Top 10 states Californians are moving to. California sucks and people are leaving.

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what is going on everyone let's talk about the Golden State California not so much the state of California more like the people of California like rats on a burning ship they're leaving and they might be heading to your hometown and that's what today's video is all about places Californians are moving to now that the Golden State has become undoable for most people now this was once unthinkable the whole leaving California was just nothing native residents would ever think of most of the state has great weather amazing beaches tons of opportunity and never-ending entertainment prior to the 1990s it seemed like everyone wanted to go to the Golden State I grew up in a beach town just south of Los Angeles and it seemed like every single new girl I came across from out of state moved to California to be a model and actress something you know they were gonna do something like that and you know Hollywood is right there and the streets are paved with gold after being here a year too they realized that it was all an illusion and they went home sometime around the early 1990s California natives started getting the same feeling the California Dream wasn't real it was an illusion these days people are leaving the Golden State for a million different reasons the more popular reasons are high taxes housing costs traffic overcrowded and fear of another Kardashian's spin-off and before you do stop typing nobody wants to hear about how the Liberals are chasing people out and the state was great and the Liberals killed it it's not what this is all about so why don't we take a look at the top ten states Californians are moving to number ten Georgia yeah I said it Georgia sure why not they don't have terrible weather by most people's standards they do by my standards I don't like that heat and humidity but a lot of people like it they have jobs and if you work in the film or music industry they have jobs in both of those they also have beaches and peaches both of which are some of the best in the country and if you're a Southern California and looking to move to the Peach State and you can't stand the thought about being away from the beach take a look at Savannah it has some of the most amazing shoreline this country has to offer and if you are a Georgian person from Georgia a resident and you're not happy with about 12,000 Californians moving to your state last year keep in mind it's your fault if you don't want people moving to your state don't steal their film industry don't be so damn nice and don't have such good fried chicken oh my god I gained like 10 pounds every time I visit and I am NOT a small mammal already number 9 Oklahoma yeah now I'm not too sure about this one but according to the United Van Lines study Oklahoma has been the favorite destination for people running away from high housing costs and fun I imagine for about five years now Oklahoma has some very low home prices Oklahoma City and Tulsa are doing really good and jobs and the state's unemployment rate is a little bit under the national average as of September 2018 and before you do just don't yes Oklahoma City and Tulsa have some crime all big cities do yours isn't that bad and those are about the only place in the entire state that has any measurable amount of crime and if you're sitting there getting ready to tell us how there's been a crime wave in big cabin Oklahoma stop typing you have around 40 people living in the entire town so technically someone running a red light would qualify as a crime wave and luckily you don't have a red light to run problem solved anyway you can get a job a cheap house and some country music in Oklahoma when it comes to the most popular tunes in the Sooner State most people are bumping country music really loud so if you got a problem with that maybe you should look elsewhere Oklahoma has a deep history as being part of the Wild West so it's easy to see why they listen in country music it's kind of been there forever number 8 Idaho this is easily the state that complains the most about Californians at least in the comments section of my videos you always get a steady dose of conservative paranoia when you're dealing with Idaho you know they're from Idaho in a comment section when you see words like commie fornia liberal hellhole and libera tarde those are like a serious indicator that that comment came from Idaho now here's why people are moving to Idaho jobs low housing costs low crime and amazing scenery my best friend just moved to Moscow Idaho and he loves it other than the a-holes in the comment section of my videos Idaho's a great place to live I've often considered it but it's just not as green as Portland I mean I've considered Pennsylvania too because it's very green just the way I like it but anyway Idaho is a great place to live and it's no wonder Californians their head in there even if the residents don't like it too much number seven Utah why would Californians want to move to Utah I mean they're polar opposites one states controlled for the most part by a church and the other is controlled by hedonism and excess so why would you move there love it or hate it you can't go wrong raising a family in Utah they're ranked third in schools and when it comes to fiscal stability they're ranked number one now that's according to US news just stay away from the Great Salt Lake the thing smells like battery acid for a long time during the 90s this was a favorite place I read an article about this for retired adult film actors and actresses to retire too and that's because they have a ban on any form of pornography in Utah so the chances of someone there seeing you back then were limited yeah I mean I'm sure some people might but they were limited but I also read another stat recently that when it comes to logins to different adult sites Utah leads the country so much for that ban huh number six Colorado Colorado has been a migration hotspot since the 1970s and it's no wonder wide open spaces natural beauty fresh air and the Denver Broncos Colorado is one of the best economies and gets really high marks in health care the cost of living at least outside of the Denver area is pretty much dirt cheap in most places sure they have a handful locations you shouldn't consider if you make under five hundred thousand a year or have an incredibly lucrative trust fund but those are normally Mountain Resort types this is not something you really have to worry about but if you're sick of LA's air quality this may be your place and yes I know Denver area gets some bad air quality days the worst day of air quality in Denver is still better than the best day in Los Angeles this is another place we get a lot of comments and the comments are always all the same thing we're full don't move here and I'm sure when they are typing that they think they're so clever you're not it's been said about a hundred times on each video about every location we've ever done except for Detroit the most common comment from Detroit is help me number five Washington Washington State has been drawn people in for some time now it has slowed down in the last few years but it still gets a crap ton of people moving in each year and yes a majority those people are from California in the early 90s yet an explosion in the under-30 population for the most part it was due to the music coming out of Seattle at the time the tech industry started booming after that and about 2002 I'd say Seattle has started seeing the same signs that are chasing people out of California housing prices have skyrocketed traffic is insane and the air quality is creeping up don't get me wrong they've got a long way to go before they get as bad as LA or let's say the Bay Area but it's heading there those factors have slowed down the migration from other states but not California so if I were you Seattle and you don't want more Californians moving there I would really start talking up the how bad the rain is that'll slow it down number for Oregon Oregon has been overrun by Californians for the better part of two decades now like Seattle its slowed down in the last few years but from 2010 to 2016 Oregon was the most moved to state in the country with Washington right behind it really when it comes to people moving to Oregon ninety nine percent are moving to Portland and the surrounding area you know you might want to factor in Bend there to bend gets a good influx of Californians but those are about the only locations that you'll get any you know measurable amount of Californians moving into I'm one of them I left Southern California back in 2010 and I've never looked back the only place I've ever seen people be negative towards transplants is online nobody has ever been negative to me personally for invading this wonderful town of Portland Oregon and even if they were I mean them I'm a US citizen I'm wherever the hell I want you don't like it you can go to California number three Nevada Nevada is where you go if you can't afford California rent anymore or your construction worker those are the two most popular reasons to move to this desert oasis I have a handful of friends that have moved here over the years most of them being from the Southern California area it's just kind of what you do when you can't take Los Angeles for another minute when the economy was bad Vegas really didn't feel the effects as bad as other places now they did have a ton of foreclosure when their housing payments blew up but they still had jobs so in came the Californians to swoop up the foreclosed homes and start a new life now like a lot of places they've slowed down a bit on the migration but they still have a steady stream of people coming into Vegas Nevada in general and now you have a major California transplant population in the Las Vegas Henderson area number two Arizona if you're retired and you hate the bugs and humidity of Florida your next option is Arizona this is a great state and the people really don't seem to mind too much of your transplant a large majority of the people who did and are still moving to Arizona are the retired crowd Arizona doesn't rank terrible in any category they're all right in the middle on almost every category that you would judge a state by so it's a good balance older Californians have been heading to Arizona ever since things start getting really expensive in California as you can imagine if you're on a fixed income expensive really isn't an option into the state of Arizona if you have a problem with too many older people moving there legalize recreational weed that for some reason is a big deterrent for most older people really I'm not even kidding I read that they just still seem to think that if you smoke weed you're just some kind of drug addict that roams the streets and does weird crap like my grandmother she always said Charlie Sheen you can't trust him because he's on the weed and number one Texas they say everything is big in Texas and that includes the ever growing California transplant population it's getting bigger every single year look at this chart of net migration between California and other states Texas almost doubles the next three states individually and pretty much blows the rest away you might ask why is this why is Texas getting so many Californians well there's a few reasons probably the biggest one is jobs not just that they have jobs they do but they also encourage big companies from other states to come to Texas those companies tend to bring some of their employees with them from whatever state they were in before they've attracted a lot of Californian companies and it wasn't hard to do California having such high taxes kind of drives business out sometimes as an example from where I grew up in the South Bay of Southern California they persuaded toy their North American headquarters to Plano Texas with them they took about 5,000 people in the beginning and I know others have moved cents but the original burst of people was about 5000 people to the Dallas area that's a lot of people Texas has a lot of other things that you know they have great weather all kinds of good things tax-friendly Texas offers a lot to other companies and people to move there so yeah and that's why they're blowing everyone away all right so that's my top ten states Californians are moving to I hope you guys in joyed to hope you got some information out of it I know people have asked me this for a very long time and I never got around to doing it so here you go don't forget all the links below subscribe if you haven't already done so everybody have a great day be nice to each other [Music] you [Music]
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 880,017
Rating: 4.5170856 out of 5
Keywords: Portland Oregon, Travel, where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, Relocate, Move to, Top 10 reasons not to, texas life, living in arizona pros and cons, living in arizona, living in georgia usa, Living in Oregon, living in utah pros and cons, living in utah, living in idaho pros and cons, Denver, california, worst states in america, worst states to live in in the united states, california sucks, Colorado, idaho, Oklahoma, where to live in america
Id: B1GdLnCDsKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
Reddit Comments

Having moved from Los Angeles to Oregon, I actually wouldn't recommend it as a transplant location.

Don't get me wrong, I love Oregon but outside of Portland you have to adjust to a radically different way of living than you're used to and unless you're ready for it, it can make California people antsy.

While I personally really enjoy Oregon, it isn't the promised land that a lot of people in CA seem to think it is.

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