Top 10 Things Making Your Kitchen Look CHEAP And How To Fix Them

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i don't need this magnifying glass to spot a cheap looking kitchen hey there hi welcome to the channel i am garrett and in this video we are talking all about things that make a kitchen look cheap and easy affordable ways to elevate the space and make them look luxurious and sumptuous we're also going to share some custom features you can add to the kitchen to improve the functionality the usability and improve your life we've got a number of these to get through so let's get into the video the first thing that makes a kitchen look cheap and can be upgraded and elevated is actually all about doors we're seeing this a lot on social media being shared on instagram and everywhere and it's actually one surprisingly accurate piece of information this is all about overlay and fitted doors there are three types of cabinetry doors you can have you have partial overlay this requires a little bit less specifics it's a little bit less calculations it's easier to do which is why we see it in a lot of builder grade or more affordable kitchens you then have full overlay this requires a little bit of precision some calculations some fitting it's more luxurious and is really popular for more modern style kitchens this is something beautiful and is definitely an upgrade the final and most luxurious type of door you have is inset this takes a lot of work and usually requires a cabinet to be custom made however you can order new cabinet doors and have them fitted or retrofitted onto your cabinets to elevate them and make them luxurious you can keep the base of the cabinet and just upgrade the doors this is an easy change to make that will elevate and upgrade the space making it look and feel more luxurious no matter what style you choose and while you're at it you could always upgrade an elevate to some beautiful and luxurious new kitchen hardware the next thing that makes a kitchen look cheap and honestly is more of a maintenance issue than anything is grout lines the larger the grout line the less tile you see the more grout line there is to clean the more discolored it can get grout lines should be as minimal as possible and that doesn't mean you can't use tile right now slab cut stone is very in but tile is always beautiful it's timeless and classic using smaller grout lines on tile in your kitchen in any space including bathrooms or anywhere you might have tile will make the tile look more luxurious and more expensive you'll also see more of that tile and less of the grout meaning you're getting more bang for your buck and if you're going to pay for tile you're going to pay for the installation and the materials you might as well get the most out of your money the next thing that doesn't necessarily make a kitchen look cheap but a lot of affordable kitchens have and is eliminated out of more custom kitchens is actually the toe kick now this is kind of that notch at the base of the cabinets that's made for your toes to slip under and i dare you to challenge yourself the next time you're in your kitchen you're cooking you're cleaning whatever you're doing look down are your toes underneath it usually unless you've got three inch acrylic toenails you don't actually use that and it's not necessary it's just kind of a dirty little crevice that gets filled with dust and dirt in my case dog hair or crumbs whatever that is for you it's not necessary and it's actually a maintenance item and hey if you've got those three inch acrylic toenails you have larger issues that need to be addressed first but eliminating that toe kick will actually elevate the space this can be done by adding baseboard and some sort of backing underneath the cabinet that way it'll bring that forward you can put a beautiful piece of baseboard that matches what's in the rest of your home and you don't have to have that little area that needs to be cleaned and that usually isn't really serving any purpose other than in theory which is great but not in reality the next thing that also is a part of a luxury kitchen that more affordable kitchens lack is actually the number of drawers based cabinetry is typically hard to get into it's hard to take advantage of and it's not great for storage and organization which is why i always recommend that you add as many drawers as possible into a kitchen you can have drawers retrofitted into cabinets you open the door you pull out a drawer pretty simple and easy and can be an investment but is definitely worthwhile for the accessibility the storage and the uses of a space having your lower cabinets be drawers is actually really great for aging in place because you don't have to reach deep or try and get on your knees to get into the back of those lower cabinets it makes it a lot easier to pull out a drawer bend down and pick something up if you are designing a new kitchen you're renovating whatever that is for you adding in more drawers will increase the usability and it also increases the amount of storage space you have because you can actually organize this makes a kitchen a lot more elevated a lot more usable and functional which if we're being entirely honest is the point of luxury having an ease of use and the least amount of work possible is what in my opinion makes a space luxurious plus if you don't have cabinetry doors that means that sneaky little bulldogs can't get into them speaking of little bulldogs [Applause] oh yes oh you're very aggressive today are you playful what was that we just reached 30 000 subscribers oh my goodness that's right everyone our channel has just reached 30 000 subscribers and we want to thank you so much for being a part of everything we've been doing here for taking your time hitting that subscribe button and watching and if you're not already subscribed be sure to take a moment hit the subscribe button turn on the bell notification to get notified every time we upload because we have got so much planned for 2022 and a lot of interior design and amazing content headed your way the next thing that makes a kitchen look cheap is actually the feature backsplash this is just not a great place to have a feature in your kitchen because it can just be difficult it can be personal it's difficult to change and it's not always timeless sometimes you get sick of what is there and you want to change it up versus if you have an accent paint color an accent faucet or cabinetry hardware these are things that are easy and affordable for everyone to change something like a backsplash in my opinion should definitely flow with the countertop and that doesn't mean you have to do that slab cut stone it just means have something that pulls those same colors whether you have green marble or granite or you want a purple countertop do the same thing on the backsplash it allows the eye to rest and makes the space a little bit more timeless and definitely more luxurious and let's not forget you have the color of your cabinetry the color of your paint the color of your flooring and the color of your countertop do you need another color ask yourself what the space needs because it probably doesn't a little bit more simplistic and minimal color schemes are always more elevated the next thing that makes a kitchen look cheap or rather makes the space look elevated is a feature faucet this is a great place to add an accent add something beautiful and luxurious it's a great place to invest in your kitchen a luxury a feature faucet is always beautiful because it's something you actually interact with you have to reach you have to touch those handles and the knobs you have to pull the head of it out to spray things down in the sink the faucet is something you regularly interact with so investing in a good quality piece or something that's beautiful will always elevate the space it's also a feature that gets overlooked having a luxurious and beautiful faucet in your space will elevate it and make it look super expensive the next thing in my opinion that makes a kitchen look cheap is the cabinetry that does not extend to the ceiling now some people have ceilings that you just can't take cabinetry up to be it really high 10 12 14 foot ceilings or vaulted ceilings but for those of us that have normal height ceilings having cabinetry that extends all the way up is something really important not only is it from a maintenance and cleaning perspective you can't get dust if there's nowhere to get dust if you've ever dusted on top of your cabinets you know exactly what i'm talking about and if you haven't maybe it's time to dust them but having upper cabinetry that extends to the ceiling will give your kitchen a more luxurious and more built-in look as opposed to having cabinets that look like they're just stuck on a wall this is something that is luxurious it's timeless and elegant but can actually be retrofitted or done more affordably you don't have to necessarily replace your cabinets you could add another set or you could add faux cabinet fronts a lot of times i'm seeing people that are building faux soffits right on the top of their cabinets to eliminate this space they can be painted or stain the same color this will bring the eye up increasing the verticality of the space and it also makes it look more luxurious this is a feature that can be added to almost any kitchen but doesn't necessarily have to be expensive the next thing that makes a kitchen look cheap is something that's often overlooked and that is making sure your refrigerator actually fits the space we oftentimes see this i'll see it in real estate listings i see it online i see it on tv shows where it gets overlooked and having a refrigerator that's not the appropriate depth or width or really fitting the space it's meant to go definitely sticks out it's a sore thumb and having a refrigerator that fits will certainly elevate the space something else that's also really important to consider is the door swing of that refrigerator can you open it without hitting the wall or cabinetry i can't tell you how many times i've seen a tv show or on youtube or on wherever that someone is complaining their refrigerator doesn't fit because they didn't take the time to make sure that the door would open that's something really important to consider having a refrigerator that actually fits the space it's meant to be in means that it won't get as dusty or dirty behind the refrigerator meaning you need to clean it less often that's also something definitely worth considering the next thing in my opinion that makes a kitchen look cheap is actually plastic all of you that are familiar with my channel know environmentalism and aspects of our interior design and our spaces our homes that impact the environment is super important to me which is why in my kitchen i use as little plastic as possible i definitely recommend and it always looks luxurious to me when you go into a space a kitchen a home that has real genuine and authentic materials as opposed to a lot of plastic ones plastic is just not good for the environment and it also doesn't actually have that long of a lifespan i would definitely recommend looking at some other options whether those are stone or wood or natural materials to use in your space in your home for cooking even metal utensils are a lot better than plastic maybe that's more environmentalism than it is what makes your kitchen look cheap but it definitely is an easy way to elevate and upgrade the space or if you have a lot of plastic utensils maybe just try and tuck them away before you replace them use them through the end of their life so that you get that usage out of them but ultimately when it comes time to replace them i would definitely recommend looking for something that's a little bit more sustainable the next thing in my opinion that makes a kitchen look cheap is a lack of consistency in the materials used it's really easy to find what you can and put them in your kitchen to make it work for the time being but if you take a little bit of that time and you focus on your color scheme and what materials you're using you can really elevate the space this is really easy to do especially if it just means repainting something or moving something to a different area look at your color scheme and consider what you're adding maybe only use one or two wood tones and stick to them or one or two colors and stick to those having a consistency in the materials used in your kitchen will elevate the space because having a lot of different pieces all over is definitely something that's a little bit distracting it feels a little bit heavy and it's hard to take in as opposed to a space that has really good consistency in the colors that's a little bit more sumptuous and a little bit more elevated because it's easier to take in there's less going on it's a simpler space even though it may be more detailed having consistency in the colors and the materials you use will always upgrade and elevate the space not even just a kitchen whether that's any area of your home you want to make sure the color scheme works well there you have it everyone i hope you enjoyed this video if you did be sure to let me know in the comment section down below and share with me what are some of the things that you think are easy to upgrade and elevate in any kitchen i also know that you know someone that they're working on their kitchen they're doing a renovation they're planning or maybe they just need to and you don't want to be the one to tell them that what they're doing isn't right and i don't mind being that person so share this video with them because friends help friends and i will see you in the next one
Channel: GarrettLeChic
Views: 237,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap kitchen, kitchen update, kitchen renovation, The Best And Worst Kitchen Trends Of 2022, kitchen cabinets painting, kitchen cabinets organization, kitchen backsplash ideas, home decorating ideas living room, kitchen cabinets organization ideas, kitchen cabinets makeover, kitchen remodel tips, kitchen design 2022, small space kitchens, interior design kitchen ideas, interior design decor tips, interior design kitchen tips, top interior design ideas, interior design course
Id: BZdwdu61Q64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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