Emily is from Wandsworth England so they have very different accents it's something they love about each other but when it comes to their children Emily wants them to speak in the Queen's English really please it's been an ongoing battle since their oldest daughter hazel started talking the three-year-old has flipped back and forth but Emily continues to hope for a little English accent no matter what Emily is determined to be called mum and not mom which really isn't too much to ask for have they enjoyed it I mean very well I'm quite happy that hazel is back to saying water as opposed to water when she started saying number six ALS icebucketchallenge this is the biggest container I could find here we go yes it's always touching when celebrity couples get involved with a good cause but Emily and John do it in their own unique way John was the first to take up the ALS ice bucket challenge but claim to be on location and tried to get away with just using a tiny mug of water on himself Emily was quick to correct the situation by pouring a huge bucket of water on him getting sweet revenge John decided to dump water on an unsuspecting Emily while she's carrying groceries up the driveway it's a fun and unusual approach but one that helps bring attention to ALS number five when John started cooking it started with a Mother's Day gift to Emily okay it's pretty sad that that's what impresses her that just goes to show you how unimpressive I am at home to surprise his wife on Mother's Day John decided to try his hand at cooking he made a delicious meal of roast chicken to pay homage to Emily's English heritage complete with a side of veggies and lemons in the hole best is a water Emily must have really loved the meal because later she made a bet with John on the actual age of Leonardo DiCaprio if she was right then he would cook once a week but if he was right then he would get to play call of duty once a week needless to say John has been getting a lot of practice in the kitchen since he made that fateful bet I would have sided with you he's older he's 41 oh no he really he should be cooking dinner at your house yes I agree number four the Jimmy Kimmel school of perfect acting skit John and Emily have shown remarkable range in their various roles but nothing flex their acting chops more than this gem of a skit stand up and put your mouths on each other go ahead no kissing just mouth pudding he features many big-name stars being forced to do crazy things by the great acting coach Jim Kimmel John and Emily's part starts off steamy when they're told to breathe their lines to each other but it ends on a very sad note when Jim makes them divorce you're not married Johnny's right he's right and dumb and sacrifices is art they may look convincingly devastated in the skit but in the outtakes they can barely keep a straight face number three love at first sight and it's one of those things where you know as soon as you meet someone you you knew right away we met her yes love at first sight may be a bit cliche but we romantics at heart can't get enough of it the year was 2008 the place was a restaurant somewhere in LA and I looked over and it was Emily Blunt and I was incredibly nervous because I was a big fan and probably too big a fan of The Devil Wears Prada so I tried to contain my excitement when I met her John wasn't looking for love but all of that changed the instant he nervously shook emily Blunt's hand he was a big fan thanks to his Devil Wears Prada obsession and so he blurted I liked you when they first met clearly his unique approach won Emily's heart over and the couple were engaged a year later he is my number two their prank war with Jimmy Kimmel and we have a holiday tradition that was started by them a few years back three years ago John and Emily broke into my house we've seen the prankster side of John from his role in the office but this is a delightful new side of Emily when Emily and John moved in across the street from the kimmells a tradition of Christmas pranks was born the prank started out innocently enough with John and Emily setting up a little Christmas display in the kimmells house over the years these pranks grew into a full-blown war of epic proportions some highlights include John and Emily's house getting transformed into the North Pole and Jimmy's office being turned into a winter wonderland before we reveal our top pick here are a few honorable mentions [Applause] how many times have you been to see them I will have seen it by the end four times which I feel is very wifely it is pretty solid how long was the run it's only six weeks six weeks oh yeah that's good yes it's really good that's strong number one when John crashed Emily's acceptance speech part of being in a loving relationship is being happy when the other succeeds in this case John couldn't contain his excitement when Emily went a Critics Choice Award for her role in the edge of tomorrow John who was presenting next ran on stage to give his wife a big hug and a little peck on the cheek presenting next the happy squeals Emily makes when she sees her hubby are absolutely adorable showing just how much John means to her if this isn't a moment of pure love we don't know what is finally to my sneaky husband John for being okay with the fact that he was married to a veiny sinewy wrestler for the duration of this film do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from is mojo and subscribe for new videos every day
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 3,222,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, the times Emily blunt and john krasinski made us believe in love, couples, Hollywood couples, why Emily blunt and john krasinski are the best, best Hollywood couples, MsMojo, top 10, top 5, jim halpert, jim the office, jim and emily, john crashes emily aceptance speech
Id: Q24JohKwZ84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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