the falcon and the winter soldier humor | the big three: androids, aliens and wizards! [episode 02]

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shouldn't have given up the shield good to see you too buck this isn't what steve wanted oh my god so what do you want me to do call america and tell them i changed my mind what's our plan great so no plan enjoy your ride buck no you can't call me that why not that's what steve called you steve knew me longer and steve had a plan yeah right it's a great reunion buddy be well good morning america good morning you're captain america you're not good morning john captain uh captain america and that's the way you feel john mclaughlin i have a feeling they might be a part of the big three what big threat the big three white pick three androids aliens and wizards that's not a thing that that's definitely it no it's not i have a plan really what is it great every time we fight we fight one of the three so who are you fighting now gandalf how do you know about gandalf i read the hobbit in 1937 when it first came out so you see my point no i don't don't hurt him there are no wizards dr strange is a sorcerer a sorcerer is a wizard without a hat think about it right i'm right i just i just came up with that it's crazy where's the shoe we're 200 feet it's too low for a shoot i don't need it anyway sure about that yeah these guys aren't magical all right they use brute force just like you the incredibly annoying guy in front of me with the staring problem i'm coming with you no you're not you're doing the staring thing again i have all of that on camera you know that right get out of my face i think they're smuggling weapons though well i think you could be right i see a clear path i say we take it we're not assassins i'll see you inside or not hey come on man i'm just messing with you come back what is it like being captain america do eagles fly overhead wherever you go uh yes look at you i'm stealthy little time in wakanda and you come out white panther yeah that and and flags tend to start majestically waving in the wind hi bucky talk to me what's going on found the hostage i'm inside therefore way ahead of you it's not great but very doable hello how are you good what did i miss nothing you okay i always wanted to do that good of you to join the fight sam all right let's go no wait i got a vibranium on i can take the thing and i can fly who gives a sorry about rattling no you're not hello girl kick your ass there's two people you only see two what else let me see what robot look at that how many people you see now one two oh here comes four yeah five fine what's going on in that big cyborg brain of yours it's computing can actually see it i can see the gears turning oh they're malfunctioning shutting down yep they're on fire let's take the shield and do this ourselves we can't just run up on a man beat him up and take it so nice to meet you thank you for getting them out that was not me christina great to see you again you gotta be kidding me you know him do you remember what happened the last time we stole it maybe i'll help you in case you forgot steve and i were on the run for two years i don't know about you i don't want to live the rest of my life in the vida loca james session now you too sam that's okay i'll be out here with them that wasn't a request so that didn't go as planned huh [Music] let's keep going hey it's black falcon it's just falcon kid oh no my daddy told me it's black falcon look at least we know what we're up against now huh and we're pretty sure it's one of the big three so aliens and georgia wizards pretty sure there's no such thing as wizards is it because i'm black and i'm the falcon well technically i mean yes so are you like black kid i got him right i get it why you want me to talk to freaky magu over here but i'm 100 fine this is ridiculous yeah i agree see making progress already they say their mission is to get things back to the way it was during the blip maybe they're just trying to help you got a funny way of showing it so who wants to go first [Music] no volunteers wow how surprising you hack my test sorry it's not exactly hacking it's government property kind of the government we're going to do an exercise it's something i use with couples when they're trying to figure out what kind of life they want to build together are you familiar with the miracle question absolutely not do you always just stare like that you get used to me you're kind of getting your ass kicked till we showed up who are you or my husky suppose that while you're sleeping a miracle occurs when you wake up what is something you would like to see that would make your life better in my miracle um he would he would talk less exactly what i was going to say isn't that ironic look i see a guy hanging out of a helicopter and tactical gear i need a lot more than lamar hoskins from battle star john spiner battlestar stop the car you guys are leaving me with no choice it's time for the soul gazing exercise i like this one though thank you i love this oh yeah i mean i'm ready turn around i'm just trying to be the best captain america i can be see each other you should really enjoy this i'm going to i know you are yeah that's it it'd be a whole lot easier if i had caps wingmen on my side it's always that last line and face each other let's do it let's stare get close this is good exercise thanks doc all right get close come closer well which you know what fine here are you happy now all right all right good we're locked in it's a little close it's very close that's what you wanted right guys we uh met at 51. if i met you i mean i wiped your ass then yeah there you see that wasn't so hard wait what are you doing are you having a staring contest why does sam aggravate you and don't say something childish we go deal with that and when we're done we both can go on separate long vacations and never see each other again i like that great well let's get to work thanks doc for making it weird i feel much better i'll see you outside well i feel better i feel awful she's a mona lisa she's a mona lisa everyone's lining up to see it there must be something
Channel: maria
Views: 1,085,709
Rating: 4.9796748 out of 5
Id: ZlBxDKmqceQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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