Top 30 Greatest Teen Movie Kisses Ever

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[Music] welcome to Miz Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the most butterfly inducing kisses in teen movies since some of these moments happen at the end or at other crucial points of the film consider this your spoiler warning number 30 Bianca and Wesley the duff the Duff wins by employing several of our favorite tropes where your girls at who wants to know the only man in your life Wesley you wouldn't be in my life if you were the only man left on the planet we've got childhood friends who dislike each other now and bonus points for being neighbors a changing room Montage a love triangle or maybe it's more like a love square and of course the big homecoming scene at the end Bianca and Wesley as they begin to reform a friendship that goes beyond the exchange of banter unexpectedly kiss it comes at An Inconvenient time considering Bianca just got her crushed to go out with her but Bianca and Wesley are the couple we're rooting for anyway a little pie offering oh my God Wes the dress yeah you didn't have to do this I never should have called you the duff okay that was stupid the kiss that really steals the show comes at no better time than homecoming when the two shed their labels and admit their feelings aren't you going to go get your crown no I'm going to get the [Applause] girl number 29 Veronica Ronnie l Miller and will Blakeley the last song will I did not come here for some stupid Summer Romance this movie is a little difficult to rewatch knowing the tumultuous relationship that would develop between Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth in the subsequent years but 2010 us could simply not get enough of the last song [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ronnie we got to see Cyrus excel in a role that held a little more weight and got a few passionate Embraces out of it too the best of them has to be when Ronnie finds out about Will's past she doesn't want to be just another one of his flings and he assures her she is not will don't you dare make this about me you and I both know this is not my fault the 360 spinning around them the glow of the Sun the pure emotion in that kiss it hits all the right beats and makes us feel all the things number 28 Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers Scott Pilgrim versus the world this movie is a lot of fun and not just because of the whole video game concept the labor of love that went into this is evident in practically every frame thanks to the clever editing animation text and creative use of sound [Music] uh Scott Pilgrim hi I was thinking about asking you out but then I realized how stupid that would be so do you want to go out sometime Scott and Ramona's kiss comes early enough in the film and it's surprisingly sweet you know if you ignore the fact that Scott hasn't broken up with his girlfriend yet still the animated hearts and bandmate in the background give this moment a little something extra you just won't find in many other teen films [Music] [Applause] and the moment that follows is quite endearing too it's been like a really long time so I think I needed this whatever it is so thank you you're welcome number 27 beatric Tris prior and Tobias for Eaton Divergent in the teen books to movies Cannon Divergent is certainly up there thoughtless we like to forget about the series ending altogether so we can enjoy the first movie and this kiss in peace it happens in the aftermath of four letting Tris see his worst fears in the simulation Tobias just trying to help you to be better they' already grown pretty close by this point with four having found out about tris's Divergence status but this strengthened their connection even more I want to be brave and I want to be selfless intelligent and honest him kind well I'm still working on kind after all nothing says I trust you like letting someone in on your biggest fears and childhood trauma number 26 Matthew Kidman and Danielle aena The Girl Next Door while this was marketed as a teen comedy its content would have you believe otherwise still the girl next door has been cemented as a cult classic and is definitely a product of its time I've just done so much nuts I mean it's just off the hook off the walls I mean you haven't done anything have you no after a rocky introduction Matthew and Danielle spend some time together getting to know each other better it's clear there's a connection there even if Danielle is a bit reticent she brings exactly the sense of adventure Matthew wanted for his senior year it's at a party where he finally makes his move and it's spectacular despite the turbulent developments to come this moment always steals our Breath Away excuse me number 25 Andy Walsh and Blain MCD pretty and pink they just don't write them like Blain anymore these hands will remain in these Pockets I swear to God look at me here come on after he and Andy go on their first date the night ends with a major sore spot coming to light Andy doesn't want him to see where she lives wealth status is an overarching theme in the movie but Blain Stomps his foot right in it I'm really sorry for buming out the night for you didn't bum out anything had a great time liar I was with you I had a great time I was in a Turkish prison I'd have a great time with you not only does he comfort her so effortlessly but we get a wholesome prom post and a kiss that's not quite as innocent feel any better if I asked you to the prom I I know the prom's kind of lame so if you don't want to go CH no big [Music] deal the aror can be felt right through the screen and by the end we're letting out that same scream Andy did it also sets the scene for the Swoon worthy prom smooch at the end number 24 Al Evans and Noah Flynn the kissing Booth come on relax s it was just a kiss while this series may not be the most elegantly crafted of stories it definitely has some great makeouts when L and her best friend Lee host a kissing booth fundraiser things go astray and Al ends up a blindfolded candidate Noah as he has won too many times comes to her rescue and they kiss on stage in front of everyone a romantic song came on I was like oh what going to happen but it until it just didn't cu we can't imagine what was going through El's head when the blindfold came off and much less when they went in for another round the way it shot with the 360 spin and sparks flying around makes this moment pure magic like it's really only the two of them in the world despite the fact that they're still in front of [Music] everyone number 23 Mia Thermopolis and Michael moskovitz The Princess Diaries he loved her before she was Amelia Princess of Genovia and that is the mark of something real folks to be loved is to be seen right why me because you saw me when I was invisible plus there was the whole foot pop thing which we will never get over you know in Old films whenever a girl get seriously kissed her foot would just kind of Pop after Mia reconciles with Michael he shows up for her the way he always has and the two share the most fairy tail kiss ever really the same person and yes I will have to live in jobi a little bit but I'm still going to go to school [Music] and the Magical Ambiance of the whole scene coupled with the tension of the years of friendship and suppressed feelings between them makes this one for the books number 22 Katniss everine and Peter malar The Hunger Games Katniss kind no I'm not going to leave you I'm not going to do that the stress of survival and the prospect of imminent death are definitely things that can push two people together in the case of Katniss and Peta though there was something there long before they entered the arena though this kiss doesn't line up super neatly with the book's version it's every bit as moving peta's on the verge of death when it's announced that the medicine he needs will show up at the cornicopia the question over whether to go is non-existent for cadiss but Peta is steadfast in his opposition there's no way I'm letting you go Peta please stay it wasn't always clear what parts of their relationship were being played up but we know this exchange was right from the heart number 21 Peter Parker SLS Spider-Man and Mary Jane MJ Watson Spider-Man while there are tons of other Spider-Man kisses we love we'd be Miss to give this entry to anything but Sam ry's iconic upside down smooch you have a knack for getting in trouble there's so much to love about this scene and it's no wonder it's been cemented in pop culture history it's pouring rain Spider-Man has just saved MJ again and she nearly made out his identity do want to get to say thank you this time wait all the quick action followed by this slow soft scene makes us feel so much kudos to these two for many managing to make something that could have been so awkward a romantic moment for the [Music] ages number 20 Augustus Gus Waters and Hazel Grace Lancaster The Fault in Our Stars almost from the very start we knew that the Fault in Our Stars was going to be a tragic Romance considering the two leads are both suffering from life-altering types of cancer it should come as no surprise that there's no happily ever after here hello my name is Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters was the starcross love of my life but Augustus and Hazel do manage to share many magical moments together one of which takes place in the unlikeliest of places the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam I can't think about the misery but about the beauty that Still [Music] Remains try to recapture the happiness within yourself they share a kiss after being moved by Frank's experience and the setting adds an extra layer of tragedy to an already devastating Story number 19 Edward Cullen and Bella Swan Twilight how did you get in here the window while Bella and Edward undoubtedly have the strangest courtship on our list him admitting to watching her sleep is not exactly cute the movie makes us look past that with their undeniable chemistry after Edward sneaks into her room and admits his feelings for her they get carried away in a passionate embrace after some intense anticipation as things escalate Edward throws himself across the room telling Bella I can't ever lose control of you it's the line of all lines and one of the most memorable moments of the series number 18 Samantha Sam button and Charlie kcus The Perks of Being a Wallflower whether you read Steven chabo's emotionally effective book or just saw the movie you know that The Perks of Being a Wallflower tugs at the heartstrings you've never had a girlfriend not even like a second grade Valentine nope have you ever kissed a girl no Charlie is understandably in awe of Sam and in this scene she offers him an emotionally complicated kiss saying she wants his first to be from someone who loves him I know that you know I like Craig but I I want to forget about that for a minute okay okay there's a Bittersweet quality here because this kiss is not meant to be the beginning of something which is what Charlie clearly wants still a kiss between two friends can be something truly special I love you Charlie I love you too number 17 Katie Haron and Aaron Samuels Mean Girls the primary storyline in Mean Girls isn't a romance but rather a tale of the relationships between teenage girls but the subplot involved olves Katie's interest in Aaron Samuels who just so happens to be Regina's on and off boyfriend why do you wear your hair like that your hair looks so sexy push back Katie will you please tell him his hair looks sexy push back while their relationship is complicated and Katie doesn't always go about things the right way by the end our protagonist is back to her normal self and ready to focus on treating Aaron right how's your stomach now it's fine do you feel nauseous at all no at the Spring Fling the two share a dance and kiss after she makes things right with Janice and Daman number 16 Josh Lucas and Sher Horowitz clueless if you can't get past the fact that they're former step siblings which we definitely can Josh and Sher are one of the most iconic teen movie Couples of all time you look like Pippy long stocking you look like Forest scump while Sher spends much of Clueless trying to matchmake for others rather than focusing on her own romantic Life by the end it's clear that she and Josh are meant to be oh my God I love Josh although earlier in the story he has disdain for her and doesn't seem to quite get her she eventually manages to impress him with her own specific brand of wits and kindness the two kiss on our House's elaborate staircase making for a memorable ending well you can guess what happened next therefore as if I am only 16 and this is California not Kentucky number 15 the goodbye kisses The Breakfast Club you see us as you want to see us in the simplest terms the most convenient definitions after a day spent in detention nothing is the same for the rebellious teens of shmer high school they've all defied their expectations of one another and formed bonds that no one could have anticipated and I consider you guys my friends I'm not wrong am I before saying their goodbyes Allison the basket case and Andrew the athlete share a slightly awkward smooch despite their very different Social Circles then Claire gives Bender one of her earrings as a symbol of her affection and the two Embrace in a move that seemed incredibly unlikely just an hour and a half [Music] earlier number 14 Lana Skinner and Bennett Russell candy jar this Netflix original movie is a classic tale of enemies becoming lovers Lana and Bennett start out as competitors because they're both hellbent on being the president of their High School Debate Club in order to get into Ivy League schools I've participated and placed in more total events than he has including the state tournament I've also raised more money than she has for our program and for our school and for that lovely building across the oh no no no no you don't get to buy your way to the top with your mother's rodex but as the movie progresses they become friends and while working together they end up sharing a kiss just before the big state tournament Bennett is left wondering what it meant because Lana prematurely ended the kiss the debate is this weekend right in the end however it's clear that their relationship is more important to them than any competition you think I like [Music] you well damn it you might be right number 13 Alex true love and Elliott Alex Strange Love at First Alex Strange Love seems like it's going to be a love story about Alex and his long time bestie CLA excuse me sorry for spying is that a blue ringed octopus you know your spilop pods but Alex soon starts to question the identity he's built after meeting openly G Elliot who expresses clear interest in him sorry I'm a little obsessed that's okay I like a guy with strong opinions the first time they kiss Alex reacts negatively and leaves in a huff over time though Alex does some deep introspection and realizes what he really wants I invited him I didn't think you'd mind on prom night with Claire's encouragement Alex overcomes his fears and kisses Elliot in front of everyone look Alex I really don't there have been a whole lot of prominent kisses and teen movies but this one feels fresh and modern number 12 Ellie cheu and Aster Flores the half of it the half of it is certainly an original love story with high achiever Ellie making extra money by writing love letters on behalf of ineloquent jock Paul I just need a few words good ones I'm not writing to Aster to some girl it' be wrong a letter is personal supposed to be authentic the thing is though the object of Paul's affection Aster also happens to be the girl who Ellie has has a crush on though we don't get to see Ellie and Aster actually entering into a relationship they do share a kiss after Ellie boldly initiates one it leaves us on a hopeful note that the two may work something out in a couple of years after [Music] college I'll see you in a couple years number 11 Laney bogs and Zachary Zach Syer she's all that you know I made that bet before I knew you Laney when Zach played by Freddy Prince junor foolishly made a bet to woo the school's resident artsy loner Laney played by Rachel Lee Cook he didn't think that he would actually fall for her but of course he did it's a romcom after she finds out about the BET and has her heartbroken Zach comes and finds her on prom night he apologizes for his behavior and for ruining her big night Laney forgives him as the two dance in her backyard and she gives him the kiss of a lifetime Bes silent be still be silent Z what shut up number 10 Tessa young and Harden Scott after she took my hand and led me out of the darkness and showed me that whatever our souls are made [Music] of hers and mine all the same Anna Todd's novel after was a sensation when it was released and the steamy adaptation garnered many new fans for Tessa and Harden story this is certainly not a chased High School romance with the characters being slightly older college students well there has clearly been sexual tension between our two protagonists earlier in the movie it all comes to a head when Harden takes Tessa to a lake and they admit that there's no way they can be just friends I thought that you just wanted to be [Music] friends I don't think we can ever be just friends the kiss they share is a passionate one that kicks off their relationship number nine Peter Kavinsky and Lara Jean cvy to all the boys I've Loved Before I'll byself right here even though it only came out in 2018 the hot tub kiss in this Netflix phenomenon became an instantly iconic one in the Teen Movie Hall of Fame while on a class ski trip Lura Jean takes a chance and accepts Peter's risque invitation to hang out in the hot tub ever the good girl Laura jeene jumps in the water wearing her night gown but she's ready to break the rules when Peter gives her a very steamy kiss that's even hotter than the water's temperature this one definitely warrants an instant replay There's No One Like You C number eight Katarina cat Stratford and Patrick Verona 10 Things I Hate About You we've never had as much fun watching two people who hate each other fall in love cat and Patrick have one of the best courtships in Teen Movie history and their kiss at a Paintball Park is still one we want to recreate still showing off their rivalry the couple played an intense game of Smashing paint balloons on one another before falling in the hay and into each other's arms but even after an extensive kiss cat was still on her aame and smashed another Lea balloon into Patrick's head after they broke apart playful and cute This Kiss is definitely the most fun on our list number seven Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part two you do it I can't yes you can we watched hermi and Ron grow up over the course of eight movies but at times it seemed like they'd never actually get together but luckily for us the high stakes of looking for Voldemort's hor cruxes finally allowed these kids to act on their feelings for one another when they both mve moved in for a kiss it was the culmination of everything we've been waiting for and the moment was perfectly executed when they broke apart and laughed playfully their friendship and respect for each other shown making the moment all the more romantic the kiss in the book may have been even better but who's counting number six Torrance Shipman and Cliff Pantone bring it on uh you remember my friend Torrance right popular head cheerleader Torrance and the alternative new kid cliff didn't seem like they'd be a natural fit but this Odd Couple is one of the best pairings with their natural chemistry and bantery flirtation it wasn't hard to root for them despite him being the brother of one of her squadmates that's why it's so satisfying when Torrance finally kisses Cliff at the big cheer competition we love to see our heroin take charge and it felt both spontaneous and earned she may have lost the trophy but she got her man so second place how's it feel feels like first number five Samantha Sam Montgomery and to Austin Ames A Cinderella Story Austin what are you doing something I should done a long time ago A Cinderella Story starring Hillary Duff and Chad Michael Murray is a cult classic and for good reason though it is a retelling of a romance story that we're all familiar with there are plenty of twists and turns to keep us guessing with happily ever after on the horizon Sam confronts Austin about his behavior okay I know that you think that I'm just some coward phony okay just listen no you listen you turned out to be ex exactly who I thought you were I never pretended to be somebody else it's been me all along and it was me who was hurt in front of everybody at the big football game he kisses Sam in front of everyone affirming his feelings for her despite their different social classes at school I'm sorry I waited for the rain it's okay of course this movie had to have a classic fairy tale ending number four Simon Spear and Abraham Bram greenfeld love Simon can I sit there the setting can make or break how romantic a kid is so it's important to pick the right location to maximize the feels at the end of the movie Simon tells his mystery Crush that he'll be waiting for him at the carnival and the two meet on the ferris wheel it's the prime location for his Crush to unveil his identity since onlookers gathered to see Simon land his Man the movie plays up the tension as his Crush leaves Simon waiting until the last minute but when his friend Bram shows up it's worth the wait and they share a steamy kiss while the crowd cheers [Applause] number three Samantha Sam Baker and Jake Ryan 16 Candles it already came true everyone knows that a girl's 16th birthday is an important one but for Molly ringwald's character Sam it was almost ruined by her family forgetting it was her big day since it was overshadowed by her sister's wedding but thank God for Jake Ryan the adorably perfect jock who saved the day by rescuing Sam from the wedding Jake topped himself further by getting her a birthday cake and then giving her the kiss of a lifetime before she even blew the candles out Jake proved that the most romantic gesture isn't always the grandest one but the one that shows real thoughtfulness we're still gushing at how sweet this one was number two Sam Coulson and Josie Geller Never Been Kissed just like the love Simon kiss but with even bigger Stakes the baseball field kiss from Never Been Kissed tugs at her heartstrings because of how vulnerable Josie is after writing a newspaper article where she outs herself as being an undercover reporter she invites Sam the teacher she was crushing on to give her the first kiss she's been waiting for in front of a huge crowd at a baseball game it's a high pressure scenario and just when it seemed like he wouldn't show up he swoops in at the last second the kiss is captured with a sweeping 360° shot and validated the anner Josie in us all before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Romeo montigue and Juliet Capulet Romeo and Juliet Saints do not move they grant for prayer sake then move not while my prayers affect i t upon locking eyes with each other through a fish tank and a crowded costume party it was game over for our '90s Romeo and Juliet the doomed lovers had the most epic case of love at first sight Romeo stole Juliet away for a moment of privacy and kissed her in an elevator but that wasn't enough and he later snuck outside her window which led to an even more swoon-worthy kiss when they embraced in the pool everything about the sweeping sequence was Lush and cinematic and so convincing that it kind of made us believe in love at first sight too but what Love by Summer's ripening breath may prove a beest flower when next which kiss gives you Nostalgia for high school romance let us know in the comments [Music] coms do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Miz Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 87,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, Movies, Rom Com, Romance, best movies, kisses, list, mojo, msmojo, never been kissed, pretty in pink, spider-man, teen movie, teen movie couples, teen movie kisses, teen movie relationships, teen movie romances, the DUFF, the girl next door, the hunger games, the kissing booth, the last song, the princess diaries, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, best movie kisses, best kisses in movies, kissing, kiss
Id: x4Malh_Dm10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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