Top 10 X Men With Powers No One Understands

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over the years the x-men have accumulated a slew of characters with the diverse collection of powers some of which don't necessarily make a whole lot of sense so today we will be counting down the top 10 x-men with powers no one understands a spin-off of our series of lists that discusses some of our favorite heroes and their abilities that we just don't get we'll be looking at characters that have baffling powers and also a few characters on this list whose powers might be complete surprise to you since they don't really match up or bode well with how that character has been portrayed so that in minds well let's get to it and at number 10 and karma karma is a character who first appeared in Marvel team-up issue 100 back in 1980 she came from Vietnam having fled the country with her family during the war she was one of the founding members of the New Mutants now karma has powerful psionic abilities that allow her to physically possess others meaning she can take possession of the minds of humans or animals this occurs by karma projecting a psionic energy surge that overwhelms their consciousness and renders her victim unconscious with Karma's own mine taking the wheel so to speak when karma is in control she can do some real damage having the ability to alter her victims memories perceptions reveal information to her or have them fall asleep she can even make their body work as if it were an extension of her own but if she stays too long with a host she risks her own personality becoming a subordinate to that host personality becoming more like her victim after an incursion with the Shadow King karma also gained the ability to mentally see through other's eyes and she can protect herself from the psychic assault of others moving on to number 9 Joseph Joseph who only operates by a first name is the clone of magneto but kind of sucks in comparison to him this is why he's a bit baffling to some he is a mutant clone who first appeared in uncanny x-men issue 327 from 1995 but he also died in a battle against the real magneto and had a thing for rogue really really briefly now his abilities in theory should be the same as Magneto's if he's the iconic villains clone right well that is not the case hence why is on this list sure he's capable generating powerful magnetic fields but he can also generate electricity and electromagnetic radiation and the real kicker well he doesn't have the full range of Magneto's powers he never demonstrated the same extent of those powers or some of the tricks that magneto has been able to pull off over the years like producing a wormhole he lacks the mental barriers magneto has and therefore when he manipulates a ton of energy he often causes damage to himself sucks for you Joseph no last name moving on to number eight husk many people might assume that husk has shape-shifting abilities but that is not the case the character who first appeared in rahm emanuel issue 3 in 1984 has the ability to remove one layer of skin or husk if you will which then reveals a different layer of skin made out of an entirely different composition so essentially she sheds one layer of skin and the layer of epidermis beneath can be something the likes of metal or stone or something entirely different she's a metamour who has made her skin into glass wood rubber diamond granite brick and even adamantium in the past this can increased her weight strength or invulnerability in the process depending on the material so she becomes diamond she becomes impervious to an extent rubber she gets bouncy she even once generated heat and flame and has even produced acidic skin now aside from being kind of gross think of like all that dead skin she sheds it's easy to see why some of mistake husk for a shapeshifter although technically speaking she kind of is but it's a weird process in which she does it and very limited can just be her skin and at number seven sage sage is a character who debuted back in 1980 appearing in the x-men issue 132 and she has a variety of mental abilities that can often be a tad confusing think of sage like a supercomputer her brain has unlimited storage capacity she can recall anything at any time with perfect clarity and the speed of her thoughts allows her to analyze her surroundings for data within seconds almost instantaneously she's like a bat computer in addition to that she can calculate probability of events based on set data sage can multitask to completing various actions all at once in her brain and if that wasn't wild enough she has perfect control for her body because of her super powered mind meaning she can recreate any physical actions that she's seen once as long as they're within the parameters that her body is capable of she can even see a person's genetic code and read their DNA selectively evolved existing genetic traits which can tap into latent abilities although she can't reverse the procedure which has caused unpredictable side-effects in the past she has a walking talking back from here up next at six Lockheed Lockheed is a literal dragon well actually he is an alien dragon who was kitty prized longtime companion and a member of both the x-men and excalibur teams first appearing in the uncanny x-men issue 166 from 1983 this little dude does a lot more than just your typical dragon stuff of flying and projecting fire and he is also the size of a cat which is kind of super adorable Lockheed comes from a race of advanced dragon like extraterrestrials who can travel through space via astral ships that transport their essence which kind of seems absolutely absurd now because of his empath abilities he's able to understand human speech despite not being able to speak at all that well and is immune to telepathic probing so he's not just a cat size dragon after all although I mean would you rather have a real dragon or a tiny dragon that was cat sized personally I would go for the cat's eyes dragon much more manageable and like adorable to 8/5 Rivage Rivage who debuted in 1993 and x-men issue 17 is one of a few characters on this list whose powers are not only confusing but so is their origin story so Rivage his early appearances were plagued by continuity errors in Marvel's comics thanks to one of her creators Fabian to seiza failing to read uncanny x-men issued 255 in that issue the character Shylock is discovered on the shores of an island by the hand whereas in issue 22 of the second volume of x-men a handful of issues after Rivage his debut her origin story contradicted the one in uncanny x-men with the character having come to possess Silex body confusing right Rivage was said to have been an intuitive empath prior to swishing bodies with Psylocke but after switching bodies she gained telepathic abilities and could psionic Lee generate a blade a sigh blade that she could use to force her way into other telepathic characters Minds so essentially she is Psylocke but not Psylocke and used to be an empath and is just a big jumble of continuity errors yeah no bueno up next number four Zorn Zorn is a confusing character to begin with is he his dude is he Magneto does that mean magneto can do a bunch of other stuff like manipulate gravity and turn his son head into a black hole lots of questions friends so for starters Zorn is a dude who first showed up in new x-men annual 2001 as a Chinese mutant who had a star for a brain that's why he wears his little helmet he ended up becoming the subject of an incredibly confusing retcon in which he was revealed to be magneto who had actually died in the planet extra line prior it made little sense then it was revealed in excalibur volume 3 issue one that magneto never died at all which meant Sauron wasn't actually Magneto and that led to a whole confusing storyline that featured saurons brother who was kind of like his twin and overall it was just a big mess now that could largely be the reason why so many fans find Zorn and his abilities perplexing but even when Zorn was revealed not to be magneto after all his brother shared very similar powers to him and was technically the second Zoran and there were a bunch of major differences rather than having a Sun in his head that his helmet covered his brother had a black hole there I mean similar but very very different things the originals are also had healing powers electricity and magnetism generation and manipulation the abilities its help heard via time-space wormholes gravity manipulation telepathy and was self-sustaining so yeah that's a whole lot of powers to cram into one dude who may or may not be magneto but probably wasn't battling moving on to number three Dazzler Dazzler is often one of the most ripped on mutant characters in the comics thanks to her publication origins initially Dazzler AKA alison blair was commissioned by Casablanca Records in 1978 as an animated special multimedia cross-promotion called the disco Queen Casablanca would bail on the project thanks financial concerns but the disco Queen would live on first appearing in the uncanny x-men issue 130 in 1980 as Dazzler Dazzlers abilities which are yet another stars of her history of mockery include the power to convert sound into light beams of various forms and intensity she is also a trained singer actress and dancer and of course is a highly accomplished roller skater no joke on that last one arguably the sound conversion trick of hers is the most confusing she takes sonic vibrations which reach her body and transduces them into light she has a large range of frequencies that she can this way with all kinds of sound pressures regardless of complexity dissonance or randomness being changed and converted meaning a song and the sound of a car skidding could both be converted into light so what do these light beams do this is where it gets even a little bit more baffling she can temporarily blind people by creating a pulse of light of several thousand watts she can create a cascade of sparkling lights that messes with people's equilibrium she can create a strobe effect which is no good for people who have epilepsy and you can create rays of light that use patterns to produce trans like effects on her victims Dazzler can generate enough ultraviolet light to melt large metal objects she can even use those light rays to create Holograms and has used light energy to generate flight which I don't quite understand but that's okay the more you know and at number 2 Megan Megan is a character that we've discussed a handful of times on our channel thanks to his absurd abilities he has a slug based digestive system oh and he also is psychometric now first appearing in uncanny x-men issue 345 from 1997 Megan is a fellow whose digestive system is quite unique where his intestine should be he has a hollow cavity that's home to a pair of semi-sentient slugs or maggots hence the name he's named those slugs Eenie and meenie eenie and meanie can burrow themselves out of his torso and at super fast speeds they attack the Foer object with a powerful enzyme which then processes and I just said object or person from there they come back to maggot crawl back into his hollow cavity and then transmit the food energy they collected to him which then can supercharge him and allow him to do a variety of things like increase his strength physical size sister Nia's stamina etc if the slugs don't reenter his belly this process does not work and in the past he's actually lost one of his legs too he doesn't get another one he's left with one slug which means I guess half of the abilities of digestive power with one slug and finally in at number one Darwin Darwin is a peculiar character first appearing in 2006 x-men deadly Genesis issue 2 he's a mutant who has reactive evolution powers when he was first born his mother practically disowned him because of his abilities and later he was experimented on by scientists until Moira MacTaggert recruited him so what does reactive evolution mean in Darwin's case well his body automatically adapted to his environment or circumstances which allows him to sir five anything although the extent of that capability has never been fully defined in the comics now in the past he's gained night vision in the dark he's grown gills when in water he became fireproof when his skin was exposed to an open flame but it's not just basic physical transformations with him he once converted his entire body into pure energy he has increased his own intelligence he morphed into a sponge when he was shot out with a weapon meant to destroy one's nervous system he has learned different languages by merely looking at them and when facing off against the Hulk his body teleported him away from the battle that last bit is interesting because Darwin doesn't have a choice over how his body reacts well he may have chosen to increase his strength when fighting against the likes of the Hulk his body since the best means of survival was to teleport him away from the battle his body has even proven to process alcohol faster when drinking preventing him from getting drunk the tough life for Darwin all right there we have it friends what other x-men and their powers confuse you gives a shot in this comments below and share your thoughts with us if you dug this video spread that love hit that like button and be sure to subscribe to top ten here for more lists just like this one in the meantime thanks for watching friends I'll catch you on the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 365,948
Rating: 4.8448014 out of 5
Keywords: Superheroes With Weird Power Restrictions, super powers, superpowers, superpower restrictions, superheroes with weird powers, top 10 nerd, super powers no one understands, superheroes, superheroes with powers no one understands, weird superhero powers, super powers explained, superpowers prank, hero powers, longshot powers, green lantern powers, rogue powers, x-men powers, dazzler powers, x-men with weird powers, xorn powers, husk powers, karma powers, maggott powers
Id: 2I63pQZ-h-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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